Effective Natural Digestive Remedies: Heal Your Gut Naturally

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Meme (Abington, MA) on 01/31/2009

try eating a bowl of raisin bran every morning usually takes a day or two to get things moving but if you eat it every morning you will continue to be regular!!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Gloria (Lansing, Michigan) on 01/29/2009

This oil pulling is a God send. Just discovered your website a few days ago, this has worked wonders for my teeth. This has worked wonders for my digestive system. I have come off my nexium.Thank you for sharing your free information. May God bless you for your wonderful work.

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 01/23/2009

Milk has an acidic ph. However, it is kind of a super-food. It contains: Sulfur, Lactoferrin-B, iodine, H202, Lactose (necessary for creating Lactic Acid), and Lysine(necessary for Collagen). (5 things that kill candida). Pasteurized milk destoys good bacteria, 20% of the iodine, and H202. However, it prevents Salmonella and other bad bacterias as well. You can always add these back.

I've been experimenting with "Super Milk", or adding extra vitamins to my milk. 2000mg Sodium Ascorbate (powder), 1000 mg Lysine (powder), 8 drops liquid Kelp, a sprinkle of Turmeric. Note: the Ascorbate raises the ph of the milk. You can't really taste the additives (the turmeric much more than the others). Turmeric improves liver function.
Apparently milk in the winter time has less iodine than in the summer.
There are many ways to skin a cat. I have no problem with the rest of the recommendations. As for the Betaine HCL, this is a nice bacteriocide... if you need it, then it can be miraculous. Sometimes people trying to avoid salt (NaCl), need this supplement (for Chloride). As for the Pro-biotics, these kill candida by creating acids, and are somewhat slow acting. I think you can get a quicker response from mega-Garlic (Sulfur). However, this is an argument of Good vs. Better.

As for the meat, meat is acid forming, and if you have a ph problem, it will give you indigestion and other problems. Theoretically, you can kill your Candida with mega-Garlic, and reduce your bacteria count with sodium Ascorbate, and then you can eat meat again without the indigestion problems. However, I am a firm believer in the alkaline diet, and Robin has it right.

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Robin (Rocky Ridge, Ohio) on 01/13/2009

Here are some general suggestions to improve digestion.

For indigestion or heart burn, take Betaine (sp?) HCL or a couple teaspoons apple cider vinegar in a glass of water right before, during or right after a meal. The stomach needs to be acidic to start the digestion process and if there isn't enough acid the stomach sphincter will not close which results in heartburn or the sitting of food in the stomach for longer periods of time.

Digestive enzymes also help digest the foods we eat. The foods are lacking in natural enzymes because the food has been cooked or irradiated, destroying the enzymes. The enzymes act to extract the nutrients we need so they can be absorbed by our bodies. Digestive enzymes also help break down the gunk that builds up in our digestive track which creates poor health.

A colon cleansing system, like ____. This cleanses the built up gunk in our digestive track that also creates leaky gut syndrome, houses yeast/candida and parasites, and holds toxins and undigested food particles, prevents us from achieving a complete evacuation of fecal matter, contributes to polyps, and all manner of diseases and illnesses. Just like the drain pipes to our kitchen sink, they get smaller and clogged and cannot do the job they are meant to do. This cleanse also detoxes the liver, a very important organ involved in digestion. This is also helpful to someone who feels overfull high up in the stomach area after a meal, those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and constipation. I've tried a couple cleanses and this one does what it says.

Fiber is another necessary ingredient in a healthy digestive track. It gently scrubs out our insides and provides bulk and emollients to expedite the removal of waste matter.

Eat organic foods as much as possible. There are no chemical substances used in their production adding to our toxin overload.

Eat as many raw veggies as possible, their natural enzymes are needed for digestion and nutrition. Try to start every meal with a large salad.

Avoid sugars, processed man made foods including all dairy and foods made with white flours.

Eating an alkaline diet, which means no meats, no dairy, few grains and few fruits. Not only will a diet like this help with digestion, many ailments and illnesses can be reversed with this kind of eating plan. The dairy products in the stores now are altered and contain no enzymes for digestion. The result is the milk products forming a thick glue-like substance in our digestive tracks which collect undigested foods, host parasites and hold toxins in our bodies. After all, Elmer's Glue is made from milk...think about it.

Blessings and good luck!

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