Yeast Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies: Herbal Solutions & Lifestyle Tips

Posted by Winlovewomyn (Bc) on 09/08/2016

Every month, after I ovulate, I get unusual discharge that causes itching and all you need to do to cure this is stick one capsule of acidophilus up inside the vagina as high as you can (just use a finger) and it will take care of it (or repeat a day later for stronger infections). Brings the sex life back into action and relieves all discomfort!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Intention (Ct) on 08/23/2016

Follow up with coconut oil. It is antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral.

Posted by Flowerfairy (Tennessee ) on 07/20/2016 1 posts

Hi, I just wanted to tell about my personal experience with Borax.

First, I've been prone to yeast infections since being on birth control pill. I stopped taking the pill 3 years ago but still will get occasional yeast infections. I found after my first yeast infection that none of the drug store creams worked or would appear to be working and than my yeast infection would return. (I know it was yeast because it smelled like yeast and was accompanied by thick white discharge and itching).

So, I discovered probiotics, apple cider vinager, organic coconut oil and hydrogen peroxide all relieved my yeast infections. Fast forward to last month when I got the WORST yeast infection of my life. Sorry for the TMI but it was so bad that I got a rash on my butt crack and my labia was so swollen and all my usual remedies made things worse.

It had a very yeasty smell and I was sure I got it from eating to much cake and bread (I'm vegan and usually stay away from gluten and sugar but last month I indulged.....a lot). I also had been working and sweating outside, not able to change right away.

Anyways, my period started and the yeast infection seemed to get much better and a day after my period ended it came back with a vengeance. I was crying and miserable and decided to try ice. (I had mini ice cubes, so they were perfect). I rubbed ice outside of my vagina and put a mini ice cube inside as well. It gave me instant relief but I new it wasn't a cure.

I finally decided to try what I had always been scared to try before: boric acid. I was desperate. All I could get was the Borax from the laundry isle. It is a naturally occurring mineral (Sodium tetraborate) and that is the only ingredient listed on the box.

I emptied out my vegetarian probiotics capsule into my water and filled the empty capsule with Borax. I than placed the capsule into my vagina. It tingled a little at first but than I felt relief. It was amazing! I did this 3 to 4 times a day and always had one in overnight. It made my discharge watery, so I would advise using some sort of panty liner. The yeast smell was gone, the itch was gone, the swelling was gone. It was amazing! I did this for 7 days and than stopped.

Borax saved me and I'm so thankful! I just wanted to write about my experience just in case it may help someone else.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kg (Denver) on 07/07/2016

After the last few days of discomfort and pain, and all of the above that everyone else has experienced, I debated to go buy the over the counters, etc and after stumbling upon this post and saying to myself, what the heck- it can't make it worse, I tried and oh man am I glad I did!!

I first tried the warm cloth soaked in Apple Cider Vinegar and you indeed see the yeast that way to identify the problem it and helps with the outer itching being relieved.

After a few hours I began to feel the pain again and itching so I decided the tampon method. After figuring out how to get it up there already soaked, the intense burn came and my goodness everyone was right, that sucker burned like heck! I am using the 5% and diluted a bit more in water.

Once out after about 10 min, because I was a baby on the pain of the burn, you instantly see and smell the issue right there but now after sitting for a few minutes and as I type, it has amazing results. I feel a million times better and will be going about this treatment till the symptoms are gone! Thanks ladies for the help and I'm happy to have found this earth clinic forum!!!

Posted by Veda Woo (Usa) on 05/28/2016

My 93 year old Mom had a raging yeast infection from alcoholism and sugar diet, the prescribed anti fungals were not working and the infection was systemic and evident all over her body. Her doc suggested Borax.

She stays on 2 doses oral Borax/ day and that has been 3 years...her body looks cleared but was warned she should stay on Borax her whole life...even without alcohol and low sugar diet and good nutrition. She also stays on a 90 billion probiotic.

Hope this helps someone...Borax saved her life.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Kim (Mo) on 05/14/2016

I'm a 44 yr old female that has had issues with yeast infections since I was 12 yrs old. Literally, every year of my life since I was 12 I have battled this issue including up to now. I've weighed about 110 lbs most of my life regardless of whether I ate crappy or healthy. I do my best not to eat lots of processed foods or sugary foods. As another person previously stated, my body does not process sugar correctly. I stopped drinking all pop years ago & only drink water & it changed nothing. I get thrush & vaginal yeast if I eat anything with sugar. Cutting out most sweets helps a lot, but still doesn't stop them.

