Natural Remedies for Gray Hair

Egg, Avocado, Honey
Posted by Bjdc2106 (Newville, Pa) on 08/08/2018

Remedy for Gray Hair

I used 1 healthy egg, avocado, honey. Whipped it up so it is smooth and mixed good. Worked it through my hair and my hair seems darker. Maybe once or twice a week. (Gray hair).

B Vitamins
Posted by Laura.B (Brisbane Nsw) on 08/09/2018

Hi I'd like to try this clinical trial method to reverse gray hair but I'm somewhat confused. So I found the inositol online but could only find 500mg so do I take 4pills to make it 2000mg?

Also after 90 days, what do you mean take one pill each ..what is the exact dosage of each of those one pills? What mg does it go down to?..I really hope you can help me to understand. Thank you so much.

B Vitamins
Posted by Ideal (CA) on 01/16/2022

Jeanne, you are team player, thank you for responding. Your math is correct =)

B Vitamins
Posted by D (MN) on 11/17/2020

I'm sorry to say that this hasn't worked for me the way it has for the original poster. I've tried it for many months and only notice some grey hairs going back, sometimes. It hasn't helped me prevent new greys, either. :(

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Madi (Calgary) on 10/26/2020

I had read somewhere that hydrogen peroxide is what turns hair grey in the first place! That our body's make it naturally. I always wondered if taking peroxide would work kind of like the way to fix water retention is to drink more water... Anyway I found this interesting, so thank you!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by El (Washington, DC) on 02/20/2024

Were you doing inhalation or consuming orally?

EC: Most likely orally.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tlw (Birmingham, Al) on 11/18/2016

How to Identify the RIGHT Blackstrap Molasses

I don't think EarthClinic will let me post the brand name, but you need a brand of BlackStrap Molasses. (It is also "unsulphured" but I don't know if that makes a difference.)

However, the nutrient list on the back of the bottle should read as follows: 20% Iron, 17% Potassium, and 20% Calcium. Depending on the brand, these percentages might vary a little, but not much. That's the best way to tell if you're purchasing the right type. On ocassion, I've seen them at a grocery store, but I usually have to order online.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 04/22/2015

Jeanne, that sounds like a LOT of molasses.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Amber ( Ca) on 04/29/2015

So, you took 2-3 TBS 3x daily and it turned the hair back to brown? Or it began to grow back out brown?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Kathleen (Houston) on 08/18/2014

I have been taking BSM for close to a year. I use it as my sugar, a spoon in my coffee, in oatmeal. As a sweetener in most things I would use sugar in. My hair is very fair and to be honest, I'm not sure because I break down and use color every once in a while. But I do think it has toned down the grey. Stays a dark blond with sunny highlights.I hope for a bit more dark as time goes by. I still think it is very good for me to have stopped the sugar.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mimi (Alabama, Usa) on 04/03/2015

Thank you for your comment. I so agree w you. Take the time to consistently use an approach for a reasonable period of time. Then be flexible enough to add another or change your approach.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sam (Miami, Florida, US) on 10/02/2014

Use dying technique called balayage. Use two tones. It doesn't touch your scalp and is very effective for 8 weeks or longer. Just find an experienced hair dresser. Take the He Shou Wu herb.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by K (Indianapolis, IN) on 06/22/2014

It's said that lack of Tyrosine is one cause of graying in humans and cats. I have a cat that used to have only one spot of gray on his tail tip and is now patched w/gray. Just started giving him various amino acids so have no proof of this.

I take Tyrosine and have no gray hair, of course that may not be why.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Elena (Spain) on 09/19/2014

I started 2 weeks ago the BSM (1 tbsp) and my skin is better than ever, clean and smooth. I lost some weight too cause I have less water retention too and my pms has been wonderful this month. The problem ia that my hair started to fall ... Nobody experienced the same?!! I don't know if it will be only at first but I'm scared. Don't want to stop cause my skin but don't want to lose more hair!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Elsa Easterly (Elsewhere, Ca) on 12/20/2012

Sara, Would love to know the brand and dosage of alpha-lipoic acid you are using. Would be ever grateful if you could send a brief email to me at elsaeasterly at yahoo dot com. Thanks!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/31/2012

Helen, gray/white hair is caused by a copper deficiency. Copper deficiency according to Joel Wallace is related to heart disease and blockage (among other things) so keep doing what you are doing, not just for your hair benefits.

What brand Molasses do you eat. Mine is very high in iron (and iron is an antagonist of copper) so it didn't work.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cayte (Zanesfield, Oh) on 04/28/2012

Do you have to mix molasses with water or just take it as it is? Cayte

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Kate (Maidenhead, Uk) on 09/26/2012

Cayte, you can mix the molasses with apple cider vinegar (ACV) or you can mix the molasses with hot milk and drink it before bedtime. My favourite remedy is molasses and ACV as it helps with weight loss.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jorgo (Athens, Greece) on 01/04/2012

I am 25 years old and suffer from premature gray hair. This thing really makes me stresed and look older. On site I read that blackstrap molasses are used for reverse gray hair to normal. I want to know how long I am going to use it to see result, and if I stop using it will my hair turn again to gray? Has Blackstrap Molasses any side effect to the body? I will really appreciate your help.

