Grover's Disease: Natural Remedies for Relief

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Sherrysmith66 (Charleston, Sc) on 08/09/2018

I have suffered from Grover's Disease on and off for years. I have recently found a remedy that stops it in it's tracks. ZINC OXIDE. I used the cream for diaper rash, and it immediately stopped the itch and was drastically improved by the next morning and gone within a couple of days. I cannot understand how the medical field does not know this. Please try it and I pray for you that it works as well!

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Ben (Florida ) on 06/05/2018

PLEASE see BEN's post. I have tried MANY prescriptions with medical directions, non helped. My Cilantro smoothie WORKS. Please TRY.

Diaper Rash Cream
Posted by Anthony (Tulsa, Ok) on 06/03/2018

Thank you very much for the butt paste suggestion! I have had the red bumps of Grover's for at least a year. Told by dermatologist really nothing I could do about it, but it may go away on its own. Steroid cream, no effect. Just bought a $60 tube of Terrasil as I thought it was worth a shot. Pool season is here I did not want to show off this rash or always wear a shirt. Plus, just the exposure to chlorine and saltwater both seem to amplify the condition like sweating does. Was actually told by dermatologist just to avoid any activity that would cause sweating. I read this post, went to Walmart and bought the $8 tube of butt paste. I am so happy to report one application wiped it out by almost 90%! Two days later, two applications per day and it is almost completely gone! No redness, can feel a few spots that are raised, but no discoloration or itching! I would not believe it if it had not happened to me. Returning the Terrasil for a refund. Think I will also start taking some oregano oil as a precaution. I cannot thank you enough!

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Linda (St Petersburg, Fl) on 05/30/2018

I have found a near miracle to get relief from the intense itch of Grover's Disease. It is Peppermint essential oil. I mix it with Nivea lotion or Coconut Oil. You can adjust the portion to your own liking. I put about 1 1/2 tablespoonfuls to about 4-5 drops of oil in my hand, mix it up and apply. I get about 10-12 hours of relief from the itch plus it helps with keeping the skin moist and healing. I'm grateful!!!!!

Juicing, Coriander
Posted by Jackie (Uk) on 05/20/2018

Hi I'm a 55 year old female, diagnosed with Grover's rash 10 years ago. I have times when it flares up very badly but mostly it's just lurking around mainly on my chest and stomach. I juice every day and recently added large amounts of coriander to my green juices. The rash has just about disappeared. If anyone else would like to try it, it's worth a shot.


Diaper Rash Cream
Posted by Natalie (South West Florida) on 05/15/2018

Try Triple Paste medicated ointment for diaper rash. It works great

Vitamin A
Posted by Linda (St Petersburg, Fl) on 05/12/2018

I've started Vitamin A today. How are you doing with it?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Marie (Ny) on 04/30/2018

I am a female who suffered with this itchy rash for 2 years before being diagnosed with Grover's Disease (aka Dermatitis of Imminoseques) and in rare instances could lead to a bullous skin condition for which I was tested. The blood test to ruled out the gene (16034- Bullous Pemphigoid (BP 180) Antiobody, which brought tremendous relief.

This natural way that is being discussed on this site seems the better approach than all the drugs prescribed which haven't worked well at the risk of side effects and possible damage to the liver. Among them, as prescribed by Dermatologists, (which have failed) are: A script (nightly) called Hydroxyzine HCL 25 mg provides temporary relief, downside is some brief dizziness upon waking. In conjunction, taken several 10 day predinzone (10 mg at 40 mg per day sliding down to 10mg). I've used several steroid topical prescription creams and over the counter anti itch creams with aloe. I uses Cerave products and soaps. Use hypoallergenic detergents, wear natural cotton clothing, no metals on jeans, take vitamins to ensure basic health, etc. Recently, I've been offered a long course of powerful drugs called metrotrexate (weekly) or mycophenolate (daily) which are used in cancer patients and organ recipient patients which is beyond the pale had I had the gene and whihc I would have refused even if I had the gene.

Prefer taking the Natural Way:

To keep my skin in PH balance. I found a body wash sold in CVS which is 100% soap & alkali-free and PH - 5.5. I use coconut cream to moisturize, strong zinc skin cream and intend to detox with Cilantro (after reading the success) from other sufferers of Grover's Disease for which I am grateful. Thank you.

Vitamin A
Posted by Loraine (Queens) on 04/29/2018

Thank you Judy...have a blessed Sunday!!

