Effective Natural Remedies for Vaginal Itching Relief

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cibitka (EU) on 06/27/2016 6 posts

Here is protocol, that I apply whenever I get raw and inflamed lady parts:

1. I put non-pasteurised and non-filtered ACV into a small (cereal) bowl.
2. I shower my lady parts, but I don't use any cosmetics, no soap, no intime shower gel, just rinse with water.
3. I take a cotton pad, wet it in the ACV and pat-clean gently over the whole lady parts area.
If the area is really raw, this procedure burns like hell during the first 1-2 mins, but then its ok.
If you are not prepared to bear it, mix ACV with equal part of lukewarm water in the bowl - this will cause less burning.
4. Leave the area with the ACV on for few minutes (up to 10 mins is enough).
5. Rinse very briefly with water - some ACV residues will only be beneficial.
6. Pat dry with paper towel.

Important rules:

1. NEVER DRY YOUR LADY PARTS WITH STANDARD TOWEL. Always use paper kitchen towels instead.

2. CONSIDER QUITTING SUPERMARKET-BASED COSMETICS, that you have been applying on your lady parts.
Most (if not all) of commercial products from supermarkets contain ingredients, that I see on the bathroom ingredients 'Black Lists'. Even though the package declares 'bio/organic/magic plant/diamond dust/future technology' - the miniature font ingredients on the other side of the package tell a completely different story... often a scary one...

I have observed, that whenever I return to 'standard' cosmetics for a longer period of time, my lady parts health is shaken.
I now choose carefully what I wash it with. And by choosing, I don't mean looking at the front of the package, but at the back - where the INCI ingredients list is. That list is the ONLY part of package, that tells you clearly, whether the content is any good.


1. Often I just use left-over tea from my herbal tea jug or mix ACV with bit of water and clean my lady parts with a cotton pad while showering. If nature really needed a soapy thing for my lady parts, it would have had for sure created a gland for it somewhere on my body...
2. I also tend to not wear tight underwear during night. Often no underwear during the night at all.
3. If I encounter dryness afterwards, I tend to use a cold-pressed oil of any kind. Non-refined coconut oil is quite pleasant.

Posted by Jo (Ny) on 01/03/2016

One clove, slightly crushed, burned at first and got rid of itch within an hour. Thank you

Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
Posted by M_mtz (Ca, Usa) on 03/21/2014


I was having ELECTRICAL CURRENTS there that kept me from sleeping. Went on a vulva info website (http://www.mydr.com.au/womens-health/vulval-problems-a-self-help-guide) n learned it has to do w staying off my female parts as I work at a desk. So by adjusting my seated position n taking breakes those shocking currents disappeared right away!

Applying Vaseline for coating protection really helped as well! ACV stings too much n I believe I've tried just about everything out there!


Out of PURE DESPERATION AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING this week I took double daily dose of CALCIUM/MAGNESIUM/ZINC and it cut the itching completely, like I never ever had it n I've had it for many years now! Nothing has relieved it like this but next day I ate late n felt very acidic n the C/M/Z didn't help as much so am figuring it has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH ACIDITY.

Itching as someone wrote is a form of PAIN, that was BRILLIANT n makes perfect sense! So I also took a pain reliever + 2 C/M/Z (3 being a daily dose according to bottle/Nature Made) - every 3 hours. Replaced one dose of Ibuprofen with an aspirin once a day. So this is what has alleviated the itch almost completely. Staying less acidic by not eating heavy at night plus the C/M/Z + pain reliever! Now I am finally able to get some much needed sleep n I haven't slept soundly in months!

Hope this helps someone!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 12/18/2013

Many remedies I have tried for vagina itch which work:

Sea Salt in bath, stay in bath for a while, do for one week.

Or use fumes of very hot sea salt water, to let this vapor go in the vagina, you can use a bucket. Can look for this in you tube.

Can soak tampons in one of following solutions, insert and leave in.

Sea Salt and water mixture ( I think this is the most effective) ( get pure sea salt, not with additives) ( will boil salt in drinking water let cool and soak)

Oregano tea mixture ( boil oregano in water, let cool) ( you vagina tampon will smell like pizza lol! )

chamomile tea mixture ( same as above, no sugar or course) ( this is more mild)

Can remake and re insert new created ones as necessary.

I like to use the plastic inserting tampons, dip in solution and insert.

