Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jinxed (Granada Hills, California, Usa) on 06/26/2012

I have fibromyalgia, among other health challenges. Part of this is having thick, sticky body fluids. Saliva, blood, the fascia sticks to the muscles and organs...

I started oil pulling a little more than a month ago, using Organic EVCO, followed by a good rinse, gargle, and brushing with hot water.

I have since noticed that my saliva isn't sticky, and the white coating on my tongue is GONE! My acupuncturist did a double take when she looked at my tongue after just one week. My teeth had looked cracked, and felt just bad in general, with thin areas of gum. Now the cracks aren't visible, the gum is getting plump and pink, and my teeth "feel" like they are going to stay in my head! After having 3 molars pulled, they started shifting like crazy, but they are settling down now.

Recommended this to a friend who wants to quit smoking, she said it sounds harmless enough, and if it helps her to quit, yay.

Thanks for introducing me to OP, I've added it to my regular routine! (Spitting it out in the shower after the pipes are heated from the water has so far prevented any clogs!)

Posted by Tinks (Christchurch, New Zealand) on 06/23/2012

I dont think fluoride is the sole contributor to fibromyalgia as the city I live in doesnt have fluoridated water and I have had fibro for years.Would be good if the cause was discovered though.

Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 06/18/2012

Hi - "Google" Serrapaptase and Fibromyalgia.

I have been taking Serrapeptase (a natural enzyme that breaks down fibrin) for a couple of months now. It is good for MANY ailments, not just fibro, and has zero side effects if / when taken with other meds.

I am amazed by it, and plan to take it forever! My fibro is greatly improved and my blood sugar is now normal, (when I was in pre-diabetic numbers! ).

Also supposed to be fantastic for cysts and scar tissue of any type, which was why I first started taking it...

Good luck and good health!

Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by Grateful (Thank You For Earth Clinic, Usa) on 06/17/2012

So sorry about your condition. Hope you find some healing relief soon! I know of one person that connected her fibro to low thyroid. Wishing you well!

Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by Dawn (Kennewick, Wa) on 06/17/2012

Suffering from Fibromyalgia myself, I have been treated with such disdain from friends and family members. I agree we cannot dismiss what people are going through. I mean I have and will try supplements, changes in diet, choose or not choose prescribed medications, but over time, I am not finding anything that will get me to the point of being able to go back to work. There is no cure for something we do not understand. If cutting things out like sweetners and processed foods was the true and only answer, I wouldn't continue having the pains and fatigue I am now. I guess what I am saying is we already feel ostracized by society and even friends and family, we need people to be more mindful of what they say and how they say it.

Vitamin D
Posted by Liz (Buffalo, Ny) on 06/16/2012

Hi, I have fm too- all the symptoms. Also vit d defiecient, dr prescibed 50,000 iu for 8 weeks. I felt worse than before, taking 3 weeks now, more aches, pain, has not helped and no connection bewtween this and reason for fm, per my experience. Hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sijai (Wichita Falls, Tx, United States Of America) on 05/28/2012

Are there any updates on Jason's Fibromyalgia paper? The one person made a reply as to how well ACV helped. Is there another reply from this person?

Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by Alison (Manchester, Uk) on 04/15/2012

i agree with rhana I suffer from fibromyalgia and its very much a real illness, my mother has suffered from this for over 20 years and was in a wheelchair for 8, I was diagnosed 3 years ago and have had some very bad times with this horrible illness, it can totally debilatate you, everyone suffers differently but I am going to try the Apple Cider Vinegar to see if it helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Timothy (Cork) on 04/07/2012

Any update on this, very interested to find out more since your first post some months ago.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Wydo (Ventura, Ca, United States) on 03/29/2012

I have tried most of the remedies in here for my fibromyalgia but either they don't work or they work for a week or two and then the pain just comes back. Two remedies work real well for me. One is guaiphenesin which is found in over the counter remedies for expectorants. I tried the pill forms but they are so full of stearates that they don't work very well. I also tried the liquid remedies but they are too weak. I found a seller on the internet that sells it in pure powder form by the pound and I put it in 000 capsules. There is a diet that goes with using it to make it work better but it takes out all the healthy foods that I eat and you can't take other herbs with it. I don't eat breakfast anyway and so I just take it in the morning and I don't take anything else until noon and it works well for me that way.

The other remedy that I take is wormwood tincture. I took this years ago for parasites after reading Hulda Clark's book. I took it for a couple of years and it made me feel better but I stopped after I built the zapper. After that my symptoms gradually became worse. I took some a little while back and some symptoms went away. One of my symptoms is a cramped up colon which keeps the food I eat from going on through. When I take the wormwood first thing in the morning in warm water it opens up my gut and helps everything to move through more smoothly like it should. This helps out with the prevention of Candida and makes other remedies work better. So wormwood has uses other than parasites. Because this is an herb it cannot be taken with guaiphenesin so I take a few days of it and then I switch.

One other thing I do that really helps is to take a bile salt supplement first thing in the morning with plenty of warm water. This can be taken with either the wormwood or guaiphenesin. Bile is the body's natural remedy for Candida and this is why I think it works so well. If you are thinking of trying this don't order a 500 mg ox bile as this is way too strong to be taken on an empty stomach. Buy 125 mg and work up from there by taking one more capsule until you find your tolerance and as I said take it with plenty of warm water.