Vitamin A
Posted by Judy (Bronx, Ny) on 04/28/2018

I just bought it from GNC. I started taking 50000 and went up to 50000 3x a day. I would check with your dr first since high doses aren't safe for very long but I'm not planning on staying on this more than a few weeks.

Vitamin A
Posted by Loraine (Queens) on 04/26/2018

Hi Judith: Can you please tell me the name of the vitamin A that you used. My daughter suffers from this horrible issue and nothing seems to be working. I read your post and suddenly feels hopeful again. Thank you so much.

Vitamin A
Posted by Judith (Ny) on 04/25/2018

I was diagnosed with Grover's after a 3 month on and off rash all over my body would never go away and I finally got a biopsy. It was insane, water only made it worse, every article of clothing exacerbated it, I had very little itching just burning. Diaper rash cream and zinc powder kept it dry but didn't stop new outbreaks. I tried vitamin d, steroid creams eating clean, nothing worked. I felt depressed and hopeless. Well after researching the very few Grover's sites, I saw that vitamin A helped a lot of folks, so I tried high doses. I'm in it a week and I'm amazed at how all my body is practically clear except my back. My last resort was accutane but I'm going to try sticking with the a before I start the script which is just a much stronger version of A. I hope this helps someone suffering from this awful condition.

Vitamin D
Posted by Jamie R. (Cali) on 04/24/2018

I must say thank you to all the women who are putting their information and treatment ideas out there. It is nice to see that women, other than myself, are suffering with the same thing I am...especially since it's considered a "man's disease."

I appreciate everything all of you are suggesting.

Vitamin A
Posted by Mary Ellen (Oracle, Az) on 04/22/2018

Is it still working? Please update.

Vitamin D
Posted by Colleen (Boston, Ma) on 04/11/2018

I was just diagnosed with Grover's Disease after a skin biopsy at a new Derm's office. I have been struggling with this for the past 3 years on and off but it is consistently on my trunk each month. I'll have a couple days of very few red bumps, then back to them completely overwhelming my stomach and back. Thank you so much for your post. I hope this works for me as it did for you. It's so embarrassing living with this, although it could be worse...and I take nothing for granted. I haven't been able to pinpoint what triggers it, however I am an avid recreational athlete and work out daily so I'm assuming the sweating is the culprit. However I will not forgo taking care of my body for this disease. Let's hope all the ideas I'm receiving from this website are the end all!

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Ken (Colorado) on 04/06/2018

I tried the diaper rash cream last night, and the rash is almost gone!!! Thank you so much for sharing this information Sherry.

Replace Metal Fillings
Posted by Jaydee (Philadelphia) on 04/03/2018

I know you posted a while back. And sadly, I wish what the comment about metal fillings was true. I've held a dental license for over 20 years and there is NO proof that the removal of dental fillings does any help in this area, or really and any area. If it did, I would be the first to shout it from the roof tops. I wish my fiancée's cure to Grover's disease was this simple. That means that I (I.E.- ME AND MY CLOSE COLLEAGUES) could and would, all afflicted tomorrow. However he has NO metal fillings nor metal joints. This is nothing more that hocus pocus and wishful feelings..

Posted by Deborah (Nsw) on 04/04/2018

As a qualified nutritionist, Yes I believe curcumin to be a very effective anti inflammatory and could help in Grovers disease. But there needs to be a 'multi pronged' approach to healing it, by both addressing one's inner health condition and in turn the skin's condition. Steroids are not the way to recover. A simple incredible possible remedy is eating fresh coriander leaves (and the roots). Half to One bunch a day for 3 days to see results. Eat it as a salad with olive oil and apple cider vinegar, pepper and a little sea salt. The folate acid and bioflavonoids plus many minerals in it help 'chelate' metals and toxins in one's system and aid the liver in excreting it. Also every day, 1-2 probiotic tablets and yogurt if possible, 1x D3,1000mg Vitamin C and zinc.1 Nettle tea very good for the blood PH & 1 Chamomile tea per day.Cooked Oats or soaked muesli with grated apple and cinnamon soothes and nourishes one's system (unless celiac) On the itch and lesions, gently apply coconut oil (with clean hands! ), or 1 drop oregano oil in a little coconut oil. Or put an oat based lotion or better still a pultase, on all of the affected area. - make by putting raw oats in a clean stocking or muslin and tying off. Dampen in warm water and apply the oat milk. Very soothing. Also many sufferers say they've had great relief from diaper cream if you're in a rush! . A Paleo diet is the most effective as it reduces acidity and blood sugar, otherwise avoid all processed carbs, fried and sweet food at least for a little while to help it clear up. Oh and yes 1st thing in the morning after cleaning teeth, have half a lemon in a mug or cup of hot water. Or instead 2 tsp apple cider vinegar in hot water. Rinse out mouth with water after ( for teeth) Ok.... in good faith and fingers crossed this will work!! Xxx

