Natural Remedies

Natural Asthma Remedies: Effective Herbal & Supplement Relief

Posted by Susan (New York, Ny) on 12/26/2009

MSM works WONDERFULLY for asthma. Please read up on dosages - I have gone up to 8,000 but I don't want to give someone the wrong dosages.

Please try this remedy if you have asthma or other breathing difficulties. It is such relief from nature!!

Buteyko Breathing Method
Posted by Greg (Hilo, Hawaii) on 08/11/2009

Aloha to the folks here. My naturopath let me know about a treatment for asthma called Buteyko Breathing Method over 6 years ago. I learned it and have been asthma symptom free since. I just started to teach a workshop on Buteyko. It is so amazing to see people get so much relief from it. Clinical studies show that in 2 to 6 weeks people reduce albuterol / short acting med's by 90% and long term acting meds by 50% with 90% reduction in symptoms. If you are in Hawaii I could teach it to you and if not there are teachers in the U.S.

Good luck and aloha.


Aloe Vera
Posted by Dianne (Tampa, Florida) on 10/02/2011

After I mix it with orange juice, I drink the whole thing.

Salt Pipe Inhaler
Posted by Clarice (Boston, MA, USA) on 03/17/2009


This is not just a Big Fat Nay for salt pipe inhalation therapy for asthma, but a complaint about the poster who is pumping their "Salt Rocks" site under the very very thin guise of "offering extensive compiled information" (which is no different than any other site selling salt rock pipes).

I actually went to the Salt Rocks site that the poster put in their post and bought two salt pipes for two asthmatics in the family. The people involved are both non-smoking males, one 43 years and the other 58 years, both have low-sodium diets that generally exclude asthma-trigger allergens; the younger is a vegetarian, the elder is not. I got the pipes at Christmas time, and three months later, no improvement or help whatsoever in either person, and in fact, the elder person is worse, now having to have a heftier dose of Advair. And, while all the "information" promises no increase in blood pressure, blood pressure was elevated in the elder, and in the younger blood pressure went through the roof after starting salt inhalation; both cases higher than when taking the Advair (which is known to elevate blood pressure).

So, consider this a double nay for salt pipes, both of which have been relegated to the trash bin.

If it sounds too good to be true, guess what children, it is...except for the person selling it, of course.

EC: Thank you for letting us know about this! The post and url to the website have been deleted.

Asthma Inhalers and Mental Disturbances
Posted by Sharon (Fl) on 04/19/2017


I inhaled toxic dust at my workplace and got RADS. I coughed continuously for seven weeks until I was referred to pulmonologist who put me on very high dose prednisone for five days. Although it stopped the coughing, I did get a steroid psychosis which I would not wish on any one...mainly delusions and mania, plus a feeling of unreality. It can happen, luckily mine was short lived, although it took me a year to truly recover from the RADS.

Allergy Connection
Posted by Liz (West Bend, WI) on 10/15/2008

I developed asthma when I was pregnant with my daughter about two years ago. I think I had it for much longer as dust has always bothered me and caused me to have lung infections. I was taking meds, not religiously, but on occausion for the first year. I finally decided to see an allergist in March 08, and had reactions to the 6 most common indoor and outdoor allergens in varying degrees. I know the scale is from 0-4 and I'm a 4 for dust and cat dander. I'm also allergic to different tree pollens. I was trying to find the sheet that listed them all but I'm not sure where it is.

I believe my asthma is caused by my allergies and have been oil pulling two times a day for 5min, taking 2TBS raw organic ACV twice a day with 1/8tea of baking soda, 1 TBS raw honey, and have also recently added 1tea cinnamon and 1-2 tea lemon juice. I know these things help with my overall health but they haven't largely helped my asthma.

I also drink tea on a regular basis and have tried peppermint, licorice root, green tea, black teas. They seem to help while I'm drinking it but the effects are short lived.

I have also tried green tea with ACV and Cayenne pep during a cold, which did seem to help but didn't completely eradicate it.

