Stroke Recovery and Prevention Remedies

Colloidal Copper, Zinc, Butcher's Broom
Posted by Mary (Arcadia, California) on 10/21/2016 49 posts

My brain aneurysm was cured

First of all I would like to thank Bill Thompson with all my heart for his fabulous help. He helped me in such a bad time in my life. I was hopeless at the time I asked for help and Bill really gave me great instruction. I still can't believe it is gone. I took an ounce of Colloidal Copper and 15 mg of zinc. To stop toxicity. I also took Butchers Broom. I did this for 6 months. My doctor sent me have a brain scan done with dye in it.

A few hours later the Tech who gave me the brain scan called me at home. He said, "What was your reason for coming here?", I said "because I have a brain Aneurysm", He said, "Who told you that" I said, "When I was in the hospital in Dec 2015 the doctors gave me an MRI."

He said, "and you saw it?"

I said, "Yes I did."

He stood quite for a little while and then said, "I think you better talk to your doctor."

Instead I went and picked up my x-rays of the brain scan and the report that came with it. It said, "Everything looks normal no evidence of a brain Aneurysm! " I was in shock and happy after having a party to say goodbye to all my friends. Everyone I new was praying for me. The worst were doctors from all over wanted to open up my head again I really did not want this. I am so thankful to God and Bill for his help.

Many blessings Bill and Earthclinic for all your help.

With Love,

Mary Martinez

Korean Acupuncture
Posted by Victor (Los Angeles ) on 07/04/2016 2 posts

Thru reading Ted's posts thru the years here on earthclinic, he's helped me so much!

I also wanted to recommend that he consider a special type of acupuncture for stroke recovery.

There is a traditional Korean style of acupuncture specifically geared towards treating stroke, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Bell's palsy, epilepsy, and paralysis. There's a few acupuncturists in the world who practice this very old and specialized style of acupuncture. They are in Korea and I know of one here in Los Angeles.

I wish him a speedy recovery!

EC: Thank you, Victor! We will send your post to his sister Nok.

Copper or Nattokinase
Posted by Harv S (Alberta Canada) on 06/19/2016

Have a friend who had 5 strokes in one month.

The doctors told "your feet feet will never see the floor again"

Today he has no evidence of ever had a stroke.


Copper or Nattokinase
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 03/04/2016 2063 posts

Thanks for the input Ben.

If I am not mistaken, Ted was assaulted by someone in league against his medical practice for public rather than corporate interest. The head injury eventually caused the stroke.

As in the case of any head injury, the best survivors are those with the highest antioxidant status. Antioxidant nutrients protects, & strengthens the body at the cellular level. That Ted survived the initial impact is a good sign of some degree of antioxidant protection. Can't remember her name at the moment, but a notable mid-age woman fell and banged her head on the ski slopes, got up a little dizzy and quickly developed a severe headache, left the slope and tried relaxing and simple measure to relieve the pain but within hrs taken to ER, diagnosed with a hemorrhage, eventually got the best of medical attention but alas it was too late and she passed. Few yrs back, a pre-adolescent girl was hit in the head by a hockey puck during a game, and was given standard medical attention, went back home for r&r and soon passed despite further medical attention. Again, these two cases seem to me the result of low antioxidant status.

In my time in the trenches, I have found Magnet Therapy the #1 go to for any injury, pain, or inflammation. Apply a magnet immediately fallowing injury and the results are really remarkable, or even days, weeks, months, or yrs fallowing. Bad positive energy stays at the site of injury or infection oftentimes for many yrs depending on the individual. As relates to oxygen, Magnets remove the positive energy, acidosis conditions typical in disease states. Once the bad energy, inflammation, and acidosis is removed, the much needed oxygen is delivered and does the necessary repairs. Same principle for the Hyperbaric treatment. I would recommend whole body hot mineral baths prior to each H treatment for maximum effect.

Brain nutrition like Acetyle L Carnitine, Phosphatidyleserine, NADH, Taurine, and herbs like Hydergine, Vinpocitine, Skullcap, and of course all antioxidants are recommended. Gingko Biloba is a powerful brain antioxidant and improves blood flow to that organ but can induce hemorrhage in high amounts and would only be advised in moderation in prevention of disease.

