Lichen Planus Remedies

Dietary Changes, Sage, Aloe
Posted by Milli (Leiden, Netherlands) on 01/01/2012

I battled for years - and still - with glucose intolerance and candidiasis after nearly dying of peritonitis (inflicted by a surgeon carelessly performing a laperoscopy. Went into hospital with vague stomach pain, came out with a punctured bowel).

Banish all sugar and yeast and living as close to nature as possible worked a miracle! Zero confidence left in the medical profession and pharmaceutical remedies. My best friend now suffers with lichen planus and has been prescribed all kinds of steroids and ointments that don't work and are too painful to apply anyway. So she turned to me, her 'witch doctor' friend and is now on the mend.

The immediate remedy for lichen planus in the mouth is sage, either chewing the fresh leaves or if this is too painful, brewing tea from it. (Fresh) Bayleaf may be added to soothe the throat. Rosemary is less potent than sage but also works and has the added advantage of being a breath freshener. Lichen planus on the skin is best treated, depending on the severity of the skin lesions, with 99% aloe vera gel (skin mildly afflicted) or honey poultices (put cold-pressed organic honey on a gauze and attach to the skin with hypo-allergenic plaster). Honey naturally is antifungal and antibacterial. These are symptomatic treatments, however.

Systemic treatment means banning all fungi (mushrooms, cheese, beer and wine - good quality brandy will be 'manageable' - bread, peanuts, unwashed vegetables etc. ) as well as processed sugar (i. e. Refined, including all sugar derivatives) though honey and fructose may be tolerated. Plus complementing one's diet with beneficial bacteria to restore balance to the gut flora, e.g. Acidophilus (present in bio yoghurt) and bifidus. Once the immune system is functioning adequately again, foodstuffs such as bread may slowly be added to the diet again so that the body's response may be monitored.

Please someone try this and let me know whether this is beneficial to you, too?

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Llp (Houston, Tx, Usa ) on 12/16/2011

We love avocados too. In fact, this is where our diet is different than McDougall's because we aren't trying to lose weight too. We eat avocados, nuts, seeds etc. Basically, if it came from the earth, we eat it. The only exception is honey but he doesn't seem to react to it. We have a little ham on American Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oh, we also, don't have processed soy stuff very often either (tofu, etc). I guess you would say we follow McDougall's Maximum Weight Loss without any of the rules about amounts.

As for coconut oil, we used to love it too. But now that we don't cook with oil, oil tastes soooooo slimy. We eat coconut instead of just the oil for the health benefits. It is a little challenging to find shredded coconut without sugar all over it here in the USA so more often than not we just buy the whole coconut. Honestly, we love the way our food tastes (this, coming from a beef-eating Texan) and the smell of meat is now sickening to me, the smell and taste of dairy is a weird cow pasture quality to it. We feel incredible eating this way. I know it is not for everyone. A lot of people tell me they couldn't eat this way and I respect their decisions. For me, personally, it is easier to eat this way than watch my child go through the pain, suffering and emotional, as well as physical scarring of this disease. He is almost 8 now and he will have the random slice of pizza, cookie, etc, and the spots come out on his back within a few days. But we don't worry because we know they will go away.

Barrier Product
Posted by Virginia (Rochester, Ny) on 11/29/2011

I have been itching for months now from Lichen Planus and tried many of your hints which all work for a short time. However I have discovered something that seems to work better. This hint came from a Nurse Practitioner in a Dermatology office.

When using steroids ( I have cleobesterol which didn't seem to help much) apply the cream and then on top put a barrier! This can be something like a product with silicone or glycerine ( silicone glove, others) or just plain glycerine. This helps the steroid stay and do its work. I felt the itch much relieved after 2 days of doing this. Give it a try. Hope it helps.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jennykk (Mansfield, Australia) on 11/12/2011

Hi, my experience with Lichen Planus, firstly an oral specialist prescribed cortisone, not to take it but to rinse out the mouth 3 times a day to reduce the inflamation and help repair the damage. However I am quite drug sensitive and couldnt do any more than three days. I was informed that Lichen Planus is an auto immune system disorder, and there is no cure.

However I have been dealing with a naturopath in Qld, Mermaid beach, this wonderful lady does hair analysis, and has helped me enormously, she found I had a multitude of problems that stressed the immune system.

But Lichan Planus lives off sugars and yeast, so the first thing is to give up both these things in the diet, and I did if for nearly a year, I make my own sourdough, that was easy. What was really hard was sugar, the sugar in tea and coffee was a breeze, but the alcohol was not, not that I am a drinker but I do enjoy an occassional beer or wine or whisky, they were to me like treats, not daily and never a hangover even but just something nice at the end of the week.

And no chocolate, or desserts, no vegemite etc

But the Lichan Planus was gone for some months, but sneaking a bit of sweet stuff from time to time, and now stressful times with business being busy and Christmas coming I have tender gums again, so back to hard core diet, it's shit full, but if anyone out there has any better input that would be helpful, that would good great.

regards, JennyKK


Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Irina (West Orange, N.j.) on 09/08/2011

I got lichen planus 8 months ago. Nothing helped until the doctor prescribed Clobex ( Clobetasol Propionate). The suggestion was to use this spray two times a day for two weeks. I only had to do this procedure for three days before the rash went away. I strongly recommend this medicine even though it is very costly. My doctor gave me a coupon which enabled me to only have to pay $140.00. I suggest if you have this problem to use this product as it is well worth the cost. Good luck!

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Nina (Malma, Sweden) on 08/30/2011

I was rather fascinated by your post and think it is fantastic news that you and your family got help.

I looked up the Mcdougall diet as and didn't really like the reviews I read. Especially for those suffering from hypoglycemia etc. The site called give it to me raw reviews diet and I suggest anyone who thinking about trying this diet read some of the reviews of this high carb, zero fat and little protein diet. Here in my country of origin low carb diets and high fat diets seem to becoming more and more popular for dealing with not only weightloss but diabetes, high blood pressure and the horrible pms. This low carb diet is reccomended by doctors here, can't imagine living life without those yummy avacados or even worse without that amazingly healthy cocconut oil!


Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Llp (Houston, Texas) on 08/30/2011

I have to share my experience here because one year ago my 6 year old was diagnosed with lichen planus through a biopsy. We were thrilled to finally have a name to put with the horrible skin reaction that had covered our son's body (only his face and mouth were clear) and lost as to what to do next. The doctor prescribed three meds. The steroid cream I had to apply to his body using rubber gloves because I was going through steroid treatment for pneumonia (second time I had it). That was scary for me. Every time I would put it on him I would think, "I'm supposed to treat this child with this strong steroid indefinately?! ". The next drug was just supposed to put moisture back on his skin but it was new and I was nervous since I was the victim of a new drug that was later recalled for disasterous side effects. The third was to help him sleep and not scratch his skin at night. We gave that to him once or twice but it knocked him out cold and it was difficult to get him to wake up the next morning.