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kp (California) on 04/03/2018

I was diagnosed with grover's disease in January of this year. The symptoms began with very itchy feet at night and the progressed to outbreaks on back, chest, stomach, arms and legs. At one point, my arms became totally inflamed and looked like lizard skin. This is a horrible condition and my heart goes out to all of you that are enduring this. I have been to four doctors, two of which are dermatologists. The family physicians had never heard of it, so no help there. The dermatologists had absolutely no real advice to give, other than topical steroids, which don't really help unless you could bathe in the stuff.

The posts and words of advice on this forum have been the only relief and help I have had, so thank you everyone. I want to post what has helped me. To me this seems very inflammatory. I have found that ibuprofen helps alot. If you space it out as needed and throughout the day, it can bring relief. Also another thing that I haven't seen posted too much is baking soda baths. About 1/2 to 1 cup in the tub and soak 30 minutes helps with the itching and it is not toxic.

At night I take an antihistamine like Benadryl which helps with the itching and for sleeping. For diet, I have added vitamin D and Omega 3 supplements daily, along vitamin C. I drink the juice of a lemon (diluted in water) and also cilantro a few times a week. One dermatologist told me not to exercise (?) but that sounded so depressing. I try to walk every day for a few miles. No one knows if this is an immune disorder, but I believe that staying as heathy as possible has to help. I pray for you all, that you all will back to health and well again very soon.

Eliminating Sulfites
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 03/31/2018

Hi Chante,

Please look under the “Grover's Disease” section here on Earth Clinic (just click on the title of your message) and you will see people who say that eating cilantro cures Grover's Disease. If you can get some cilantro, try eating a handful for a week, and see if it doesn't help you. Best wishes!

Eliminating Sulfites
Posted by Chante (South Afrika) on 03/30/2018

I think it's the yeast in the beer...bread aggravates it also, no wheat or yeast, it makes it worse

Eliminating Sulfites
Posted by Chante (South Afrika) on 03/30/2018

Hi guys, I was diagnosed with GH a month ago, sweating makes it worse, Dr says its in my blood from family, my uncles also have it, I saw eating less bread and focussing on water and fresh vegs actually helps me cope, but I'm a female in menopause, imagine heat with GH, it itches like crazy in my face, the ointment I have helps but very expensive, I was with 100 % glycerine soap much better, u can try Preparation H, it does help a little bit, coconut oil makes me its more, make-up makes it worse for me...not an easy way of life, wanting to scratch your face off...

Posted by Bob C (Savannah, Ga) on 03/27/2018

Grover's Disease OTC Itching control that works for me:

I just found this site a few hours ago and wanted to pass on what is working for me. I haven't read all the posts but I am thankful that this site exists and you all post to try and help each other.

Although I have had intense itching for over 4 months, I only received the results of a biopsy confirming Grovers about a month ago. My dermatologist recommended Gold Bond Relief Lotion with 3% Salicylic Acid. It is an over the counter lotion that works for her other Grovers' patients and it is available at Walmart and Target for under $10. Supposedly other drug stores carry it at a higher price but I have not been able to find it.

The salicylic acid lotion works almost immediately for about 6 hours most of the time. A second application over the first application works, but not nearly as effective as immediately following a shower or bath. (I have read reports that bathing submerged for at least 5 min is best, but a shower works for me.)

A few days ago I tried A&D ointment and that worked great in suppressing the itching the one time that I tried it. Going bare chested without a shirt is also very effective in extending the time duration after applying the Salicylic Acid.

The dermatologist prescribed the antihistamine Hydroxyzine HCL 25mg. Although the direction is for 1 pill, I take 1/2 a pill before bed and I usually sleep through the night without waking up itching. I also have a prescription for 6% Salicylic Acid cream but the cream and lotion have been discontinued (not FDA approved). I tried the 6% gel, but it makes me light headed and since the 3% works I am happy to stay with it.

Good luck .... I hope this helps someone.

Vitamin A
Posted by Christine (Ny) on 03/25/2018

He may be referring to Dr. Danzig. I hear his name mentioned constantly in correlation with Grover's and he is located in Manhattan.