Basically I'm looking for other alternative treatments to try. I have been having asthma attacks more frequently and I'm not sure if its my indoor air quality or what. I live in WI and its getting cold so all the windows are closed. I want to buy more plants to help filter the air which I think would help some.

I was also thinking of trying to do a clinical study by Dr.David Hahn. He believes that asthma is caused by a bacteria in your lungs I posted the links to his website under a post for azithromycin. I think that may be promising for some asthma sufferers.

Also,my asthma acts up when I excercise (which I try to do every day) and the highest I can blow on a peak flow meter is 300, lowest I get when having an attack is 90-150. Avg person gets between 400-700. My husband can max my device out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have twin boys and a daugther all under the age of five and my asthma takes my life away. Plus, I want to be able to help my kids if they develope asthma/allergies.
Thanks for your time,

Allergy Connection
Posted by Liz (West Bend , WI) on 11/08/2008

So i decided to try what Joyce suggested. I now take 250mg of Magnesium along with my multivitamin, 12000 mg fish oil, and 30mg zinc. I had a cold about 3 weeks ago and started taking the vitamins after looking up more information on this website. It seemed to help rid me of the infection as I was coughing up a lot of mucous. The last time I was sick in August it went to my chest and turned into pneumonia, so I was really worried when I got sick that it would happen again. I think the vitamins really helped me. My nose would be really runny and instead of taking benadryl, which seemed to help me a few times, I took the vitamins and 2000mg vitamin C. I would feel better shortly after taking them. I'm still using my nebulizer once or twice a day but overall I feel a lot better. I'm thinking of trying Co Q10 as I've heard that helps with COPD, which I don't have, but I'm willing to try pretty much anything. I've also started taking milk thistle for my mild breakouts! I think that is working too. Anyway, thanks for your help and let me know if there is any other promising remedies.

Buckwheat Honey
Posted by Patricia (Ottawa, Canada) on 04/11/2008

Buckwheat honey has successfully controlled my young son's asthma for over a year now - look it up!!! Patricia.

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Catherine F Clark (Chicago, Illinois) on 10/15/2007

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy. I had a terrible bout with Asthma last weekend and couldn't breathe without wheezing. Albuterol wasn't helping, even the kind using my nebulizer. I got no sleep last night and couldn't go to work today, I was so exhausted from the effort just to breathe. I got online and went to Earth clinic and did a search on Asthma. I saw the Hydrogen Peroxide inhalation and tried it. I can now breathe without wheezing. I am so glad to find something affordable as my asthma meds are so expensive, even WITH insurance! I am hoping that tonight I will be able to actually lay downn in bed instead of sitting up all night on the couch because of the wheezing and coughing. The cough isn't gone yet, but as I am at home today I plan on nebulizing with Hydrogen Peroxide several times today. Thank you for providing this forum. I will also try this method with ACV today and see what my results are.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jessica (Chicago) on 10/26/2006

I am a severe asthmatic with sinusitis. I'm not sure if asthmatics are allergic to dairy or if people who are allergic to dairy become asthmatics, but either way, there is a strong connection. Dairy not only effects my asthma, but my sinuses and allergies, as well.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Nadine (NY) on 09/01/2006

I forgot to mention preservatives also makes it hard to breath, so get rid of the preservatives in your foods when you have asthma... Get rid of the preservatives and white flour, store bought bread, boxed food and most canned foods.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jack (Toledo, Ohio) on 05/06/2006

The below give up to 32 hours of asthma relief as well as cleans your blood of impurities while you sleep. if yr eustacian tubes are plugged up they will open in a few minutes, and you'll feel your sinuses draining down yr throat, you'll need to blow yr nose because this will drain your sinuses.