I know we could have lowered the dosage, etc. But something in me snapped. I was sick and tired of everyone in my family being sick and tired. I searched everywhere on the internet for a cure, including this site. Nothing worked. Then I stumbled across the website I read it all night (I have chronic insomnia too). We had tried so many things that I decided we could try eating the ultra-healthy mcdougall way. It was hard, but it wasn't a pill that might be recalled in a few years. We eliminated all fats, dairy, processed foods (even the processed vegetarian stuff), meat, oils and sugar. We ate a ton of vegetables, fruits, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, barley, beans, quinoa... You get the picture.

Within a week, the swelling went down on the lichen planus sores. Within two weeks we noticed that he had less spots. Within a few months his hair in the places he had lost it actually started to grow back! Shortly after that, he was completely symptom free! The whole family followed the diet (my teenager bought junk at school for the first while and then even that little bit became unappetizing) and we are all finally healthy again. I got over my asthma, pneumonia, even my arthritis pain went away completely, other family members went through winter without getting sick... Not even a cold! My husband and I lost weight and the kids have continued to grow at the same rate they did before. Now we eat the mcdougall way about 90% of the time. When my son spent two weeks at grandma's this summer his lichen planus came back on his back, arms and legs. A few weeks of eating the mcdougall diet helped him to become symptom free again.

I really hope this helps someone. I hope you try it. Everything on mcdougall's site is free. So it really won't cost you anything. We bought one book of his after we were already seeing results because I wanted to be thourough. I also bought a mcdougall cookbook after a while. It isn't necessary though since he lists a lot of recipes for free anyway. I felt that I needed more recipes since this is our lifestyle now and not a diet per se.

pH Regulation
Posted by Ben (Ny) on 07/25/2011

I think that lichens planus has alot to do with the acidity of the body. I have found that if I keep my (urine) pH up (~6.2 or higher), that the itch goes away and the bumps stop appearing. If the pH goes lower, the itch starts and the bumps start reappearing.

I started noticing this because I would get something like water blisters in my mouth around meal time. If figured that my pH would be lower around meals. I also noticed that the blisters would pop easily if my pH was up, and would be harder to pop if the pH was low.

I think that lichens planus might be a reaction to acidic sweat.

I have used baking soda to raise my pH

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Soldier On (Dallas, Texas) on 07/17/2011

TO Geo41 (and Rich): Thank you for your posts. My heart breaks when I hear about a little four year old having this horrible problem. Let me tell you what I have learned if it will be of any help, particularly for the little four year old and all families.

My dermatologist is highly trained and yet, he has a holistic view of the body. He gets this from two points. (1) He grew up in Switzerland and has relatives there. (2) His mother in law changed her diet and got out of her wheel chair to play golf after being diagnosed with M.S.

I will get to my Lichen Planus story in a moment. But, let's cut to the chase.

I also have rheumatoid arthritis-been diagnosed for 17 years. Keep that in mind as I tell you the type of reading I've been doing. I am reading a book call "The War Within" by a noted researcher, Floyd H. Chilton, Ph. D. He has served on the faculties of Johns Hopkins University and Wake Forest University School of Medicine where he is currently a professor of physiology and pharmacology. He has written more than 110 articles and textbook chapters and holds 32 issued and 17 pending patents. That's from the book. This book was first released in 2005 under the title "Inflammation Nation" by Simon and Schuster.

I am also reading a book by the doctor's mother in law. I don't know the availability of this book, but I will tell you of her outcomes.

The bottom line is that whatever we are dealing with here is an inflammation response in the body. You have to go at this from the internal environment in the body and mind, as well as, the external environment of body and mind.

You need to start removing yourself from the poor food environment that we live in here in the U.S. Remove yourself from any processed food, which of course means you must give up eating out or picking up fast food. This includes things like condiments to food. Give up sugar and where it lurks in any form. This means give up white bread or pasta, spaghetti, doughnuts, etc. For adults give up alcohol. Alcohol is sugar. Give up gluten.

The mother in law who was never a cook learned to fix health food type of meals. They were delicious. She got rid of meat and poultry. Only fish. Dr. Chilton's book educates you about protein and what is recommended. The mother in law also (TAKE NOTE) was also battling a candida problem for 8 years before it got diagnosed. All these thing go together. Why? Inflammation.

All allergies, all chronic diseases, (Rheumatoid Arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancers, ) skin disorders, are inflammation responses in our body. We have been eating against what our natural bodies can tolerate for generations now and it is getting worse, isn't it? To hear that this is happening to a precious four year old makes me weep.

Here's another part of the Chilton book that is an eye opener... The fat on our bodies acts like an organ... The more fat we have the more it emits inflammatory messengers. Check out Chilton's words and research. An overweight, sedentary person has 60% more inflammatory messengers in the body than an lean, exercising person.

If this diet is affecting one member of the family, the diet is affecting everyone in someway or the other. Get everyone on the same diet. Chilton offers daily menus to help out. You don't have to reinvent the wheel.

This is a must.... You must keep a journal everyday... Write down everything.. Including what changes you notice in feelings and mood, successes and set backs, what is happening within the family, everything. This is the basis for your research, your cause and effect. You will be frustrated and your head will be spinning if you don't do this. Get things down on paper so you can go back and read. This is a journey. There will be "set backs". These are important clues! Never think of a set back as negative.

The doctor said that the most impressive cure that he read about for LP came from a person who was a very high powered type going all over the world. He broke out in Lichen Planus and nothing was working. Then he got diagnosed with a chronic disease. He totally and radically changed up everything. His schedule, his lifestyle, his diet, his exercise, his mental health. The lichen planus went away.

This is why lichen planus is said to be related to stress. That's why you have to journal. Stress in the body is not only what is happening on the outside, but what stress is being produced by the negative reactions to food and drink on the inside. Try as much as possible to eat organic. For instance, coffee has 200 pesticides in it. That will cause stress to the liver and the body. This is an onion thing. You keep peeling off the layers. This is a journey. But, walk it faster than slower.

Remember that for a four year old the loss of a favorite toy could bring on as much stress as the loss of a job to an adult. I'm watching a three year old grandson react to having a new baby sister. Oh, brother. I've learned that some children are much more sensory irritated by stimuli than others.

I will try any topical or vitamin etc. that I find posted. But, I think it's because I am on a powerful immunilogical medicine for my RA that this lichen is not into my eyes, or mouth like some. The spots are becoming larger, but not itching, like the first outbreak. I take salt baths in warm water. Two big cheap boxes of iodized salt poured into the bath. I soak, close my eyes in darkness. Love it. Very relaxing. The salt seems to reduce the redness and make the spots feel better. Doesn't burn or anything. This is one of those stress reducing things you need to work into your days. Look for things like that. My next thing is to start looking for info on candida as this is on my list.