Recent research by noted biochemist & neurologist into the effects of powerful brain chemistry molecules like Psilocybine / Psilocine (derivatives of Tryptamine) found most notably in "Magic Mushrooms" are indicating stimulating neural "rewiring" and healing of damaged areas. Psilicin acts like an homoginzer of the separate brain regions by stimulating activation and otherwise lacky sites. Melatonin & 5HTP supplementation would thus be advised. If Ted could be directed to professionals in this area of research, I see tremendous potential from what little I am aware of what's current. Traditionally the belief is that psychoactive medicines like LSD, Mescaline, and Psilocybin "activate" regions of the brain that are inaccessible to the waking consciousness. In the same vein, Hypnotherapy could provide some benefits, but I don't see any potential at the molecular level compared to medication.

Crawling Therapy
Posted by Kathy (Usa) on 03/04/2016

For Ted,

One of the best things that helps a baby's brain to develop is crawling on the floor. The cross over action from left-right, right-left of the arms and legs, helps the brain develop.

This concept can also be used when an adult has a brain injury. Someone can help the patient by gently touching the left arm of the patient to the right arm of the patient, gently return the left arm to the left side and then assist the right arm of the patient to touch the patient's left arm. This can also be gently done to the legs in the same fashion. Later on, if possible, allow the patient to watch these exercises on himself by having someone hold a mirror.

When the patient is stronger, learning to crawl on a floor, with assistance of a health care professional, can be added to the patient's therapy. The patient must be supervised at all times during therapy to prevent injury.

Copper or Nattokinase
Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Washington ) on 03/04/2016

Stroke is a serious problem that really needs close attention from well trained doctors in addition to nutritional healing measures. A stroke can occur from blood clots or from a tiny rupture in a blood vessel called an aneurism. To treat it a doctor must first determine which type you have. It's a great idea to combine talents of conventional neurologists plus an experienced naturopath both on your team. Everybody needs to be on the same page.

Ok the aneurism route first. If a blood vessel ruptures chances are the person is way vitamin deficient of the c complex and very likely deficient in copper. A molecule called elastin is needed by the vascular system to maintain integrity of veins and arteries. When a copper deficency exists the body has trouble making elastin. The result is blood vessels that are kinda rigid and not flexible like they should be. This makes them tear easily and blow out during minor blood pressure spikes. See dr joel wallach about copper deficency / aneurism

The second kind of stroke is caused by a small blood clot entering the brain and getting stuck there. Nattokinase a systemic enzyme works quickly and very effective for this type stroke. Bear in mind nattokinase is a blood thinner which can increase bleeding. So be certain which type stroke you are dealing with!

Aside from the benefical clot busting effects of nattokinase, the next issue is to help get oxygen flow to the damaged area. Cayenne pepper can help with that. Another thing that works terrific for stroke recovery is dmso. Dr Stanley Jacobs at Oregon State University says dmso carries oxygen deep into parts of the brain, even those areas with poor blood circulation near the area of brain damage.

One of the biggest aids to stroke recovery is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The brain needs high amounts of oxygen even under normal conditions. Did you know that the brain uses about 50 percent of the oxygen in your body? When an injury like stroke occurs poor oxygen perfusion slows healing time way down and high oxygen perfusion speeds it up. To heal in the fastest time possible, a stroke victim needs to spend as much time as possible in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

Thinking of you brother Ted.

Posted by Victoria B. (Sorrento, La) on 02/10/2016

Hi there, magnesium will make your bowels move. Some people can only take one magnesium pill. I have to take two. I have constipation if I do not take it. You need to look up the importance of magnesium in the body. Very important supliment. Did you know that when a person is having a stroke. If the dr will give the patient a magnesium drip all symptoms will go away. I am living proof of this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Mi) on 01/23/2016

I know you were joking, but DO NOT pour and leave vinegar on your head or hair!!!! It will destroy it and you will be bald. Have you not soaked a showerhead and wake to find all the hard scum removed? This will remove and dissolve your hair! My sister knows of someone who did this.