Other useful ideas that I have not tried, are coconut oil, and aloe vera. I would also suggest taking oregano oil internally, and cutting back on breads and sugar. Pass the kindness forward, you can make a difference! <3

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dee (Springfield, Ma) on 11/16/2013

I don't have internet at home, so just got to library today (11/16/13) to reply to Jos from Thailand; hope it's not too late as I printed it from my file as is: Here are ingredients for Witch's Brew:


Anonymous writes, "For a cough that will not stop, make a remedy my brother and I always called Witches Brew. This was from my Great Grandmother.

Mix 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil or Butter
1 Tbsp. Honey or Sugar
1 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
Melt it all together, and take while still warm"

Earth Clinic note: You may try substituting Olive Oil for the butter!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dee (Springfield, Ma) on 12/18/2013

December 18, 2013 Dear Mama to many: I first emailed earth clinic with vaginal itching problem the beginning of November. I don't remember if I thanked you for your suggestions, but thanks again if I did. Finally, the activated charcoal came in and I took one capsule. I started off on the low dose side. (i am always nervous trying new things) Although I had slight stomach discomfort, the lingering back pain (i have had it since doing the borax, epsom salt baths with baking soda-i was too afraid to ingest borax because of kidney problems) went away the next day! Not only that, I have had no itching down there after having done the above mentioned baths, not to mention taking the baking soda and water five days on, two days off. As I read many, many posts on kidney pain and kidney disease, I stopped using the ACV for a couple weeks. But I believe the act. charcoal did the trick. Sorry for digressing, but anyway, not only did the back pain leave, but several hours after taking it, I had a biting, pinching sensation down there is the best way to describe it and then nothing. Now I have had no itching or anything for a month so it was interesting this happened after taking act. charcoal. I don't know nearly enough as you or other experts on earth clinic, but it seems anything left down there, the act. charcoal pulled it out?! I have now lost 12 pounds in a little over one month and feel so much better. The hardest initially was staying away from bread even, gluten free stuff, I believe that is another factor, but am now greatly enjoying my hummus on cabbage or lettuce leaves and on celery. Thanks also I copied your instructions (if I should need to make a poultice in the future) for making the charcoal poultice. If I didn't have a part-time job, I would be reading on here more often. I did ask a question about food grade hydrogen peroxide and was referred to many pages, but decided the one I was going to use at health food store by Essential Oxygen (3%) does have one stabilizer in it-so I will hold off for now. God bless you and everyone at Earth Clinic. I pray everyone also continues to have good or better health! Gratefully yours, Dee

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 12/18/2013

Dear Dee,

What a blessing to hear your success story...I know it will be helpful to others down the road. Your perseverance in finding a solution and diligence in treating yourself have paid off...it is so rewarding when this happens. Take care and God bless you!

~Mama to Many~

Vaginal Itch Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/29/2013

Plainjane, no I cannot explain how sugar does anything, but I do know that when consuming much less, all manner of itching is relieved.

Vaginal Itch Remedies
Posted by KT (Usa) on 10/29/2013

Dear Plainjane from PE, It is my opinion that you could not be eating an “extremely good diet” and still be having the problems you are. I am over sixty, post menopause and went through the same thing. It was by a piecemeal learning endeavor (over several years) that I found out the cause. I have posted similar information several times to no avail. After I saw the video about our food being genetically engineered (“GMO's”) to last longer I switched to the grass-fed steers, and free range, pastured hens for my chicken and/or eggs. I thought it would be healthier for us. I was happy to discover that the change was not helping us because it was becoming too expensive to continue.

My husband and I began having more problems with kidneys/bladder, urination, digestion, bowels and weight gain. These animals are being fed the GMO grasses and grains that are difficult for them to digest. Because of how our food is changing it is impossible to conduct reliable studies to prove anything. All foods break down to sugar. For me, sugar was not the problem but I do have to get one brand named sugar that is not supposed to have any flowing/anti-caking agent in it. It starts with a “D” and has been around for a long time. It is supposed to be safer but because of what has happened to our food supply I still reduced my consumption (I don't think I can provide the name on here). The problem was eating the critters who ate the GMO's and eating the eggs that were products of the chickens that ate them. If anyone claims GMO-free they cannot be telling the absolute truth and/or have probably been deceived.