My husband is on the same program as he is fighting diabetes. We read labels, menus together. Don't let all of this fall on one of the parents. Help each other and the whole family learn to get unstressed. Watch T. V. Content for children. In fact stop watching so much and get active with each other.

So this is a huge post, isn't it? I'd love some replies. I, too, will keep posting, but here you have my plan of getting to wellness. I hope some of it helps. BTW my lichen planus started when one of my children developed thyroid cancer. She had a great outcome. Now she, too, is focused on reducing inflammation. Onward and upward.

L-Lysine, B-6
Posted by Mspatpat (Dayton, Ohio) on 06/28/2011

I have had skin Lichen Planus for about 1-1yrs. I tried all the Dr's suggestion. But it always returned just as bad. Finally and herbalist for a health food store in Atlanta Georgia call (i think) the Garden of Eden, told me to take 2000-3000mg of L-Lysine & 50mg P5P (B6) 3x per day. And from the first 1000 mg that evening my itching & breakouts decrease about 99%!! I like the L-Lysine by Solaray that also contains vitamin C, Zinc and Vitamin B6. Hope this helps.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Geo41 (Tampa, Fl) on 06/07/2011

My son who is only 4 years old, was recently diagnosed with this horrible condition (Linchen Planus). We are trying to get as much information, and we are not afraid to use any new remedies that could aliviate him. He was even expulsed from day care until we brought a doctors note saying that it was not contagious. he scratches and it is hard to keep him away from doing it until sometimes he bleeds.

Please keep posting your experiences so that we all can learn from each other. Thank you

Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Quinn (New York, Ny) on 02/15/2011

Hi Gwendolyn, please clarify, I have lichen planus and I hear so many mentions of Borax (20 mule team) if I am not mistaken this is a laundry or cleaning powder? Are you saying drink this? I am not opposed, I just need to know if this is a part of the formula you are suggesting. I am simply looking for some sort of a solution to kill the parasites that invade the body causing these rashes to continue living. Thank you

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Broset (Monroe, Mi) on 02/02/2011

Ive had this on my ankle now for about 8 years... Got real tired of this and started reading, .. first off its a inflammatory disease.

so for that im taking 3200 mg of ibuprofen 800 mg every 6 hours (anti inflammatory) a day which slows the imune response... Im also takeing vitimin A, D, and zinc.. And putting neosporin on it.. Also taking benadryl.. ibuprofen is the same as motrin but I think the biggest amount you can get is 200 mg...

after the first day swelling went down 95 percent, does not itch, and is drying up nice... also broke out on my hands which is almost gone now.

vitimin A helps with skin, you need vitimin d to absorb the zinc better, zinc also helps with skin repair.

dont do more then 50 mg of zinc a day

mine was so bad that it was oozing and bleeding on my ankle

Multiple Remedies
Posted by David (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on 01/08/2011

Since 5 month I have skin lichen plan, I tried, cortisone, prednisone, protopic, elidel, Tazorac, Topicort and Apo Hydroxyzine for itching, since I bought a neckless made of hazelnut dried wood, it slowly started to fade away. I am doing Soriatane 30mg a day since 1 month, it works. Success is skin well hydrated, soriatane and hazelnut wood.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Linda (Washington, D.c.) on 01/06/2011

Lichen planus is difficult, I've had it for 7 years now. Hate it. But recently I've been using pure virgin coconut oil on my skin have not had an out break yet and always have it in Dec. near christmas time and in July. I've been using it for about 3-4 months. If one appears it just dries up in a day or so, haven't had a huge break out to know what the reaction would be. My suggestion try extra virgin coconut oil.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Marilyn (Plattsmouth, Ne) on 12/04/2010

I have been reading your posts concerning your battle with Lichen Planus. At one point, I believe in November of 2008, you said you were taking 1000 mg of vitamin C and Apple Cider Vinegar. Then you said that you found the cause, which was some sort of mite. Am I to assume, then, that the Vitamin C and Vinegar helped for a while but didn't cure it? And did your treatment for mites then cure it for you?
I have Lichen Planus both in my mouth and on my skin and am using a dexamethason solution which I rinse my mouth with twice a day for the oral Lichen Planus. This seems to help the condition, but if I quit using the solution, it comes back with a vengeance. The doctor wants to put me on some sort of steroid treatment for the skin LP but I am very leery of this because of the possible side effects, which include weight gain and osteoporosis.

A friend sent me an email which talked about the benefits of using a 35% food grade peroxide for Lupis, which is also an autoimmune condition, so I am thinking of trying that. It is inexpensive and looks to be a beneficial way to treat Lichen Planus as well as other conditions. We have our own well water and my husband raised the question of whether or not there may be bacteria in our water that could be either causing or worsening my Lichen Planus. So I am now drinking only bottled water, which to my concern, I am reading now on the internet, may be too acidic for me. Woe is me! Maybe I am reading too much on the internet! Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks, Marilyn

Tea Tree Oil, Dietary Changes, Urine
Posted by Blackandmoore (Boston, Ma, Usa) on 09/10/2010

I found this very interesting been suffering with the rash on my hands, arms, feet, legs and lower back. I have been using Aloe, and had made those diet changes you talked about. However over the past few weeks, I have been eating more sugar and white flour and for sure it has flared up again. Thanks for your suggestions.

Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Gwendolyn (Littleton, Nh, Usa) on 05/04/2010

In my above post I confused Lichin Planus with Lichen Simplex Chronicus! So sorry for this but one could try these rememdies, they are inexpensive and may help. I agree it starts from within and cleansing is always good.

Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Gwendolyn (Littleton, Nh, Usa) on 05/03/2010

Hello Doug, Rawy, Gloria,

I also was diagnosed with Neurodermatitis which another term for Lichen Planus thru a skin biopsy. The Dermatologist now says I have Eczema and to live with it. I can not stop scratching it's unbearable and I feel like my skin is crawling and recently I would feel like I was getting bit. I started following Ted's recommendations. Raw apple cider vinegar 2 tbls with 1/8 to 1/2 tsp. of baking soda with a little water. Try to do this twice a day. I also have been taking 1/8 Borax (20 Mule Team) NOT BORIC ACID very important in 1 liter of distilled water. Drink thru out the day and when finished continue with good drinking water. This kills any "nanoinsects" I tried the methylene blue also read about this on this site! I have had this condition for at least six years. And am very anxious for it to be gone. Most of my Doctors have said it was caused by stress. Not giving me much hope and thank goodness I found this site. This is the first time in years that I feel like my skin is getting better. I feel like I have three different skin conditions going on. Yes I have eczema, but there are also patches of tiny bumps like a hives rash. The last is these red painful bumps that sometimes turn into pimples. If I don't scratch they go away. I may have parasites and this is causing the third condition. I have also started a candida free diet. Body Ecology is a good place to start. Also recommended is a thing called the zapper.Google it. Let me clarify Do the borax 4 days on 3 days off or every other day. Methylene blue I do eveyday and apply to skin this is a .01% solution with Vitamin C about this!. Apple Cider Vinegar I try to do everyday!!! This has really helped! I also tried applying it to my skin. Burns and then helps with the itch. Another thing to help with itch is a high dose of Vitamin C (asorbic Acid!!!! only)5000 mg to 10,000 mg a day. I hope this helps Read all the Eczema posts! and Methylene blue. I'm also trying Tumeric for the red scars to heal! I'm also a user of food grade Hydrogen Peroxide but have not been using it during these methods but plan to go back to it soon!