Amaranth Seed Oil
Posted by Hannah (Nairobi, Kenya) on 01/17/2016

I have been greatly blessed and helped by all the information given freely by all the contributors. I am saddened to learn about Ted's stroke. I have heard from a friend here in Kenya that amaranth seed oil greatly helped his Father and Brother in law who had both suffered mild strokes. May be it could also help Ted.

EC: Thank you so much, Hannah! We will forward this information on to Ted's sister, Nok.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 11/27/2015 46 posts

Patricia, forgive me, this is a late response to your question about your husband and ACV dosages. Dosage wise, whatever he can tolerate. At least once in AM and once before bedtime, 1T in 4 or more ounces of water, you don't want it too weak or strong/sour. And pay attention to how the person being administered the ACV feels! Other folks may have some other observances they may want to share here too!

Chinese Blood-Letting
Posted by Steven777 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 09/29/2015

Hi Ted,

I truly hope you have a speedy recovery. I have been following your ailment solution and find them interesting. Lately I am trying out your suggestion on viral infection. Will let you know the outcome once I complete the regiment you suggested.

The main purposed I want to share with you is a Chinese traditional therapy which maybe helpful for your condition. The therapy is called blood-letting, which is even earlier than acupuncture.

Last year I came to know a lady in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia who practises this therapy. I noticed many of her patients comes from as far as Singapore to get treatment from her and many of them are stroke victims to regained back part of their mobility. I did not meet any of the recovered patients to confirmed its authenticity, but by the fact that her clinic is always full due to referral does speak volume.

About Sept2014, my sister suffered Bell Patsy. She was hospitalized after 48 hours, outside the window for good recovery. Only in Mid November 2014, I finally managed to get an appointment with this lady for my sister first treatment. After about 6 months and 6 treatment. She face returned to normal without western medication. In fact in the first two session, already there was noticeable improvement in her facial features. If it done earlier the improvement will be faster with lesser session. Attached below her result.

As I understand there are number of blood-letting therapist. Find a good one that do it right.

Chinese Needle Method
Posted by Mamarita (Michigan) on 01/26/2015

For the blood letting cure - can this be done several years after a patient suffered a stroke? Will it still help in any way or is it too late? I wish I knew about this sooner - my Dad has had 2 strokes (hemorrhagic, 1 in 1997and 1 in 2006)...please advise.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 11/27/2014

Dear Mich,

It seems like you have little to lose and much to gain by trying Apple Cider Vinegar.

You say you can walk with difficulty. Do you get physical therapy now? It seems that the more you exercise your muscles the stronger they will be.

I am also wondering about using some thing like peppermint essential oil, massaged into muscles. Peppermint oil is stimulated and healing and so is massage. If you decide to try it, I would use a ratio of 1 teaspoon Peppermint Essential Oil in 1/4 cup extra virgin coconut oil massaged into affected muscles once or twice a day.

I would also look in to cayenne pepper taken internally. Even just sprinkling some on your food each day would be good.

I hope you will find something that will help you to improve. Let us know how it goes for you.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mich (Lusaka, Zambia) on 11/27/2014

Can apple cider vinegar be used for stroke cure?

Hi I had a stroke at the age of 18 & still have it. The only medication I was given at the hospital after having it is quarter of an aspirin tablet & started physiotherapy later. I still can't use my left hand & leg up to now, bt I can walk with difficulty. Can my condition be reversed especially that I've had it for 11 years now. Am now 29 years old. Thank you!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Rw (Southwestern Virginia) on 09/23/2014

Hi. I was a little confused by your comment. What causes over oxidation, the fish oil, or the other things you mentioned?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 11/03/2013

In regards to "Take it with a Krill oil supplement". I'd take something like vitamin E or Astaxanthin with any fish oil oxidation which is viewed by many people as damaging to the brain. Krill oil has an advantage over other omega 3 supplements because it absorbs better. I'd just be careful about the over oxidation. It has been found over long term to even cause rodents to die an earlier death.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 11/03/2013

I'd wish Ted would just drive a stake through the entire cholesterol issue and put the issue to rest as it regards heart disease. Cholesterol is an irrelevant problem but still people want to find a solution for it.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/03/2013

Hello Litsa,

Concerning your mother's stroke and continued worsening condition:

The stroke is likely a tiny clot which broke from the veins or arteries and was small enough to go through the heart and into the brain where it lodged. Most folks who are subject to strokes are equally subject to the same thing in repeated form...the small clots. So it could be that the mini strokes have continued.

