Jock Itch Remedies

Posted by Joel (Pa) on 10/24/2018 16 posts

DMSO diluted 1:3 or so in water cured my terrible jock itch. I tried every remedy on Earthclinic but only DMSO cured it. With just one or two applications it was gone. No burn or pain either. Not sure why nobody else knows about this. I actually put some magnesium chloride in my mixture but pretty sure that was not the reason it worked.

Just soak your area in the dmso water, rub it in real well... leave it on like that at least 5 minutes before rinsing off.

Baking Soda
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 07/04/2018 47 posts

Baking soda for jock itch and all fungal infections:

I have had jock itch on various occasions and have been able to easily and quickly resolve the fungal infection with sodium bicarbonate aka baking soda. I either pour a mixture of water and baking soda on the affected area or paste some powder directly on the area. In order to prevent a recurrence I eat yoghurt or supplement with probiotics. I also would drink some baking soda and/or acv.

Baking soda is a very powerful antifungal and can take care of all fungus including athletes foot and yeast infections. It is also used to fight fungus associated with cancer. Dr. Simoncini from Italy cured many cancers with just sodium bicarbonate.

Since many people suffer from fungal infection after being treated with antibiotics, it is important to regrow the beneficial bacteria in your gut with probiotics.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dan-o (Santa Rosa, Ca) on 01/14/2018

After 12 years of ineffectively dealing with athlete's foot fungus, it migrated to my crotch and so I made a full commitment to getting rid of it. It took two more years after trying many cures including ones on this excellent blog and also prescribed Lamisil taken internally.

The high points of my cure are:

- soak in a whirlpool bath that has a regulated anti-fungal solution (chlorine level monitored and maintained) for at least 10 minutes every day until the fungus is killed. If you have had the fungus for as long as I did, it is deeply embedded in your skin so it takes the chlorine a while to be absorbed adequately. You will feel the areas that are infested as they will itch while you are soaking. When the itching stops, the fungus has been killed. Repeat this treatment until the fungus is completely gone. It took around three months for me as it was deeply embedded. Chlorine has the benefit that it can actually kill the fungus and it's spores. Swimming in chlorinated pool suppressed my fungus, but wasn't concentrated enough to kill it off. Most other treatments cause the spores to go into a defensive mode that is very durable and will re-emerge.

- increase the acidity of the infested areas by applying a citric acid solution. Use a strength level of 1 teaspoon per cup of water. This acid is what is used for food products, can be ingested, is very effective and doesn't burn nearly as much as other options. This will keep spores from re-producing between whirlpool treatments. There are spores everywhere in your home if you've been infested for a while.

- wash your socks and underwear in very hot water for an extended cycle. Normal hot water washing didn't kill the spores of the fungus I had.

- toss shoes that are infested. If you have a really nice pair of shoes you'd like to salvage, you can lightly soak your socks and wear them in the infested shoes for a day. If this doesn't work, toss.

- clean your bathroom floors/shower/tub with a bleach solution to kill spores. This won't get them all as some will remain in bedroom carpets, etc. but this will get rid of most of them.

Ammonium Chloride
Posted by Steve (United States) on 09/06/2020

I have had jock itch for several years and nothing seemed to help. I tried all the over the counter creams, ACV, Hydrogen Peroxide, epsom salts, pretty much all the rememdies I could find and nothing worked. Some would help a little but didn't last long. I read your post on Ammonium Chloride and thought, I tried everything else so I might as well try this. It worked immediately. The first time I used it, it burned liked crazy but only for a few moments. It really only burned the first time I used it. But, it began to work immediately. No itch at all the whole day. I am now on day three and have had three days of NO itch what so ever and no burn. This really does work. It has been years since I have not had to deal with the crazy itch everyday. Thanks for positing this one. It works like a charm.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Phillip (Virginia) on 09/30/2015

I also use the alcohol method in the form of hand sanitizer and it works. I apply in the shower and let it soak in for 3-5 minutes and then I rinse it off. Leaving it in was a little much for my skin. I also had to put in some homemade vaseline/beeswax combination on the folds of my skin between by legs and my business to facilitate healing. Worked like a charm.Thanks to all for the writeups.