Since you said you only ate “raw” veggies and eggs I believe that's why you are having so much trouble. What your body cannot assimilate ferments. It is a fact that food today is not the same as it was a hundred years ago. It takes me an inordinate amount of time to post things so I won't provide anymore information unless you are truly interested. The main thing I learned was I had to reduce my meat/egg portions and not eat raw veggies and fruit. I have provided a link about the soil to grow "organics" and if you are interested I can look it up for you.

Vaginal Itch Remedies
Posted by Tom (Fort Worth, Texas) on 10/29/2013

Hello Plain Jane,

I think I know what you're asking about "how sugar works" to produce bad issues:

First, sugar is the prefered food for fungus and viruses, as I've read.

Second, sugar sets up an acidic environment. I've also read that akaline can feed fungus in one of its forms, but acid feeds another form...again as I understand the life cycle of fungus. Maybe the itching phase is the acidic growth time. Just guessing on that one.

Third, suppose that the antagonist is a virus or bacteria. There are a lot of anti virals. Isn't boron an anti viral? I have a condition on the side of my face that over the years itches me to distraction. I started using boron (20 Mule Team Borax) and wet a bit on my finger and rubbed into the itching area. After using the boron a dozen times the itching is down by 99 percent. Did the boron kill a virus? A fungus? Mites?

Try that and any other anti virals you can think of.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by B (Brooklyn Ny) on 10/02/2018 10 posts

Thank you for this post. I tried it and it worked.

Posted by Clwm (Detroit) on 11/12/2015

Thank you!!!! The garlic worked. I pray the root of this problem and symptoms are resolved asap.

Bill Thompson's Remedies
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/31/2013

Hi Rsw... Even when I had candida, I never had cravings for sugar. Symptoms vary widely with candida. But a constant excessive diet of sugar and carbohydrates with candida and things like sweeteners are definitely linked to cravings. There is no argument otherwise -- too much sugar and carbohydrate in the diet are bad for you and are bad habits to defend.

But I'm certainly no saint. I like chocolate and black forest cake but I may only indulge once a month. And afterwards I know I've been a bad boy so I alkalize like crazy and take other supplements for a short while that inhibit sugar in the body like ALA, cysteine etc. I don't generally have any cravings for sugary things to eat although I do enjoy a moderate fruit intake. The fear about catchng candida again -- I know what this beast can do to your quality of life -- is far greater in me and tends to completely dominate all my bad habits now.

The lesson here is that after you get rid of the candida -- which is one of the main reasons that causes all the cravings -- then your cravings should lessen quite naturally. As long as you learn about the candida yourself and eat a non-processed food diet, you can set up your own preventative aftercure protocol as I have done. I always supplement lugols iodine, humic acid, minerals, vitamins and keep orange oil(limonene), lavender oil, aspirin, Black Seed, methylene blueand other stuff for other emergencies. I might also admit that virtually all these nutrients I have mentioned can kill candida as well other pathogens. That's because I have a high respect for candida -- never underestimate this clever fungus. If bacteria and viruses are the regular troops and enemy of your immune system then candida should be regarded as it's Special Forces or its highly competent Guerrilla Force that is fully capable of hiding in the body in biofilms with its other pathogen buddies(viruses and bacteria), easily adjusting to drugs, breeding with your cells, causing sugar cravings and using superior chemical warfare against your immune system -- like aldehydes, alcohols and poisonous proteins -- to further weaken your health state and wreak havoc on your quaity of life.

Above all, avoid sugar and carbohydrates in your diet when you have candida. If you don't, then you are just feeding the candida inside you and it will become even harder to cure.

Posted by M (L.a., Ca) on 05/31/2013

I, too, take honey every day for allergies. I've had an itch for about a week. I didn't want to take the OTC stuff; it seems so extreme and too strong. So, I used honey as a topical ointment (so to speak). The itching, which was more annoying than serious, stopped almost immediately. I'll keep using it throughout the day and report back if it ultimately stops working.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Mel (Austin, TX) on 12/25/2008

I have purchased numerous remedies over the years for vaginal itch but the tea tree oil is all I found that worked, and incredibly fast. I used it for maybe two weeks, once a day, and the problem was gone. I had previously tried the colloidal silver alone, but with no significant results. This was a maybe 6 months ago and have had no recurrences.