Movement for me is as important as any remedy so I do some light yoga and I walk. It may start out painful but the pain goes away as I move. If I sit too long it gets painful again. Sleep is also a very important remedy for me so to make sure I get some deep sleep I take GABA, B12, and melatonin as well as holy basil at bed time. I sometimes take alpha lipoic acid at bed time. The GABA is pure powder and the B12 is liquid with folic acid. The melatonin is in liquid.

Other supplements I take are L-Lysine, L-Ornithine, and magnesium chloride. Other remedies I take from time to time is ACV, VCO, Ted's carbi-carb and a tap water conditioner.

I hope this helps some of you with stubborn cases.

Posted by Cj In Mid Missouri (Sedalia, Missouri) on 03/26/2012

Am new to this site, just beginning to process the many good pieces of advice. Do want to comment that if you have astham/chronic bronchitis with fibro, please have your Vit D3 level checked. D3 defiecency is a common problem in modern society and it is improtant in immune system support. When fibro became debilitating for me, the only abnormal lab value the dr found was D3. Since starting the supplements, I have only had 1 episode of respiratory infection versus very frequent respiratory infections and 3 daily asthma meds, which I am completely off of now! Check into it- it is helpful for many!

Over the Counter
Posted by Kathleen (Camarillo, California) on 03/15/2012

I started a new product last night for fibromyalgia pain due to post surgical neuropathy. The product is new and is called Temporary fibromyalgia pain and discomfort Relief. It does help the pain but the anxiety sucks. I couldn't figure out why in the world I had anxiety then decided to look up this ingredient via the internet. Bingo! It causes jitters and anxiety. Funny you would think that whatever they gave you for painful nerves would be calming not mood enhancing.

Good thing CVS will take things back. I will return this item and let others know that is a side effect.

Thank you, Kathleen M

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mattie (Douglasville, Ga) on 03/14/2012

Could you tell me please the amount of each of these products you used for each serving? My sister suffers terribly from fibromyalgia and I am trying so hard to help her find a cure.

Tks, Mattie

Posted by Karina (Grand Junction, Co) on 02/25/2012

I have avoided the night shade plants also, and have less fibro flair-ups. I've also noticed that I react badly to foods containing citric acid. I beleive soy may also be a problem. I also seem to react poorly to medicines containing Magneseum Stearate and Stearic acid. Plus avoiding tap water seems to help. Does any of this sound familiar?

Eliminate Tap Water
Posted by Karina (Grand Junction, Co) on 02/25/2012

I've been trying to find causes and links to my fibro for years. One thing I did discover was that when I drank tap water, my symptoms (pain) got much worse (I stopped drinking it - symptoms have gradually improved). Also taking certain drugs heightened symptoms. I will look into this further. Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia, Australia) on 02/20/2012

Hear hear! We should follow the journo's code of the 5 W's - who, what, where, when and why (and how long! ) when it comes to giving out advice on these boards. It would save so much time and I try to do this as much as I can when doling out tips.

General Feedback
Posted by Cameron (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 02/19/2012

Yes. If you are posting post the specifics please.

General Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 02/19/2012

I agree with Kelly. If the person advising a protocol, natural beauty product or whatever gives as much information as possible about what worked for them it stops us from coming back over and over again for details and it helps us as a starting point! I agree with Debbie that we are all different but following what says on the bottle of the supplements more often than not helps no one as the dosages are usually completely wrong! And often, if we are talking about own concotions we won't have any idea about what to do! Maybe I am also guilty of not being specific enough, I don't know but I will sure pay more attention to that! Things like how many times a day, with water or without, with the meals or without, how much of each ingredient, anything that might help other mimic whatever we did!

General Feedback
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 02/18/2012

Debbie - I absolutely do understand that this site is about people helping others. Actually, it was IN that realm that I made the suggestion of including pertinent information to posts, rather than things like, "Coconut oil helped me lose weight" or "Banana peel got rid of my plantar's wart. " That doesn't "help" anyone without more information.

I wasn't referring to supplements where the dosages are on the labeling. That's a no-brainer.

I was referring to things like the examples I gave above, where how much coconut oil and how often it was taken would be very helpful for readers, or how often the banana peel was used in treating the plantar's wart, etc. That very pertinent info would at least give readers a place to start.

General Feedback
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/18/2012

I don't think you are taking the site for what it is.. Just normal people try to help others with remedies. Even if dosages were given in all cases that would not necessarily help you. For instance you know nothing about the person posting the remedy - what they weigh, what their lifestyle is, what else they are taking that may act in synergy with something else. You just have to take in the information and work it around yourself if you want to, as best you can.

Most supplements recommended have the dosage recommended on the bottle so take that dosage first.

All in all you have to research, research, research.

General Feedback
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 02/18/2012

I could not agree more!

I love this site and visit it every day, but am (very) often left frustrated with the non-specific information provided by many posters.

As you pointed out, it does none of us any good for people to post about something (or a combination of 'somethings') that helped them when they don't also include what amounts they took, how often they took it, etc.

It would be great if EC could create spaces for this info on the feedback form. Perhaps underneath the subject line, they could include "Quantity Taken (i. E. 2 tsp. )", "How Often? (i. E. Once per day, 3x per day?)

It would be *so* helpful.

General Feedback
Posted by Hertsman (Feltham, Middlesex) on 02/18/2012

Why do people keep posting remedies on here without giving product information, doses and quantities? Like one chap mentions acetyl l-carnitine with alpha lipoic acid??? Great so what are the doses, what product etc etc. Without these vital details it is completely pointless information.