The only thing that has helped since I stopped being able to buy prescription anti-fungal pills over the internet, is grapefruit seed extract. It works! And it works fast!!! I put anywhere from 10 to 20 drops on fruit like a kiwi or orange in the morning or in orange juice to hide the taste. I do this every morning for as long as I am having a problem. I can usually tell right away, the difference by just looking at my tongue. My tongue usually has a white coating when I am experiencing problems with yeast.

Takes anywhere from 1 to 3 days to notice a real difference. I'd say 5 days for most people would work. It's an ongoing battle for me so I do it several times a week especially if I have anything sugary.

Caprylic Acid
Posted by Joan (Ny) on 04/26/2016

What concentration were the caps? 600 mg?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Syrena (Pompano Beach) on 04/12/2016

Still working on this with the coconut oil. I am using it twice a day. Instead of baggie in freezer, I am using a couple of plastic measuring spoons...the 1/4 tsp ends. fill them and put on a plate in the fridge. That makes the perfect sized suppository. I have only been doing for 2 days, this time around. Last time, I remember that it helped a great deal. But, am not sure why I have this flare up, as I wasn't on any antibiotics, recently. So, am not sure if I was ever cured. This time, I'm also working on healing the gut with a primal diet.

Athlete's Foot Fungus Cream
Posted by Anita (Iceland) on 04/06/2016

In Iceland, this athlete fungus creme is prescribed for yeast infection :)

Posted by Sherry (British Columbia) on 03/15/2016

I find inserting the yogurt (greek) works very well for me. I use an applicator I had left over and squeezed some yogurt in it and inserted it at bed time. I also rubbed some externally,,, however wore underpants with panty liner as well. Works like a charm for me.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Justice (Md) on 03/14/2016

Hi, how many times should you apply the inch of frozen coconut oil a day?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by S.josey (Richmond, Va) on 02/28/2016


It's because you drank it everyday. The ACV is too strong and too acidic for everyday uses. Try using once or twice each week. I witnessed the same problems used for break outs, now I use once a week and have beautiful skin with no yeast infections :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Janins (Winnipeg, Canada) on 02/09/2016

Do me a favor, tell all that want help for these problems to read labels on all products, stay away from all dairy products, commercial yeast, soy, use spelt flour leavened with out yeast. That's the only bread they can eat. No sugars, that includes, natural sugars, like honey . 2 drops of stevia only Perday. Wash with tea tree oil in a sink, or add 5 drops to bath water, with 5 drops of Lemon oil and 5 drops of Lemongrass oil . These are therapeutic essential oils not aromatherapy oils.

Ingest, 1 drop of oregano oil with Caprilic oil and olive leave capsule 3 times a day. Use Caprilic oil at night with your last olive leave capsule. For vaginal yeast only. Insert a capsuals of boric acid into the vagina for the night and a good bacteria capsual in the day. Where a pad for the leakage of the yeast coming out.

After bathing, make a jar filled with coconut oil theraputic oil 1 drop each of Lemon, Lemon grass, tea tree, and neem oils together. Do not melt coconut oil in microwave. Melt in hot water dish. Combine all, let it harden and use it all over your body. If you have lichen plants on your skin melt the oil and apply.

I Know this works. I had the same problems. I was over dosed and was allergic to one of the antibiotics given to me. If this is not printed, I know your clinic is not interested in truly helping these people free of charge. Thank you for you time to read my help to others.