First, attack the underlying cause. I've just written two posts you can find on the cholesterol issue on this very subject. Using Vitamin E (natural) and CoQ10 and Dr. Mercola highly suggests the derivative of CoQ10, ubiquinol to stave off clotting issues.

Second, the E will also give your mother strength because it assists in oxygen delivery.

Third, I'd be on four caps of Cal AEP daily to overcome the damage done by the brain blockage. See a great article on AEP: Google, "Calcium AEP nutrition review"...

Fourth, I'd be on two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a large glass of water daily.

Fifth, for more oxygen delivery I'd consider Hydrogen Peroxide. Look in the EC directory at "remedies" and findd HP to see how to take it.

Those are the key things I'd do if this were me. I treated my own parents for similar problems. Neither died from cardio issues.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Litsa (Tarpon Springs Florida) on 11/02/2013

My mother suffered a minor stroke a week ago and even though she was able to move her left arm and leg at the time she became progressively worse. I would appreciate a protocol inspired by Ted's work. She is 92 and the only other issue is sciatica in the other leg. Please help. Thank you. Litsa

Chinese Needle Method
Posted by Shanti (Australia) on 10/20/2013

This is very sensible and vitally important information from Scott. Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Had (White River Jct, Vermont) on 08/24/2012

You may want to look at cayenne pepper in warm water (not a whole lot either). It clears blockages and balances blood pressure. Look up ceyanne and heart or stroke on line, you'll find some really interesting and informative sites. And it works FAST for that stuff ( as well as blood loss, hemeraging etc... I was WOWed )

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patricia (Cove, Arkansas) on 08/24/2012

My husband has had a stroke. The ER took all the tests but after 2 and a half hours, the doctor still had not come in to talk to him and he got upset and left. I gave him some ACV in a glass of water but I don't know how much I should give him to help with the stroke. His only problem is that he has trouble getting his words out. He seems to be a little better this morning. He is 72 years old. Can someone tell me how much ACV in a glass of water I should give him. I can only find the ACV that they sell at the grocery store which is the diluted kind. Is this ok or should I get the undistlled kind? Thank you

Coffee and Whiskey
Posted by Louisa (Wichita Falls, Texas) on 07/10/2012

When mom had a stroke, I rush to her and gave her a cup of coffee with a shot of whiskey. I had read a few years before of this remedy for strokes. The coffee is a stimulate and the whiskey is a thinner. You've got 3 hours to get oxygen to the brain. Mom didn't lose any of natural self. She was 83 at the time.

Posted by Andoy (Boise, Id) on 11/12/2011

I agree with Bev. Dr. Ellis, East Texas, pioneered B-6 supplement succesfully about 50 years ago. 1 tablet a day...... Google him.

Posted by Bev (Long Beach, Ca Usa) on 08/21/2011

TT. I read somewhere on this site that B6 was excellent for preventing strokes.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Dely (Ashburn, Virginia) on 05/16/2011

Please, explain how to take these 23 items for a stroke patient. My brother had a stroke a couple of weeks ago. I am hoping that these remedies will help him recover. Thank you for any assistance you can extend us.

EC: Please read the posts in Ted's archive site by starting here:

Posted by Maskeen (Dubai, Uae) on 01/02/2011

A friend of mine had a transient ischemic attack which is a precursor to a stroke. He was prescribed a blood thinner. However, an herbalist directed him to nattokinase which is an enzyme from the japanese food natto. It is a potent fibrinolytic which means that it dissolves the fiber which makes the blood thick rather than thinning the blood. Coq10, also known as vitamin q, is necessary for a healthy heart. Four years later, no more tia's.