Diluted Bleach
Posted by Manny (Uk) on 05/22/2015

I used Bleach with water to cure my jock itch I had for 9 or so months.The bleach with water cured it in I think 3 days, but maybe it was a week. Whatever the case it was bloody fast.

I have a shot glass in my bathroom, I squirted a little bit of bleach into there, and then filled the rest up with water and stirred with a cotton bud.

Then I just poured the solution into my hands, and applied and spread it across my crotch area where the jock itch was.

You should smell like a swimming pool down there, so it might be best to do it before bed.

Now I first tried to use bleach directly, and that burnt bad and I had to wash that stuff off quickly. But by just diluting the bleach with a little bit of water I was surprised how the burn of bleach had gone so quickly. Then if I got any itching/irritation, it was not anywhere near as bad as my previous jock itch so it was fine.

The reason I'm saying this is you, is you do not need a lot of water, only very little. I started using half a shot glass of water rather than a full one, because it was just too much water to apply. Remember bleach doesn't thicken the water. So it's like applying water to your crotch, which can be very messy if you have too much (just try a full shot glass without any bleach in it). So don't make it with too much water. And I didn't use any towels to get rid of excess (in the crotch area), I just pulled up my underwear. If the solution had pulled down my leg or went on the floor, I used a towel.

Just so people know specifically which brand I used here in the UK. It was one I already had in my house called Mr Muscle Toilet Power Thick Bleach Gel.

People should know I tried a lot of other things. For example tea tree soap, 10% sulphur soap, and 12% hydrogen peyroxide.

Sulphur soap by Christina May actually helped a lot but never killed the jock itch, it basically dried the crotch area so much that it stopped it, but would cause cracks in my skin, including one crack in my foreskin.

Tea Tree Oil soap did nothing.

And 12% hydrogen peroxide, though it burnt like hell and very painful, did kill the jock itch, but only for a day, and it would return the next day. And this is 12%! So I manned up and use the strong stuff, and it didn't kill my jock itch.

Seriously guys and gals, use diluted bleach with water. You won't get the pain or burning like hydrogen peroxide will give you (especially when you have cuts), and might experience a slight irritation and itching. But after a week you'll banish this cursed thing forever.

You might want to wear gloves when you do it, as you might accidentally touch your eyes later on like I did, and even though I washed my hands with soap, the bleach had absorbed into my skin and there was still residue. So I accidentally rubbed my eyes and some bleach residue was there, and it started to irritate my eyes. Luckily just washing my eyes with water got rid of it.

Lastly I used Emu Oil after the jock itch was gone to heal the skin quickly. Emu Oil heals skin very fast. There's some doctor who's on youtube, uses emu oil and drugs to help heal skin and transport anti biotics, and really bad skin lesions, like ones open so you can see the bone, that they've had for years. Emu oil heals them in weeks! And it works on the my crotch area where cracks and lesions from this whole jock itch and sulphur soap era happened.

Lastly lastly. How do I know my jock itch is cured? Because when I use to have anything sugary it would start to itch really badly. The other day I has milk, porridge, and a lot of brown sugar, and I mean a lot (5 tablespoons or more). I was trying to cause an insulin spike with my protein after I had just been to the gym. And no itching occured! An absolute miracle! You might not agree with me eating that much sugar for insulin spike, but at least that told me, this thing is properly gone.

I might try and maintain my jock itch free status by applying diluted water and bleach once a week so it never returns.