I know your suffering and hope this helps!

Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Gloria (Buffalo, New York) on 05/02/2010

This is my first time to this site and I realize that a lot of poeople are very desperate to find a cure or some relief, I haven't been diagnosed yet I have an appt with a skin specialist in june. It took that long to get the appointment. It started 8 months ago with a couple of bumps on my wrists and it stayed that way till about one month ago, now it is all over my body except my face and chest. it literally is all over my body and I really get no relief unless I scratch till it bleeds. Will my body be scarred like this forever? I had really good skin till this. I have seen a couple Drs but none knew what it was I looked at pictures on the web I have it in all the classic places, that is how I diagnosed myself. What is acv and all this vit d and etc what are the dose and how to apply and/or drink or gargle. please help.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Marie (Doral, Fl) on 04/08/2010

Rich from Boca Raton!!!

Please advise your exact dosage of ACV. Were you taking 2 tbsp 2x a day? I'm currently taking 1 tsp diluted in a glass of water with 1/8 baking soda as I really don't want to mess up my teeth.

Feedback is appreciated!!!!!! Or has ANYONE tried this succesfully?

I'm also on a niacin vitamin and zinc both once a day. is this okay?

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Marie (Doral, Fl) on 04/05/2010

Rich from Boca Raton:

Please advise whether you have cured you lichen planus and how?? I've had this for quite a few years now and it's frustrating! I can't believe there is no cure for this if it's so mild as doctors say! And no one can provide a straight forward reason as to how it comes about and a proper treatment aside from steroids.

To Reema, hope you have had some sucess with this, as I am at my limit with this!

Any feedback from anyone will help!

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Earth Meow (Doral, Fl) on 04/05/2010


I'm wondering if you were ever able to fully recover from Skin Lichen Planus. I have had this thing for 5yrs now and no one can provide a straight answer to date..

ANY feed back would be great!

Eliminate Vitamin D
Posted by Docw (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/11/2010

This is the strangest logic I've heard yet... You have no idea what is causing your malady, why would you toy with your calcium homeostasis? Has it occured to you that the waxing and waning of your disease is just that... Part of the natural course of your disease?

Just because prednisone can alter your level of vitamin D doesn't mean it did in your case and it certainly doesn't mean that the prednisone had no effect on your disease. In fact, Vitamin D is a critical component in dampening the immune response to your mucocutaneous lesions(lichen planus).

Stick with your doc, he knows best.

Posted by Manjeet (Singapore) on 03/07/2010

Hi Gladys, I do not really know much of this ailment but I have successfully treated mouth sores, skin rashes etc with raw honey which is available in abundance in the US. Just take a mouthfull and with your tongue soil the mouth cavity and try to leave it in your mouth for as long as possible. Try this as many times as you wish and find it necessary. If, however, you are diabetic, just as a precaution, you might want to spit out the honey after having left it in your mouth for as long as you could. Hope it works - raw honey is a miracle product.

Posted by Gladys (Houston, Texas, U S Of A) on 03/04/2010

I have a bad flair up of Oral Lichen Planus. Have been rinsing mouth with Fluocininide Gel 60 gm 0.05% sol'n once every 2 days per my doctor's advice, but mouth and tongue are very raw.

You guys keep referring to Ted and his great advice - where do I find Ted or his advise? Also can each of you be more specific regards solutions that work- i e do you drink these solutions or just rinse with them?


EC: Hi Gladys,

Ted is a popular contributor from Bangkok who regularly posts on Earth Clinic. You can find his remedies in the table of contents menu (if he posted any) under "Ted's Remedies" or on any Q&A section (also accessible on the menu).

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chrys (Chennai, Tamilnadu) on 02/09/2010

Lichen Planus

Hi all,

I did read all the posts.And i was surprised to see so many people are facing the same problems like one i am. But feel little better cause i have someone to share the feeling, pain and information of something overtaking our lives called "Lichen Planus"..Some months back i was so sick i could not help myself out of bed i had fever and severe cough by the time i found relief not cure..i lost my father due to heart attack. It was as though something was waiting for the push down the cliff and there i started getting aggravated symptoms of lichen planus...which i thought was bronchitis or sore throat. When i read your information i feel we are so helpless to understand our own bodies with which we live 24x7. Understanding of Lichen Planus in chinese culture is stagnant heat and stagnant blood.. Anything stagnant starts causing to decaying effect. Cleansing becomes highly essential..Similarly yoga says it is cleaning of wind that moves through your body..which needs to be done via the appropriate breathing excersie and some hand gestures..

Please read this link and look for this moo-draa (this is how it is pronounced "mudra" or hand gesture saying " Varun Mudra " read it carefully and understand the is natural body helps relieve the lack of moisturein oral lichen planus. Also check "Prithvi mudra" for mental relaxation which is a must in this growing anxiety of growing lichen planus.Please try to take Vitamin C dosage i am currently taking aamalika (indian gooseberry capsules 2x a day)and neem capsules 2x a day (leaves which are blood purifiers and relieve the itch effect to decent extent...not too promising, yet helpful as of take vitamin C in the afternoon as late evening will cause disturbed sleep.

I alternate bedtime routine with 1. Oil rinse ( i have infused olive oil with garlic and rinse just front portion of mouth with this 1 tsp oil) (do not follow this instructions if you have Olive oil or garlic allergies) and next day an tumeric poweder 1/2tsp in lukewarm water (if sores are bad reduce the water heat from lukewarm to little more manageable levels)and rinse in the front of the mouth and spit it out but do not wash your mouth, let the tumeric particles remain(do not follow this instructions if you have tumeric allergies)...try not to take it closer to throat...not harmful cause it is just spice but may leave unpleasant taste..but i sure did get quick relief from open sores and they are sealed all the time and do not oooze bloody taste in the mouth.