With full respect Jorgo.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Vince (Toronto, Ontario) on 07/04/2012

The brand of molasses I bought was from wholefoods. It is called "wholesome blackstrap molasses". It doesn't say on the label that it has copper. I am wondering if anyone has had results with this. Also, are there brands that state copper content?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sydney (Washington, Dc) on 08/30/2012

I haven't tried the molasses yet, but I will now try after having read what I see here. I will say that I do believe reversing gray hair is possible, because I was able to do it, accidentally.

One day, about a month ago, I had a gray hair that was just kind of hanging out of place, so I pulled it out. I was shocked to see that, while the tip of the hair and then up for about six inches it was gray, as it got closer to the root of the hair, the hair had returned to black and there was two inches of dark hair from the bulb to the point where it turned gray again). So, something I was doing made me start growing dark hair again. I wish I had kept track of what vitamins I was taking back then because it was probably related.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jay (Toronto, Ont, Canada) on 10/25/2011

To Mg from Dubai, Uae. Some people have had success with taking BSM for hair loss or premature grey but it does take time whatever the protocol used.

Be aware that on average, hair on a human's head grows about a half an inch per month.

If your treatment is successful you will see the new growth coming in in your natural hair color.

So over time you would see your natural hair color at the root end of the grey hair as the hair grows and eventually you can cut the grey ends off.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 10/26/2011

A lot of natural oils mimic Ostrogen, if one of these is rubbed into the hair follicle it stimulates it to grow, There's an old Indian remedy that works, the oil can be bought in Asian shops. Bhringraj oil. You could also have poor thyroid function if so that would cause hair loss. So maybe, up the iodine. Small amounts of coconut oil rubbed into the scalp are beneficial as well.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tonya (Hopwood, Pa) on 10/24/2011

Hi I would like the recipe and want to know where to get the extremely diluted?? in the advice column. I have candida for 31 years and want to clear it up This would be an answer to prayer.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Bipul Barman (India) on 07/31/2018

Hi, start practicing yoga.. studies has confirmed that certain yoga asanas can cure diabetes as well as prevent it. You can search yoga for diabetes by baba ramdev in youtube..... While doing yoga, you can also consume BSM for your grey hair as the sugar in BSM will not affect ur body.

Posted by Deb (Melbourne , Australia) on 12/30/2010

Sue, I buy it in capsules because it is easier to take. I take about 10 capsules per day (5 in morning and 5 in evening). You have to keep it up because I stopped the wheatgrass and started on the Super Greens and my gray hair returned. I am now back on the wheatgrass capsules. It also keeps your body alkaline.

Posted by Linda (Utah) on 12/31/2015

You can buy wheat grass juice powder and it will do the same. You do not have to grow it yourself. I used wheat grass juice powder and have noticed that my hair is coming in dark instead of gray. It does take time. It will not happen over night.

Posted by Joel (London) on 08/16/2020


How much borax did you take per day during those 2 months?

Posted by Sophia (Alexandria, Va) on 04/26/2012

How big of a "small" onion? Can it be a sweet onion? Organic or non-organic? HOW long does it take to reverse grey? thx

Posted by Bali (London, Uk) on 09/22/2010

That will be great for others. Can you please tell us how are you taking the turmeric?

Posted by Nara (Moscow) on 02/01/2016

Please write how did you used turmeric for turn grey hair?

EC: Hi Nara,

Since the post your are inquiring about was written in 2010, you probably won't get a response. We're guessing she either took turmeric (curcumin) capsules or took 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of water once or twice a day. Look up turmeric for MRSA and Staph and you will find some dosages.

White Potatoes
Posted by Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 09/04/2010

I'm a little confused about this remedy. Does the skin need to be peeled very thin without flesh, or can some of the potato be attached? Do you need to make a fresh batch of potato skin tea each time you drink it, or can you make it and use it for a couple of days or even just the same day? What is the ratio of skin to water, is it like the skin of one potato (maybe 1/4 cup) to a cup of water? And, lastly, what exactly do you mean by an OLD potato, is that growing eyes, shriveled up, etc. ? Sorry for so many questions, I just don't know where to start. Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 03/02/2010

i am a diabetic on insulin too... and unsulfured organic blackstrap molasses made my blood sugar VERY high and it didn't go down for like a week... and i only took about a teaspoon in cofee.

the second time i tried it i mixed it into a smoothie - but only 1/2 teaspoon and it didn't seem to make it go up... wonder why?

Avoid Corn Syrup
Posted by Sasi (Melbourne) on 07/13/2015

Does BSM increase blood sugar for diabetics?

Avoid Corn Syrup
Posted by KT (Usa) on 07/14/2015

I think it could. This is what happened to me: I had been taking two and three TBSP of BSM a day, in addition to a little sugar in my coffee. I started to have what has been reported as diabetic nerve pain, I.e., lightning bolts shooting in my legs and feet. I reasoned why it could be happening and cut back on my sugar intake and BSM consumption to one TBSP of BSM in the morning and sometimes one before bed. I've not had anymore of that pain.

Even though my PCP said he had no problem with BSM, I think any additional sugar intake could make a difference. You just have to find the balance that will work for you.

At the same time you have to be aware of our fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains that have all been engineered to last longer. These genetically modified foods (GMO's) have permeated our entire food supply in one way or another. The way you eat them will also have an impact. In my opinion, I think that's why we are seeing such an epidemic of diabetes and kidney failure.

Avoid Corn Syrup
Posted by Florie (San Francisco) on 01/02/2023

Reply to Om,

You say "Blackstrap molasses is harvested usually by very poor workers in Asia who, as they harvest it, have little food and live by starvation but BMS keeps them free of disease and cancer."