Posted by Anne (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 12/31/2010

Thank you, Deb! I really appreciate your feedback. I have had arrythmia issues over the past year, and have read other posts regarding cayenne and the heart.. I will definitely look into it.. Again, thanks! Anne

Posted by Deb (Melbourne , Australia) on 12/30/2010

Anne, cayenne is meant to be good for the prevention of stroke. It helps with blood flow in the body (and the brain) and is good for the arteries. It would be well worth you researching it. It is full of nutrients and high in Vitamin C as well. I buy organic cayenne from the health food store. There are some good books on cayenne available. Cheers Deb

Posted by Anne (Chicago, Il Usa) on 12/29/2010

Does Ted (or anyone else) have advice on stroke PREVENTION? Thanks, Anne

Eye Issues
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 08/06/2010

Stella from Kampala, could you maybe explain about the red peppers for the eyes? I am very myopic and am now struggling with the retina of my left eye which is detaching. I am always on the look out for new remedies to improve my vision.

Eye Issues
Posted by Addy (Fb, Ga) on 08/05/2010

Seven years ago I had a mini stroke one morning and experienced what I described as someone having pulled the shades down over my eyes (lasting about 2 weeks) along with tunnel vision for about 3 months when it started to improve. My only long term effect is remembering a person's name or naming an object. It isn't all the time but it does happen. I would go see a specialist since its been around for so long. Take care.

Eye Issues
Posted by Stella (Kampala, Uganda) on 08/05/2010

Sorry dear, Of course you need to see a specialist. But the natural remedy I would give you is eat carrots in plenty and spinach. Also if you can get the tiny red peppers, they are very good for eyes. God bless and heal U (Our universal Healer)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Qwert (Awesome, Ma, USA) on 08/26/2009

To Bill from Dayton. Im glad youre better now and hope many more healthy years to come. ACV is one of the best real "medicines" out there and i hope you never lose interest in making a healthier you by natural methods. And to your last should try it, you just never know. just dont forget to let us know if it works/

-It is said; all medicine is in nature.

Eye Issues
Posted by Isac (Boca Raton, Florida) on 11/26/2008

Once you had a mini stroke, you may want to consult with retina specialist who will administer a Avastin injection into the white part of your eye. It sounds actually much more terrible than it really is. Good luck!

Eye Issues
Posted by Sandra C. (Smyrna, Georgia) on 11/15/2008

I had a mini stroke in my right eye, October 25. Went to an opthamologist, then a retina specialist. He Took pix of my right eye and you could see the dark area like a thin river branching, suppose an artery. I had a cardiac echo and a vascular doppler, both came back acceptable. My next thing in an MRI on Dec. 10th. My sight in my right eye is like a dark stormy cloud, always there, and when i look at something else, it is there. I should not be driving at all. My son, his wife and my 14 month old granddaughter live 400 miles away. I pray God will restore my eyesite. I try to rescue and help abused dogs, and it is very hard to do that at this time. Has anyone else had this, and did your eyesight comback. I am 58 years old. Please keep me in your prayers. God Bless Us All.

Stroke Signs
Posted by Dave (Victoria, BC Canada) on 10/05/2008

Please add this to your site, it is very important about the fourth sign of a stroke.

New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other , that is also an indication of a stroke.

Chinese Needle Method
Posted by Trish (Kansas City, MO) on 07/05/2008

I went to the link provided by Penny, regarding the warning on the Chinese Needle Method for stroke victims. The author was kind of poking fun at the pulling of the ears to fill them with blood. I know nothing about bloodletting, but I do know that everytime I've gone to see my chiropractor, who also happens to do accupuncture and energy healing as well, she always gives my ears a pretty rough 'massage' and pulls down on them pretty hard until they're quite red and hot. I think she said it stimulates the colon, especially good before a colonic, as well as other organs (similar to oil-pulling in relation to the tongue and reflexology in relation to the feet). The author of the article was stating that it sounds more like torture than anything. I will say that it's a little uncomfortable for a minute or so but it definitely helps me to feel more energetic and balanced and as I said before is great before getting a colonic. Sorry, this comment isn't really of any help to the Chinese Needle Method but thought I would comment on that 'warning' link. Maybe someone should try to track down the school where this incident is said to have happened and see if there is any documented proof, or at least someone who can veryify or deny the incident.