Fluoride Connection
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/07/2012

I can't believe I've been combing this site for 2 years and never looked on this page. I've done all you are recommending except the dmsa. I've had edta IV and orally and every other detox - except ala - have it to take the way Bill recommends but Andy cutler takes it quite differently. Some say it's dangerous. Is anyone of the belief that this is a brain injury? Is anyone using Gupta successfully? It hasn't helped me which makes me think my fms must be something else.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eunita (New Zealand) on 02/01/2012

Hi, thanks for sharing. I got so excited when I read this. I have heard about it before but not really gave it a go.

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 8 years ago, two years I moved to New Zealand. I have tried all sorts of medication etc.

So basically what I want to know is, did it actually help you in the end?

I wish you all of the best and once again thanks for sharing.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Ali (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/13/2011

I've heard this works well for a lot of other stuff too.

General Feedback
Posted by Mary (Loveland, Oh) on 10/31/2011

I was diagnosed with fibro 11 yrs ago, after a year and a half journey thru the medical system (4 doctors later) before I received a final diagnosis. I tried everything and researched the subject extensively when able.

This last year, I have been occassionally researching high dose vit D3 therapy. After moving from NM to OH recently, the change in climates affected me so adversely, I decided to try D3.

In looking back at my medical history, I suffered from SADS growing up and felt I was a good candidate for such therapy, if there was anything to it.

I have to say, having tried everything available on the market over the years, high dose D3 has had a remarkable improvement for me in numerous ways.

1. Better quality and uninterupted sleep cycles.

2. Dramatic reduction in pain

3. Energy is improving

4. Cognitive skills are improving.

(This has only been 2 weeks therapy for me)

I just started ACV and am working on upping my magnesium intake, since many people with fibro report improvement with mag. I will be trying magnesium chloride and mag lactate (for muscle cramps) since my research shows they are the most absorbable forms.

I am taking 70, 000 IUs of D3, 3x's a week, mind you I do this without doctor supervision, however don't let my disillusionment with the medical profession disuade anyone from seeking physicians that are knowledgable in high dose D3 therapy. The research I have read recommends 50, 000 IUs to as much as a 100, 000. 50, 000 IUs had no affect on me. Timing schedules also varied but seems to be consistant in terms of longation of a 6 month time frame due to the fact that D3 can be toxic to some in high doses and some people cannot tolerate high dose D3 either due to gastro intestinal discomfort or diaharrea.

I would be interested to know if anyone else has tried D3 and what results they have had.

Posted by Dr. Scripter (West Valley City, Utah) on 10/11/2011

I think that you should include questions relation to consumption of the nightshade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers of all kinds, eggplant, tomatillos paprika and 'spices' which usually contain paprika. For forty years I have had periodic severe low back pain and stiffness relieved in the last 5 weeks by avoiding these foods. The neurotoxins contained in these affect people differently and I believe that they are a big cause of fibro, chronic fatigue and RA.

These foods have crept into every meal and daily menus with a subsequent increase in dosage.

Posted by Nita (Atlanta, Usa) on 09/17/2011

Because I also have bronchitis/asthma, I was taking Guiafenesin and noticed a reduction in pain. I didn't know about any theories but was greatful to not have to deal with the Fibromyalgia while sick. Once the lungs cleared up and I quit taking Guiafenesin, the pain was back quadrupled. There must be something to it. I was taking Mucinex which has a higher dose of Guiafenesin in it. The terrible side effects of HEAVY perspiration and high blood pressure prohibits my taking Savella which offered pain relief but is not worth risking a stroke.

Liquid Chlorophyll
Posted by Micah (Seaside, Ca) on 09/14/2011

I have found that if I take 1 tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll in my water 2 times a day that my inflammation decreases significantly. You can buy it online or at most whole food/organic markets.

I've missed a few days of my chlorophyll and consequently had 2 extremely painful nights of sleep. I've suspected for some time that artificial sweetners were poisonous as they made me extremely achy and lethargic, to the point where I could not safely drive my car. My sister has granulated carcinoma and it also become extremely painful when she eats or drinks anything with artificial sugars.

With FMS it's become apparent that the most important thing for me to feel healthy and pain free is really limit my sugar intake. Artificial or not. My daily servings of fruits is about all my body can handle.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Laura (Asheville, Nc) on 09/14/2011

I have fibromyalgia and have been taking Diatomaceouls Earth for almost 2 weeks. It is definitly doing something positive for me. First I noticed a huge change in my foot problem that has plagued me for 4 years. I have woke up stiff, but that is different too. I don't know how to describe it except that the stiffness is not to the bone and all encompasing as before. I am so hopeful that I may continue to improve. If it is possible different factors contribute to Fibro for different people, I guess different results could be experienced from individuals also. My experience would lead me to suggest, try it and see how your body responds if you suffer any joint or fibro pain. Good luck to you all!

Lysine, Threonine, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Maggie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 08/11/2011

Hi. I received this response from Ted in assisting with multiple issues. I just want to confirm how to purchase supplements recommended by Ted since it's not always easy to find these items. Also, I would like to confirm where Ted mentions ingesting 3% hydrogen peroxide - if anyone has done so and confirm that it is in fact safe. As I have previously read in many posts over time, there is a debate going on whether or not the otc hydrogen peroxide (for external use only)3% is safe to be taken internally. I also found a product called "Maxx Essentials BCAA Maxx Amino Acid Supplement" which contains both the lysine and the threonine recommended by Ted. Is it okay to take this product even though it has 9 essential amino acids in the product?