This part of your post sounds a bit like "folk history" that may not have a lot of factual support.

EC: Dear Om, a frequent contributor on Earth Clinic, was raised in India. She was quite elderly when she wrote that and sadly passed away about 5 years ago.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jeniren (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/13/2011

Thanks for this recipe for a nutritious tasty hot drink. I'm going out to buy it today. I am 61 with no grey hair although small parts occassionally turn grey then reverse. One coin sized patch turns white if I get a bad shock that 'freaks me out' then gradually recolours. This has happened twice that I can recall. Another small patch can turn grey if I eat the wrong food then gradually recolours when I stop eating the problem food. This has happened a couple of times since I first noticed it 15 years ago. It takes a couple of weeks for the colour to fully return. I eat gluten and dairy free, with very little meat and lots of raw foods, fruit, nuts, juices and cooked vegetables etc plus nutritional suppliments including B vitamins. I also use soy milk but am currently changing to raw goats milk. My husband's hair went grey at 60 when he went on a prepackaged diet with many refined foods including white flour and sugar, dairy products and cheese. Now he has stopped that diet the colour has mostly retuned to his hair. I will add BSM to my diet for taste nutrition and hopefully a healthier look.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dw (Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom) on 09/02/2009

Is Blackstrap Molasses also suitable for children of age 5? If somebody suffering for grey/white hair problem. Your early response is highly appreciated...

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gill (Punjab, India) on 06/06/2009

hello . my self roop........i m 23yr of age..and i have a problem of grey hairs.....i m really very my grey hairs are increasing day by day.......i just read about blackstrap molosses at your site...i just want to ask wheather this molosses really transfers grey hairs into there any side effects???from where i can get this molosses..........hope to see your reply soon.....

Blackstrap Molasses, Brewers Yeast
Posted by Rani (Burlington, MA) on 05/09/2009

what brand of brewers yeast did u use?

Blackstrap Molasses, Brewers Yeast
Posted by Patie J. (Canada) on 08/18/2014 all you need is chlorophyll!! I've been coloring../highlighting my hair for several years. Im in my late 50s. But I've also been into healthy eating. I always knew chlorophyll was a good thing. About 3 or more months ago I faithfully began drinking chlorophyll everyday. I drink bottled water at all day...which means I pretty much drink chlorophyll all day long as I add it to my water. I swear everytime I drink the stuff..I feel like my skin is tightening up..strange but true. I dont crave sweets, no more constipation, not always hungry...and the best thing of all that I noticed this morning is my hair! I had it colored with blonde highlights (i am brunette) on July 7th. So I have almost an inch of new growth which is about 95% dark...usually I can easily see the grey! I cannot believe has to be the chlorophyll! Ive recently..about 2 weeks ago added Biotin to my herbal intake..but I know its the chlorophyll...amazing and am so happy.! It must be doing other great things as well :)

Blackstrap Molasses, Brewers Yeast
Posted by Careah (Fresno, CA) on 08/19/2014

Can you please share with us how much chlorophyll you consume each day? And if you can share what brand would be very helpful. thank you.

General Feedback
Posted by denmdgn (Buffalo, NY) on 03/03/2009

Hi Everyone. I like many suffer from gray hair. It bothers me but being a guy I can buzz it off and shrug it off as looking distinguished. Bull, I want my brown hair back. My main reason for this post is in response to someone saying that we are all wasting our time and that gray hair is hereditary. Well, Scientists have discovered the reason for going GRAY... "It is simply building up too much hydrogen peroxide."

Now, I haven't tried BSM yet but I will. Maybe BSM works because it is diluting the hydrogen peroxide in our body and hair. I don't know but, it is nice to know that there is scientific proof that gray hair could possibly be stopped or reversed with a sure product in the near future

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jane (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia) on 08/17/2008

I have dyed my hair for the past 11 years nd got tired of it. I have just started taking 2 tsp of blackstrap molasses with 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar. I hope it works! I will update the results.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Alain (Ottawa, Canada) on 09/27/2008

What is blackstrap molasses? Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses is preferable to fancy or regular molasses. It has less sugar and is more concentrated in minerals. If it does not say "BlackStrap" there is a good chance that it is not it.

Here is something from Wikipedia:

"Sulfured molasses is made from young green sugar cane and is treated with sulfur dioxide, which acts as a preservative, during the sugar extraction process. Unsulfured molasses is made from mature sugar cane and does not require treatment with sulfur during the extraction process. There are three grades of molasses, Mild or first molasses, Dark or second molasses, and Black strap. These grades may be sulfured or unsulfured.

To make molasses, which is pure sugar cane juice, the sugar cane plant is harvested and stripped of its leaves. Its juice is extracted from the canes, usually by crushing or mashing. The juice is boiled to concentrate which promotes the crystallization of the sugar. The results of this first boiling and removal of sugar crystal is first molasses, which has the highest sugar content because comparatively little sugar has been extracted from the juice. Second molasses is created from a second boiling and sugar extraction, and has a slight bitter tinge to its taste.

The third boiling of the sugar syrup gives black strap molasses. The majority of sucrose from the original juice has been crystallized but black strap molasses is still mostly sugar by calories; however, unlike refined sugars, it contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Black strap molasses is a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. One tablespoon provides up to 20 percent of the daily value of each of those nutrients. Black strap is often sold as a health supplement, as well as being used in the manufacture of cattle feed, and for other industrial uses."