Check this website for some yoga techniques to cool off your internal self as i mentioned earlier...body is captured heat that does not convert into energy and flow out..instead stagnant and causes ailments...

2nd Posture is one which unwinds and cools off the body...but read the instructions carefully and consult a yoga practitioner for good results...slowly take this situation under control...but haste we may do more harm then good..We should not bombard ourselves with tons of medications..

Do read these techniques :

Once you try them once a day chalkout the techniques that made you see the happy and soothing results (much needed now)...Put them in front of you or place you visit the most (for me it is the kitchen) paste it and write on the heading "If it is to be it is upto me" do check with your doctors everytime...period of 5days/10days/15days

These are just over and above your regular medicines...hope this helps...atleast ithelps me to know we are helping stranger who bought us togather for a cause..treat this group as your study group...and work...we will see reults and hope for any future cases..I hope doctors read these case studies...

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kristi (Danforth, Maine) on 01/23/2010

I've had oral Lichen Planus for years now, some days are better than others.. I have notice that the summers are better and I agree with the Low carb diet. My exercising and eat are so much better in the summer than the winter. I also take B-complex which helps but doesn't clear it altogether. I do use a prescription mouthwash in the winter time that I get from my doctor. I am not sure of the ingredients. I am looking foreward to seeing some of the other peoples exact amounts of ingredients that they are using, like the vitamin k, vitamin d, borax, baking soda, salt solution, iodine ,Peroxide, grapfruit seed axtract. the numbers will really help. I also notice people with Lichen Planus also have other systoms of another type of fungus like nail fungus, ringworm, Maybe there is a simularity . Does anyone know what there blood type is? Mine is A positive. Very interesting study.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Reema (Dallas, Tx) on 12/04/2009


I have Lichenplanus since several years, it has spread to various parts of my body and has left scars. I have tried all possible treatmens homeopathy, ayurveda, naturopathy and have not had much succcess. Could someone please advice me on some remedy that may give me relief and reduce the scars. I am appreciative of any feedback provided. Do I try ACV, turmeric, borax, vitamin C, I am very confused as to the different theories behind this and remedies to try and get this problem under control. Please Please advice. Thanks Reema

Borax, Tea Tree and Lavender Oils
Posted by Gaetano (Kansas City, Mo, USA) on 10/18/2009

Is it adviseable to take straight Vit C with only Absorbic Acid or is it ok to have Rose Hips and Bioflavnoids? Also is there any side effect to doing 2 Tbsp of ACV per day and is it helpful to gargle with Tea Tree Oil? Thank you

Tea Tree Oil, Dietary Changes, Urine
Posted by Sativa Jones (Pahoa, Hawaii) on 10/18/2009

I was diagnosed two months ago with lichen planus. I have the rash on my ankles, inner wrists, underside of my tongue and inside the walls of my mouth. For the itch on my ankles and wrist I rub three things on the rash that immediately stop the itch. First I rub tea tree oil on it followed by olive oil (organic) and baking soda. This is not a cure for lichen planus only a treatment for the itch.

Diet is key to controlling the intensity of the rash. Basically you have to eliminate all sugars (including honey and agave) dont eat any bread or white rice no processed food etc. you have to get super clean on your diet. I have since gone 90% raw which helps alot.

I got rid of the bumps inside my mouth and the painful lesions on the underside of my tongue by gargling with my urine. I know this might be hard to believe but google "urine therapy" and you will see that urine has a long and ancient history of being used as a medicine.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Tom (Kansas City, Missouri) on 10/18/2009

Question on your statement; Cured some age spots(Tinea) with Head & Shoulders Blue (Selenium Sulfide). Did you actually rub the Head & Shoulders Blue on your Skin to remove Age Spots?

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Tom (Kansas City, Missouri) on 10/18/2009

On the Mega Doses of Vit C, do you just buy straight Absorbic Acid with nothing added like Bioflavnoids or Rose Hips? Also any side effects of the ACV ?

Eliminate Vitamin D
Posted by Monica (Ontario, Canada) on 06/15/2009

Is it possible the problem may not be just Vitamin D, but the inability of the liver/ kidney to metabolise the pro-vitamin (as ingested) into vitamin D2 and D that gets released into the blood stream? Have you tried taking liver supplements (such as Milk Thistle) that will promote detox and better liver enzyme function?

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 03/30/2009

As this disease is "supposedly harmless", I have spent a considerable time trying various treatments to try and cure various symptoms with mixed but mostly positive results. I think Ted is a genious, and I am eternally grateful to him, for the knowledge that he has shared through this terrific forum.
Unfotunately, I feel I have too many posts in this topic, and so I lose some credibility; here is the real deal on my current opinion on this disease, and why I have had so much trouble curing it.

I feel that this is a candida-related disease. I have seen so much yeast come from my mouth, that I can't perceive it being anything else. I have seen a white yeast and also a brown yeast. And I have coughed up some yeast as well (from my lungs)(both colors).

In the last 10-years, with my smoking, 4x I have sneezed up blood(like a bloody nose, kind of). I always used to blame the smoking until 1-year ago(4th time), I coughed up a black bug(crab-like)... and I haven't had blood or congestion since, inspite of still smoking. I believe the bug was eating the yeast in my lungs.

Swallowing Vinegar cured my blue warts(on my fingers)(gram-negative anerobic bacteria?).
Swallowing 1/8th teaspoon borax cured my twitchy eye(Blepharitis); however, leve some dark lines where people usually get wrinkles.(is it Tinea, who knows?)

Cured some age spots(Tinea) with Head & Shoulders Blue (Selenium Sulfide).

Cured some un-itchy jock-itch/eczema with the H&S Blue.

As Psoriasis and Eczema patients are almost always Selenium deficient, I have convinced myself that I am Selenium deficient.

Had a Herxheimer-effect with Garlic (this stuff is awesome; has selenium), but wife and family complained I was stinky(on 5 super-garlic pills/day).

Cured a brain-fog issue with a b-vitamin(thiamin-deficiency?).

I think as a big beer-drinker, you are what you eat, and 30% of my calories came from a yeast product(beer), and so I got a yeast problem.

Except for the two days of brain-fog, I can't really say I've felt very sick from 10-years of this disease.

The last symptom I had... at 13, I had no Gin-allergy. At 21, I had hives on my neck from Gin. Last week, I had 1-bump from Gin on my neck... and none the next day. Juniper Oil kills candida(see Psoriasis topic). Perhap a yeast-infected thyroid-gland.
Been mouth-washing with a dime-full of shampoo, 4x per day. I have a red tongue for the first time in 10-years. Been using a toungue scraper and taking 500 micrograms of Selenium Selinite as well, though. I am confident that Selenium deficiency will cure me. However, I feel bad that I have so many posts already in this thread. I will not post again for 6 months unless I'm cured, but will post in 6 months in case I'm not (for Historical Purposes). I will reply to questions though.