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Mmcmkj (Roseville, Ca) on 03/19/2018

I've had a Grover's Disease on and off for 3 years - it was always really mild and went away after a week or two. I've had a horrible outbreak since October 2017 - Its been 5+ months of the most horrible itching from my feet to my neck. I can't sleep and I have bruises all over my body from itching. My dermatologist put me on topical steroids combined with Sarna, both did very little to provide relief. I know from reading lots of posts that many of you have had to endure this disease for years and I am so sorry for you.

This weekend I noticed that I got worse after drinking red wine; I started searching to see if anyone else had the same problem and I found this site. I can't tell you how happy I am that it validated my findings! Wine and anything else with sulfites are now banished from my diet. I also love the advice on eating Cilantro to help/cure the symptoms. Luckily I LOVE Cilantro so I can't wait to go to the store tonight and buy bunches of Cilantro!

I'm very hopeful and I'll report back in a few day on if this remedy works for me or not ......fingers crossed!

Salt Baths
Posted by Jim C. (Santa Rosa, Ca, Usa) on 03/10/2018

I am an ancient avid male swimmer just contacted Grovers. Does anyone know if swimming in a chlorine water pool is definitely counter productive? Staying in shape is also important and yes Grovers is a big pain/itch in the back.

How about this new Salt-only pool purification, anyone had help swimming in that sort of pool water?

Vitamin A
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/26/2018 233 posts

That is great Ellen that your determination to cure your Grover's Disease led you to sharing your success at using vitamin A and oregano oil to alleviate healing symptoms. I'm sure you will help many.

To continued good health.

Vitamin A
Posted by Ellen (Long Island Ny) on 02/24/2018

Hi All

so to add to my concern about my vit a concerns about toxicity, My symptoms which were the worst I have ever had since diagnosis in 2010 have subsided. I took 50,000 in of vit A for exactly 10 days. I then remembered I also took an 8 day course of oil of oregano orally at the same time because my itching/ scratching got so bad I was afraid of infection. Now that my symptoms have subsided.......knock wood.....not sure what helped. Confused. Will wait to see if it comes back and will try one remedy at a time.

Vitamin A
Posted by Ellen (New York) on 02/19/2018

Thank you for your response. Have been taking the Vit A, 50,000 iu for the last 7 days. I actually do think it actually might be helping. Still using anti-itch cream, but fingers crossed, the rash is subsiding. Hoping I haven't just jinxed myself. Going to continue vit A for 3 more days and then stop. I will see what happens. Thank you so much for your input. -Ellen

Vitamin A
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 02/15/2018

Dear Ellen,

You have expressed concern about vitamin A toxicity when using large amounts of vitamin A to try to resolve Grover's Disease.

What about trying carrot juice? Carrot juice has large amounts of vitamin A. And vitamins derived from foods tend to be more readily used by the body. Carrot juice is also helpful to those with many chronic health problems. For therapeutic purposes, sometimes several cups a day are consumed, but since it can have a laxative effect in large amounts, you might want to start with less and work up to more.

Burdock root is a blood purifier and useful to treat chronic diseases as well. I took it for months, 2 capsules with breakfast and 2 with lunch to treat neuropahty with success.

~Mama to Many~

Vitamin A
Posted by Ellen C (Long Island, Ny) on 02/14/2018

Thank you to you Grover's Disease sufferers for this blog. I have been looking for something to treat this annoying and life-interrupting disease. This winter's eruption is my worst ever. Belly and back covered and sooooo itchy. Went back to the Derm MD and got nowhere. Still prescribing steroidal cream which never helps and tells me to moisturize. Ugh! I am at my whits ends with a solution. Like you all, I have tried everything. Only relief I got was from jojoba oil mixed with peppermint essential oil for the itch. The pimply bumps remained. I am going to try the Vitamin A regimen. I, too, am afraid of the high dose toxicity. I am consulting knowledgeable vitamin people about this but want to make sure. I am also going to give a good zinc oxide cream a try. I do get relief in the summer months so while I have been thinking it might be the help of the salt water, it also might be the zinc oxide in my sunscreen. Can't hurt. Tried everything else. Any updates on the Vit A toxicity would be greatly appreciated.

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Jim (Champaign, Ilinois) on 02/11/2018

Gary, I read your post and could not have described life better than you just did. I am an orthopedic surgeon and have wonderful access to any and all aspects of our medical care system and that has not helped me at all. The dermatologists, God bless them, have not been helpful. This problem leaves now single guy like me feeling hopeless when it comes to dating. I continue to read and try to learn about it and try new remedies. That is where I'm at.