Take 2, 8oz glasses, fill one with cool to cold water the other with no more warm to hot water you can swallow in one gulp, in the hot water, put 1/8 to 1/4 level teaspoon of "cayenne powdered red pepper", mix very well, then pick up both glasses, down the hot water and red pepper in one gulp "quickly". as soon as you've done that, put the cold water into your mouth and rinse vigorously and swallow, repeat the rinse with cold water until your mouth is warm to hot, quit rinsing, fill your lungs with all the air they can hold, and hold your breath for as long as you can, then let the air "slowly out your "nose" repeat the breathing exercise 4 to 5 times, by the fifth time your pain will be gone!!

Vitamin C
Posted by Jazlyn (Raleigh, NC) on 04/24/2006

I've been taking C-1000's in large doses everyday for about 4 months and I used to have to use my inhaler every single day and now I never need to use it. If you take about 5000mg-10,000mg a day for a week or two it should start to help alot, then you can drop down to 3000mg a day.

Posted by Paul (Morrisville, PA) on 01/19/2006

I have used quercetin with bromelain supplement to eliminate my daily use of inhalers and Singulair in order to breathe. One needs to take very high doses of quercetin when initially weaning themself off the medications (it's almost impossible to take too much quercetin - it's extremely non-toxic and safe). After a few weeks, a lower - and much more affordable - maintenance dose can be taken each day with no side effects or worries. This is not a true cure, but it is one natural way to manage asthma. A good holistic doc may help with finding a cure depending on the particular cause for each individual - whether it be a yeast problem, allergies, adrenal problem, Wilson's syndrome, etc

Cold Shower Therapy
Posted by Tim (NSW Kitchener, Australia)

I decided to finish every normal 'hot shower' with a blast of totally cold water, after reading a book by an old healer by the name of Jethro Kloss. Anyway, I am a bad asthmatic, and used to get sick around 6 times per year. When I got sick it really affected my chest, with huge amounts of mucous, and real bad asthma.

Now I rarely get sick (it boosts the immune system as well as circulation), and if I do it's usually just a mildly sore throat. I wish I could better explain the massive difference this has made. Even if you feel sickness coming on, a cold shower will often stop it in its tracks.

Posted by Simon (Lithuania) on 09/19/2021

Yes, I can attest that turmeric does help a lot with asthma. I have had this condition for 5 years now, and I always returned to this yellow powder for relief when I needed it. Sometimes it works very well, like almost as effective as medicine, other times its effect is lower.

Me personally, I usually take one teaspoon of turmeric powder, mixed with water + add a pinch of black pepper for better absorption. It helps, it really does. But I never used it for a long time treatment cause, honestly, it tastes horrible. But it's natural and has possibly no side effects. I would recommend reading more about it for those who want to try it, it's not supposed to be over-used, just be informed.

Nebulizing Liquid Glutathione
Posted by Dale (Santa Barbara) on 08/03/2021

Nebulizing liquid Glutathione that you get from a compounding pharmacy (need a prescription) has stopped asthma in a few people I know.

Lung Herbal Tonics, Salt Therapy
Posted by Jennifer (Phoenix, Az) on 11/20/2017

Have had breathing problems since a little girl due to swimming in chlorinated pool. I finally found a way to cure my lung issues. I take a lung tonic which is a liquid I purchased from a health food store with herbs for the lungs. I take this while I use an herbal inhaler that I got from the health food store. I purchased it at Whole foods. then I did Salt therapy. There are salt therapy clinics all over the country where you sit in a salt room and inhale the salts. Go slow as it can make things very constricted at first. Like 10 minutes to start. I also have purchased a cheap nebulizer on ebay and nebulized salt water into the air where I can breath it in. I have done some essential oils also. You have to go really slow though. As it cleanses your lungs of all the toxins, it can make things feel worse at first. I have also found that a little red wine can loosen things up. I mean a tiny bit. I started to drink it a long time ago after one episode of breathing issues that lasted a year, and finally gave up and started to drink some red wine. And low and behold my breathing came back. I don't know if it was this or all the lung herbs I drank in a tea, like lungwart, lobelia etc.