Today I felt like a million bucks. No smoking related congestion. I felt the best I've felt in 5-years. Doing all the bad stuff with no problems. However, I am not cured; so I have no right to give anybody advice yet. I have faith that Selenium deficiency is the root cause of this disease (Ted says MS is the same thing(White-Muscle Disease in animals)... I think he has this one right, and I was too slow to hear him. Impatience is frustrating though.

For historical purposes of symptoms, I have 7 cherry angioma spots that have popped up in the last year (never had them before), and fordyce spots(oil glands on the lips). These have never been associated with lichen planus or candida... but when I googled cherry angioma, I saw an accound saying someone got these when they had a yeast problem; they cured the yeast problem, and these didn't go away; so I wanted to second the report.

EC: Rich, if you'd like EC to remove any of your posts on this page, just let us know which ones...

Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 01/30/2009

I'm 2 days into trying "Betadine/Providone" as a mouthwash for the "Oral Lichen Planus", aka Gum Disease of the cheeks and tongue. This is similar to the cure for white tongue in another topic, which uses Iodized Salt. The Salt may work eventually as well. I'm very encouraged by the preliminary results though. Iodine kills candida and many bacterias as well. The protocol here is 40 seconds, 3x per day for 10 days. It's used for drug resistant thrush in Aids patients... and may aid in Gum disease.

The FDA approved perscription drug for Gum disease is Chlorhexadine, which as I said, kills ringworm as well, and is antifungal. If this iodine solution doesn't work perhaps I'll try that, but I have good preliminary indications that this will work.

Multiple Remedies

I was diagnosed with lichen planus in November 2008. I saw a dermatologist who was to say the least not helpful with information in regards to this condition and told me to "just live with it and be grateful that it's not worse" I have been working with an Herbalist and only using natural, organic products. I take daily: 3 Source of Life vitamins, 6 oral enzymes, 6 skin cleansers, 6 ignatia, and I shower daily with a liquid bath soap made with lavendar, olive, coconut, and palm oil. I also use an eczasalve for itching. Lichen planus starts from the inside and I have learned that in order to at least stabilize it, I have to treat it from the inside out. I had in my mouth when diagnosed and it has not gone. I would suggest to anyone who also suffer with this to learn about Natural and Organic healing products.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 01/08/2009

Dear PR,
Excellent Question about the Iodine. The truth is that I'm learning as I go. I don't know the answer, and am working on theoretical models, based on reading the reports on here, and then following up with my own research on why these cures seem to work, maybe 3 hours per day.

What I have noticed is that all of these substances on this website are anti-infectives. And in fact, they are all anti-fungals. No matter which anti-fungal I try, I get positive results.

With Garlic, I am taking a 1500 mg pill, which is really 3 mg of 500:1 concentrated oil. So it's basically 3mg of Fat-Soluble sulfer. I've read reports of a guy taking 80,000 mg (160 mg Sulfer?) of Garlic slowly built up over time, and curing rosacea. Nice. Perhaps a glucosamine Sulfate pill would get the job done instead... maybe. Note: Glucosamine HCL can't beat the placebo... so I don't think that the Glucosamine half does anything.
On the anti-oxident question, you're right that an Ascorbate or Acetate has both an anti-oxidant plus a pro-oxidant aspect to it. Vitamin C is very poor at killing fungus, but in ascorbate form, it can do something.

With the mega-dose of Ascorbate (which is also used in water treatment, btw), only so much will go in the blood... and the rest acts like toothpaste for the intestines. You can even brush your teeth with the stuff. Nice. Placed in milk, you can't taste it.
I'm thinking that the mouth condition is an early form of gum-disease, that may lead to "Chronic Mucosal Candidadis".

Apparently, Candida has a mechanism to break down lysine, which is a limiting amino acid necessary to produce collagen. So I've added 2400 mg of L-Lysine to promote faster healing.
I have also tried something new on Saturday with positive results. I tried to heal up my body as good as possible with all the vitamins and stuff listed above.

Then I gargled with a lot of colgate total for 10 minutes. I could see some fungally damaged skin and pockets of skin(common in gum disease) seep out of my gums and cheeks, and some white stuff that looked like fungal candida. This hurts, though.

Then two hours later, I tried it again. Then rinsed with diluted ACV(which also hurts).

What I think is that Sulfate is the best antifungal (Sulfur plus Oxygen), and that mixed with the H202(in the toothpaste as well), allows for deep tissue penetratation. Plus this toothpaste has a neutral ph plus an antibiotic.

Of course, after I did this, my mouth filled up with lots of skin-like white stuff, which I figure is your mouths natural-way of scabbing.

5-days later, it feels like I have a new mouth (perhaps I do). The toungue is light red(Yes!). The dark blue vericose-like veins under the tongue have practically vanished. The white lesions on the side of my mouth have improved somewhat as well. I believe that I have succeeded in healing faster than the candida can grow. I really wish I had bought some ph strips to test my saliva, though.

I have no doubt that I didn't kill it all in 1 shot, but perhaps I got 90 or 95% of it in 1 shot, and maybe if I repeat the process this weekend, I can get the rest of it... I'm giving my mouth a week to heal first, though.

But yeah, I've had a red-tounge that isn't turning white again for 5 straight days which is a record, so I'm pretty excited about the results (Note: I've had a white tongue for 10-years)(Never a yeast like taste in my mouth until a few months ago, though). I kind of wanted to wait a few more weeks to see if this is a long-term cure before posting, but I didn't want to leave your question hanging in wait.

In a gum disease topic here, I saw someone had some success with Turmeric. Besides the curcurminoids, Turmeric is high in Sulfur. Nice.

As for milk, it has a slightly acidic ph, but adding the ascorbate raises it. Milk has lactoferrin, Iodine, Sulfur, plus Lactose... if you drink milk and exercise, you can create lactic acid(which kills the yeast-form of candida), far quicker than acidophilus. Some people love the stuff, I haven't tried it, but I believe it's easier just exercising to create lactic acid and using the ACV cure(Acetate), plus the other stuff can kill this stuff in a couple of weeks, rather than waiting 6 months for the Acidophilus to work.

Borax, Tea Tree and Lavender Oils
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 12/31/2008

Kerion is a symbiotic relationship between a bacteria and a fungus. A fungus produces toxins and proteins and then a bad bacteria comes along and eat those toxins.

The bacteria creates an acidic environment allowing the fungus to spread. If you kill the bacteria, the fungus is still there. If you kill the fungus, until you kill all of it, it can grow back as the bacteria is still there creating an acidic environment.

So you have to kill both the bacteria and the fungus simultaneously. This is basically the magic of Itraconazole, which is chlorine plus an azole(antifungal), and why it is more effective than the other azole drugs.

