Natural Remedies for Gray Hair

Posted by Charlane (San Antonio, TX) on 12/24/2006

Granny was spot on with the apple cider vinegar. She was pH balancing. You can get the same effect but eating an orange or drinking lemonade everyday. You can supplement with 500 - 1000 mg. of vitamin C but this will work to counteract all of that acidic coffee, chocolate, sausage, etc. that we eat regularly. Yes, citrus is acidic but it ALKALINIZES the blood. If you pH is at least 7, you will never get cancer or a fever or a cold either. It works. Just do a search on the internet for pH diet and check out the lists of foods. BTW, I use honey everyday. In addition to being a perfect food, local honey keeps you from getting allergies with bees being kind enough to collect pollen from all of the nearby plants. I never get sick anymore either.