Also from

(ref Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter, June 2001)

"Blackstrap molasses is more nutritious than regular containing significantly more iron, calcium, potassium, and copper."
Regular Molasses (1 tbsp) vs Blackstrap Molasses (1 tbsp)
Iron (mgs) 1 vs 3.5
Calcium (mgs) 40 vs 170
Potassium (mgs) 290 vs 500

And last, two more articles about the nutritional content of BSM:

So, this is a very good source of nutriments. I hope you can find some.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Leilah (Baltimore, Maryland USA) on 05/20/2009

I am seventeen and have had gray hair since the seventh grade. it wasnt too noticeable bakc then but last year it became way too much. during class people would make comments about it. i was self concious if people sat behind me. so i started dying it. I just want it to go away and not have to dye it away anymore. but i think that my gray hair may be hereditary because both of my parents got gray early. do you think the blackstrap molasses will work even though mine may be hereditary??

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by T (Maryland, Usa) on 09/23/2009

I have seen auburn highlights returning to my brunette-with-grey-streaks hair since taking B vitamins regularly over the last year. I hadn't seen them in so long I'd forgotten I ever had them. The grey appears lessened as well. It is not a dramatic thing; it's taking a long time but it's definitely showing more and more. I now take BSM as I need the iron and calcium in it. If it appears this hair color process is speeding up due to the addition of BSM, I will post back. I think it all greatly depends on your own nutritional status, so what works for one may not work for another. Definitely have patience! Hair can take a long time to show effects.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Frances (Glasgow, Uk) on 01/26/2010

Thanks so much for your response Sarah. Perhaps if you got a minute some time you could advise me what with the brand of black strap molasses you have found to be successful ... I have been using an organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses product for 10 months (also now coupled with a vitamin B supplement), I have a healthy balanced diet and lifecyle and I am not noticing any improvements in the grey hair situation! I am 30 only years old and over 50% grey and it is really starting to get to me! Thanks so much for your time to-date responding to us white tops!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sue (Kent, Wa Usa) on 03/06/2011

I need help very badly and hoping there's a positive answer. I have been suffering from fungus many years now... I think I breathed it in or contact with my skin when I was cleaning some old belongings of people... It was almost at an instant I got very sick... Felt like an old withered log eaten buy termites and feeling extremely dirty.... I finally went to see a doctor... I got better but I am not really cured... I sneeze too easily and it seems to dominate my left side especially in my left nostril... I have tried almost everything to cure it but it won't comletely leave me along... I read all your post about fungus and gray hair using molasses.... I would like so much to use it but I am worried about this fungus... Do you think I will be feeding the fungus? Any alternative?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Steve (Bothell, Wa) on 03/20/2013

To Sue in Kent, WA. -- try pure oil of oregano for fungus / mold issues. You also may want to consult a reputable naturopath in your area.

Farmer's Almanac Cure
Posted by Barry (Pacific Grove, CA, USA) on 03/07/2009


Molasses, Wheat Germ, Vitamin C
Posted by Sarah (Baltimore, Md) on 08/07/2010

Hi Donald, I am not claiming to be a specialist on the theme here, but as far as DNA playing in to greying hair goes I think the scenario is more something like this: our DNA is what determines that around a certain time of our lives (average age 30 ish) the body will start reducing its production of or assimilation of the minerals that play major role in hair color. Reinforcing that mineral or group of minerals (this is the extent of my knowledge on the matter-I'm just referring to the principle of it) rekindles the 'coloring' process back on! On top of that just like deborah suggested, if for some reason it didn't work for you, you still did yrself a big favor by supplementing with many of the minerals our 21st century foods are depleted of.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rosemary (Toledo Ohio, USA) on 01/18/2008

In my opinion the best remedy for Grey Hair, and this will restore it to its younger time in some people.

Plenty of whole grain Breads and Cereals which contain lots of wheat germ and bran for Brown Haired people, and some blondes who decend from Brown Haired Parents.

Some Blondes decend from Black Haired and Red Haired Parents and they need plenty of Thiamine and Folic acid in their foods.

People who have brown hair and decend from parents who have brown hair need lots of Niacin one of the B-Complex Vitamins.

I also make sure I'take a good multiple vitamin every day plus I get enough Vitamin C and Calcium and I also make sure I take a good B-Complex and at an advanced age I have found I can turn my hair back to Gray or color it naturally simply through diet, more rest and less stress.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Nopey (Arkansas, USA) on 06/12/2009

Hi there BSM is very rich in copper. BUT when it comes to melanin and pigmentation Zinc also plays a role. So perhaps you actually are getting enough copper but not enough zinc. B12 is also great with folic acid when it comes to repigmentation of the skin and hair. Perhaps your problem is not enough b12 or folic acid even though you are taking a supplement. And last but not least if you are having any digestive issues it could be masking a vitamin mineral deficiency so as I always say get to the root of the cause.

I am very intersted in the connection between vitligo and premature grey hair and if it is both a b12 deficiency or a copper and zinc imbalance..but from what I understand they are all interelated. I also think it is so intersting that the melasma ( brown spots) caused by hormone fluctuations are also affected by zinc and copper, at least when it comes to me. The more zinc I take the more the pigmentation disapears...

Earth clinic any ideas?