Here is the response I received from Ted:

Fibromylagia approximately 20 years ago, is a viral issue. It is easily dealt with is lysine and threonine. The lysine is taken 1/4 teaspoon and 1/3 teaspoon of threonine. The schedule fixed is to do hourly dose for four hours, and just once before bedtime. Probably got some sort of Epstein Barr from accident by surgery. The receding gum I seen all the time a lot to do with lysine deficiency. The candida is one of the effects of fluoridation of water supply and chlorination both of these are absorbed by shower and enter transdermally, and it gets rid of the boron. The boron is a required minerals in getting rid of fungus, in broad term. If I want a fix schedule then it is 1/8 teaspoon in drinking water for a week and two days off. A hydrogen peroxide 3% one capful in one liter of water is used as a drinking water for 4 days out of 7 days, that means a two day off. The sugar craving is easily handled by incorporating glutamine to be taken everyday, and is 1/3 teaspoon 4 times a day, and one at night mixed with the lysine and threonine supplement.

If done for a month, this should be definite improvement, but I haven't yet covered other issues as fibromyalgia is the most pressing issue.


Dark Chocolate
Posted by Meadowsweet (Halifax, England, Uk) on 07/15/2011

Dark chocolate is a good source of copper. Maybe you were short of copper?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lynn (Somewhere, Nevada) on 06/21/2011

Fluoride is found naturally in the water in many places in the world. I know a family of 5 children who were all conceived and grew to adulthood in an area where there is a lot of fluoride in the water. They all had wonderful teeth and bones, no cavities. Three of them lived into their 90s, one over 100, and the fifth one to age 79 even tho having suffered rheumatic fever in her teens. People were having fibro, although not called that, long before fluoride was added to drinking water. I think we need to look elsewhere for our problems.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kimmi (Park City, Ks) on 06/14/2011 12 posts

Hurry back, I want an update!! Lol!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Moses (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 05/24/2011

ACV - On The Verge Of Curing My Fibromyalgia!

Talking about alternative medicine, I was a total skeptic. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1998. And I've been living with it for the past 13 years. I have been personally convinced that it will NEVER go away, except perhaps through toxic overuse of pain killers like ibuprofen, etc.

Due to the overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence of ACV used as a remedy on Earth Clinic, I decided to go to my local supermarket and to buy a small bottle of ACV with a very perssimmistic mindset. When I got home, I opened the bottle and it smelled just as the name suggested, pure vinegar and apple juice. The bottle cost a measly $1 and I thought to myself.. "what the heck?".. Could this be what they're raving about ? Vinegar & Apple Cider ??

Anyway I immediately started to take it in ; I used the standard dose of 2 teaspoons in a teacup filled with water. It tasted just like vinegar. I don't find the taste of vinegar "strange" or difficult to swallow at all. To me, it's just an elevated tangy taste like I would expect in mayonnaise. I only took ONE dose a day (once a day 2 teaspoons in a teacup filled with water). In my case I didn't care whether my stomach was empty or not, whether it was early morning or not. In fact I took it when I came back from work, and after taking it I would immediately get back to my normal daily habits (tea, slice of bread, TV, Internet/Facebook, and my usual favorite indulgences). I would drink it as if it's my first cup of tea as I arrive home, then I would immediately follow with a normal cup of tea because I am so so addicted to TEA!!! :)

The past 4 days have been rather surprising! After 13 years of Fibromyalgia daily pain, when I stand up after taking ACV ; when I walk around in the house, I've noticed that there is a ** Feeling Of Something Being Lifted Off My Shoulders **, which is the VERY SPOT where the majority of pain was focused in my case with Fibro!

At first I did Not want to attribute this to ACV, cuz I was suspecting that I might be creating this feeling. I know Fibro to be a very resilient disease. But after this same thing happening 4 days in a row, I became suspicious that the ACV is involved in this :) I think I am on the VERGE of healing my Fibro with this stuff man!! I cannot believe how I feel "AFTER DRINKING IT"!! I cannot believe that it has a DIRECT effect on something in my body. This is so unbelievable for me! Let's see how long I'll keep feeling this way with it. I now believe that my Fibro is probably a case of too many toxins in my system from the time when I was young back in the 90's, taking lots of soda/Coke multiple times a day. I believe that these toxins were NOT about to be moved or to go away anytime soon. And if this ACV trick has any direct effect on these toxins or my underlying persistent excruciating pain of Fibro, then I'm going to increase my dose for the next 3-4 days to see where I am going with this. I hope I will Not awaken the devil within.. But I don't think 3 days of vinegar at 2 or 3 tablespoons-a-day will cause me anything noticeable, let alone "illness". Even the toxins themselve seem to TAKE YEARS to show their presence & symptoms in your body.

I'll keep you posted people.. But right now I am all too excited to see SOMETHING NATURAL that has a direct effect on my Fibro (without it being a prescription drug or pain steriod) after so many years of trying a pile of tricks, methods and advice.

I am hoping to see radically interesting things going forward with ACV!

