Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Posted by Blanche (Iberia Parish, Louisiana) on 07/06/2010

Hemorrhoids - I wasn't getting relief from the excruciating pain with the commercial ointments I had been using, and it was the middle of the night. I concocted this on the fly with what I had handy, and it gave me relief within a couple of hours, both from the constipation and the really bad pain of the hemorrhoids.

I punctured about a dozen or so of garlic oil capsules and squeezed it out into two tablespoons of coconut oil in a little condiment container. Then I added two drops of tea tree oil. I only guessed at the amount, but I knew I didn't want the tea tree oil to burn.

Took a little square of clear plastic wrap and dropped a spoonful of the mixture onto that and put it in the freezer. When it was partially hardened, I shaped it as best as I could through the plastic into a suppository shape. It took a little practice. Then I put it back in the freezer a little while, and inserted it the best I could. You have to hurry because it melts at skin temperature.

About an hour and a half later I had a bowel movement which was much less painful than the day before, and later not hurting at all.

Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, Texas) on 06/30/2010

For hemorroids - Take a small garlic clove, cover with olive oil or any non toxic oil, and insert up the anus overnight. Yes you might feel a burning sensation, but I have tried this on many people with success. Usually one or two times is all that is needed. In the morning the clove is expelled when you use the restroom. The burning does not damage tissue. And the worst bleeding hemorrhoids will get better. I also suggest any kind of bioflavinoids, rutin, citris or grapeseed daily to keep them away. No, it does not cause garlic smell on the body.

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