Natural Remedies

Natural Asthma Remedies: Effective Herbal & Supplement Relief

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Ja (Philadelphia, Pa) on 02/28/2013

H2OH Inhalation for Asthma: The first time I tried the h2oh in my neb, I didnt have the unstabilized kind, but was desperate and used one with a stabilizer. It worked instantly. I went and food the arron brands and started using that. Since then, Every time I try to start the treatment I get really really bad reactions. My asthma gets worse than ever, my heart rate goes crazy going from 40-100 bpm at random, and one one very bad night it was racing and then stopping for about 4 beats. At first I thought the asthma attack were coinciding with my efforts, but after trying so many times, I think it is a result. I have always had some sort of allergy to mold but was never diagnosed by a doctor. I was traveling in Boston at the age of twenty when the first bad attack happened and went to the er around there. They x-rayed my lungs and said there were no signs of asthma but thats the diagnosis because my symptoms point that way. Suddenly getting asthma at the age of twenty seemed like a joke to me!! Isnt that what a 20 year old girl dreams of? I imagined wearing an inhaler on a neclace. Since these reactions, I am wondering if I have some sort of fungus or virus in my lungs, and they are reacting spitefully to the threat of thier environment the excess oxygen is bringing? I did cough up a lot of mucus and some bloody mucus or clots.

Every time I try the treatment I end up having to get an rx for prednisone because I can't take how bad the asthma is. I get really erratic and upset, maybe the lack of oxygen? I also get a chemical smell when my asthma is at its worse. I thought it was my car, but I get whiffs of it everywhere and no one else can smell it. The only chemical I use is mouse in the roots of my hair, don't even use body wash (got a three year skin allergic reaction, not taking that chance again), homemade pure laundry detergent, etc.

Any ideas of how I can safely use the h20h, what the smell is, and if my asthma is really some sort of infection? It has been five years now, the only time I did not have asthma was when I was pregnant and breastfeeding.

Buteyko Breathing Method
Posted by Cindy (Edison, Nj) on 07/03/2012

I don't feel I'm exaggerating when I say the Buteyko method is lifesaving. Upon menopause I developed asthma that I could not get under control and was not clear as to the cause. The best I could determine was that it was related to acid reflux, a not well known condition called silent GERD. All the natural remedies I was trying were not helping. I had seen Buteyko mentioned on this forum but didn't think it would work for me since this didn't appear to be a regular case of asthma.

Out of desperation - it got so bad I could barely climb the stairs, I had to lean on the counter while doing dishes, and would get out of breath while walking the dog. I was using my inhaler 6 - 8 times a day. I looked for a demo of Buteyko method on YouTube and from the few short clips I watched, I was able to get relief almost immediately. By trying what I had observed over the next week or so, I saw vast improvement. I figured I should buy the program book/dvd so I could do the exercises properly, so I purchased the program by Patrick McKeown that other posters have mentioned here.

It's been about two weeks and I'm only using the inhaler once per day - and that is after I've gone a number of hours not doing any of the exercises.

The premise of the program: asthma and some other respiratory conditions are our body's reaction to overbreathing or hyperventilating. We are breathing through our mouths and taking in more oxygen which disrupts the balance of oxygen to CO2. In order to conserve the CO2, our airways constrict and plug with mucus. To overcome this, the method teaches us to breathe through our nose and shows how to clear our nose when stuffy. To balance out the oxygen to CO2 mix, we practise a few seconds of breath holds or control pauses. It may seem daunting at first to asthmatics who fear the feeling of not getting enough air, but the exercises quickly enable you to master your breath and control your asthma rather than it control you.

This program can easily be used by children as well. It works - I am so thankful I finally found relief!

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Jim (Sun City Center, Fl) on 03/09/2012

Have been remiss and never said thanks to Bill. I had chronic asthma, using 2 different inhalers from VA, 3 snorts am and pm. Started inhaling peroxide about 5 years ago, initially had some throat irritation. Stopped for a week and restarted at half strength. Figured it was coating on back of my throat from years of inhaling. Did 50% for a week and then full strength. Still have my 3 refills from VA in linen closet as a reminder. On a recent visit annual vist to VA I got a new female MD, She almost had a cow when I told her how I cured asthma, in so many words she said "impossible and insisted that I take a rescue inhaler which I returned unopened when they arrived.