Hope this helps.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 09/19/2014

I was diagnosed with diabetes II in May 2014. My doctor wanted me to start taking Metformin. I told her I prefer to reverse it with diet and exercise. She was quite skeptical and told me that eventually I would have to take it. I went on a low carb diet with mild exercise that was just walking up two flights of stairs in my home twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes. I was not monitoring my blood sugar. I went back to the doctor early this month (September). My blood sugar was down 8 points and I lost 20 pounds. She was quite shocked and pleased. She asked me what I was doing and I told her. She said continue what you are doing, you don't need the Metformin. Sometimes you have to take control of your health and not wholly depend on healthcare professionals.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Thomas (Martinton, Il) on 05/24/2014

Re: Rubbing Alcohol for Jock Itch.? Rubbing alcohol worked great! My doctor (who is excellent) suggested that Lamisil works best (out of all the topical creams). So I used the rubbing alcohol (on tissue paper squares) and then put the Lamisil on afterwards. Walmart sells a higher potion form of rubbing alcohol... and also sells a generic form of Lamisil that is a lot less expensive! Both worked great together! At first, none of the top brand topical creams worked for me whatsoever (except for only a little bit of change).

At first the rubbing alcohol stings for a minute or so... but after a few days... it's negligible! I now put on the rubbing alcohol (as a preventative) after daily showers... and a tiny amount of the Lamisil cream. I put the rubbing alcohol in a small medicine (vitamin) plastic container; I use only a new piece of tissue square each time I place it against the mouth of the container to soak it. Works great!!!! Goodby nasty itchy fungus among us!!!!!!!!! :)

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Terry (Florida) on 08/06/2018

Hey man, I read your post and you said your jock itch isn't completely cured w the alcohol. Here's the thing, fungus stays on your underwear and clothing bleach won't irradicate it completely. I recommend that you let any clothing that has or could be exposed to your jock itch to be sanitized in this manner:

First use boiling hot water then add a cap of lysol laundry disinfectant to the washing machine. Let it soak (after) its run through the wash cycle for 15 minutes. After 15 to 20 minutes turn your machine back on. When the machine goes through the final rinse cycle use the lysol again in the final rinse, like the lysol instructions say. The heat itself may kill the fungus but it seems the added lysol has prevented flare ups from exposure to contaminated underwear and clothing for me.

91% alcohol will then be enough to completely kill off your genital fungus. Thing is we reinfect ourselves with towels, underwear, even paints that have come into contact with your fungus groin. If in doubt poor a little extra 91% on your groin to wear your clothing that's going to come in contact with you soaks up the excess. Again I've found that clothing and towels will reinfect you very easily. Fungus is hard to kill off for this reason.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Flower's Mom (Pueblo Of Acoma, Nm) on 08/09/2018

After washing sheets, towels, underwear, etc. I always hang them outside and let the sun dry them. The sun will kill will kill any remaining fungus and/or germs, that remain after washing. It is wonderful how Mother Nature has provided us with this resource. Best of healing and health to you. Flower's Mom

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ning (Springfield, Missouri) on 01/01/2013

My husband had jock itch not very long ago and it looked real bad, it was very red and burning he said, he tried all the cream for jock itch, but anyway, I research here on earthclinic and I read Apple Cider Vinegar so I told my husband to give it a try, so after he shower he used about one half cup Apple Cider Vinegar and alum power ( 3x a day)and u know what after 2 days of treatment before he knew it was completely gone, Apple Cider Vinegar do wonders.. He is jock itch free for 2 days now. thanks again earthclinic...

Posted by Brian (Northampton, Ma) on 08/24/2011

I finally found something that keeps jock itch at bay. Preventing it seems to work better than any "cure" ever did. I just spray on Arrid Extra Extra Dry anti-perspirant every day or every other day and it stays away.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by J.e.pettitt (Red Deer Ab Canada) on 07/03/2017

Hydrogen Peroxide is Cheap and Effective for Jock Itch

Bottom Line on several suggested treatments? -each to their own!

I myself discovered Hydrogen Peroxide somewhat by accident and am most pleased with it. I merely wet my palms and apply to either side of the groin--no diluting necessary (for me). Gold Bond? Only tried it once with no satisfaction. I also use alcohol pads (meant for diabetics) as they're very handy and simple, but only as a temporal measure. A worthy observation too-- don't sleep under too many blankets so as to sweat overnight and thereby cause the problem. I personally find an H.P. 'splash' only necessary when moistness and itching is evident. But again, each to their own.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jim (Frankfort, IL) on 05/01/2009

