Ted's Borax & Peroxide Mange Treatment for Dogs

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Domdom (Albuquerque, Nm) on 02/08/2013

To whom it may concern,

I have some awesome pictures of my puppy before and after the borax/peroxide treatment. Like most, I was skeptical whether or not this cure would work, but I am truly amazed with the results thus far. Let me know if I can give you these pics to use on your website.

EC: Yes, we would love to post them! Please email them to: staff {at} earthclinic [dot] com. Thanks.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Bobbie (Corpus Christi, Texas) on 09/10/2012

My little dog got demadex mange @ 6mos. I spent $126.00 @ Vet. The dip was so toxic, I looked it up, & antibiotics to boot. After 1st dip my pup felt so bad, just layed around. I new it was to toxic for her, she is very small, so I found Ted's Remedy with Hydro. Peroxide & Borax. SIMPLY AMAZING! Saw results after 1st treatement, treated every other day for 1 wk. Then it was gone. I still put it on her once aweek helps greatly for fleas. All her hair came back rt. away and is beautiful. I would have been dipping her with toxins from Vet until Nov. Thank You so much! I think every kennel. dog lover, etc should know about this!! I wish I would have before I went to Vet.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Jan (Austin, Tx) on 03/11/2012

This recipe of mixing the borax saturated water with peroxide worked great on my English bulldog, Dooley. I have three bulldogs and unfortunately am familiar with most canine problems. Decided to try this formula on Dooley before going to the vet. It worked great! I could see results after one application. I bathed Dooley making sure to take the flattened somewhat moist scabs off his back. I have a feeling that Dooley's mange was staph related, from my past experiences... But, regardless of what it was... It is gone now. I have completed three applications now... After the first application, the scabs never came back, and the hair began to grow back. Thanks for the great tip! Hope others also try this and have the success that Dooley had!

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Middlebunny (Jersey City, New Jersey, Usa) on 09/05/2011


I'm curious. My black cocker spaniel periodically breaks out in a rash. We thought it was an allergic reaction to the dog park but after reading these posts it seems like it might be mange or mites. His latest bout appears to be his worst so far. His vet previously rx'd a topical cleanser as well as Gentamicin Sulfacte Topical Spray. This seems to work; however, I decided that it might be more efficient to try Ted's mange cure to see if that helped.

I didn't bath the dog in Ted's solution as he'd just gotten his hair done at the salon (who called and notified us of the rashes on his stomach which they thought were indicative of an allergy or staph infection). Instead, I mixed 150ml of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution with 300ml of distilled water then I mixed in 1 tablespoon of the borax (laundry cleaner). I put this all in a 500ml bottle and shook it until the borax had either mixed in or formed a solid mass that settled at the bottom of the bottle (I assumed the settlement was the portion that couldn't be dissolved). I then put the liquid in a spray bottle and sprayed the areas of his tummy which had the rash. I also sprayed some on his back and tried to push it through his hair without messing up his cute cocker spaniel hair cut. While the instructions recommend bathing in the solution once a week, I've sprayed the tummy area several times since the initial application as I thought that would be close to simulating a full body bath for the effected body parts. I've now begun to notice that my dog's black hair has been lightened as though the 1% hydrogen peroxide is having a bleaching effect. Is this typical? Is it because I've sprayed the solution on my dog more than once?

Although the rashes appear to be drying out, I don't want to keep spraying my dog with the solution because of the hair lightening effect. Despite this, I do still want to continue to promote the healing process. In between weekly applications of the borax/h2o2 solution, can I resume using the Gentamicin Sulfate spray or will this decrease the effectiveness of the borax/h2o/h2o2 solution? Please advise.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Coco (Lahore, Pakistan) on 09/01/2011


Dear All,

after reading such positive feedback on this website for the above treatment for demodex mange. I decided to apply this on my 2 year old femal pitbul who had lost all her hair on her muzzle, around the eyes and was no longer responding to ivomec, lime sulphur dips. I tried amitraz once on her and she did not react well to is, so you can imagine my excitement to find the borax h2o2 cure. I did the dip as advised however the next day my dog's entire face was 5 times its original size and she was oozing blood from her eyelids, ears, muzzle.

