Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

Posted by Cheryl (Highland Park, NJ) on 07/06/2023 10 posts

What is the first thing men and women do when they notice their hair is starting to thin? They start treating it like fragile glass. This is the worst thing to do, as it escalates the problem. See, thinning or receding hair means that the roots are not getting enough circulation for blood nutrients to keep them fed, healthy and producing nice, strong follicles.

Try this: Press your fingertips into your scalp and see how much you can move your scalp. You should be able to move it about a half inch back and forth, IF your scalp is sufficiently hydrated and relaxed. If not, you have just isolated the cause of your thinning and receding hair problem...tight scalp.

The solution? Two parts:

1. Start drinking enough good clean water every day and less dehydrating drinks, like coffee and alcohol. (The pounding hangover headache comes from scalp dehydration, since the scalp is thin and dehydrates quickly.)

2. Start giving yourself a daily deep scalp massage for a minute or two. Start with where there is healthy hair, at the back of the neck or above the ears so that you are pushing good circulation up into the thin spots.

Press your fingertips into the scalp and move the scalp in small circles or back and forth a few times. Move your fingers up a bit and repeat until you've massaged the entire scalp. You really have to stimulate the circulation and a light touch just won't do it. Also make sure you're moving the scalp itself and not just your hair, which can break, especially if wet.

It's even better if you do this while inverted to get more circulation to the scalp -- that is, standing with your head at or below your waist.

It also helps hair growth if your thyroid is working well, so seafood or kelp two or three times a week may help. Also, grasp your lower neck with your whole hand and wiggle it vigorously a few times to “wake up” the thyroid with circulation. Do this every morning as part of your washing up routine.

Results will always vary by individual. With some individuals, there are no viable hair roots remaining to restore, whether this is genetic or -- more commonly found today -- because of excessive product use (gels and sprays) and daily shampooing. These chemicals leach into the scalp and kill the hair roots.

You should notice results within a few months or so. If that sounds like it takes too long, that's what they say to expect with those expensive hair treatments, so try this for free. Your new hair at first may be fuzzy-looking, like baby hair, but it will strengthen as you continue to supply it with the blood nutrients it needs to be healthy.

I dated a man who was balding - no hair on top - but he loved getting scalp massages every once in a while. After several months, we noticed some new hairs growing out of the top of his head. I hope he kept up the massages after we broke up. ;-)