This is also the magic behind the Linus Pauling treatments for Candida and other diseases. If you saturate your tissues with Sodium Ascorbate, you can kill off all bacteria, good, bad, other... and then you have a clean shot at the fungus. Ie, when you kill it, it doesn't grow back, because you killed the bacteria as well.

Additionally, Sodium Ascorbate has the same ph as your blood, so it is basically non-toxic. It is also required in building collagen.
Dermatologists have a few drugs for killing fungus... Sulfacetamide (Sulfur(garlic) plus Vinegar), niacinamide gel, and azole drugs. There are various jock itch creams as well.

For periodontal disease, the treatment is mega-c plus chlorhexadine mouth wash. I believe the colgate total can kill all of the bacteria without using chlorine or bleach or chlorhexadine.

You still need to add an antifungal though, like sulfur, vinnegar, niacinamide, etc... or combination.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by PR (Houston, Texas) on 12/29/2008

Thanks for all the effort you put in posting your recovery. It is very helpful. I do have a question. I notice you are putting vitamin c plus iodine in your milk. I know that vitamin c will neutralize iodine and iodine as an oxidative affect and c being anti-oxidative. My question does adding these to milk keep the c from neutralizing the iodine?

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 12/29/2008

I've changed protocols slightly. I believe I have this thing in full reversal. However, 6 months going down doesn't mean two days going back up.

As I said, I am confident that I had a staph infection for 6 months that weakened my immune system, and brought on a candida problem. I cured the staph with mega c(sodium ascorbate)... now I'm dealing with the candida problem (which I believe fungus is the cause of lichen planus, candida or not).

The wart like things that come and go, are probably freindly bacteria eating the fungus. No more fungus, and the warts disappear(and you have crappy looking finger-tips).

With the fish oil, I can't say whether or not this produces friendly bacteria that kills the fungus. Perhaps it does. Perhaps this is just bad bacteria infecting fungally dammaged cells. Unclear.
I've been killing off fungus very quickly with Niacin and Garlic Pills(Selenium and Sulfur). Uninating several grams of Candida per day.

What comes along with this is that if you kill your fungus, this "friendly bacteria" looks for a new place to attach to. This is called a "dye-off-effect" by the iodine guys. You get a stuffy nose, and feel like you have a cold. During this time period, you can increase your vitamin c(Sodium Ascorbate) substantially without getting diarrhea. I am at 30,000 mg today.

Here is my new protocol:
Selenium Sulfate Head and shoulders with 2 teaspoons of borax (for the dandruff).

Colgate Total Toothpaste (triscolan plus Sodium Laurel Sulfate)

Sodium Ascorbate (6,000 - 30,000 mg)

Niacin (built up from 500mg to 1,500 mg)

Garlic (built up from 5,000mg to 15,000 mg)

Iodine drops (built up to 1,100 mcg per day)

I mix the iodine and vitamin c with milk, take a niacin pill, and 2 garlic oil pills. If I feel a runny nose, then I skip the next dose, and put vitamin c in milk(4000 mg), or orange juice(2000 mg).

Since I've added the garlic, I had a sore live for 1 day, followed by a sore kidney for 2 days, followed by garlicy breath(hit my lungs), followed by the worst gas in my life and diarrhea(intestines).

With the mega-c, the die-off effect comes and goes, a couple hourse at a time (no big deal).
This new protocol is a modification of Linus Pauling's protocol for Multiple Sclerosis, plus Ted's. It has been postulated in the past that Candida overgrowth in the intestines could lead to MS. I don't know if that is true or not, but I've noticed substantial improvement in 2 weeks on it.

Other problems: you might get a sore back. This could be from the liver, kidney, or the intestines. Make sure you drink lots of extra water.

Additional Notes: don't go to fast, build up gradually at your own pace. The no-flush niacinamide and time-released, stay away from. You want the flush, that means you're actually killing something. Having a doctor actually monitor your blood and liver would probably be a good thing. If you go too fast, you can damage your liver.

Warning on Borax, which I've recommended in the past: Too much borax can explode blood vessels. I cured my blepharitis with it... but I've also seen some blood vessels turn red. Perhaps Borax cures atherosclerosis, however, if you see and signs of red blood vesels, especially next to your eyes, or on your genitals, you better stop using the stuff until those heal. As I've said in the past, ted has chosen wise doses for a reason. There are some studies on Borax that say you can explode blood vessel in the genitals if you go to high on this stuff. What is too high is hard to tell, but if you see red blood vessels then stop.

I've had success with both internal and external use of this substance, but caution should be used.
ps. Ted, your writing is brilliant. I needed alot of time to catch-up. Where should I send the check to? :)

Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rawy (Caroni, Trinidad) on 12/26/2008

hellow i live in Trinidad and i have lichin planus, it is on my head arms and legs hydrosone ointment do not work can you give me a simple remeady please

Borax, Tea Tree and Lavender Oils
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, FL) on 12/23/2008

I am confused though as Ted says to give your body a rest after a few days, but I don't see this in reader's cures.

-- Everything in moderation. Ted is right. It would be nice to kill all the bad stuff off in 2 days... unfortunately, then you overload your kidneys with bad stuff, among numerous other problems. Extra water seems like a good idea to help avoid this problem.

Vitamin B and C are at least water soluble, and are tougher to overdose on. I'm kind of fond of Sodium Ascorbate, after reading the Linus Pauling research. Too much ascorbic acid will give you diarhea. You can always create Sodium Ascorbate from Neutralizing Vitamin C with Baking Soda.. or getting some Sodium Ascorbate from Amazon or elsewhere, if you want to try higher doses. It seems like neat stuff.

Borax, Tea Tree and Lavender Oils
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 12/20/2008

Dear Stephanie, If a cat or dog started getting a patch of white hair followed by hair loss, the diagnosis would be ringworm (which is a fungus). So I believe ted's advice is all correct.

For pets with dandruff, their is a shampoo with 2% acetic acid, 2% boric acid... which is supposedly more effected than some of the azole drugs.

My suggestion is to buy some Selenium Sulfide dandruff shampoo, and add a couple of tea-spoons of borax to it. Let it sit for 5 minutes before rinsing off. If it's a fungal problem, this will kill the fungus within a few weeks.

To try to get your hair back, if you're one of the lucky 15% who can get their hair back, Sulfur(Garic Pills), and Super-B complex(B-6) may do the trick(after 3 months). Adding an extra vitamin c per day to boost your immune system and repair damaged cells wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Note: This in addition to Ted's suggestions.