Please be careful! 35% hydrogen peroxide can be VERY DANGEROUS and can cause severe burns. A man on this site writing about using it for jock itch and for oral care did not mention DILUTING the hydrogen peroxide. I believe it is crucial to dilute it properly.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Greg (Dallas, TX) on 02/27/2015

I want to thank everyone on this thread, because I had given up on over the counter remedies ( I. E. Lotramin) that did not work. When I read the comments here and tried rubbing alcohol on my jock itch, it disappeared almost immediately. I still am applying the alcohol as a safe guard, but my skin looks perfect now and I have no more itching and red bumps. Thanks again!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 05/23/2023

Apple Cider Vinegar Bath for Jock Itch/Balantis Fungal/Bacterial infection of the skin. Add 2 cups of organic apple cider vinegar w/mother to the bathtub, take a 20-30 minute warm or hot bath. Pat dry when exiting tub. Do NOT shower or rinse off for 8 hours. Do this bath for 10 days.

Note: Throughout history, the antiseptic nature of vinegar has been used to clean and disinfect soldiers wounds and thus speed up wound healing. Apple cider vinegar was used to this effect during the Roman Legions, American civil war and as late as world war one. Also mix Tea tree oil and Coconut oil 1:1 ratio and use this as a topical rub to your man junk area. Do this every day til symptoms clear.

Lemongrass Oil
Posted by Joel R. (Philadelphia, Pa) on 03/25/2018 16 posts

Jock Itch:

What worked for me was lemongrass essential oil diluted into a carrier oil (best is squalane but maybe any will work). How dilute to make it depends on how sensitive your skin is, which partly depends on how bad the fungus is. At first, make it pretty dilute, like maybe only 20% lemongrass oil. As your fungus goes away you will be able to increase to 60% or even 70% lemongrass oil.

Apply it 4 times daily or more. If it burns like hell then dilute it more. It should burn just a little bit if your fungus is bad.

Posted by Joel R (Pa) on 01/22/2018 16 posts

Hi Becky, I don't get notified of comments/replies so just randomly saw this because I wanted to add to my original testimonial by saying that I do think the jock itch is an internal and external problem.

The borax works externally for a while, but then the itch comes back after some hours. I found that if I fasted, eating only a bit of spirulina and glutamine, the itch would not come back. There is an antifungal diet (rather, multiple antifungal diets) which I may try (basically no carbs + some some other ideas), tho I need to do a longer fast anyway for some other issues.

Still, borax is the best that I've found. I have also tried alcohol now, and it doesn't work as well as borax--maybe on par with vinegar.

Now, you asked how I apply the borax. I dissolve it in hot water and then smear the water on. Then I rub some fine borax powder (i ground it up) onto that wet area as well.

The main thing is at night, while sleeping, I sweat a lot. So I keep the borax powder by the bed and apply it at that point, and it absorbs into the sweat.

If you are dealing with a vaginal yeast infection, just insert a full 0 or 00 size capsule with borax powder.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jj (Rhode Island) on 03/18/2017

I tried rubbing alcohol and it worked -- eliminated jock itch that I had been experiencing for years. However, I still had to apply it regularly, once a day or once every two days, to keep it gone.

That said, for other, unrelated reasons, I switched to a whole foods plant based diet. After making this switch, the jock itch went away completely. It leads me to believe that either (1) something I was eating (eggs, dairy, etc.) was causing it or (2) something I was not eating but now eat on a regular basis (legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts) has prevented the jock itch from returning. I recommend this strongly for anyone who has been struggling with jock itch.

Posted by Carlos (Barcelona) on 07/14/2015


I read that kefir would get rid of Jock itch. I was given lamisil topical and oral by my doctor last summer and it went away but this summer it returned.

I have tried some remedies from here like ACV with didnt work for me, teatre oil seemed to work but made it worst.The best thing I used was vaseline, but still the next day I could feel th yeasty cheesy smell that Ive grown to hate.

So Ive been keeping it under control with vaseline.

I started drinking homemade kefir and I saw other health benefits but no benefit on my jock itch. I applied the kefir milk to my jock itch too, and I got relieve but the smell was back the next day.