Good luck

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Roger (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) on 12/03/2007

I am a man in my twenties suffering from premature graying hair. Ninety percent of my scalp hair are gray hairs. I have been taking Blackstrap Molasses for the last two months and don't see any results for the gray hair. Maybe it's due to the brand of the Blackstrap Molasses which I have took. Could anybody out there who have taken Blackstrap Molasses and their hair color has reversed back to their original/previous hair color could be kind and considerate and do write or tell me what type of Blackstrap Molasses brand which has reversed back your hair color. I would be really happy and glad to know the brand. Thank You & May God Bless You

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ken (Eureka Springs, Arkansas) on 02/09/2012

I'm 65 and started taking about 10 times the MDR of iodine daily (kelp in gel cap form) about 3 months ago. 3 weeks ago I noticed my white hair turning brown again. It's totally brown now.

Hurray for kelp!!!

Love the blackstrap molasses, too, on our almond flour pancakes 2 or 3 times a week.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dan (KC, MO) on 08/31/2007

Molasses: How long does this stuff take to work?? I've been doing 2 Tablespoons a day in the coffee for 4 months now and nothing. That one lady said she saw results in 3 months. I am also taking GNC B150, B12 1000mcg, and Apple cider complete vitamins for the last month. And nothing seems to be working. Im in my early 30s and have been struggling for years with this grey hair. Is it genetic?? I see old people who drink and smoke like trailor trash and they have no grey! Doesn't seem right. I eat right and exercise and Im the suffering from this problem. And whats that about HGH?? Thats like a illegal drug that bodybuilders take. And Peroxide? Thats just basiclly bleaching your hair!?! Im just growing tired of covering something so early in life. There has to be something that works!?!?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jordan (Houston, Tx) on 12/12/2009

This is pretty interesting about how coffee can be good for you. I'm guessing its important that you have it in moderation, because if not you can get addicted like I have. I read also though that caffeine can prevent the production of vitamin B12 - is that true if you drink only 2 cups a day or every few days?

Human Growth Hormone
Posted by Diana Castillo (Crofton, Maryland) on 06/23/2007

I use a natural human growth hormone stimulator and my hair stopped getting grey and stopped falling out.

Human Growth Hormone
Posted by Doug (Cushing, Oklahoma) on 07/03/2009

HGH stimulater- vit-C 500mg,vit-B3 50mg,vit-B6 50mg, amino acids = Arginine- 1500mg, Glutamine- 500mg, Ornithine- 500mg,Lysine- 250mg, Glycine-500mg. Take at bedtime on an empty stomach. You should be able to find this in one bottle.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Riki (DaLian, China) on 05/19/2007

oh yes! 3%...I heard a hairdresser say that 30% is OK but I dillute it so that 100ml goes into 500/600ml. If my calculations are correct then it will work out about 0.3% in the shampoo. When I just brush it into my hair then I use 3% and I only keep it 5 minutes or so......I don't think I will keep it in for 30 minutes!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by J0hnn (Tooronto, Ontario, Canada) on 03/28/2010

Please note that hair on the crown of your head grows an average of 1/2 inch per month and grows at a different rate than the sides. You might try adding some chelated zinc to your diet as low levels of this mineral can hasten the greying as well.

I used a combination of biotin, organic silica, and zinc to stop hair loss and to regrow hair that grew back in in my natural hair colour and not the grey/white hair that fell out.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dr. Rima Liebow (Washington, Dc) on 01/31/2011

I hope you all know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, the U.N./WHO project to do away with natural healing, health foods, vitamins, supplements by government control and pricing them out of reach by most people.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tommy (North York, On, Canada) on 01/31/2011

Hi Rima, Thank you for the link. It's up to us the people to stop this dictatureship against us. Wa are free to treat ourself the way we like and these pupputs goverments should side with the patients insteed of defending the big pharma. I have a friend who recenty left Montreal to Portugal for prostate cancer treatment. Even chimeo he couldn't get in Montreal ( he had to wait for the waiting list). Big pharma is patenting anything on earth so we cannot use it. They are patenting even herba extract so normal people will never see it. Plus they are pushing these puppit regimes to disturb the supplement market.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Souad (Meknes, 50000, Morocco) on 09/15/2010

You need to be satisfied when you take this molasses. Because stress decrease gray hair.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mh (Australia) on 09/07/2015

Can you please give the name or brand of the Blackstrap molasses that you are using?

From what I know its the copper content in the molasses that contributes to reversing the hair color, and it seems not all brands have the copper in or at least not in a sufficient amount. Thanks.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Kathy (West Salem, IL) on 01/18/2007

My mother always was into the pickle jar. She loved vinegar. She really never got grey hair because of this .so folks, eat the pickles if you want to keep grey away. Myself I began using soy protein and one day after washing my hair my daughter commented "Why are you dying your hair." I had just washed it this was a surprise to me to find that soy powder had done this. I also was using B complex so maybe that combination had some benefits too.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Diana (Oklahoma) on 09/07/2015

I have eaten pickled foods all my life and am not grey yet. I believe it is the vinegar. I also took a lot of B vit. in my 30s. My younger family members turned grey long ago, so it's not hereditary.