Vitamin D
Posted by Christine (Chandler, Az) on 01/29/2018

I am a 46.5 year old female who lives in AZ. I have had Grover's since October 2016. Severe case, started on both arms, went to chest, back, thighs, legs.. I had it neck to ankle for 10 out of 12 months. For the 2 months I had it only on my chest and hips.

I cured myself, after a very long 14 months with a severe case. I started taking high quality Vit D for hair loss, 4500 IU per day, some days I take an extra 1500 IU just because. It was a tip I received from my cousin, her daughter has severe alopecia the doctor used it to get it under control. I don't have alopecia, but wanted to give it a try.

After 2 weeks almost half of my rash was gone, after 30 days the rash was gone. It has been 80ish days, no rash at all. First time in 16 months. No doctor, no article I have read said to try Vit D; they all said B6/B12. I never though I would be thankful for hair loss, but now I am!!

FYI My blood work in 2016 showed my Vit D was in the normal range, low end, but normal. If you are in the normal range, take it any way and get your Vit K checked to ensure that level is good bc if your Vit K is not working correctly your body will not absorb the Vit D.

Low Vit D drives auto immune issues. When I looked at the list of what Vit D deficiency can do to a woman's body, sure men too, I about fell over. I wondered WHY this is not a standard practice for someone who develops Grover's. I tried soo much crap, it really infuriates me that it was this simple. My rash was horrid.

I do not know how to get this information out there, I am going to post it where ever I can.

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Sherry (Scottsdale) on 01/28/2018

Grover's Disease:

I purchased a Diaper Rash Cream with zinc oxide yesterday and rubbed it on my affected areas. When I woke up this morning, the rash is almost gone. I would recommend this.

Vitamin A
Posted by Marcella (Newport Beach, Ca) on 01/25/2018

I was recently having a flareup of Grovers over the past 3 - 4 months on both shoulders and upper arms. The itching was maddening and while I had had a couple of other outbreaks of grovers in the past on chest and back, I had not experienced the itching before. And the symetrical upper arms and shoulders was new as well. So I came back to this forum to read about folks experiences and was reminded about the coconut oil which I had some success with in the past and started applying to the areas twice daily. I dont find that coconut oil abates grovers for me but that it calms it down and helps with itching immensely. Then after seeing the prior posts about Vitamin A I thought I would do that as well. I already take 75,000 iu of Vitamin A daily - I have had surgery that makes me malabsorb Vit-A so I take this high dose to begin with but went ahead and upped to one more pill and have been taking 100,000 iu daily almost two weeks now and the grovers and itchiness is about 95% gone. This was a life saver for me after months of suffering.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Hawks (Tampa, Fl) on 01/25/2018

I was told that the sun and heat was a major cause of the flair up. Is the sun helping you?

Vitamin D3
Posted by Sherry (Scottsdale) on 01/25/2018

I was just diagnosed with Grover's disease today, after months of treatment for eczema and follicular is. Nothing worked. I will try the Vit D3. Thanks for the info!

Vitamin A
Posted by Sherry (Scottsdale) on 01/25/2018

i was just diagnosed with Grover's today. I will try your Vit A therapy tomorrow. Thanks for the info.

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Wayne (Switzerland) on 01/24/2018

Hey Gary,

I have had GD since I turned 42... so for 27 years. I tried a lot of creams recommended by the skin specialists, but they were largely ineffective. Last winter I tried UV treatment at the local hospital. After a few weeks it really helped and right through summer I sat in the sun with just shorts on. The rash almost disappeared and at the end of summer 2017, I could not see it. Then in December I caught the flu and immediately the rash reappeared on my stomach and chest and a bit on my lower back. I always use a cream after showering after my workouts (5 days a week) and the rash has become less visible again. I am thinking of buying a UV lamp to use at home rather than go to the hospital and stand in the UV rays for 5 minutes, 3 times a week. The UV must be UVB Narrow Band TL01. I think it might be better than creams. I also agree with the people on this site, it could be food related - so it is better to find the cause rather than treat the symptoms. It is worth a try.

Posted by Rob (Virginia Beach, Va) on 01/23/2018 1 posts

Hi, I'm a 47 year old male who was recently diagnosed with Grover's disease. I have had flare ups off and on for over 3 years, but this latest one is by far the worst. Prior to being diagnosed with Grover's, I was prescribed prednisone by my GP. It seemed to help but did not completely disappear. My dermatologist diagnosed Grover's by biopsy, and prescribed hydrocortisone for the itch.

