Effective Natural Remedies for Muscle Health and Recovery

Posted by Nora (St. Paul, mn, Minnesota) on 11/02/2012


I have had muscle knots in shoulders off and on for about 7 years. I believe it has been from a troubled relationship that is on and off with daughter. (just background for you)

I started MSM and it is wonderful nutrition, however, when I take it, in the muscle knots, msm causing swelling in the muscle knots and it causes severe pain from swelling.

Motrin or anything does not help with swelling. It makes it hard to work. I was on 2 gm. Went down to one gm. But cannot take the swelling pain so had to stop taking it.

Any ideas? I think its healing it and I tried to hang in there so only took it on days off. Can't handle the swelling that causes pain. But I want to continue msm for the wonderful other benifits.

Any ideas would be nice. Nora

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Phoenix, Arizona) on 09/23/2012

I can't thank you enough for the ACV cure for my sore muscle! I spent a miserable night with a pulled muscle in my shoulder, and like you, tried everything to fix it. After reading your post, I went immediately to my organic ACV and soaked a paper towel with it, stuck it on my skin, and the pain disappeared within 2 minutes! God Bless you for posting this!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ackbar (Oaklyn, NJ) on 08/12/2012

Muscles... 60 years old... I perspire when working.... Over a 3 years heavy outside work... The muscles on both legs starting burning, until I could not walk upstairs, in fact, I had to pull myself up to our second floor. I have been taking blackstrap molasses for 1 year... 1 Tablespoon in a coffee cup of hot water. I am now back to 60% of total muscle contol... I feel that I could be 1 more year. I will add this to my diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Monique (Virginia Beach, Usa) on 02/04/2012

Hey, I have to say the ACV worked for muscle ache. I had a complete body massage earlier today. I was sore when I woke up to get a glass of water and then I stopped to check this site for sore muscles. I drank 1 tablespoon of Acv and 1/2 c water- in 2 minutes my soreness was gone. Thank you EC

Epsom Salt
Posted by Diana Letresor (Mesa, Az, Usa) on 01/07/2012

I have heard all of my life about using Epsom Salts to relieve muscle soreness. Well, last night I got the box out that had been under my sink for 8 years and hardly used. I got a stepper for Christmas and finally used it for a half an hour 1-6-12. I knew I would be very sore from ankles to hips from being out of shape, so I filled the tub with very warm water, put in about 2 cups of Epsom salts and soaked for 15 minutes. I didn't use any soap, I only soaked in the water with Epsom Salts. Afterwards, I took a warm shower to wash my hair, etc. This morning I was so amazed that I was barely sore! I had more soreness on my upper chest and shoulders (where the soak bath didn't reach), than I did on my feet or legs. I also felt very relaxed after my soak last night. I have a problem with insomnia, but I went to bed and slept about 9 1/2 hours and that never happens.

I am totally sold on using Epsom salts for muscle soreness, relaxation and insomnia. And to think I had that box of Epsom Salt under my bathroom sink for almost a decade and could have been using it all along for many purposes. 2012 will be a much easier and healthier year for me with this "new", cheap remedy.

Puncture Wound
Posted by M (Nyc, Ny) on 12/04/2011

I once had a toothpick go through my sock and broke off inside the bottom of my foot as I stepped down on it. Swelling/pain/had to walk on my toes of that foot.... Nothing to grab onto to get it out. I went to a doctor, afraid that he was going to slice my foot open. He said, either your body will accept it or reject it. After working on it for a few days... Gently sqeezing the swollen area... it popped out and healed fine.

Puncture Wound
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky) on 12/04/2011 2063 posts

Ss, if you could find a magnet powerful enough it would pull that nail directly out. A warms sea salt pack would help if neccessary.