EC: Tea Tree oil should be diluted with a carrier oil (like coconut oil) when used on sensitive skin areas.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Texas) on 06/11/2020

My mother always told me to use a vinegar douche. It works great. Depends on how much you itch as to how strong you may want it.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rhonda (Usa) on 12/27/2018

I had severe itching down there until 5 days ago. I got viral gastroenteritis and could not really eat anything for 3 days. I still can't eat much yet but...the itching went away. I believe there is a histamine reaction happening, which, after going through menopause, we are more sensitive to. Google low histamine foods and also alkaline diet. I didn't want to be that sick but the itching went away with no food. I am going to be eating low histamine and alkalizing foods and no wheat or dairy from here on out. I hope this helps someone with their severe itching. It's enough to drive you mad!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Alelen (Poland) on 12/28/2018

Histamine itself is worth a separate topic. The intolerance of this amino acid can have very wide health repercussions and, as far as I am concerned, concerns a lot of people. Because of this I am already after 3 anaphylactic shocks. I can eat less and less.

Posted by Eliyaspirit (Israel) on 05/31/2016 4 posts

I suddenly had very bad itching and discomfort in the vaginal area. My GYN gave me Estriadol Suppositories.

I am 69 and way past Menopause. There was no discharge, and my GYN couldn't really get in due to dryness, but she said come back after daily doses for 3 months. They didn't help, and matters got worse.

So I turned to EC. Tried the Coconut Oil which gave immediate relief, but temporary.

This morning I tried the Honey and it seemed to make it worse, but I waited it out.. After about 15 minutes, I felt fine. Hope this lasts!!!

Thanks to all for your help.

Posted by Flor V (Bogota, Colombia ) on 01/22/2015

Acidophilus dissolved in pure water (emptying two capsules of acidophilus in an ounce of water and mix thoroughly) introduce into the vagina with a syringe without needle, do it twice a day for three days. It is an excellent remedy for vaginal itching..for daily hygiene use water with a little vinegar, avoid using soaps. Thanks

Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
Posted by Albert (Johannesburg) on 09/20/2015

Magnesium is mainly absorbed by the brain at night during REM sleep phases.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Holly (Arkansas) on 06/12/2015

I understand you! Getting older is very hard for women. I have a Ph problem down there regularly. Have you tried Tea Tree oil? I find it works very well for a lot of things. Just rub some on the area and see what happens. It can't hurt.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 11/09/2013

Dear Dee,

You have certainly tried a lot of things to help you suffering and I am sorry nothing is working for you. A few things come to mind that you might try for some relief. One is activated charcoal. Because it adsorbs toxins, it may help with any die off you are experiencing. I know it has helped some with Lyme disease die off. You can take 2 teaspoons in 8 ounces of water 2 hours away from any medication, daily. It is kind of gritty. You can also use it topically. This may be kind of messy but it helps with inflammation and itching. You could follow the directions for how to make a charcoal poultice on the activated charcoal page, or you could just pour some of the charcoal water you drink onto a panty-liner or sanitary pad. You could lay part of a paper towel over the pad if their is charcoal grit on it. But it would easily come off in a shower. Change this every few hours during the day. Or just try it for overnight.

Another thing you could try is turmeric (internally.) We have found turmeric powder (1/2 teaspoon, twice a day, or 2 capsules twice a day) to be very helpful for itching and inflammation.

Both of these remedies are best with plenty of water to avoid constipation.

Your diet sounds very good. I don't think Stevia should be a problem. You could add some extra virgin coconut oil to your diet. It is anti-fungal (and anti-everything else that is bad! ) 1-3 Tablespoons a day would be great. You can also use this topically, adding a drop of tea tree to it (I know you have tried tea tree, but it might be good with the coconut oil.) We have also found the combination of tea tree and lavender essential oils to work topically for fungal issues. (But I do dilute them for use in children or in sensitive skin areas.)

I hope you find something that will give you some relief soon. Keep us posted! God bless you!

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Uniquesmilinka (Albuquerque Nm) on 11/09/2013

I have gone thru what you are going thru last year. I would itch so bad. I came across a few things you might want to try. 1. Take a vinegar bath and soak for about 20 mins. Vinegar kills fungus. 2. Take a probiotic "a live" culture. I take about 3 pills when I get to itching and get the highest dosage I can get like 50 billion. 3. I soak in baking soda as well. The ph level could be off and soaking in baking soda helps the ph level come up in your vagina area and in your blood. 4. Get some ointment for diaper rash and make sure it has 40% zinc (this helps alot).

I hope the above suggestions help you. They have helped me.

My doctor said having yeast problems can be a start to being a diabetic.

Another thing that might help is jock itch spray. It burns but that means it is killing off the yeast.