Fluoride Connection
Posted by Ellen (Denton, Tx) on 05/14/2011

Robyn, I have been taking a multi-pronged approach of destroying biofilms that pathogens hide in with enzymes, boosting the immune system with IP6 inositol, AHCC, vitamins D, E, A, B's, zinc, E, taking thieves oil internally & applying externally, detoxing metals with sodium thiosulfate & DMSA, etc. I'm not 100% but I think I'm making a slow but sure recovery. I used to be so bad that I thought I was dying and now I can go hiking. I also drink borax as suggested on the site, and ACV baking soda. I'm not sure if the ACV baking soda does anything. (please email me at s. Genteel85(at) if you have any questions)

Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 05/04/2011

I dont believe in the guia theory but I did take it. I am in severe pain, I hate taking morphine but I have to. I used to take the guia - for me it did cut the pain back a couple of notches. But cant have any salicylates or it wont work. My liver is so bad I want to take milk thistle which has of course, salicylates so the guia wont work. So many other good salicylates that can help with our conditions eg. I have very bad adrenals so want to take licorice root, more salicylates. So whilst the guia helped with the pain I wont get help with the other. They say you have to take it forever.

Emu Oil, Cherries
Posted by Amcmurray (Howell, Mi) on 05/03/2011

Cherries are one of the most toxic fruits because all of the chemicals hey use to keep pests from contaminating them. Be wise when purchasing them.

Posted by Scorpioempress (Ridgecrest, Ca) on 05/03/2011

I have been doing many of the things that are suggested for fibro here on, but I am wondering if guiafenesin has been tried by anyone here. According to the guiafenesin theory, FM is a genetic disease, not a flouride poisoning. I was also wondering if taking guiafenesin and boron at the same time would be counter productive or even bad. The guiafenesin theory does not address the high need for Mg by fibromyalgics, or other minerals. The fluoride theory actually makes more sense... Less holes. But, the guiafenesin folks say it works. Any thoughts? Oh, and do you have any idea how long you are supposed to take it??

Vitamin D
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 04/28/2011

Hi Debra, just a little note.. You mentioned a strong reaction to smells and this can be an indication of celiacs.. Have you checked for this??

Fluoride Connection
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/27/2011

Ellen, I developed fms, cfs, mcs which has led to osteoperosis, blocked arteries etc etc its a real mess after glandular fever, barvon forest, ross river virus. What have you been doing to kill the virus? Ive done everything on here - garlic, colloidal silver, etc etc and yes, some antibiotics just to ruin my gut some more. Have you heard of Marshalls protocol - is that what you are suggesting?

Fluoride Connection
Posted by Ellen (Denton, Tx) on 04/26/2011

For me, the issue is definitely not with fluoride. I have been detoxing fluoride for months and the only thing that has helped me is anti-viral therapy, which makes sense as my fibromyalgia developed after a bout of the swine flu.

Fibromyalgia is not a new disease. In fact Charles Darwin had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It was described as what Job had in the bible and there are ancient Greek /Roman accounts of fibromyalgia as well. It was only recently given its most modern name. It did not appear upon the advent of fluoride in municipal water supplies and antibiotics. For some, it could be the cause, but unfortunately there is no magic bullet cause and cure and we all have to figure out what works best for us and what our individual issues are. Mine were viral and metal toxicity issues as well as yeast.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lara (San Diego, Ca) on 04/12/2011

Can you please tell me the amounts or dosages you used for the ACV, Borax, etc? I tried to find the recipe here but could not find it. Thanks!

Posted by Thebatman (Houston, on 04/12/2011

for one borax removes flouride from your body the same flouride that make your immune system weak

Posted by Wydo (Ventura, Ca, United States) on 04/05/2011

Merryanne the L-Lysine maybe more of a training of the gut to brain axis but then again it might be a cure. I wish that EC would have put this post with remedies. If you have the IBS symptoms you will surely have to treat for candida because it will be there. I also think you cannot ignore EDTA for heavy metals and then of course look above at the post on fluorosis. So if you have done your reading and are taking mag citrate for awhile then consider the L-Lysine if you would like an immediate relief for some of your symptoms then go ahead and start on the L-Lysine now. I am still getting slow improvement on the muscle pain but mentally I feel better and the sex life is better. L-lysine has an anxiolytic action on the serotonin receptors so it helps with the anxiety. I add the L-Glutamine with it to help with the gut and make your first dose first thing in the morning. Both should be powders and you can find them on ebay. I would love to hear from you with your response. I think that one important aspect of Earth Clinic is the responses.

Posted by Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, Usa) on 04/05/2011 115 posts

Hello, I am very interested in whatever you find out about Lysine. It is one of my favorite meds to recommend to people and family. I have used it several times myself for colds and flu and have had excellent succes. I belive I stayed out of the Hospital because of Lysine. Please continue keeping us updated. Merryanne in Central FL

Posted by Wydo (Ventura, Ca, United States) on 04/04/2011

Two of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, IBS and anxiety, forced me to look at the gut to brain axis. I think this is the key to this disease. A look at L-Lysine shows in a study that lysine has an effect on serotonin and it may have an effect on anxiety-induced intestinal pathology. We cannot just look at lysine as a way to fight a virus but we must look at it for its help on intestinal health and the brain. I have read that others believe that if we ignore the intestinal problems it could lead to intestinal permeability and the problem starts to spiral. Research is showing that the brain has an increasingly significant role in intestinal health.

A week ago I started on the L-Lysine for a virus and I notice that I felt a lot better 5 minutes later. Now that's too quick of a reaction even for lysine on virus. There had to be something else going on and that's when I started doing some research. So I just kept on taking the lysine 3 or 4 times a day. So far my hip pains have gone away and the rest has diminished some. The hip pain was what would wake me up at night and because I had trouble getting back to sleep, I really didn't need that. So now I sleep through. There are other symptoms relieved but I am going to hold off on reporting them until I see more improvement.