Puncture Wound
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 12/04/2011

Why not have that simple surgery and have that nail removed ? Leaving the nail embedded could lead to a dangerous infection. I have had pieces of metal embedded in me for different reasons. Get the nail removed. Do not play around with this. It sounds like the sort of injury that could be easily dealt with in a doctors office without the need for hospitalization. How about a little common sense here....Oscar

Puncture Wound
Posted by Ss (Wilson, Nc/usa) on 12/03/2011

My husband shot a finish nail (no head on nail) from a nail gun into the muscle of his leg. The xray shows that the nail is an inch or so embedded in the muscle. We would like to avoid surgery. Any suggestions on how to get it to work its way out? The entry hole is very small about the size of a pencil point Thanks. Really like this site.

Sodium Bicarbonate
Posted by Gordon (Sunderland, Uk, Tyne ) on 09/13/2011

Hi, I have spent alot of time over the past 5 years or so with painful spasms. Walking was bad but when the pain was at my knees I thought it was joint pain and though there was a growing pain in the joint it could be helped with a warm massage. My feet could be eased with a vibrating foot bath. To me it seemed how could it be arthritis if a massage could help, so I searched for lots of supplements and tried quite a few with a little or no help.

My research led me to the problems that were hard to test without help. I further researched the help of the simple household additives namely sodium bicarbonate. After taking half a heaped teaspoonfull of sodium bicarbonate in in half a pint of water on an empty stomach morning and night relief was immediate. My spasms are greately reduced and I can feel my knees getting better every day. I stopped and checked and the problem returned, it then improved with the sodium bicarbonate.

I do think I have a candida overgrowth and that is getting better as well.

I am posting because of all the hunting around I had to do to use a substance with little if any side effects but great benefits.

I saw that as my research went on that more people want to help by selling you something that cost the earth and may eventually give a benefit.

My research cost next to nothing and if it does not work straight away I ask you to keep it up for at least 6 months. I saw relief after a few hours but kept getting relapses until long term relief vindicated by determination that I was on the right track.

The bicarbonate of soda seems to be helping ME attacking the candida and putting my body into an alkaline state to repair itself. No extreme diets or medication I do realise foods that effect me and avoid them but not forever and take note of what my body tells me.

I feel sure there are others out there who see researech costing billions be it for cancer or a dozen different conditions with no relief. Yet to alkalise the body as I have can kill cancer or so I am led to believe yet has little or no side effect and you can administer it to yourself and still seek help.

Long term effects on the body of over acidity or high candida are not recognised or admitted because they are to cheap to treat and conspiracy theories abound. The simple fact is that the care system does not encourage self diagnosis it is too cheap, the system works by long term treatment not cure.

The body heals, not a doctor (they give the assistance in extreme circumstances). Given the right conditions we are amazing creatures, we just need to find the balance out of the over indulgence of our social order.

comments would be appreciated to understand how I have found a simple cheap treatment that works for ME.

Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca) on 08/29/2011

Update -- The magnesium and B6 helped relieve the sharp pain, but I still have pain. I've stopped taking the magnesium for my trapezius pain, and am now utilizing stretching. I must have done something exercising that I didn't realize would cause a problem.

I'm also scheduling a back massage this week to specifically target the trapezius.

Note: I mistakenly took magnesium chloride too early, before bedtime the other night. It made me so sleepy, but I didn't want to sleep yet, so I fought it and my head and eyes started to throb. I wouldn't advise taking Mg chloride unless you're absolutely ready for bed.

Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca) on 08/27/2011

In the past I've had the same pain in my upperback where my shoulder blade is on the leftside. I thought it was from exercising or over stretching, now I believe that the majority of those painful times are related to lack of Mg, especially after last night.

Last night, I felt in serious pain in the same spot. ACV hadn't worked -- thinking I had a potassium deficiency and possibly lactic acid building at the spot. So after much whimpering from the pain and sharp twinges and tiredness dealing with it, I logged onto Earthclinic to look up muscle tension. Scoliosis and Mg popped up from my search. I don't have scoliosis, but I decided to give Mg a try.