Good luck. You can message me if you have questions.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dee (Springfield, Ma) on 11/22/2013

Hi folks at earth clinic! I couldn't wait till tomorrow to share the itching problem is completely gone down there! PTL! Felt a little die off symptoms that made me sluggish this past week, but will gladly trade that to be on the way to getting rid of candida. Have added other protocols, one in particular; soaking in Epsom salts, baking soda, borax combination; someone here suggested it-don't remember who. At first it left my legs and chest area (had intermittent itching on chest and legs) red, but after second time it went away, so maybe it took getting used to; I started soak for fifteen minutes and soak now for twenty minutes, every other day.

I do have a question for Ted, however. I am deathly allergic to iodine, IVP, shellfish, etc. Is there something similar to lugol's iodine I can add for candida and/or cancer treatment? I am still finding pimples or little lumps down in the opening genital area (my apologies for being so graphic) and that's why I tried the soaking; still have fears about cancer because of precancer surgery down there in 1996 (complete abdominal hysterectomy; they said the pathology was negative). Also, I am still having fears about trying the borax drink. My box is a green and white one that says "Borax Laundry Booster Detergent" and has warning about not taking internally and calling doctor or poison control center if you do. Is it all right to take this one (1/8 tsp. in liter of water throughout the day)? Thanks, Ted (and Bill) so much. Very grateful to you and everyone especially the individual who started this website. I am so grateful after 14 agonizing months not to have that horrible itching down there anymore! Still doing the apple cider vinegar/b.s. drink.

Oh, I also found that eliminating all fruit (including dried cranberries and apricots with walnuts) was the additional key; maybe there's a pre diabetic condition since everyone in my family has had diabetes, except me thank God. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Dee

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dee (Springfield, Ma) on 12/18/2013

December 18, 2013 Dear Mama to many: I first emailed earth clinic with vaginal itching problem the beginning of November. I don't remember if I thanked you for your suggestions, but thanks again if I did. Finally, the activated charcoal came in and I took one capsule. I started off on the low dose side. (i am always nervous trying new things) Although I had slight stomach discomfort, the lingering back pain (i have had it since doing the borax, epsom salt baths with baking soda-i was too afraid to ingest borax because of kidney problems) went away the next day! Not only that, I have had no itching down there after having done the above mentioned baths, not to mention taking the baking soda and water five days on, two days off. As I read many, many posts on kidney pain and kidney disease, I stopped using the ACV for a couple weeks. But I believe the act. charcoal did the trick. Sorry for digressing, but anyway, not only did the back pain leave, but several hours after taking it, I had a biting, pinching sensation down there is the best way to describe it and then nothing. Now I have had no itching or anything for a month so it was interesting this happened after taking act. charcoal. I don't know nearly enough as you or other experts on earth clinic, but it seems anything left down there, the act. charcoal pulled it out?! I have now lost 12 pounds in a little over one month and feel so much better. The hardest initially was staying away from bread even, gluten free stuff, I believe that is another factor, but am now greatly enjoying my hummus on cabbage or lettuce leaves and on celery. Thanks also I copied your instructions (if I should need to make a poultice in the future) for making the charcoal poultice. If I didn't have a part-time job, I would be reading on here more often. I did ask a question about food grade hydrogen peroxide and was referred to many pages, but decided the one I was going to use at health food store by Essential Oxygen (3%) does have one stabilizer in it-so I will hold off for now. God bless you and everyone at earth clinic. I pray everyone also continues to have good or better health! Gratefully yours, Dee

Vaginal Itch Remedies
Posted by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 10/28/2013

Plainjane: Making good hormones, preventing them from becoming bad hormones, and regulating them is the complete program. Aromatization is what you are experiencing. Chew and let dissolve through the gums 20g/day raw sweet potatoe. This makes progesterone. Eat 1 oz./day capers. This has quercitin, an aromatization inhibitor. Take 1g/day hops alcohol extract sublingually. This has xanthuomal. This is the most potent aromatization inhibitor. Take 3g/day cold processed maca or 12g/day regular maca. This regulates the hormones. Google raw food videos for nutritional support.