The most recent situation was very life threatening as I moved into a new home with new construction dust. I almost died. And had to stay at a hotel where someone setoff a smoke bomb outside my hotel room. And I was in massive distress. The taking the tonics I got at Whole foods, and their inhalation stick, together with nebulizing some salt water and essential oils eventually cleared my lungs. I also took some stabilized oxygen pills (non chlorinated - very important) but that doesn't help by itself.

I would also treat for candida and mold knowing that my environmenal scientist friend says that our air is filled with it.

Posted by Art (California ) on 03/01/2016 2159 posts

I clicked on the "amazon research" link at the bottom of your post and there it was just as you described at the price you said it would be which was less than other suppliers I looked at!

Thanks for the information about colostrum, I will pass it along to a friend who's daughter has asthma!


H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by MyWay (Wilmington, De) on 12/17/2014

Update: I am still having great success with the h202 inhalation therapy - using 6 squirts of the 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide a day. However, I really wanted to get to the root of this mild cold induced asthma condition so, I investigated my background a bit. I was born with asthma many years ago and was given many medications. My mother had little knowledge of the condition and so, I was given the standard meds back in the late 60's. Anyhow, I seemed to have little problems with asthma for many years but in reappeared about 10 years ago. I started with medications like singulair, flovent, duo-nebs, was awful stuff. After 10 years, I knew I had to figure out this issue.

Fast forward to today...I am using hydrogen peroxide but knew that I must find out, on a cellular level, what is making me asthmatic. I started reading nutritional journals on the science behind nutrition therapy so, my investigation led me to Dr. Carolyn Dean and magnesium deficiencies. I have taken magnesium before but the pill forms are not bioavailable and, according to my research, we only get about 4% of the magnesium needed by taking a pill.

I delved into Dr. Deans blog, read everything I could about our deficiencies here in the United States and decided to get my magnesium RBC's checked (red blood cells) ...according the Dr. Dean, It needs to be above 6.0 and I was at 5.0. (I can't remember the measurement). I ordered her magnesium because in all honesty, I do believe the magnesium she developed truly is absorbable so much more then what we get from the nutrition shops and doesn't give me "the runs."

I have absolutely no affiliation with Dr. Dean but I respect her work and research immensely - I say this because I am sitting here, day 3 taking her magnesium liquid.....and no need for Advair or H202 therapy. Have I been magnesium deficient for so many years because of all the fluoride in my daily life? I believe so....I am speechless. The fluoride molecules are in so many medications and they hang on to the magnesium we get from our food sources. The pharmaceutical companies add fluoride to the medicines so they are more powerful but, with a price. I know Advair has fluoride molecules, my toothpaste has fluoride molecules, my water source has fluoride molecules.....folks, if you or your child have been taking ANY medications for many, many years (like me), get your magnesium RBC's checked. Here is a site that indicates which meds have fluoride in them.

I give this information to everyone because it has taken me at least two years of investigation to get to this point and I hope it can help others. When I have my magnesium RBC's checked again, I will give everyone an update.

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by P (Portland, Or) on 05/16/2016

Hi MyWay,

I am so happy I saw your post in my seemingly endless search for dealing with my 6-year old's asthma. We are seeing a moderate (not so steroid-happy) allergy specialist, he eats a very healthy diet, I constantly run air filter, we have all the bedding covers, his bedding is washed at least weekly and still.. It's been frustrating and I do not want to see my little guy on so many medications for the rest of his life, it's plain disturbing - our bodies do not need so much life support to function! Your research resonated with my personal experience as I recently had a horrible neck/shoulder pain and nothing was having a lasting effect on it, until my chiropractor suggested that I tried magnesium supplement - it was amazing! Within days, all my pain has gone. The magnesium deficiency, was making my muscles spasm and I can completely see that for asthmatics for the lung muscles thus causing difficulty breathing. I'm definitely going to look into this, especially since it also robs my little one of the nutrients. Thank you so much for your suggestion!