Artificial Sweetener Link
Posted by Rhanna (Colorado Springs, Co) on 03/29/2011

I read the comment about Fibromyalgia being a "new, silly, mutant disease" and was both shocked and saddened by it. The commenter asked where Fibromyalgia was 50 years ago.

It was here... Its been called many names over the years, but the same symptoms have been around for a very significant amount of time. It is not new and it certainly isn't silly if you happen to be one who really suffers from it. As for mutant, I can't say as we really don't know what causes it.

Most of the latest research leans towards a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes three main symptoms - Pain, Fatigue and Insomnia, and dozens of related symptoms.

Imagine that your whole body hurts - and not a little hurt - but as if some giant creature had tangled his claws and teeth in your insides and was apply agonizing pressure. So much pain it hurts to stand, to walk, to sit, to lay down. So much pain it hurts to breathe. And it never stops. Not for an hour. Not for a minute. Add the fatigue to that and it is like living a nightmare. That is a little bit of Fibromyalgia.

Please don't make the same mistake so many doctors and uninformed people do and dismiss Fibromyalgia as silly or imaginary. Its unfair to the people suffering from it.

I absolutely believe in Alternative Therapies and truly hope some people who are suffering find relief. I thank everyone who has contributed their experiences and what has worked for them. Thank you.

Fluoride Connection
Posted by Causes Not Bandaids (London, Uk) on 03/28/2011

Ellen, from what I've read on this site alone, flouride will stay in the system unless you do something to get rid of it, its not enough to stop the intake. Also, I read there is a link to women taking a lot of flouride based antibiotics for urinary tract infection, which I guess they're more prone to. It's also been suggested that more men than once thought suffer with it as it becomes more widely known and diagnosed. Perhaps its not as straightforward as we'd like, there may be other triggers or factors as well perhaps...?

Miracle Mineral Solution
Posted by Chris (Little Rock, Ar) on 02/19/2011

I have found much success in taking Miracle Mineral solution for Fibromyalgia. I am 61 now and started taking it in my mid 50's. I suffered with it for many years. Found relief in just a couple of days. I find hydrogen Peroxide helps with infections like MMS does. My first read through on this site, I went out and purchased baking soda, borax, tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide, Apple cider vinegar, and castor oil. Find I'm doing very well taking these products for ailments discussed on this site. These remedies are fantastic. I feel blessed. Thank you.

General Feedback
Posted by Gingermegs (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 02/18/2011

Fibromyalgia Questionnaire & Results

Hi EC,

I was looking at some of the results of your older questionnaires and you had included a question about long-standing viruses. It seems to be missing from current questionnaire.

I have autoimmune, sjogrens, Raynauds and arthristis issues which are worsening. I am also battling shingles and herpes. Many of the older questionaire replies mentioned shingles, epstein Barr, Mono etc. which I think could be a leading cause. Please correct your current questionnaire to include the virus question, or ask about chickenpox and herpes. I think it could be useful info. Thanks, Dot (Sydney)

EC: Thanks for the suggestion, Dot. Can't remember the exact reason why, but we removed that particular question from the fibro questionnaire a couple of years ago. I agree with you, however, and have asked the programmer to add it back into the form.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Pamela (Leicester, N.c.) on 02/13/2011

Virgin Coconut oil -It cured my fibromyalgia.

General Feedback
Posted by Barbsdawn (Lakeland, Fl Usa) on 02/07/2011

Coumadin is rat poison.
"According to the Institute of Traditional Medicine website, warfarin has been used as a rodenticide since shortly after World War II. Karl Paul Link at the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), associated with the University of Wisconsin, discovered coumarin, a substance that prevents blood from clotting, which is the basis for both the thinner marketed under the name Coumadin and warfarin. "

Read more: Rat Poison & Coumadin |

Coumadin almost killed my father. He now hemoradges easily and his heart is enlarged. After he was on it a couple of months, he felt sick all the time and bled easily. He asked his doctor about the percentaged and discovered he had a greater chance of hemorrhaging to death on Coumadin then of dying of a stroke without it, so he removed himself. About the same time, he began to produce huge amounts of red blood cells which made his blood very thick. His heart then enlarged because of the thick blood, and he had to have blood removed two or three times a month. I associate the enlarged heart to imbalances created in the bone marrow by the coumadin, but as I said, I am no doctor and there is no proof to substantiate this assumption.

That was about 12 years ago. My father continues to have a gammet of health problems, but he has taken fish oil to thin his blood for a number of years. I take 1000 mg 2 times a day to keep my blood pressure and colestorol down. I am almost 60 and obese, but the doctors are always amazed at my blood reports.

General Feedback
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 01/20/2011

Hi Sarah, Thank you for your Post. I believe also that the biofilms are responsible for the bacterial resistance. NAC seems to help against biofilms. Aspirin also helps against candida biofilms.

General Feedback
Posted by Sarah (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 01/18/2011

The more I question the fluoride connection, the less sense it makes. Perhaps there is a link for some, but the evidence is not strong in my opinion. I've known about fluoride for years and steered clear of it. I've done detoxes for fluoride. It hasn't done anything for my fibromyalgia. In fact, I started avoiding it aggressively long before I even got fibromyalgia.