Vaginal Itch Remedies
Posted by Plainjane (Planet Earth) on 10/30/2013

to KT from USA--no thank you, I do not want any more information from you. Just because you are 60 and went through menopause does not mean you know what I am going through. Also, I do not like it that you think I am lying about my diet. I grow most of my own produce, having an orchard with 5 varieties of fruits that ripen from May through November. I have at least an acre of berries-grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and brambletypes. My vegetable garden is year-round and totally organic--it has never been planted commercially or sprayed in the 42 years I've lived on it. I raise steers for beef, no antibiotics. I raise my own hay and sileage for them. I keep chickens for meat and eggs and, while they do get store-bought feed, a 50 pound bag of feed lasts almost a year because they are out eating bugs, etc. even mice and small snakes. I purchase sea salt and spices at the grocery store along with my canning supplies. Who are you to tell me my diet is not good? and then rant about gmo's? I don't even buy my seed, keeping enough to plant from what I grow. I'm willing to bet I eat better than you do.

Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/13/2014

Enje Pretty from Canada--

I have the same thing since last summer. What really helps is sesame oil or Maha Narayan oil which is sesame oil with added minerals used for many things. It works immediately without the terrible pain when using ACV.

Oils are anti fungal. In between one can pacify the area with chamomile tea pack or wash. All other remedies in EC did not work for me. The terrible itch is gone and it does not seem to spread which seemed the case before. What I fear is did this fungal infection move up inside? Then, what to do. Namaste, Om

Posted by Danielle (Cape Town) on 03/07/2016

Hi, pls tell me if I rub it on should I just leave it and sleep with it on or wash it off again after a few minutes?

Posted by Celeste (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/08/2016

I have also used the garlic paste method, but I have found a better way to apply it.

Cut open a tea bag (just enough to empty out the tea and put new stuff in) or get the filters from a tea store, as I said empty the tea out and put in the powder, add oil to the tea bag if you'd like, run it under water and there you go!

I still don't leave it on, but you get the soothing from the oil and the powder but the cleanup is a little easier. I usually make two 'tea' bags each time.

Douching With Baking Soda, H2O2
Posted by G (San Diego, Ca) on 03/10/2013

Hey folks, I just wanted to put my sense in the mix.. I have experienced the same itching and tingling... Reading this makes me feel better that I am not alone.. But I have seen lots of results from douching once with baking soda.. About 2-3 tablesoops and then douching with peroxide.. I was scared to do the peroxide but I will try it again since soo many comment on it.. Also.. I tried to drink a little peroxide in water and then some baking soda water.. Not sure if this helped.. But mentally it made me feel cleaner.. I'm not a doctor... I also eat moslty natural and organic foods, including natural soda.. Thank you Virgils' root beer! I'm not fat or anything but having the itch made me really feel like trash... Thank you everyone.. I will comment if anything changes.. This is day one.. But the best day I've had in two years!

Boric Acid
Posted by Rs (Sf, Ca) on 01/29/2013

I have BV and make my own boric acid capsules using vegetariain capsules from my natural health store. I use the capsules vaginally about 2-3 times a week, or whenever I feel the symptoms coming. This is something that has NO CURE so you will be using these capsules for life unless a cure is found. I tried changing my diet, my lifestyle, everything..... Nothing seemed to make it go away. So, we are lucky to have boric acid capsules which have literally saved my sex life and my personal life. They work and they work fast. I will use them for life. I keep a stash in my bathroom in a tupperward container and make about 30 at a time. Boric acid is very cheap to by on Amazon as well as the capsules. Make your own and save tons of money. That way you always have them on hand. Good luck!!!!

Tea Tree Oil, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Panaiota (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 05/30/2012

Over the past 6 years, I've had almost constant problems with vaginal redness/irritation/burning and herpes outbreaks. For the past few weeks I've used a combination of natural treatments and I finally feel normal. I've experimented over the years with remedies people have shared but nothing has worked this well for me, not even close. I also have been pretty good about not eating things with a lot of arginine (eating foods with a higher lysine ratio) and I think this helps too. SO... The remedy is a few dabs of tea tree oil applied directly to the area, a few sprays of colloidal silver, and I recently added St. John's Wort oil (supposed to be anti-viral) and Aloe Gel (soothing/cooling/repairing) to the mix. In the beginning, I repeated the process every few hours but now I do it once in the morning and once before bed and I still feel great. Now that it's working so well, I'm afraid to take out one of the remedies because I want this feeling to last forever! I hope this works for you because I know how frustrating it is when you think nothing is ever going to work.