She had such a bad reaction to this treatment that I would like to warn anyone new who would be tempted to try this. No wonder we never hear about this treatment anywhere else except this particular website. I would discourage people from trying treatments like I did without my vet's approval. The first thing I did was to give her a bath and make sure that the deadly mixture was out of her fur and body as much as possible. I then rushed her to the vet where she is being treated but she looks bad. If I could post a photograph of her on this site, you would know the before and after.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Usa) on 07/23/2011

I have once again found more mites (mange) on my kitten; it has been eight months since I last treated her for mange, but I did two of the borax and peroxide treatments twice in between the 8 months of the treatment. It was tolerated good but the tail was so impossible to do. She is some fighter as in meaning she has the will to live & fight for her freedom, also she fears for her life which is also understandable. I cleaned the whole house from top to bottom, cleaned my husband with same solutions as I did for cat/dogs and my self, I tried to keep right on up there in the cleaning and laundry etc. I put all bed items in bags to suffocate any living eggs or mites for days then washed in hot water/borax and amonia ;I recently read that these mites can hold their breath while under water or other solutions, so its even a greater task of holding my kitten in water(head above water)for X amount of time while cleaning her up. I recently tried Rid for head lice on her tail/these mites were embedded there forever, as she was a stray when I found her. The Rid has four items to work with; lice killing shampoo/lice & egg comb out gel/home lice, bed bug, dust mite spray and a fine tooth metal comb. I did her tail with excellent results, but I feel there are still a few eggs there. More on her results later. Thank you every one for this most need help I have gotten. And most of all this site wouldn't be possible it it wasn't for Ted. Thank You Ted.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Happieme (Makati, Philippines) on 02/25/2011


I tried Ted's remedies on my black labrador. I can see improvement on his skin, however I noticed that his fur faded and is now a bit chocolate brown :(

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Nyckl64 (Jasper, Tx) on 12/26/2010

I have a 9 yo Belgian Malanois a 5 yo Pitt a 2 yo *kamut* a 1 1/2 yo Pitt and a 2 yo chiapin... The Malanois, 5 yo Pitt n kamut all have what I believe to be the mange.. And wouldn't you know it, our vet we always used died 3 weeks ago.. Breaks my heart, he seems to be the only vet here that's not just in it for the money, as he never charged for office visits, just for what he did or needed to be done... He will be missed.

So today we started the regimen of Teds remedy, within the time of them being bathed and soaked with the *JUICE*... Lol.. All were laying and sleeping and not one scratching, so it evedently helps with the itch, thank you Lord... I know they r misserable, so I will be doing this regularly and I will let you know the results, but for some reason, I have faith in this... *all my girls r fixed, both pitts n kamut, I truly believe in being responsible, I will keep believing this Until They All Have A Home, don't breed, rescue!!! ... East Texas thanks, Penny//aka//Nana//Nyckl

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Doggs (Newport, Ca) on 01/27/2011


WARNING! PLEASE Do not use Oxi-Clean or other cleaning products that simply contain sodium perborate, the other ingredients could be toxic to your pet, esp. If leaving it on the skin all day. (Remember, the skin is an organ that absorbs toxins into the bloodstream/organs.)

Just buy plain 100% borax (as Ted says if you can't find the sodium perborate)-- you can find it at groceries/Target which usually carries the 20 Mule Team brand.

Don't forget to treat the household/floors/bedding/

socks/feet etc., or the cycle of recontamination will continue.

Virgin coconut oil given to eat by the tsp. And applied on skin is an excellent antiseptic balm. ($6~$12 jar at health food stores, lasts over a year, great value).

Good luck!

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Anne (Paranaqu, Luzon) on 03/20/2010


Hello. I have been treating my dog with this borax peroxide solution for three weeks. i have seen a huge improvement. She does not wake up to scartch and she sleeps soundly already. The thing I want to know is, due to the mange, she developed the black skin.. black spots on her body and its getting lighter.. good thing. :-) My dog sleeps on my bed and she keeps on shedding black dandruff like particles. Is that the black skin peeling off her body? everytime she shakes her body, you can actually see the black particles come off. eveytime she walks or move.. the dandruff falls off. Is that the black skin getting better and going back to regular skin? has anyone experienced this? Hope to hear from anyone... thank you

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Smokeysmommy (Woodland, Wa, Us) on 02/25/2010


I have been trying Ted's remedies for mange on my dog for the past 2 weeks. He had scabs and bloody raw spots on this back. He is sooooo much better now. No raw spots! I am seeing improvement but still feel I have a ways to go. I kept thinking he had a flea allergy or food allergy. Does the black skin go away? I still see him shedding skin and bathe him every 3-4 days with a tea tree oil shampoo and then apply the borax peroxide remedy. Way less itching! He was hiding under the house and itching madly so I am very thankful for this remedy! Should I continue the baths until all symptoms are gone? (I read somewhere here that you should do 2 mos.max?) Also, how long does it take for heavy skin thickening to go away with this remedy? He has that on his lower back by his tail.


Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Kate (Sparta, Missouri, USA) on 12/03/2009

I rescued a bulldog that has severe demodectic mange and has had it for over a year. I did the Borax treatment and immediately he had relief, no more itching and the redness was gone. I also gave him Flaxseed oil daily. After 4 weeks he developed pustules full of blood on his body and thick creamy stuff in all wrinkles and toes, I am assuming pyrogerma and yeast? So I discontinued the Borax treatment and started the Borax/Baking Soda yeast treatment. The yeast and pyroderma is gone now but the mange is back, his skin is red and hot again. I have started the Borax mange treatment again and am seeing great results but I am afraid he will get the pyroderma and yeast again if I treat too often so I am only treating once a week but I am also afraid this will not be often enough to cure the mange. I have also put him on a completely raw diet. I don't know if I did the mange treatment too often and irritated the skin or what is going on. Does anybody have any advice on a specific regimine I can use to deal with all these issues? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to directly email me at [email protected]

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Misty (San Diego, Ca) on 09/13/2009

I used the exact measurements Ted recommended and the problem did not go away at all. So I take my dog to the vet and tell them exactly what I used on her. The vet told me that had I continued any longer than I had, not only could I have given my dog liver damage, but I could have KILLED her. Borax is toxic as most of these other treatments are. It's even caused humans to get sick, although not lethal to us.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Emily (Timber Lake, Sd) on 08/08/2009

To everybody out there, I have seen many "home remedies" used for the treatment of mange, and let me tell you they are dangerous. Ivermectin is a cow, swine, or horse drug but is safe for dogs and cats as well under the right dosing (The exception would be and collie-type breed dog, in which case injectable Dectomax works well!) Another safe solution would be the product Revolution. And most treatments take approximately 1 month to treat and break the cycle of mange. Keep in mind Demodectic mange is a natural occurring mite on the skin and if you dog has that type it might mean that his/her immune system is compromised. And if your vet has treated your dog with prednisone and Cephalexin he is not treating for mange and your dog probable has allergies. Again, PLEASE be careful with what you put your dogs through, I have seen many animals suffer from "cheap" remedies. Thanks

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Ella (Madison, Wisconsin) on 07/22/2009

My dog is a chowchow/golden retriever mix and has had mange since october 2008. His age is about 7 years old. We found this site in January 2009 we started the peroxide and borox treatment once a week for only one month and he started to grow his fur back on his belly and back. But now he has severe dandruff and is acting differently. He doesn't seem interested in anything anymore. All he wan't to do is sleep and does not want to play or walk. Is this a common side affect after mange? About one week ago like on july 15 or 16, his fur started to come our quite a bit. We don't know if the mange has returned or not. How do we get him playful and excited like he used to be? Please help because I feel so sorry for him.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Judy (Roby, Texas) on 07/02/2009


How long does Mange live in the yard?

I have been using the Hydrogen Peroxide/Borax cure for a month now. My dog initially began to improve. But it is beginning to seem like a losing battle. He looks almost as bad as he did before. I sprayed the whole yard with the solution, especially his sleeping places. He must be getting reinfected from the yard. Will Malathion 55% applied at 1 or 2 tsp. per gallon sprayed in the yard, be able to kill the mites? I know I should keep my dog out of the yard for at least 3 days after spraying. He originally got the mites when we put him in the yard. My neighbor informed me that the people who lived here before us had 2 dogs who died from Mange. I am assuming it is in the dirt. We cut down the weeds, but my dog actually got worse after cutting them down. How long do these mites live in the dirt? How can I kill them? Do the mites live longer in dry dirt rather than wet (or grass)? I can't bring the dog into the house, my landlord insisted that the dog not be allowed inside the house. I am wishing I could give my dog away - to save his life.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Leah (Surrey, British Columbia, Canada) on 04/06/2009


I have a 10 month shar pei, named penny and I just started using ted's solution. Shar pei's are known to have skin problems, and I was wondering what you can use in conjunction with ted's solution to sooth her skin so she won't be so itchy? I think the solution is working, but I can tell that from the treatment, her skin is completely dried out. Any suggestions?