It worked! This morning I woke up with only a mild ache, and turning my head to look over my shoulder I only feel a bit of soreness, not the painful twinges nor tension I was feeling for most of the week or last night.

This is what I used last night, before bed:

1 capsule Magnesium Citrate 140 mg

1 capsule Vit B6 Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate 33. 8 mg

Both purchased from FoodScience of Vermont

and then after an hour or so,

1 teaspoon of Magnesium Chloride/Acetate liquid 133mg, diluted in 8 ozs of purified water

(I've taken the Mg Chl/Ace liquid before, for a skin reaction, so I knew it was going to make me sleepy.)

After eating breakfast this morning, I took another B6 capsule and this time 2 Mg Citrate capsules. I'll reserve the Mg Chl/Ace liquid for use at bedtime. It's afternoon now, and my back is feeling almost 100%. There's only a trace of soreness now.

Word of Caution: Loose stools can/will occur from taking Magnesium.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Heather (Katy, Tx, Usa) on 05/18/2011

I somehow managed to pull a muscle very near the point of my shoulder blade. I have muscle relaxants that would have helped with the pain, but hesitate to use them because of the side effects. I found your site hoping for a simpler cure for this small, yet painful, problem. I applied straight organic ACV to a washcloth - not completely soaking it, but soaking the center 3 inches. Then I put the washcloth over the sore muscle, and helped it stay there by using an ace bandage over that shoulder and under my opposite arm. I'm sure you can use just about anything you can wrap around your body, like gauze, or a long scarf or something. Or you could just lay on your stomach with it on your back if you've managed to hurt a muscle in an area there and you know the washcloth isn't going to want to stay put. Anyway - an hour later and I'm barely feeling pain! I'm not really into holistic/folk medicine, but this has convinced me that it has it's place. I'm going to look up a few things for my pets and see if they like alternative medicine as well! Thank you to the others that posted this cure.

If you've got a cut I think the straight ACV would burn, but you could dilute it 50/50. Straight worked fine for me and I took it off after an hour. The only drawback is the smell - I will need a shower later on, with LOTS of soap. LOL!

Homemade Salve
Posted by Evazz (London, Uk) on 01/02/2011

For everyone suffering with any type of muscle or joints pain, muscle strain, bruises, contusions - this is an amazing recipe:

2 liters of absolute alcohol (from the chemist)
1 big brunch of Arnica
2 avocado seeds, grated
50g of cloves
50g of black pepper
10 Camphor tablets

-Put everything in a glass jar with a lid and let it rest for at least 4 days. Then move the liquid [only to little bottles. Try to place them in different locations (safe & away from kids), so you can remember to apply several times a day. You must apply the remedy on the affected area AT LEAST 5 times a day. The success of the treatment depends on your own discipline and consistency. I know many success stories of family and friends that used this remedy and got hid of problems that doctors or physiotherapists couldn't help. It's been a blessing in the life of many people. Be persistent and good luck!

PS. The recipe is from South America and I have no idea how easy/difficult is to find the ingredients in other countries. I am sorry I am unable to advise on any substitutions.

Spasmodic Dysphonia
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/09/2010

I would suggest that you hypnotize yourself. Get a tape recorder and talk into it, suggesting that your vocal cords work perfectly, your blood flows to them perfectly, etc... Talk into it with positive suggestions for around 15 minutes. Play the tape to your self every night before falling asleep.

Spasmodic Dysphonia
Posted by Topaz (New Orleans, Louisiana) on 12/08/2010

I would like to know if you have a natural solution for spasmodic dysphonia? I have had this condition for 4 years now. I have seen several ENT's and none of them could give me a definitive answer or cure for this condition. I had a severe upper respiratory infection. I have lost the use of my natural voice. It is very strangled and unintelligible now.

