Natural Remedies for Conjunctivitis in Dogs and Cats

Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Candice (Mesquite, Texas) on 09/18/2014

I was able to heal my cat's pink eye, but he had an underlying respiratory infection that needed Vet attention. Story as follows:

Over the weekend, I realized that my 6 year old cat was not feeling well. He had just endured a move a couple of weeks prior which really stressed him out, but I noticed that he was squinting and winking his left eye a lot. By Monday morning it was swollen and had yellow discharge running from the corner. I knew I couldn't get him to the vet until the end of the week, so I searched for at-home-remedies. That's when I came across the apple cider vinegar remedy. I used this in conjunction with colloidal silver to heal his eye. This is what I did:

I bought a $5 bottle of organic apple cider vinegar from the grocery store. In a small container I mixed 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 1 tablespoon of water. I put 3 cottonballs into the solution which absorbed it all. My cat has dense, thick, long hair - so, I parted the hair at the nape of his neck as much as I could and squeezed the solution from the cottonball onto the area. I used my fingers to really work it into his skin and saturate the hair there. After squeezing the majority of the solution from the third cottonball, I took it and wiped over his bad eye making sure to remove all of the gunk build-up.

Next, I got a small bowl and mixed the same solution: 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of water. I sat this in my bathroom sink so I wouldn't make a huge mess. I picked up my cat and saturated each foot with the solution. He did NOT like this, but I was able to get it done without too much struggle. He would then run away and lick it all off of his paws.

I did these apple cider vinegar treatments twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed starting Monday morning and ending today, which is the following Thursday.

I also have a bottle of 10ppm colloidal silver (the cost was about $12 for a 2 ounce bottle at the local health food store) that I used. I remembered colloidal silver giving me relief years ago when I had viral pink eye in both of my eyes, so after doing some research and seeing that it was safe to use on my cat - I began dropping 1-2 drops into his bad eye a couple of times a day in between the apple cider vinegar treatments.

It took a while, in fact, it wasn't until Wednesday evening that his eye started to look better. However, I knew that something just wasn't right with my baby. He was incredibly lethargic and only drank minimal amounts of water and refused to eat. I called the vet and made the appointment, the main reason being for his eye although it looked to have improved by at least 85%. When the vet saw him, she said she wasn't worried about his pink-eye, that it seemed to be healing and didn't even need any ointment. She just wanted me to continue keeping it clean. She took a rectal temp as well and it was 105 degrees. She said that a normal temperature for a cat is 101. It worried her that his pink eye was nearly healed and he still had a pretty high fever. She deduced that he had an upper respiratory infection. She gave him fluids and antibiotics so hopefully he will be on the mend soon.

I wanted to write this to let people know that the apple cider vinegar and colloidal silver method really do work wonders for pink eye, but to be careful and pay close attention to your cat because he may have more than one problem going on that the at-home-remedy isn't solving.