Lichen Planus Remedies

Borax, Tea Tree and Lavender Oils
Posted by Stephanie (Eugene, USA) on 08/23/2008

I was just diagnosed with Lichen Planispolaris, losing my hair for 9 months. I have read so many cures on this site...where to begin!! I applied tea tree oil, lavender oil mixed with aloe. Also, on alternate days put on a solution of borax and water. I also drink 1/8 to 1/4 teas. borax in liter of water about every other day. I am confused though as Ted says to give your body a rest after a few days, but I don't see this in reader's cures. I have only been doing this for about 10 days, hair loss seems a little less. My urine ph runs about 7. in the AM but changes to acid during the day till night when it is at 5. Been drink 2 T ACV with 1/2 teas. soda 2 or 3 times a day. How can I make it less acid? Thanks for any help or comments.