The main thing that has helped me more than anything is attacking the biofilms that bacteria and candida form in the body. There is so much medical literature out there linking hidden infections to many chronic and poorly understood diseases, like MS, fibromyalgia, CFS, etc. I study biofilms in a biophysics research lab and after some point even bleach can't kill them. Antibiotics and antifungals can't do anything to permanently rid the body of an infection if the bacteria have formed a biofilm, and biofilms also allow bacteria and yeasts to evade detection by the body's immune system. One day I will put the time to write a detailed article, but until then, research it. There's a lot out there. I use EDTA, enzymes (serrapeptase, nattokinase, protease etc. ), Betaine HCl HCl (that's lowercase L) Activator, and some antimicrobials like garlic, neem, etc. I am currently having a die off reaction. Once I see more results and write a coherent article I will post it.

General Feedback
Posted by Deb (Melbourne , Melbourne) on 01/09/2011

Interestingly as someone said Fibromyalgia used to be called Muscular Rheumatism. I found this information where it says that it is helped by Magnesium and the best way to get it into the body is by bathing in Epson Salts.

Posted by Ellen (Austin, Tx) on 01/05/2011


Be careful about taking DHEA without a proper saliva hormone test and/or guidance of a naturopathic doctor. I have fibromyalgia and my DHEA levels were actually HIGH. I could have done some serious damage by taking more.

General Feedback
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 01/04/2011

It was around a long time before the 80's. It use to be named muscular rheumatism.

General Feedback
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 01/04/2011

I have given 3 of my clients an Egdar Cayce Health evaluation for the treatment of Fybromalgia and they all benefited from it. It is $50 and you can print it off your computer and send it the the A. R. E. Here is the link to the evaluation:

You can search the internet for the A. R. E. And Edgar Cayce.

General Feedback
Posted by Ellen (Austin, Tx) on 01/01/2011

Tom, thank you for your advice! I used to live in a very moldy house in a rainy area, and I felt very sick at the time. I'm not sure if that's when my problems started, but it might be. Al is right, turmeric helps! I make a warm ayurvedic drink with lactose free milk (if you can tolerate that), rice milk, turmeric, ground black pepper, honey, and cinnamon. It helps. Hypnotherapy combined with reiki (in the same session) has helped me deal with the pain a LOT and is very powerful. It can address the root of pain if there is an emotional component as well. The fluoride theory is intriguing and convincing but I'm not entirely convinced, since there seem to be holes in that logic, for instance, fibro was around way before fluoridation of tap water and cipro. Furthermore, is it really mostly women who take cipro? Everyone drinks tap water, too.. So why is it 95% of women who have fibro?

General Feedback
Posted by Al Thompson (Torrance, Ca) on 01/01/2011

Use Turmeric with 20% black pepper (850 mg veggie capsules) for fibromyalgia. Turmeric is a natural pain killer and a natural anti-inflammatory. The black pepper aids in the absorption of the turmeric and other nutrients into the body. My sister's best friend has fybromyalgia and has taken prescription medications for years. She tried Turmeric with black pepper and felt the best in years. Her doctor took her off her fibromyalfia prescription medication.

General Feedback
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 12/31/2010

Have you looked into the possibility that exposure to mold and its neurotoxins sometime in your past may be the root cause?

Did you ever work in a old musty damp workplace?
Or a friend's house perhaps?

Most buildings built or renovated going back to the 1970's energy crisis were basically sealed, leading to SBS Sick Building Syndrome which has been traced by experts to not just noxious outgassing of manmade materials, but to acres of molds living in the duct systems. In a skyscraper, there's an unbelievable square footage for it to cling to, and that doesn't even count damp dark corners in the rooms, etc. Fibromyalgia has so many 'signatures' that it is commonly misdiagnosed by the medicos as CFS (another vaguely defined illness), SBS, psychosomatic, or whatever. There is a world expert in all this in the USA, and he as an active medical practice around this. He is Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker in Maryland. He has several websites, each very thorough, and now has another new book SURVIVING MOLD just out with his research updated from 2005. He has an entire medical treatment protocol based on removing the circulating neurotoxins which some people cannot break down and eliminate, even after exposure to the molds is eliminated. Check it out please!

General Feedback
Posted by Ellen (Austin, Tx) on 12/31/2010

In 1816 Dr. William Balfour, surgeon at the University of Edinburgh, gave the first full description of fibromyalgia. Can you prove that fibromyalgia emerged in the 1980's? It was in 1976 that it was given its name. Unfortunately, medical science moves so slowly that many diseases that have existed for ages are given names and recognized in the 20th century, especially when previously it was considered to be psychosomatic, which slowed down the progress of its study. If you could prove these statistics, I would be ever so happy, as I would know the cause of my suffering, but I think you should provide more data or tell us where you got yours. I've been avoiding fluoride for years and still have fibromyalgia. Thanks for your research.

Fluoride Connection
Posted by Ellen (Austin, Texas) on 12/31/2010

I cut out fluoride a long time ago, and I've been taking magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C for years before and after my fibromyalgia diagnosis. I don't think there's a connection for me, unless I just need to detox from the fluoride. I'm confused about this fluoride connection since mostly women have fibromyalgia and everyone drinks tap water with fluoride.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Magnesium
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 12/21/2010

Here is some research which confirms the positive effects of using malate (ACV) and magnesium to help cure Fibromyalgia (FM) and is yet more confirmation as to how alkalizing with ACV and baking soda (forming malates) plus taking Magnesium (as Mag Chloride or Mag Citrate or Mag Gluconate) can help FM.