Posted by Kathy (Sc) on 05/01/2017

"Vanadium is LIKELY SAFE in adults, if less than 1.8 mg per day is taken. At higher doses, such as those used to treat diabetes, vanadium frequently causes unwanted side effects including abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, nausea, and gas. It can also cause a greenish tongue, loss of energy, and problems with the nervous system.

Vanadium is UNSAFE when used in large amounts and for a long time. This increases the risk of serious side effects including kidney damage."

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Joseph (Toledo, Oh) on 10/13/2012

I used this remedy successfully to clear my jock itch within 3 days. I saturated a cotton applicator pad with pure tea tree oil and applied it up to 3 times a day in the affected area (I did not dilute the oil). I made sure to rub it in really well. After day one I noticed improvement; after 2 days I was virtually symptom free; on day three I did it just as a precaution to make sure it was all gone. Worked great!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Patti (Co) on 12/15/2016

Yup, all volatile oils cut at least 1-4. Another thing, check what you're washing vaginal area with. I used a seemingly mild Baby Wash down there, and the itching began a few days later. Insane itching for days. I too thought it was a bug bite and/or yeast/vaginosis (not). Itch began at the rim and 1/2 way up there, scratching with tp caused sensitive tissues to bleed. Nice huh? Lolz. Long story short, I quit the Baby Wash and calmed the itch with mallow Diaper Cream at vaginal entrance to 1/2 way up. I'm ok now. So far my case cause was simple and direct. Don't underestimate the obvious :)

Posted by Nechi (South Carolina) on 11/28/2023

Kefir For Vulvar Itching And Burning

November 2023
To all the wonderful women out there!
I also wish to share my story in order to help many who like me may be going through a same or similar problem. Since the past year I've been suffering of extreme vulvar itching which has recently gotten so bad that I hurt myself badly scratching to hard out of desperation. I tried applying black see oil, coconut oil, vaseline, castor oil, oats water baths, baking soda baths, and something else I'm sure I'm forgetting but can't remember what it is. I spent lots of money trying all these things and nothing ever helped for more than a couple of hours. Recently, as it happened many night, the itchiness woke me out of my sleep for me to start hurting myself again. I was desperate and in tears. The first thing I did was pray to GOD for his help and guidance. Next thing, I got up without disturbing my husband's sleep, as I didn't want to worry him at that time of the night, walked to my kitchen, and filled a paper cup with cold filtered water, went to the bathroom and washed my vulvar area with it which cooled it down a lot and relieved it quite a bit. I then pat dried the are and applied cold, fresh Kefir that we always consume for breakfast. I made sure my hands were very clean and applied a nice cooling coating of Kefir from the rectum area, moving forward and with the help of GOD, I went back to sleep and forgot about it for many, many hours. It was the first time in a very long time that I felt so relieved. I decided not to poke in there too much, and enjoy the relief the entire day, but repeated the operation just before bed, after I brushed my teeth. It was literally the very last thing I did after my nightly prayers and before jumping in bed. I slept all night without ever been woken up by it. I can assure you that I was doing so bad, that I noticed my delicate vulvar area had cuts/tears in it, red little dots all over the place, plus it was very feverish and all white in color. Most of that disappeared after my plea of help to GOD, then the wash with filtered water and the kefir application. May I also recommend to all the beautiful girls reading this, to go and lye or seat under the sun with as much skin exposed as possible, without the poisonous sun blocks which as all designed to generate skin cancer and other skin ailments thanks to their malignant components. SUN is a creation of GOD for our health. It generates LIFE. So why are we been told that it is VERY bad for us? At least 15 minutes each day, will heal you of many things, but also, will change your mood, get you rid of the blues, inspire you, help you open your pineal gland, and you'll get a nice even color in your face and rest of your body.
I give GOD thanks for this page, and the opportunity to share my case with many of you who will need it sooner or later, and for the other marvelous ladies who also shared their stories here to help others like me.

Posted by Anonymous (Delhi ) on 03/04/2019

I recently had a few symptoms of itching, redness and discharge for which I visited my gynae who told me I've got a mixed infection and has given me a long list of medicines including antibiotic, suppositories and ointments which has made my symptoms worse. The itching has increased and furthermore I'm experiencing dull pain in my lower right and left abdomen and back. I don't know whether I should continue having the medicines or look at some alternative treatment option

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/06/2019

Anonymous from Delhi, you can try baking soda sitz baths.