I recently stumbled across an article about an ingredient in Turmeric called Curcumin that seems to help in the treatment of Multiple Myeloma. While researching Curcumin I've found that it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties similar to prednisone, along with powerful antioxidants. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with using Curcumin in the treatment Grover's disease.


Oregano Herb
Posted by Barrie (South Island, New Zealand) on 01/22/2018

I had suffered from Grover's disease for about a year. My doctor couldn't tell me what it was but a specialist diagnosed it. Somewhere I read that Oregano oil relieved a sufferer, I bought some and found it too strong. However I went out to my herb garden and ate 3 leaves off my Oregano herb. It is very pungent. 3 leaves (and they are very small) twice a day after meals. And now after about 4 weeks I am almost clear from this constant itch which was driving me mad. I want to tell the whole world. For me I have gone 95% totally clear.

Vitamin D3
Posted by Jack (Nebr) on 12/16/2017

Liquid vitamin D-3 400 IU, RUB on skin for relief! I do this twice daily, it really keeps the itching and the red bumps down. Best thing I have found to date. I use a lot more than the 4 drop dosage topically.

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Gary (Danville, Kentucky) on 12/13/2017

Not sure if any are reading these posts now its' Dec 2017. I was diagnosed with Grovers in the late 1990's. I'm a single male in my now late 40's. Seems hard to pin point what the cause is. I didnt have the issue until after going on a cruise to the Bahamas in the 90's not sure if that had anything to do with it., the Sun, intense heat, being fair skinned getting burnt etc.. but regardless went to my family doc, went through the ringer of things including at one point they thought it was Aids... that freaked me out and I'm like How is that possible...? but all test came back negative. and was eventually told I had Grovers. I went to a dermo for years.. never got any long term cure.

for me.. mine seems to pop up the worse in Nov to Dec in the cold months so through winter I have a major issue with it. it seems to always be there, but in the cold months it's much worse and I break out on my upper and lower back and same for chest stomach area. Try being single with this going on and trying to date.. ugh... Rare that I go without a shirt, in the spring an summer my symptoms are not as I am trying to figure it out.. cold months, heat in the house drying out skin? I was told by the dermo to use lotion after getting out of the shower. pat dry and lotion up.. I have done that for years.

Skip to now.. I can't afford to see a dermo, haven't been since 2008. I don't have health insurance, cant afford it and my job doesn't offer any. So I go to the health dept. they can only do so much but for the past 4 or 5 years. I have been prescribed and using a topical cream (Trimcinolone Acetonide cream 0.1%) and also they will do about a 3 month prescription of Doxycycline Mono 100mg twice daily. neither have made the Grovers go away but make life somewhat tolerable.

Unfortunately the Antibiotic (Doxy) if taken for long periods have caused yeast infections which in turn make you have to take something for that and yes men can get yeast infections just like women its just not as common and its not pleasant either. So I don't take the Doxy as prescribed but the health dept cant do anymore then they have other than refer me to a Dermatologist which would be an out of pocket expense.. having to pay for prescriptions out of pocket is bad enough with no insurance. I'm just tired of the condition.

My diet is the same all year long so I can't see why in the cold months if flares up in the worse way. I don't smoke, I don't drink... if I do its just very rare on a special occasion... like New Years or something.. but I dont drink Wine at all... I have made notes on all the posts and may try some of the things you all have tried to see if I can get some more permanent relief.. just to have the rash to be gone and less itching / irritation (i do my best not to scratch) would be a life changer... last person I dated said it looked like I had Chicken Pox... Major Ego Boost.... lol.. Not...

The one thing that helps is knowing I'm not alone and there are more people out there than I thought that was dealing with this. Most seem to not know about nor never heard of Grovers but I suppose if you don't have it you would. Best of luck to you all in your quest for a cure or relief. I have wondered if you can be treated for Chicken Pox would the same medicine used for that work for Grovers??

Posted by Anna (Uk) on 11/20/2017

Grovers disease - I use Magnesium sulphate and this helps.

Reishi and Shiitake Mushrooms
Posted by Francesco (Vittorio Veneto (ita)) on 10/24/2017

Hi all, at first sorry for my poor english (I'm italian). It is a long time I suffer for grover disease (years), up to a month ago. that time a gave a try to medicinal mushrooms, rieshi and shiitake. Make sure pills are composed of extract PLUS powder of the mushroom, both of them. Take 4 grams per day each mushroom, 2 grams breakfast and other 2 at dinner. Results may arrive in 2 weeks, amazing!

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