Borax Baths
Posted by Krista (Pdx) on 02/09/2016

I had the worst yeast infection, I ran out of ACV. I ran into the laundry room and I had a box of Mule Borax detergent and I put a 1/2 cup in a tub of water and soaked in the tub for 20 minutes all the itching was gone what a huge relief. I know that Ted has mentioned Borax many times for candida.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rita (Douglasville, Ga) on 01/17/2016

I don't get frequent yeast infections, but the few I've had have been almost unbearable. Recently I was so miserable and over a weekend no way to see a doctor except the ER. So I looked it up and found Apple Cider Vinegar. I soaked a clean washcloth in very warm water then poured the ACV onto the cloth and placed it between my legs as the yeast was between my legs, and up to the vulva, sorry to be so graphic, but if this can help someone. So be it. In a few minutes the horrible itching stopped and became bearable. I used it over the weekend and saw my Gyn on Minday & got except for Diflucan. Told her about ACV and she said it was great for use just be sure and dilute it. I also get yeast under my breasts and I started using it there too. It works. I've also heard you can dilute and gargle with it for sore throats. I can NOT USE MONISTAT or the normal creams, they are like setting my privates on FIRE but the ACV really worked for me. I'm keeping it from now on for "just in case" emergencies.

Boric Acid
Posted by Nancy (Dallas, Texas) on 12/23/2015

I got a yeast infection from hell after using antibiotics to lower my Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. I stupidly didn't act on the itchiness for days, and then it got so bad that it not only hurt to pee, but felt like I had to pee ALL the time!!

I first tried Diflucan that my doctor prescribed. Did nothing. Then tried ACV...seemed to help the itching a little, but it would also come back and all my symptoms kept getting worse. Tried Hydrogen Peroxide...nada.

So I moved to Boric Acid suppositories which I made myself, once a night. I bought powdered boric acid and size 00 gel capsules. Using those started progress finally, as I could finally tell that the yeast was dying by having deep fatigue, and it did rid me of the peeing discomfort.

But still had some major itching and problems. I moved to twice a day on the fourth day (wish I started that way) and THAT started doing the trick. Will maintain twice a day for 3-4 days, then go back to once a day and keep it up for 10-14 days, depending on symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Victoria (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/02/2015

Thank God for natural healings! Also, thank God for informative natural healing sites such as this one!! I've got yeast infection about 3-4 times my whole life. I'm 27 as of now. A few days after sex I started feeling very itchy, I hadn't been sexual in so long but it seems like almost every time I have sex with a new person I get BV or YI. I know what they feel like so I was able to diagnose myself. We all know the itchy uncomfortable feeling internally and externally.

DAY 1 TAMPON: Per my research I decided to use ACV.. I tried soaking w/tampon, the way it expanded before entering made it feel uncomfortable inside plus I've always heard tampons are bad so I tossed it! I separated a water ACV mix almost every time I used the bathroom, maybe worked a little, not enough for satisfaction. So I suffered.

DAY 2 AFTERNOON DOUCHE: I've never douched before but I bought Summer's ever, poured solution out and filled 50/50 water and organic ACV while in the shower. It stung for a few seconds then felt so good as it stopped the Itching, only for a few hours as it felt like it got worst after 2 hrs (Not blaming acv) (I'm also drinkin ACV 3x a day) Night time I douched again, also poured the little I didn't get from the douche over my vagina while standing. It felt so much better while in the shower, only 40% better and hr or 2 later. Same day after night time shower I wasn't satisfied still even though a little better.. So I decided to bathe. BATH So I gave up trying to avoid using my roommates bathtub (I only have a shower) and decided to do what I also kept reading works. Hot/warm water bath a little pass my ankles. Poured a little under 16oz of ACV towards my vagina while sitting in. I also added some Himalayan pink salt just because I know salt baths are good. MAN DID I FEEL 99% better while in there for 30 mins, I sat with my legs open in the birth giving position. I actually started writing this while in the tub! Lol :) I've been out for 30 minutes now, I now feel about 80-85% cured, because I'm use to feeling 100 down there 24/7 I maybe being a little sensitive/stingy with the percentage but I could definitely go out if I had to but after that bath and me going through heck all day id rather rest just in case, I'm kind of scared to do anything extra because I'm so at ease at the moment I don't want anything to bring the itchy feeling back tonight!

I'll douche again in the shower tomorrow morning and night, maybe I'll get in the bath again too not sure. I'll definitely drink 2 tablespoons of ACV 3x a day for the next week, after that I'll drink it at least once a day and make it apart of my lifestyle. There's so many other benefits! Thanks for taking the time to read! I'll try to update :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Michigan) on 10/19/2015

Hey there. Antibiotics will cause/make a yeast infection worse. Your doctor should not be giving you antibiotics for a yeast infection.

