Effective Natural Remedies for Trigger Finger Relief

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Dora (Houston, Texas USA) on 02/27/2012

The "Trigger Finger" condition that I had back in October 2011, has improved after increased my fish oil intake. Also, practice with a small soft ball to move my finger again. Thank you, thank you to ted's remedies again.

God bless you.

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Patricia (Elmont, New York) on 01/27/2009 8 posts

Dear Ted, I am so thrilled on the response for lecithin. I have been taking two T of lecithin each morning and evining mixed in eight ounces of water. The results for trigger finger have been impressive. I had this affliction for over a year now and no matter what I tried it was anathema. Since I began the lecithin the snapping on my ring finger is 95 percent healed. I am positive that it must have been the tap water and eating food cooked in aluminum ware. I had to eat at restaurants for a couple of months since my house was in the proccess of renovations. I have now cleaned up my act and I do all the cooking at home. I also bring my brown bag of salads and casseroles to work. I also began adding ground up chia seeds to all my foods on Jan 24 2009 and I have seen a tremendous change in my overall health.

I am grateful to earthclinic and you for all the wonderful remedies we are sharing. This is sharing agape (love).