Posted by Charlane (San Antonio, TX) on 12/24/2006

Granny was spot on with the apple cider vinegar. She was pH balancing. You can get the same effect but eating an orange or drinking lemonade everyday. You can supplement with 500 - 1000 mg. of vitamin C but this will work to counteract all of that acidic coffee, chocolate, sausage, etc. that we eat regularly. Yes, citrus is acidic but it ALKALINIZES the blood. If you pH is at least 7, you will never get cancer or a fever or a cold either. It works. Just do a search on the internet for pH diet and check out the lists of foods. BTW, I use honey everyday. In addition to being a perfect food, local honey keeps you from getting allergies with bees being kind enough to collect pollen from all of the nearby plants. I never get sick anymore either.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Kwesol (Chicago, IL) on 01/27/2009


It's great that the grey is regrowing as natural color, but make sure to watch our for your thyroid, as iodine overload can lead to hyperthyroidism and other problems, as well as refractory hypothyroidism. Strongly suggesting looking at daily allowance for iodine, as well as cutting out iodized salt and trying natural sea or Himalayan salt. Best of luck and health!

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/14/2012

Along with Bill's very informative response about Lugol's iodine, there is a free PDF download available from Stephanie Buist, ND, called: The Guide to Supplementing with Iodine.

She runs the iodine group on Yahoo that has over 5,500 members. Hope this helps. Cheers, Bess

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/14/2012

Hi Francisca... It is certainly true that the old lugol's iodine contained 44 gms of iodine and 88 gms of iodine per liter of solution. This might indeed give the impression that this mixture contained over 12% iodine.

But in your calculations of iodine/iodine content you have completely forgotten and not accounted for the content of potassium in the potassium iodide of the iodide/iodine solution. Therefore, to obtain an accurate determination of just the iodide/iodine only in the solution you must therefore subtract the potassium content -- which will give a truer and more accurate percentage of just the iodine/iodide content of you lugol's solution -- which works out to be about 5% iodide/iodine in an aqueous solution.

If you are trying to improve your thyroid using lugol's iodine -- you must also take, on a daily basis, all the supporting nutrients which are defined here for success:

* 50 mg Iodoral minimum for breast cancer (may start with 12.5 mg). Some practitioners may recommend another form of iodine such as a Lugol's solution. Iodoral is the Lugol's formula in tablet form especially designed to avoid gastric irritation.

* Vitamin C - 3,000 mg per day (more may be necessary to detox bromide).

* 300-600 mg magnesium oxide (Iodine Investigation Project participants prefer magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate.).

* 200 mcg selenium. The selenomethionine version is preferred by many.

* 500 niacin (B3) twice a day (NOT niacinamide). Start lower to avoid flush. See update in left margin on the ATP Cofactors as an alternative.

* 100 mg Vitamin B2 three times a day. *See update in left margin on the ATP Cofactor as an alternative.

* A comprehensive vitamin and nutrition program.

* (Feb 2008) Dr. Guy Abraham cautions that "excess calcium supplementation (2,000-3,000 md/day) has been the most common cause of poor response to iodine supplementation. " Vitamin Research News Vol. 22. Number 2.


As well as the above support for iodine supplementation, I would also take De-Bittered Brewer's Yeast and L-Tyrosine in support. Brewer's yeast helps to synergistically support the B6 and B3 intake by the addition of full support of all the B vitamins in this manner. L-Tyrosine is also necessary, together with the magnesium, in order to help convert and store the iodide as iodine in the thyroid. By using these support nutrients you eliminate any other side problems that might be causing poor iodine/iodide absorption into the body and into the cells.

The above protocol also applies for other problems besides thyroid problems because this is a method to obtain whole body saturation of iodine/iodide(not just thyroid saturation). Therefore, supplementing lugol's with these support nutrients will also help to cure other problems not connected with the thyroid such as uterine fibroids, breast cyst problems and prostate problems in the body.

Bye the way, I have also discovered that De-Bittered Brewer's Yeast, due to its quite nutty flavour, makes a very pleasant satay sauce. All you have to do is just add a tablespoon or two to any sauce and it will add a delicious and unique nutty flavour.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/15/2012

Hi Francisca... In answer to your other questions:

Right now I am taking 3 drops a day but I am utterly confused. And do you think that one should take it with the meals or not, divide the drops through the day or not?

The Iodine Project currently advises a daily dosage of between 12.5 mgs and 50 mgs of lugol's iodine. They say that 12.5 mgs of LI is enough as a maintenance dose once your body is up to the proper iodine/iodide saturation levels. But I much prefer to have excess iodine/iodide in my own blood on a daily basis and therefore take between 4 and 8 drops of 5% lugols per day(25mgs to 50 mgs). I do this because iodine in the blood greatly aids the immune system by killing 90% of all known pathogens. I also do this because iodine helps to chelate and remove cadmium, mercury, lead and aluminium from the body. Iodine also helps to solublize fats, helping to metabolize and remove unnecessary fats from the body. Iodine, when taken in large enough dosage, also acts like vitamin C in larger dose and helps to remove plaque from the arteries. It also has beneficial effects on bone formation helps prevent cancer, allergies and diabetes. I could go on but I think the point is made.

So there is really no need to be confused because iodine is so good for you. Up until WW2 medical doctors prescribed much higher lugol's iodine dosages -- 50 to 300 drops a day of 5% lugol's -- for chronic forms of asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. And it was successful because iodine is highly protective for the lungs -- T3, T4 hormones and iodine all have a propensity to collect in the lungs. Iodine is also a very useful anti-histamine because it blocks the conversion of histidine to histamine at higher dose.