Boric Acid
Posted by Ashley P (Austin, Tx) on 10/17/2015

Not sure if you still need the name of a doctor, but I was sent to Dr. Kelly Hodges in Houston. My gyno in Austin sent me to her because she is the vaginitis guru.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Galgreen (Ca) on 09/04/2015

This sounds great, and I would like to add something that I have found to be helpful. When I use coconut oil externally, I apply it going front to back from the vagina to the area between the vagina and the rectum. I do this because I read somewhere that the yeast can develop in the rectal area and make its way to the vagina. I didn't know that before, but since I began to keep that in mind, it really seems to have helped.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Z (Ny, Ny) on 08/30/2015

I have felt your pain! I battled that yeast monster and desperately searched for a lasting solution and finally discovered food grade Castor Oil (Palma Christi) applied topically to that area works for me EVERY time and cutting too much sugar from my diet. I also eat baby kale regularly. Haven't had to use messy yogurt or AZO or other otc's at all. Hope this helps!!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Michelle (Lake Park) on 08/09/2015

I was reading the post about summer saturate a tampon in coconut oil for a yeast infection. I had to respond and say the toxic shock syndrome which is indicated in in every tampon box and associated with their use can be deadly! I offer the alternative, which I have used with complete success for many years!

Put some coconut oil a small ziplock bag until it covers the bottom up to an inch high. Store it in the freezer and as soon as you feel like quotation you may have a yeast infection, take it out of the plastic bag in break off an inch or more and very quickly, because it melts fast, inserted just as you would a tampon. You have to wear a panty liner but it will stop the discomfort almost immediately in 3 or more days necessary and you will be doing! I have done this over 10 times while pregnant nursing or taking antibiotics it has never failed me good luck ladies!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sam (Miami) on 07/02/2015

Google Lauricidin, Interfase Plus, Biofilm Defense, Apolactoferin, Nattokinase. Not even a grain of sugar is allowed.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lonclark1311 (Wellington, New Zealand) on 07/01/2015

Hello everyone! I'm a 27 yr old woman who has been battling yeast infections for the past 1.5 years. I had my first YI at 20, and then never had one again until I moved to New Zealand in December 2013. Since then, I've tried many different remedies from ACV douching to otc thrush cream. The otc stuff works for about 3 months, and then the yeast monster comes back. I have never taken antibiotics, keep a healthy/balanced diet; and to put it in perspective, yeast has been my ONLY health problem ever in life that started at 26 yrs old.

The yeast monster is back now and I'm getting aggressive in finding a natural solution. I've been doing the following for 6 consecutive days now:

- 4000-5000IUs D3

- rubbing itchy vulva with mixture of 10 drops tea tree and olive oil

- 20ml Acidophilous natural, sugar-free yogurt vaginally inserted AND orally taken (this is my favorite because it's very soothing)

- 2 probiotic vaginal inserts - the refrigerated kind (each pill containing 25 million cultures)

- Cold-pressed, virgin organic coconut oil taken both orally and vaginally

- No alcohol, lowered sugar intake

I've taken a shot of ACV everyday for the past five years as a general health practice. I thought I finally tackled the yeast beast the other day, but decided to try Vitamin C vaginal inserts as an addition to my above regime. As of yesterday, I started inserting 2x 550mg Vit C into vagina, and have had some crazy yellow/orange chunky yeasty discharge. I smell like baking bread right now, and it seems to have made the problem worse. Is this normal? Is the Vit C pushing out all of the remaining yeast or creating more? What is happening to me? LOL!

Does anyone have any other suggestions on what to do?

I'm pretty desperate.

Borax Baths
Posted by Dana H (Ohio) on 06/21/2015

In my late 20's and early 30's, I had chronic yeast infections. My OBGYN suggested that I use I cup of 20 Mule Team Borax in my bath water and soak in the tub. It worked. That was 30 years ago.