Here are the summary and abstract conclusions from the research:

"Primary fibromyalgia (FM) is a common clinical condition affecting mainly middle-aged women. Of the etiologies previously proposed, chronic hypoxia seems the one best supported by recent biochemical and histological findings. We postulate that FM symptoms are predominantly caused by enhanced gluconeogenesis with breakdown of muscle proteins, resulting from a deficiency of oxygen and other substances needed for ATP synthesis. We present data supporting a critical role for magnesium and malate in ATP production under aerobic and hypoxic conditions; and indirect evidence for magnesium and malate deficiency in FM. After treating 15 FM patients for an average of 8 weeks with an oral dosage form with dosages of 1200-2400 mg of malate and 300-600 mg of magnesium, the tender point index (TPI) scores (x±) were 19-6±2-1 prior to treatment and 8±1.1 and 6-5±074. Respectively, after an average of 4 and 8 weeks on the magnesium malate combination (p < 0.001). Subjective improvement of myalgia occurred within 48 h of supplementation. In six FM patients, following 8 weeks of treatment, the mean TPI was 6.8 ±0.75. After 2 weeks on placebo tablets, the TPI values increased to a mean ± SE of 21.5 ±1-4(p < 0.001). Again, subjective worsening of muscle pain occurs within 48 h of placebo administration. A double-blind placebo control trial is currently underway."


So, just taking two tablespoons of ACV with 1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate in half a glass of water three times a day with split doses of between 300-600 mg magnesium per day is actually very beneficial against Fibromyalgia.

General Feedback
Posted by Tanya (Hailey, Id, Usa) on 12/13/2010

I have to say to look at the oil pulling. I also was in agony a couple weeks ago from sugar, flour and yeast, but I quit that and immediately the pains stopped. In what I read of oil pulling, however, I would love to share that you might find some help in there. I prefer the sesame oil and look forward to it each day, sometimes twice a day. I can go for 15 minutes now, working up to that from 10 for the past 11 days.

General Feedback
Posted by Bibi (Nashville, Tn) on 12/12/2010

This is for Roni in Weslaco, TX. Try following a GLUTEN-FREE, CASEIN-FREE diet. I know it sounds impossible, but there are many good food substitutions out there. I'm still working on trying to go casein-free (I'm a dairy food junkie). I was diagnosed in 2000 with type 2 diabetes, and in March 2008 with Systemic Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. In Sept 2008 I gradually came off Plaquenil, Methotrexate, and Prednisone (I'm NOT making any suggestions here regarding meds... Just telling what I did that personally worked for me).

In April of 2009 I began a gluten free diet (I weighed around 260 at the time). At my heaviest, about five years ago, I weighed 313 lbs. Right now, I have stayed around 165 lbs for about a year by sticking to a gluten free diet, walking, and doing some resistance training. Supposedly, a casein free diet can cure rheumatoid arthritis (from what I've read online). Here is one link I found interesting: Returned to the rheumatologist a few months ago and my joints are none the worse than they were two years ago(I think the gluten free diet is to thank for that). Good luck to you, Roni.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sharon (Palisade, Colorado) on 11/18/2010

I get magnesium oil from Swanson for $8.99 for 8 ounces. They also have a half gallon for $39.99 or if you buy 3 of the 8 ounces bottles it is $19.99. I mix it half and half with Concentrace brand Trace Mineral Drops and spray it on painful spots on my body. I have ankylosing spondylitis and fibromyalgia, so I have a lot of painful spots. I get a lot of pain relief from the mixture. It stings and itches, but I try to wait at least 10 or 20 minutes before I shower it off. After the shower I feel like I just got out of hot springs, which was my goal in trying this. My chiropractor is getting more areas of my spine to adjust than he has in years.

Vitamin D
Posted by Vetta (Northeast, Usa) on 10/20/2010

Did you mean 20,000 IU of D2? I noticed you started with 50,000 units and this is the standard for D2, not D3. Personally I favor the D3, but I thought 5000 IU/day was the upper limit. Congrats on finding such an easy and cheap solution!

General Feedback
Posted by Jules (Denver, Colorado) on 10/20/2010

Dear Veronica, My heart goes out to you after reading your post and I can only imagine the battle your fighting. Please don't give up. Scour this web site and implement the health tips as much as possible, and also, know that just as God gave us a wealth of natural cures, He also wants to see you healed. He is good all the time. Seek him like you seek the cures for your afflictions and both will be found. I am praying for your healing.

Vitamin D
Posted by Dleigh57 (Buckhannon, Wv, Usa) on 10/19/2010

Oh, my gosh! Start taking 20,000 IU's of Vitamin D3 a day - do this right away. I had so many of your symptoms plus numb toes, constant earaches, arthritis. You name it, I had it. I went to my doctor just in time because he had gone to a seminar on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. He says that they have linked Vitamin D as one of the leading causes for these illnesses. The lowest Vitamin D level that you should have in your body is 30. Mine was almost at 8. My doctor was so alarmed that he called me on the Saturday right after Thanksgiving. I can't tell you how much better I feel. No more numb toes, earaches, severe aches and pains at allllllll of my joints, no more feeling like I constantly have the flu. I am so surprised at how much better I feel. I actually had to start out with 50,000 IU's a day for a month. Now I am down to 20,000 a day. And, in the winter I use a Happy Light. I love it!!! Hope this helps.

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