2 days ago I saw my kefir grains were growing too much so I thought, why not use th kefir grains straight on my jock itch?

So I took a shower and washd the area with first hot water, then cold water for long time sinc I heard its good to apply cold.I dont use any soap sinc it has always agravate my problem.Then I dried the area with a towell I grabbed about 1 or 2 tbsps of kefir grains and I rubbed it on all the area for about 5 min .

Try to filter the grains befor so they dont have much milk, remember milk is food for all fungus yeast and it turns to glucose so milk is not the best thing to apply.

Be careful cause it can be very messy, grains will fall to the floor your feet etc.

It was just amazing, at the same tim I was rubbing the grains over my skin, the red patches were turning brown, it was killing the fungus in front my eyes and it felt so refreshing.

I didnt rinse. Latr while laying in bed I felt some stinging I thought oh no this is not working but I think it was the fungus dying.

Long story short, 2 days later I feel no disconfort AT ALL. Theres no redness only dark pigmentation that will go overtime, no swelling.And the best indicator.Its been 2 days I dont take a shower Ive sweat a lot and its summer but I dont have that cheesy yasty smell anymore.You may think Im nasty but I just wanted to fully test the kefir grains effect with only one use.

Im in disbilief caus lamisil took the pain away and rash but the cheesy smell was always there and thats how I knew it would com back eventually.

The reason behind this working is:

one kefir grains are tooo acidic, much more than the milk that you drink from the grains yt it doesnt irritate the skin like alcohol vinegar lemon etc

two.Kefir brains also contain billions of benefitial bateria yeast and fungus that when applied to your skin compete with the candida responsible for jock itch to survive, killing it in the process.

So this is my recipe, wash throuly with warm and then cold water.Dry the area with a towell and or hair drier.Rub the kefir grains for as long as you can in every area, let it air dry for a few minutes and gt dressed as usual.

Reducing sugar bread intake and drinking raw kefir is aditional help.Also dont use soap in that area sinc soaps remove your skin natural protection.

Please try this, I know how dificult it is to deal with this condition specially psycologically.

Google about kefir, learn how simple it is to make it at home.Find someone near to give you grains or buy them online cheap. You wont be disapointed.I us Milk kefir grains, I ve never had water kefir grains.

Ill keep reporting

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by John (Hawaii) on 08/20/2013

Rubbing Alcohol to get rid of jock itch: I tried all the creams and sprays out there including the most popular jock itch remedies and even other home remedies I read about.

Then I tried the really easy to find and inexpensive 70% Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol, and the itch went away in a matter of days and has never returned.

I experienced a two unexpected benefits too. One is it keeps you smelling fresh, even after sweating for hours and hours in a hot climate. I am now using it as deodorant too.

The other is I thought I had an anal fissure as I had pain and bleeding with each bowel movement. Apparently the rubbing alcohol applied to that area cleared that up to. Now I have no blood ever, and just slight discomfort sometimes.

If you have an itchy anal area it might be jock itch and the rubbing alcohol will get rid of it there too.

Regarding the safety of using it I read about tests where they applied hand sanitizer which is 60% alcohol 30 times per hour throughout the day and found almost no trace of it in the blood. This test was done because nurses use a lot of it throughout the day. Hand Sanitizer is like Rubbing Alcohol with some things thrown in to make it smell fresh and not dry out the skin.

I figure if they tested 30 times per hour and I was only applying it twice per day I was OK.

Regarding dry skin it is not drying out my skin, but I do live in a hot, moist climate.

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Bill (Arkansas) on 07/10/2013

For Jock Itch, I used 70% Rubbing Alcohol several times the first two days, basically every couple of hours or so. Amazing results! The cotton rounds is the best way to apply. Just soak one and swab the entire area well. It does burn but subsides pretty quick, of course depending in your level of irritation. Now I follow this routine every day with Gold Bond or similar menthol medicated powder included.

Posted by Jaya (Chennai, Tamilnadu And India) on 03/01/2013

Lemon for jock itch: apply plain lemon juice without adding water. 2 days u get complete cure.

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