In regard to when you should take iodine -- I always take iodine outside mealtimes simply because more is absorbed into the body than if you take it at mealtimes. In his experiments with Vitamin C, Linus Pauling discovered that he lost a third of his Vitamin C dose via excretion if he took Vitamin C at mealtimes. So that's why I take Lugol's Iodine outside mealtimes -- simply because more is absorbed into the body. Also best if you take the LI in split doses throughout the day and avoid taking LI at night because it tends to energize your body -- so you might have difficulty sleeping.

Iodine is lacking in all diets nowdays. Behind my house, in the shanty, I always advise the poorer people to buy seaweed in the markets(very cheap) here and put it into their rice and soups every day because goiter is a problem here in the Philippines and Lugol's is so difficult to find.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 02/15/2012

Thanks for your comprehensive answer, Bill. So my husband was right and this Lugol's has 2, 7mg iodine per drop! That means that I have to take quite a few drops in order to get enough. Right now I am on 4 drops but that is less than 12mg a day. And do you have any ideas whether to take the drops all at once or spread out during the day?

I am taking most of the supplements you talk about, only the supplement I take has a lot less Vit. B2 and B3. As far as the Brewer's yeast you talk about, we won't be able to get it here in Europe. I take Lugol's in order to see whether I diminish the bags under my eyes which are starting to bother me big time, the quality of my hair, insomnia, cold extremeties, etc. I am not taking L-Tyrosine. Where I live right now they are not at all big on supplements, it is very difficult to get anything at all!

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/16/2012

Hi Susan, ... Insomnia can be caused by many factors but perhaps the favourite cause is acid brain. The best remedies that you can use for insomnia are Ted's Lime/lLemon and sodium bicarbonate remedy or his Sodium Citrate and Potassium Citrate remedy which is also a good one. My own favourite is his carbicarb remedy which is more strongly alkailine and which penetrates the blood/brain barrier easily and will have a greater alkalizing and calming effect on the brain.

Regarding the Lugol's Iodine and Vit C remedy that you mention, Ted only uses a couple of drops of lugol's for this. I tend to use more drops(for different reasons) and always in a full glass of water outside mealtimes for maximum absorption into the body -- this form has a tendency to energize the body, so might affect sleep. Ted's method of using Vit C and lugols iodine will create a mildly alkaline solution of just ascorbate plus dehydroascorbic acid and potassium iodide because the elemental iodine in the lugol's will all be converted to iodide. The usefulness of this mixture is that the dehydroascorbic acid produced can cross the blood/brain barrier easily whereas ordinary ascorbic acid cannot. Normally the body has to use up some of its glutathione antioxidant to help convert the vit c to dehydroxyascorbic acid. So this is really a method of, on the one hand, making some of the vit c more available directly to the brain and, on the other hand, creating more iodide as a useful antioxidant. Both should have a beneficial and relaxing effect on the brain.

Also remember that there can be many other reasons besides acidity for insomnia. These reasons can be due to a lack of nutrients such as vitamin B3, too much calcium in the diet, too much stress, too much fluoride, too much chlorine in your shower and tapwater or too many heavy metals(affects the pineal gland in the brain).

I can't really explain it all here, but Ted has got a very useful extended explanation for all insomnia causes -- with cures -- here, which should help you to understand it all better:

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/05/2012

Hi Jac... Hydrogen Peroxide(HP) can be mixed with sodium bicarbonate in water and can also be added to the lemon/lime or ACV remedies that Ted recommends. But HP should not be added or taken at the same time when you take anti-oxidants. HP has pro-oxidant action which tends to neutralize the anti-oxidant action of vitamin c and LI(lugols iodine). Therefore HP should not be taken with any anti-oxidant at the same time.

Ted also recommends that LI can be added to Vitamin C(as Ascorbate) in solution. This converts the molecular iodine to KI and converts some of the Ascorbic Acid to dehydroascorbic acid(DHA). DHA is exactly the same as Vitamin C but has the added property and advantage that it is able to penetrate the blood/brain barrier -- ordinary ascorbic acid cannot do this.

For more on remedy combinations -- see this link:

If you have a job then you can still alkalize etc by:

1. Buy some sodium bicarbonate as tablets from the chemist and just take them with water at the approproate times during the day.

2. Get a small dropper bottle and put some of the LI in this and take it to work so you can also take LI during the day with some water.

3 Similarly using a dropper bottle containing a saturated solution of ascorbate (with or wthout the LI). Take this throughout the day as needed.

Some ideas for you.

Posted by Ryein (Michigan) on 08/01/2006

Gary Null says to drink chlorophyll every day. That's what he does and doesn't seem to have a gray strand of hair on his head. I'm going to do that and I let you know how it works.

Copper, Zinc
Posted by Devonia (Bendl, IL) on 04/15/2006

For gray hair try copper and zinc supplements.

Bee Pollen
Posted by Dawn (Deltona, FL) on 05/08/2008

I read a reply that by taking bee pollen has prevented to the growth of gray hair. I wonder if it would restore your natural color if you already have gray hair coming in?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Binay K. (Sikkim) on 04/12/2021

True. I tried blackstrap molasses holistically but it didn't work.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Beatrice (Toronto, Ontario ) on 07/23/2023

Would you mind sharing the name of the book? TIA 😊

EC: It's called Crude Blackstrap Molasses by Cyril Scott.

Nutritional Yeast
Posted by Alma (Louisiana) on 01/15/2022

Would you please tell us the brand of yeast you're taking? You say it's "the popular one easily found in the grocery store" but no grocery store that I know of in my area has ever carried nutritional yeast. Also, you say you're taking a "ton" of much is a ton?