My wife of 55 years has had a chronic minor cough, which may have been a throw back to when she smoked. She had heart problems 7 years ago and quit. A few months ago I got her started on using a small inhaler and keeping it on a table next to her TV chair. The cough is now non existent. My sincere thanks Bill and I know the good Lord has blessed you for your efforts. Jim

H2O2 Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Sweetberry (Ny) on 01/18/2012

Started out fghp 3 percent last sunday. It killed me till now- the mucus was together and came up very good and controlled. Now it became runny and sitting in my lung and maxair and nebulizer will not help. Help- what went wrong? I better w/h the fghp now I can't breathe got a runny nose and fever. I have 12 children and can't afford this.

01/18/12 Update:

Wow wow wow!!!!!! I would like to take the time and thank bill and earth clinic for fghp it help to heal my asthma which i suffered 32 years!! yes!! its a long story i can write a book on all what i went through if an author will contact me. I am willing to work it out- it may be a best seller no doubt.

Now a quick few words look at my last week's post where I cry for help the fghp not working I stopped the process and felt it fake as all my life I find gimmicks and you can't trust but I didn't give up due to which I saw that many testimonies I didn't give up. I called bill munro- he is very nice and told me not to use the nebulizer just the spray pump I went and bought it two days ago and this is the first night after 32 years I slept 7h one shot, no medications needed!

So thanks I hope this will last. I don't take any supplements I eat my diet reg. food.

Find the Triggers
Posted by Sally_oh (Escazú, San José, Costa Rica) on 10/10/2009

My son has asthma set off by allergies and we manage it using a lot of tools, many of them I found at EC. The most important thing is to find out what things set you off (food and/or environmental) and then avoid them! For my son, the big ones are woodsmoke (we live in Costa Rica and everyone burns their trash), cigarette smoke, moldy buildings (inside of a carpeted theatre) - those are the biggies. Foods are not so bad for him, but a few give him the dry cough and itchy throat: dairy, white flour, sugar of course - those are common. Corn products, bananas, a few other things. But his worst attacks have been environmental.

When he feels a sinus infection coming on (which is rare these days), he does the Neti pot (1 C warm water, 1/2 t. real salt, 1-2 drops GSE, 1/4 t. baking soda) and gargles. We take a boat load of vitamins (including 500mg magnesium and 2.5g Vit C in a powder).

For colds, 150mg zinc, then again 4 hours later, then again 4 hours later - I find this odd but a friend recommended it and it works.

Garlic is great for lungs: swallow a raw crushed clove (I cut it in pieces).

Drink hot ACV with honey and a tap of cayenne at night - yum! Everything clears up.

That's all I can think of at this moment. Thanks so much for this website. I just wanted to give something back. Pura vida!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Emily (Goodyear, AZ) on 02/20/2009

ASTHMA: 1 yea for dairy elimination. My best friend's 4 year old has been having difficulty breathing and the doctor wanted to put him on steroids. A holistic nutritionist suggested he eliminate dairy from his diet and like a miracle the breathing problems are gone.

Posted by Sl0j0n (31503) on 11/24/2016

I have asthma, & I drink coffee, [LOVE! It] usually almost a 12-cup pot, / day.

Coffee has more polyphenols than green tea, has been proven to help prevent diabetes, & others.

I believe caffeine functions as a substitute neurotransmitter.

Apple Juice
Posted by Gisela (Hunstville, Alabama) on 08/22/2007

A friend told me about hearing of studies done on children with asthma and how drinking apple juice helped them to not develop symptoms. She realized that her severe asthma had vanished once her children reached toddler age and that she was drinking apple juice with them daily during snack time.