Boric Acid
Posted by Rs (Sf, Ca) on 05/18/2015

Hi Julianna,

I dont think boric acid is intended for use by males. It is used internally by women who have bacterial vaginosis, and not necessarily yeast infections, although you might as well give it a shot because most likely you have BV. I had it for about 8 years and used boric acid capsules almost daily. This works, but I also found that drinking alkaline water and taking alkaline supplements has completely take away the symptoms. There is NO cure for BV currently, so your struggle is to keep it at bay and from reoccurring. I started my alkaline experiment a few months ago and I have had no BV symptoms since then. I drink bottled pH balanced water (ready the labels for pH level....8.5-9.5 is best). Yeast and bacteria cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Your partner probably needs to see a doctor for a prescription because boric acid is NOT meant to be "dusted" on your body....and apple cider vinegar should not be put on a man's penis. It is basically acid and is also used for facial chemical get the idea. Have your boyfriend drink alkaline water and try the alkaline supplements. Get this online at Its much less expensive than going to a health food store. Trust me. Do NOT use boric acid externally!!!!!!!!!!

Boric Acid
Posted by Julianna (Pa) on 05/18/2015

How do you treat your partner for a yeast infection? Would he apply diluted Apple Cider Vinegar and for how long or simply yogurt and for how long, etc.... Or dust with some boric acid????

Thank you so much!


Bentonite Clay
Posted by Mimi (South Carolina ) on 05/12/2015

I had a yeast infection and I inserted some bentonite clay and left it for a couple of days before douching it out. Now I have a sour odor that will not go away. Did this happen to you? I'm wondering if I should continue to use the treatment

Coconut Oil
Posted by Em (Australia) on 05/10/2015

Coconut oil RULES for yeast infections. I suffered them quite regularly that I was in so much pain. I was using the creams and I could no longer afford them as I was getting it all the time.

"Coconut bullets" worked a treat.

Basically just use half a teaspoon - a teaspoon of coconut oil and wrap it in cling wrap to make a bullet shape and put it in the freezer and simple use it like a tampon when it is solid.

Best to do it overnight as it does melt.

Diagnosing a Yeast Infection
Posted by Konstantine (Canada) on 04/30/2015

I just wanted to add a note to this forum. If you are experiencing heavy discharge, with a foul odor (fishy) this is not a yeast infection. Mostly yeast infections have no smell, if any it would be almost sweet. If you have this odor it is bacterial vaginosis. I know from experience. I hope this helps someone.

Posted by Haipai (Singapore) on 03/06/2015

I have always had what I now realise are low level yeast infections during my periods, usually when I didn't have time to run to the loo and change my pad. They've always cleared up within a day or two though, so I've never really had to look into the symptoms until now. Not sure if it's true for everyone, but another user mentioned avoiding flavoured condoms. And I can trace the start of this to before my period when I tried them for the first time. No more, thank you. The yoghurt works. I had a teaspoonful in my palm, went to the loo and put fingerfuls around the outside and inside. Stuffed my underwear with toilet paper, and went about my business. In fifteen minutes, I noticed that the burning and itching is gone, and has been for a while. Will rinse thoroughly though in a bit, because I always heard that dairy wasn't good for infections either.

Posted by Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 03/03/2015

About inserting garlic into the vagina to get rid of vaginal yeast problems:

Just because I always like covering every base so nobody hurts themselves... make sure if you use an empty teabag to put the garlic clove inside that you remove the staple. There's generally a staple that connects the string to the bag. You will have to fish the bag and the garlic out of your vagina with a hooked finger if you do this, of course.

Some people find it hard to extract it with their own hand, for some reason (probably because it is hard to reach because of the angle your hand has to be in). If so, be prepared to have someone else take it out for you. It is very embarrassing to have to go to the doctors to ask them to remove a tea bag from your vagina.

Also, when I said to puncture 'it' with a needle a couple times, I meant the garlic clove - not the tea bag. That allows just enough of the liquid to leak out without making it too caustic so that it burns.

It is generally a thing people do just before they go to bed, so it does its action in the nighttime.

Make sure you take it out and replace it with a new clove of garlic and a new teabag every day if you do it for more than one day.

Don't mince the garlic, don't cut the garlic in half or chop it into pieces. Do remove the papery husk off the outside of the garlic clove before you put it into the teabag.

Realize that garlic irritates, and can burn some people. Others will have absolutely no problem with garlic burning them. Has everything to do with the person, and how old and fresh the garlic is.

If you eat a piece of the garlic and it is extremely strong - it will be more caustic. If it has turned a bit brown and is brown throughout the garlic it has 'aged' and is far less likely to burn (whether you eat it raw, or put it in your vagina).