Borax, Tea Tree and Lavender Oils
Posted by Stephanie (Eugene, USA) on 08/23/2008

I was just diagnosed with Lichen Planispolaris, losing my hair for 9 months. I have read so many cures on this site...where to begin!! I applied tea tree oil, lavender oil mixed with aloe. Also, on alternate days put on a solution of borax and water. I also drink 1/8 to 1/4 teas. borax in liter of water about every other day. I am confused though as Ted says to give your body a rest after a few days, but I don't see this in reader's cures. I have only been doing this for about 10 days, hair loss seems a little less. My urine ph runs about 7. in the AM but changes to acid during the day till night when it is at 5. Been drink 2 T ACV with 1/2 teas. soda 2 or 3 times a day. How can I make it less acid? Thanks for any help or comments.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 12/20/2008

I have some new thoughts on this disease.

Although I've had "lichen planus" for 7 years, I recently experienced the "AutoImmune symptoms". Plus I've had these mouth problems for 6 months.

For the "Oral Lichen Planus" sufferers, I believe that I'm finally on the road to recovery. It would seem that the root cause of my Oral Lichen Planus was a staph infection, that I missed.

6 months ago, part of the inside of my cheek had turned black, then the skin fell off, then I got a lesion that seemed to keep growing.

2 weeks ago, I experimented with mega-c... I popped 6 pills in 3 hours. Of course, too much c will give you diarrhea. It seemed that I induced a cold 2 days later. However, I had a feeling of ADD(perhaps it was mild dimensia?). I had trouble following 3 sentences. I took a super-b complex pill, and within 20 minutes, this feeling was gone, and hasn't come back.

I kept on the mega-c protocol, and within 3 days, the lesion was gone(not completely healed, but gone). ACV couldn't cure this, so I'm pretty sure it was staph. Perhaps it wasn't the demodex bug like I had speculated before... perhap I just ate some bad food/corn.

I bought some sodium ascorbate from amazon, and have kept up the mega-c protocol (upping to 6000mg/day). Mega-C is a treatment for Periodontal Disease. The mechanism seems to be to raise saliva ph, kill bacteria, and help repair damaged salivary glands, which produce candida-killing hystamines and defensin-b.

So although I attribute my recent problems to a staph infection, Heliobacter Pylori can cause the same problem, along with some other bacterias.

If you're seeing thrush, certainly increasing antifungals isn't a bad idea either. (ACV, Borax, Niacinamide, Garlic(Sulfur), Walnuts(Gallic Acid) )

For the 7 year lichen planus problem, I now attribute this to skin fungus. It seems I had dandruff, which is caused by a fungus, and Jock Itch which is caused by a fungus. If you scratch your head or elsewhere, then you can get this skin fungus on your finger-tips, and then spread it elsewhere (since skin fungus is mildly contagious).

For the other person that mentioned the fish oil... on this strange allergy that only affected part of one arm... I tried the diluted bleach remedy, 1 cap to a cup of water. The skin turned brown in 2 days, and was healed in 2 weeks. I believe that I had fungus-damaged skin, that got infected by some sort of bacterial buildup in my blood. So the bleach killed the bacteria, and the fungus, and the fungally-damaged skin.

For the hand problems, soaking your hands in ACV or Baking Soda/ACV/Borax mix should clear them right up. I had some success with drinking diluted Vinnegar (Acetic Acid and Acetate kills fungus).
For the Lichen Plano-Pillaris sufferer, my remedy is that I have added two teaspoons of Borax to my Selenium Sulfide Head and Shoulders. Now this shampoo seems to actually work. Dandruff is 95% relieved.
So my current regimen is:
Drinking 2x per day:
ACV neutralized with baking soda,
1/8 teaspoon borax
2000 mg Vitamin C
Orange Juice

I've added a garlic pill(sulfur) and a Niacinamide pill 2x per day as well.

Everything seems to be reversing pretty quickly, but it might take a few more weeks.
For rheumatoid arthitis sufferers, I've been told that walnuts, which have Gallic Acid (a strong anti-fungal), will help alot.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Steve (Hernando , MS.) on 12/13/2008

Good information I have been using Niacin time release 250 mg at bed time it is making me feel better this is true. I had to ignore the flushing side effect.

Posted by Steve (Hernando , MS.) on 12/13/2008

Fungal Arthritis.

Niacin time release works I take one at bed time the body heals its self in sleep. Flushing I believe is the Fungal reaction trying to survive it scared me at first I refuse to let it win.


Pellagra causes a variety of symptoms affecting the skin; mucous membranes (moist linings of the mouth, organs, etc.); central nervous system (including the brain and nerves); and the gastrointestinal system. The classic collection of symptoms includes redness and swelling of the mouth and tongue.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 12/01/2008

ok. Lichen Planus of the mouth is either staph or strep or the root canal bacteria(ie. infected tooth).

The Staph variation, comes from the demodex mite. This is also known as Pellagra.

Treatment is large doses of Vitamin C and B3-Niacin or Niacinamide. Niacin has two functions. #1, it is used to convert LDL and Triglycerides to HDL. It basically starves the staph. #2 Niacin in plants is an insecticide. It can form NAD or NADP and kill off insects in the body.

On the Vitamin C front, basically Vitamin C is being used to kill the staph, and so basic operations like skin repair, collagen production, and an alkaline tongue are neglected... leading to further infection.

Pellagra, or Demodex Staph, is a curable disease, though.

No fish oil... There is a scientific study of staph feeding on Fish Oil.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 11/30/2008

Hmm... then again Pallagra or black tongue has a white tongue sometimes. Could be a Vitamin B defficiency or intestinal parasites causing the problem.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 11/24/2008

Solved. This "Autoimmune Disease" is caused by the Demodectic mite, and is analogous to Demodectic Mange in dogs, and is potentially life threatening.

This mite causes a "Staph Infection" in your cheeks. This leads to acidic saliva. This leads to a "Geographic Tongue". The Geographic tongue is an algae or fungus, which spreads to your cheek lining, weakening the cheak lining, and allowing mouth bacteria to infect your cheeks. This in turn makes the problem worse, causing a form of Gum Disease of the cheeks, allowing the staph infection to spread to the rest of your body.

BTW, staph bacteria loves fish oil, so no fish oil while treating this.
Treatment: #1 the common treatment for Scurvy, or the Mouth wound that doesn't heal is "1000 mg of Vitamin C per day." This will raise the ph of your saliva, kill the staph bacteria, and cure the "geographic tongue".

#2 to prevent this from coming back, you need an insecticide that kills mites. I added borax to my shampoo. My face lit up like a christmas tree. Perhaps you can use a lice shampoo or an "enzymic mite killer", as well. Or ask your doctor.

If following the borax method, a boron supplement might be a good idea. Also you can buy hand soap with borax.
It turns out that while going on my diet, I stopped drinking OJ to cut calories. This made the problem worse. And then when I went on an anti-candida diet, trying to reduce sugar by reducing juices to try and fix the "geographic tongue"... it made it even worse.

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