The Best Natural Remedies and Supplements for the Hypothalamus

| Modified on May 22, 2024
General Feedback
Posted by Denise E (Crescent City, CA) on 03/04/2023

I'm hoping to find up-to-date info on the Hypothalumus gland because I've believed for some time that the reason, at 70 years old, my continuing body temperature (or hot-flashes) have something to do with this gland.

So far I can't find any fixes (possible fixes) for it and have never taken anything conventional, pills, ERT etc. I see something on a diet by Dr. Simeon in the 70s, but I'm a type 2 and really have not looked at his suggestions.

I want to find out if there is any info on EC to prove something herbal, food, or supplement has helped. I am so tired of the issues I have and I understand I can't fix everything, but I want this post out there in case someone has new info I could put to the test.

I have always felt that a signal from my mind, or brain is causing my heat-flash, hot whatever you want to call it so I've just got this instinct telling me to keep looking at the brain.

Any feedback appreciated, Denise

Dr. Simeons Hcg Diet Protocol
Posted by Tricia (Elmont, New York, U.s.a.) on 08/04/2010 8 posts

Can we start a new subject about retraining the hypothalamus with the diet that Dr Simeon introduced in the 1970's? I believe it is called the Human c G?

Dr. Simeons Hcg Diet Protocol
Posted by Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 09/02/2010

Orrilia, Are you taking the shots, or are you doing the sublingual drops? I was wondering if anyone had ever tried the drops and if they are as efficient as the shots. I see that they sell the both on line. Anyone had experience with either of these?

Dr. Simeons Hcg Diet Protocol
Posted by Suzy (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) on 10/13/2010

Hi Orrilia from Cornwall. Where did you purchase the homeopathic drops? And what brand was it? Please and Thank-You! Suzy

Dr. Simeons Hcg Diet Protocol
Posted by Lucky (Melbourne, Melbourne Australia) on 10/27/2010

Hi Gail from Wheelers Hill , Melbourne Australia,

Could you tell me from where you bought the hcg drops, I am also from melbourne

Dr. Simeons Hcg Diet Protocol
Posted by David M. (Toronto) on 09/15/2023

Am interested in the 30 day protocol,, does anyone know who offers it? Is it available in Ontario?