Posted by Chloe (Burbank) on 03/07/2019

Anonymous, you haven't said what you were diagnosed with, but if I were you, I would try oregano, olive leaf or grapefruit seed extract capsules for a week. You will need a potent herb to heal the infection and those usually work well on a wide variety of problems in the body. You may need to do a round of probiotics afterwards to replenish your gut flora. Best of luck!

Posted by Tiff (USA) on 09/10/2019

For me antibiotics gave me the infection. So I try to avoid using them. But sometimes you have to. So I take probiotics and for instant relief - Homemade suppository: Coconut oil and a few drops of aloe. Roll it up in plastic wrap. Refrigerate and insert. Both are antibacterial.

Posted by Lotusborn (Hawaii) on 05/12/2017

Somebody suggested the use of calmoseptine cream which I have been using now for a long time. I think vick vaporub is far too harsh at least for me. Calmoseptine is a thick cream with zinc and not only does it soothe, cools and heals itchy and hot skin. It is formulated for babies rashes so it is gentle enough for vagina areas. It has been a helper after I couldn't do the cold water or ice anymore. When it takes a long time to figure out the reasons for itchy inflamed vaginal skin, calmoseptine is a wonderful relief and one can sleep. For now, I am aware that it can be an allergic reaction to napkins which I wear every day or to foods one cannot tolerate. I found I had a milk allergy. So, I stopped cheese, yoghurt, etc It can be fungal infection or parasitic. I recently started detoxifying with Pectasol-C and this helped very much. It all started out because I had a stressful period in my life. One has to have patience and watch one's own body for clues and reactions. Over time, being a good detective, usually one can eliminate one culprit after another. I like doing my own healing work even if it takes a long time.

Vicks Vapor Rub
Posted by Amaw (Al) on 09/21/2015

Vaginal Itching:

I use vicks vaporub. Burns, but the itch goes away. I use it 2x per day, just smear it on. Seriously, it works for me.

Vicks Vapor Rub
Posted by Janette (Hertfordshire) on 05/12/2017

I tried your remedy and it works really well. You are right it does burn then it becomes cooling and itch disappears.

Ive tried ACV before for all over itchy skin but I didn't want to risk it as I think an acid treatment for BV set it off itching.

This is the second time using Vicks for this problem. And thank you for your advice.

Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
Posted by Luckycat (Smithville, Tx) on 02/08/2015

Calcium and Magnesium should be taken separately. They cancel each other out. You should take Magnesium at night and Calcium during the day. Magnesium has regulatory function with Calcium. Low Magnesium levels cause Calcium to precipitate out of the blood, contributing to trouble such as gout and hardening of the arteries.

Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
Posted by Bandf (British Columbia) on 03/06/2015

Calcium needs to be taken at night as that's the only time your body will absorb it properly when you are sleeping. Please make sure you have your facts straight before giving advice.

Vitamin D
Posted by Courtney (Granite Bay, Ca) on 12/18/2013

@Relieved from Fresno, CA: How many mg's of vitamin D are you taking twice per day?

Vitamin D
Posted by Relieved From Fresno (California) on 12/19/2013

I am taking 2,000 IU, 2X/day. I should also mention that I have been taking it in combination with a lactobacillus pill (1billion culture) and it seems that the two are working best together. Hope this helps for you!!

Vitamin D
Posted by Ginger (Louisiana) on 10/31/2015

How many milligrams did you take all together at one time taking 2 pills of vitamin d? Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Valerie (Wisconsin, US) on 04/02/2015

i have learned, being post menopausal 55yrs old, that if I use hot water it does not help, also wear loose clothes, a very cool towel at night due to night sweats, moisturize 2 times a day, if not shower or bath daily, wash that area two times a day. I know this helps, I also take fleexseed, black cohosh

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tracy (Nevis, West Indies) on 06/14/2015


I have had irregular bleeding now for 3 months, that I can cope with but the itching and dryness is driving me crazy even to tears sometimes. I have tried the ACV which eased the itching but caused more dryness, Chamomile tea ice cold also eased it. My problem now is that the feminine itch creams are no longer working as everything I try just gets socked up until I'm super dry again.

I'm about to try bathing in Rosemary and use olive oil to lubricate, will keep you posted on results, hopefully successful because I don't know how much longer I can take this :(

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lindsey (Caddo Mills) on 08/18/2015

If you have had that going on for a whole month then it is probably time to maybe be tested for an std. In most cases from what I've read if problems persist for more than a week and don't go away even with home treatment then there may be a case that the problem is much bigger.

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