Garlic for Dogs: Home Remedies and Safety Issues

Is It Safe?
Posted by Sue (Cobb, California) on 06/20/2007

Just heard the report recently regarding Do Not Give your dogs Garlic... Well! I've been giving Max my 8 year old cocker spaniel garlic every day of his life. I prepare his food each week and add approximately 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic for taste. He is a very healthy, robust 8 year old. So I have to refute this finding.

Is It Safe?
Posted by John (Providence, Rhode Island) on 06/10/2007

OK, so most everyone here, except for the Frontline Sales Woman, have said garlic is good. Dr. Marty concurs, but how much? I have a little munchkin (7.5lbs Chihuahua), who is a animal rescue miracle. She has never eaten dog food, but not because I had a clue. She just refused. She kind of fended for herself prior and most people don't throw out dog food. So I began to feed her boiled brown rice, mixed vegatables and a nice cut of beef or chicken or both. Blended of course. I squirted a bit of vitamin gravy to help her out. As the years passed, I adapted with frozen vegatables instead of canned (ummm sodium)and then organic frozen vegatables. I've sinced added diced garlic (just a little, not SURE) and Salmon oil instead of the Vitamin Gravy. And a joint support liquid in the AM. Needless to say, I don't need a snooze button when my alarm clock goes off.

Is It Safe?
Posted by MrmDeLuca (Phoenix, USA) on 05/05/2007

When my father was released from the hospital from a possible heart attack, he was put on a strict diet. In keeping with his diet, he would eat baked chicken with heaps of garlic, tomatoes, and onions. My father, hating the food, would always pass it along to his dog. Well this otherwise healthy dog had a seizure one day, for the first time in its life. All three ingredients, consumed in excess, are known to be fatal to dogs. He's never given the dog his chicken again. The dog has never had a seizure since. To my own dog I give only a quarter of a clove every other week with no problems.

Is It Safe?
Posted by Dario (Atlanta, GA) on 04/27/2007

Well, I figured if garlic is good for me than it should be good for my dogs. We used garlic during war back in Bosnia during winter months as a substitute for "penacilin" not sure if I am spelling it right - but it prevents many problems. I have started my 2 german shepards on garlic and they are doing great no skin problems, fleas, ticks nor mosquitoes either. Garlic makes blood taste different so bolod suckers don't like it. Vets are making money of selling products - of course they will not say no. Anybody who is in sales will know what I am talking about. All i have mentioned is working for me but still do more research if you are not comfortable.

Is It Safe?
Posted by Carlos (Concord, California) on 04/05/2007

My Rottweiler eats daily 4 (abundant) cups of rice, lamb and vegetables dry food, sprinkled with garlic powder and a few drops of olive oil. He will be 10 next month and still jumps 4 feet up to the top of his house! He weighs a healthy 105 pounds.

Is It Safe?
Posted by C. (USA) on 04/04/2007

I have made a dog food treat for years for my 4 dogs. I mix garlic powder, rice, chicken broth and chicken liver and a tiny bit of canola oil. They never have fleas and always have great blood tests. I have recently read that it causes anemia and am concerned, but my dogs have great blood at 12 years old, so I find that hard to believe they have about 1/2 cup of the above treat daily. I told my vet about the treat and all he said is use low sodium chicken broth. I'm going to ask him again about the garlic. My cat has a tiny bit also nightly. They all love it.

Is It Safe?
Posted by Walter (Marietta, Georgia) on 04/04/2007

Thanks for posting all the info about garlic. I think it's interesting how the FDA & Vets say not to do so much that as far as I can see does so much good. Thanks, Walt

Is It Safe?
Posted by Belle (Kansas, Kansas) on 03/26/2007

I heard that you shouldn't give your dog garlic but I've always given my dog garlic every day during summers and she never has fleas or ticks. I give her an odor free supplement made for humans (we take it too) in a glob of peanut butter and she loves it!

Is It Safe?
Posted by Diane (Tucson, AZ) on 03/20/2007

I've got two nine-year-old mutts who get a clove or two of cooked garlic in their dinner about twice a week. One weighs 35# and the other 40#. They've been eating garlic this way all their lives. Still going strong. It's not a cure for anything. It's a healthy garnish.

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