EC: Thanks, Trish.

Apparently this "needle method for strokes' email has been passed around the internet since 2003. Here it is on the Snopes website:

Chinese Needle Method
Posted by Penny (Fresno, CA) on 07/02/2008


I'm not sure if this is legit. This source says it's false.

Chinese Needle Method
Posted by Scott (USA) on 06/29/2008


I would really like to give you some background information on strokes. Briefly, there are two basic types. One is obstruction leading to lack of oxygen to brain nerve tissue like a blood clot blocking flow. The other is physical compression of nerve tissue from any source (tumor, trauma, expanding blood vessel, or leaking blood vessel). Actually each of these has varying manifestations and roughly can be very short lived (transient ischemic attack), of moderate duration (reversible ischemic neurologic disorder), or full blown stroke. Anyway, the bottom line is how long is the nerve tissue compromised? If short time, you will get total recovery. Moderate amount usually the same. But there if a critical period of time passes without cellular assistance, permanent damage occurs. Honestly, accurate diagnosis of the cause is so important to determining exactly what is the best way to save the brain. Minutes count. I can only guess the strokes described in this article were TIAs or RINDs. They do have the potential for quick reverse.....either spontaneously or assisted by this acupuncture technique. But if your loved one has the third type and you delay hospital transfer, you may be sealing their fate for permanent neurological damage. There is so much more to say, but I wanted to give you additional insight in case you are faced with this event in a loved one and don't know what to do...

Chinese Needle Method
Posted by Tan Koon Peng (Singapore) on 06/27/2008

From a Chinese Professor.

Keep a syringe or needle in your home to do this.

It's amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody one day. This is amazing. Please keep this very handy. Excellent tips.

Do take a minute to read this. You'll never know, ones life may depend on you. My father was paralyzed and later died from the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aid before.

When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst. (Irene Liu) When a stroke occurs, stay calm.

No matter where the victim is, do not move him/her. Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst.

Help the victim to sit up where he/she is to prevent him/her from falling over again and then the blood letting can begin.
If you have in your home an injection syringe that would be the best. Otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pin will do.

1. Place the needle/pin over fire to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tip of all ......10 fingers.
2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about an mm from the fingernail.
3. Prick till blood comes out.
4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.
5. When all 10 digits are bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.
6. If the victim's mouth is crooked, then pull on his ears until they are red.
7. Then prick each earlobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each ear lobe.

After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness.
Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital.

Otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst.

If he could save his life, barely managing to walk, then it is by the grace of his ancestors.

"I learned about letting blood to save life from Chinese traditional doctor, Ha Bu Ting, who lives in Sun Juke. Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore, I can say this method is 100% effective. In 1979, I was teaching in Fung Gaap College in Tai Chung.

One afternoon, I was teaching a class when another teacher came running to my classroom and said in panting, 'Ms Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had a stroke!'. I immediately went to the 3rd floor.

When I saw our supervisor, Mr. Chen Fu Tien, his colour was off, his speech was slurred, his mouth was crooked - all the symptoms of a stroke.

I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe, which I used to prick Mr. Chen's 10 fingers tips.

When all 10 fingers were bleeding (each with a pea-sized drop of blood), after a few minutes, Mr. Chen's face regained its colour and his eyes' spirit returned, too.

But his mouth was still crooked. So I pulled on his ears to fill them with blood. When his ears became red, I pricked his right earlobe twice to let out two drops of blood. When both earlobes had two drops of blood each, a miracle happened. Within 3-5 minutes the shape of his mouth returned to normal and his speech became clear.

We let him rest for a while and have a cup of hot tea, then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei Wah Hospital.
He rested one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach. Everything worked normally. There were no ill after effects.
On the other hand, the usual stroke victim usually suffers Irreparable bursting of the brain capillaries on the way to the hospital.

As a result, these victims never recover." (Irene Liu) Therefore, stroke is the second cause of death. The lucky ones will stay alive but can remain paralyzed for life.

It is such a horrible thing to happen in ones life.

If we can all remember this blood letting method and start the life saving process immediately, in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% normality.

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