Moral of the story, let garlic age in your fridge a couple weeks in a plastic bag until it turns a bit brown before you use it to either swallow, raw, or insert.

Boric Acid
Posted by Kes (Houston) on 02/10/2015

Hi, I don't know if you will see this and respond but I live just outside Houston and I am currently looking for a doctor for my re-current yeast like symptoms, immediately following 3 rounds of harsh antibiotics. I have tested negative for yeast and everything else it could be and have become desperate as anti-fungals stop working as soon I stop taking them. Boric acid burns like heck after only a few days (although it does help before I have to quit) I would love to get the name of the doctor you used! I am trying to figure out which doctor you refer to but there are so many claiming to be 'experts'.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ladyc (Charlotte, NC) on 02/03/2015

How do you soak the tampon without it the tampon expanding?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Colorado, US) on 01/19/2015

What or how did you do an intense detox exactly? What cured your yeast problem?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Salt
Posted by Lisa (Colorado, US) on 01/19/2015

When you can say you've been completely symptom free for at least 2 weeks, after all of your treatments have stopped, then maybe you've cured the yeast problem. Just because you feel better soon after a treatment of any kind, doesn't mean you've cured it! Until then, it just means something is helping temporarily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Colorado, US) on 01/19/2015

For the lady that is RAW from pelvic bone to tailbone.... I've had recurrent yeast infections for the last 30 years & I've never been RAW with dry itchy skin. Yeast infections make you ITCH horribly INSIDE & on all of your moist Labia areas then you get a white cheesy like gunk inside. If you have sex, rub or scratch the area, it begins to burn & itch worse. What you have may not be a yeast infection at all, so GO TO A DOCTOR! There are FREE public health nurses, health departments, birth control centers & charities that will help you. PS- Ive never used ACV for yeast infections, only white distilled vinegar diluted with water.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Salt
Posted by Bakersfield (California ) on 01/10/2015

Will this help the burning?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Probiotics
Posted by Cheryl (San Diego, Ca) on 12/27/2014

Update: My yeast infection came back. This time, my research showed that taking Saccharomyces Boulardii (S-Boulardii), which is a yeast used as a probiotic, can help. I tried taking 3 billion CFUs a day and felt a difference in 2 days. The itching is gone, and I plan to stay on S-Boulardii until I finish the bottle.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Probiotics
Posted by Cheryl (San Diego, Ca) on 12/02/2014

I was able to get rid of my yeast infection douching with apple cider vinegar, and taking probiotics and some vitamins. My diet does not include much sugar, only from a small amount of fruit. I douched with apple cider vinegar using the organic, raw, apple cider vinegar with the mother. I douched with 1/2 cup in a quart of filtered water. I started douching twice a day, but mid day I would feel the itching come back. So after 2 days I was douching 3 times a day. I also took two quality probiotic supplements in the AM, and again in the PM. After a week, I added to my diet 75mg of a high quality vitamin A (I normally take 4000-6000mg of vitamin C as well). After 14 days from starting the douching, all itching is gone. It's been a few days and I can feel the difference!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shulonda (Oklahoma City, US) on 11/15/2014

How long did it take to cure?

Posted by Rebel (Raleigh, Nc) on 10/20/2014

OMG, I just have to say freezing the yogurt in a tampon applicator is GENIUS!! Thanks for the idea!

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Dee (Los Angeles, Ca) on 09/29/2014

I am so sorry for the delay, Maria. I have not checked this site in a while (I assumed EC would email me if there were any responses to the thread). I purchase my bentonite clay from a local health food store in Los Angeles, but it can also be purchased on Amazon. As I mentioned, I use the kind that comes in liquid form. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm allowed to give the brand name here.

I would like to add that since posting my review I only take bentonite clay once every couple of weeks and am still doing great!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jazz (Panama) on 09/21/2014

hat I Wdid was to buy those vaginal showers at the counter and use the embole to fill it with diluted acv. You cn do it 3 times a day. And if the itching is terrible soak a cotton in vinegar and leave it the in the vaginal entrance For a while.

After a few hours it will start itching againg, so repeat the procedure. Good luck

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Maria (Castro Valley, Ca) on 09/08/2014

Where (website or store) do you buy the Bentonite Clay? I am dire need. Thanks.

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