Natural Treatment for Keloid Scars

Massage, Essential Oils, Turpentine
Posted by Alexa (Los Angeles, Ca) on 07/05/2014

Home Remedy for Keloids:

I wish I had a before and after photo. They were SOOOO Big and painful and itched so bad. After about six months this is what I have found to work.

Massage. If I take a glass bottle and massage them for about 5 minutes they are noticably smaller. Then I take Lavender and or Frankincense essential oil and pour directly on it. I also take a body brush and brush it daily for a few weeks. They stay pretty flat. I was amazed at how well it worked after the first application. I only do it a few times a week.

I ran out of oil waiting for it in the mail and I tried turpentine instead and it stings in one area but it's flatter and smaller like a dent in it after about 2 minutes. Like it was burned away. So essential oils Lavender, Frankincense and Turpentine seem to be effective. Also a friend share that if you use lavender there is no scarring and sure enough one scabbed over and is back to normal one the scab fell off.

I would also like to mention that where I picked the scab in the first place created Keloids, where I didn't pick the scabs and let them heal or didn't let the water wash the scab away the skin looks normal. So I know now what to do! Don't pick the scab and cover with Lavender.