Nutritional Yeast
Posted by Uncertain (LA) on 01/15/2022

WOW. What brand of nutritional yeast is that?

Nutritional Yeast
Posted by Leticis (Houston ) on 01/16/2022

Good morning, Jasmine.

Can you share the brand of Nutritional yeast and where you bought it? Definitely have some of the same problems and would like to try it.

Also, are you just putting it on your food or do you put it on your scalp as well?

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Michael (Pennsylvania) on 03/28/2021

I am curious as to how much do you take?? Thanks

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Vee (Kentucky) on 05/31/2022

That's great! Is both of your hair still repigimenting back to original colours? I'm going to try this! How much did u take and in 3 weeks how much of it has gone back to its original colour? Thanks

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tdp (Minnesota) on 03/20/2018

Hi Sandy,

May I ask which brand of BSM you use? Thanks.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sandy (Madison, Wi) on 10/11/2020

To Tdp who asked what brand I use, I like the blackstrap molasses at Trader Joe's. But any good quality blackstrap molasses will do!

B Vitamins
Posted by Julie (Colorado) on 12/08/2017

That's fantastic! Thanks for sharing your protocol. How long did it take to begin seeing results (i.e. new hair growth returning to your pre-gray color)?

B Vitamins
Posted by Tracy (Arkansas ) on 12/08/2017

How long after you started taking the B vitamins till you noticed you gray disappearing?

B Vitamins
Posted by Diane (Waxhaw, Nc) on 02/12/2018

I have a quick question about the above, do you take 2 inositol's 2000 mg or do you take 2 1000 mg which total the 2000? I can only find the inositol's in 1000 mg pills.

Thank you so much for any help you can provide.

B Vitamins
Posted by Ideal (CA) on 01/16/2022

Sorry this did not work for you, I am still happily grey free! =)

B Vitamins
Posted by Kevin (Ns) on 03/22/2018

Can you tell me the products you used and where to get them.

Thx you

B Vitamins
Posted by Ideal (CA) on 01/16/2022

Hi Kevin, they are from Amazon (Solaray + Life Extension).

B Vitamins
Posted by El (Washington, DC) on 03/17/2022

Thank you! Which type of inositol do we take?

B Vitamins
Posted by Josh (Auckland) on 01/26/2023

Hi Ideal, and thanks for sharing. Just curious, are you still closely adhering to the regimen 6 years later? If there were periods where you didn't, did you find quick reversion of greys? Thanks.

B Vitamins
Posted by Elizabeth (Los Gatos, California) on 04/21/2024

Is taking 1000 mg of PABA okay because I cannot find PABA 700 mg? Is it okay to use the Blackstrap Molasses while taking the 2000 mg inositpl, 700 mg of PABA, and 500 mg of Panthothentic Acid?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Toom (Oregon) on 02/13/2018

What exactly was the therapy? I can only guess your body started to react against the increase of H2O2 and continued after stopping your regimen. I am curious what you did.

Inositol, PABA, Pantothenic Acid
Posted by JJ (El Paso TX ) on 10/02/2023 22 posts

Interesting regarding study about hair repigmentation with 1000mg of Inositol, Paba 700mg, & Pantothenic Acid 500 mg, but is it safe?

Posted by Only1barbi (Maryland) on 03/11/2017

Copper is the magic cure for grey hair but need to be careful as too much is not good.

Chlorella, Spirulina
Posted by Amy (Los Angeles, Ca) on 09/15/2016

Elodie, can you tell us how much you take of each? Is it in tablet or powder form? Which brand or if you can't say which one, then some kind of hint as to which one or where to buy it? Also, how long until you saw results? Thanks!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Will (Kansas ) on 06/20/2020

How do you know how much is too much for males?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mother Earth (Ks) on 11/04/2015


How much? What kind? How often? With what? Thank you!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Wieas (London, Uk) on 11/05/2015

Hi Robert (Swansea). Very interesting post. I see you're in the UK and was wondering where you got you BSM from and what type you used. Thanks.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Adrenalin1 (Minneapolis, Mn) on 04/08/2021

Which brand, how much do you take and how often?

Egg Oil
Posted by Prashant (New Jersey, Usa) on 05/17/2015

It is possible to reverse early stage greying by regular use of a micronutrient rich oil for scalp massage such as egg oil twice a week, left on overnight. The Omega-3 fatty acids and anti-oxidant xanthophylls nourish the follicular cells.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Sharjeel (Thebes) on 06/27/2015

I have a blackstrap molasses unsulphured it says that it can be used in baking and cooking. Ss it the correct one? Plz answer.

EC: Yes, that's the one!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Reversing Grey Hair (Bangalore, Karnataka ) on 09/21/2017

I have bought organic unsulphured blackstrap molasses but that say 0% copper on label of the bottle.. will that works in reversing grey hairs or should I try for something else.. please suggest.. Thanks in advance

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Venezia (New York, US) on 01/07/2015

what type of black strap molasses did you use? what brand?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Karan (Greece) on 06/04/2015

How do I check if the molasses blackstrap I use is not fake? Plz answer.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 06/06/2015

It is hard to give you an answer, but authentic molasses will have a "medicinal" smell, that is, will smell like a medicine, at least in my impression. It is also very thick, and when kept into a refrigerator, it takes about 20-30 seconds for it to descend to pour it on a spoon.

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