The ENT's have taken videos of my larynx and vocal chords and found no sign of trauma or cancer. They prescribed prednisone, which elevated my blood pressure. I am presently taking a fluid pill to lower my blood pressure and a pill for acid reflux. They have suggested botox injections in the sight of my vocal chords, however, I am very leary of this radical treatment although I have seen others that have had great success with this treatment. I would love to find a natural cure for this malady! Anyone have any suggestions?

Raw Garlic, Salmon
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 11/25/2010

Why don't you try adding the raw garlic to food? That is what I do, I add it to salads or just any food before I eat. I suppose that would be easier on your stomach..... As far as pain goes I have just finished a book on MSM, it might help you.... I haven't tried it yet but I consider trying for my allergies. Sauna also helps me so we bought a little one for our garden, an infra-red one which warms very fast and it is very economical to run!

Raw Garlic, Salmon
Posted by Pix (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/24/2010


I was having a lot of muscle pain in my hands and wrists and my right arm and shoulder. It hurt so bad when I moved and it was really affecting my ability to complete my daily tasks. I ate cloves of raw garlic and cooked wild salmon ( I dont know if farmed salmon is good for you) for lunch and dinner. Next day, I felt a lot better. It's not completely cured and my stomach felt a bit uncomfortable from the raw garlic, but the pain was much better. Also taking a cold shower temporarily reduces the pain, but the garlic and salmon pain relief lasted longer. The pain for me keeps coming back because I always have to be on my computer, thus my hands/wrist and right arm never have a chance to fully rest. I switched to an ergonomic keyboard and mouse and this has helped a little bit... But still, not cured completely. If anyone has any suggestion, would be greatly appreciated.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Coconut Creek, Florida) on 07/11/2010


Tennis Ball Massage
Posted by Regulator555 (Grand Rapids, Mi, Usa) on 06/03/2010

Muscle Aches - massage

When you need a back rub, and no one is willing, you can give yourself a decent one. Put a tennis ball in a long sock, place it on your back and hold the other end. Then, lean against a wall and move around. Let the ball do the work.

Rice in a Sock
Posted by Sharon (Sparks, Nv Usa) on 04/27/2010

Corn bags are my new favorite. You need to buy feed corn (it's dried out) and when you sew your bag, leave a little elbow room in it so you can adjust to fit the area you're treating. I like them better than rice bags. Same thing...heat in microwave, or chill in freezer.

Rice in a Sock
Posted by Ellienc (Reidsville, North Carolina, Usa) on 01/24/2010

These are wonderful! I use combinations of dried herbs (lavender particulary) in my rice packs. Just after a minute or two in the microwave, the comfort is immediate. Great idea about the cotton balls and the eo's! Will try that too!

Rice in a Sock
Posted by Karmala (Templeton, Ca) on 01/23/2010

I add dried lavender buds to mine which provides wonderful aromatherapy. I have also used peppermint leaves, orange rind, lemon rinds, rose petals. Just be sure that whatever you add to your sock is dry. Also, I have used cotton balls with essential oils that I mix in with the rice. There are many, many options. In addition to the rice socks, I make rice packs using small towels. I get the small, white cleaning towels that come bundled by the dozen. I sew 2 together to form a sack. Then, I sew the sack into "tubes". I pack the tubes with rice,then sew the top. These are great for your back! I also made some of these for my horse by sewing together 2 beach towels- 1 was left intact, the other was cut open in the middle to form pockets that I can slide the rice packs into. I then drape it across her back, shoulders, neck... works great!

Rice in a Sock
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 01/21/2010

i've found a great way to relieve sore muscles in my neck and shoulders!

you just take a cotton sock and put some raw rice in it - and sew or tie off the other end - then put it either in the freezer for cold packs or in the microwave for a couple of minutes for warm moist heat packs.

then you drape it around your neck! works great!

of course you can also use flax seeds, buckwheat seeds, etc. - but as most people have rice around - this is easy to make in a hurry!

corn works too!


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