I have severe asthma and have had to use a rescue inhaler on average about 5 times a day, which makes me go through about 2 inhalers a month. For anyone on a rescue inhaler, you know they are now switched to environmentally friendly inhalers (or so they say) which cost many times over what the old generic used to cost. Not having medical insurance, this was a big problem for me but not one I connected to the apple juice cure for a while (bear with me, there's a point coming). I started to drink apple juice, I bought the frozen concentrate and mixed it myself in a reusable container (trying to be more earth friendly and energy saving so I do this with all juices now). I started by having a glass in the morning, after dinner and before bed. I would also have some at the onset of asthma symptoms. I did realize after two or so weeks that I was feeling better, I no longer had heavy chest pressure or lung tiredness. Those two things alone were a big relief for me as I'd been told by my doctor that either lung could collapse at any moment and that neither was strong enough to fully support me long enough for a procedure to be done. For the first time in the year since she'd told me that, my lungs felt strong. I could literally run up my stairs and be ok, I started to exercise again and I could breathe deep, full beautiful breathes! I still had to use my rescue inhaler but only once at night. It was in realizing that my inhaler needed to be refilled that I came upon a great discovery... my inhaler had lasted me over 9 weeks!!! For the first time in my life, I had an inhaler last more than 2-3 weeks max. So not only was I ingesting less chemicals (that after a lifetime of use had left me with many other symptoms) but I was saving a ton of money too! It has now been nearly 4 months since I have been treating my asthma with apple juice and not only am I breathing better but my lungs don't hurt anymore and I'm only on my second inhaler since the start of the apple juice treatment.

I did notice some of the symptoms start to come back as my allergies became very aggravated by a) an ongoing drought in my state that causes a lot of dust and such in the air and b) the maintenance men at my apartment complex cutting the grass every other day despite the fact that it doesn't need it. About three weeks ago I started to take a garlic supplement for a yeast infection (clears it up in just a few days) and noticed that my asthma seemed much better. I've since been taking one garlic supplement in the morning with my apple juice and found that I can go days without using my rescue inhaler I have previously tried to use just the garlic supplements for my asthma and they did help but not enough for me to continue them alone. Now using them in combination with the apple juice, I have found much better results then when I used a medicated diskus to prevent asthma symptoms.

Apple Juice
Posted by Sela (Huntsville, Alabama) on 07/25/2008

It has been almost a year now and I have continued to use the apple juice to help my asthma. I stopped using the garlic pill and started to implement garlic in my diet instead. However recently in taking ACV for my allergies and adding it to the apple juice to cover up the taste I found that it has boosted the effect of the apple juice to where I no longer have to constantly have my inhalor at had for just in case. I can breathe better and clearer as if I'd never had asthma at all. I still get occasional wheezing but nowhere near what it used to be.

Posted by Maureen (USA) on 12/10/2006

I should have added something I wanted to email you about before. After suffering with asthma for more than 30 years, I was completely cured of it more than three years ago by a doctor who discovered that some asthma is actually caused by bacteria you get with a cold, flu, bronchitis or pneumonia, that lingers in your tissue after the initial illness has ended. I took Azithromycin for three days, then once a week for twelve weeks and was off all my asthma medication by week 8, and I haven't had any asthma medication or had asthma since. There are a lot of studies out about this, and I'd post them on Earth Clinic, but I know it's geared toward natural treatment.

Posted by Brian (Newark, OH) on 05/28/2006

If I am out, and have forgotten my albuterol inhaler, and I'm having difficulty breathing -- I head to starbucks, caribou, or wherever else I can go for an espresso or a giant cup of coffee. The caffeine acts as an anti-inflamatory agent -- it helps to reduce air-way swelling. While it's NEVER a good idea to leave without your medication -- it's always a good idea to have an alternate, just in case (and hey, who doesn't want an excuse to splurge for capuccino or espresso every once in a while)!

Vitamin C
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 07/09/2020 47 posts

I read a review on Amazon for liposomal (fat soluble) vitamin C and saw a few people who stated that it cured their asthma. Normal vitamin C taken in large doses gets flushed out of the body quickly since it is water soluble. It can also cause diarrhea. This is not the case with liposomal vitamin C.

Liposomal vitamin C is the next best thing to IV vitamin C. Vitamin C has been shown to cure or ameliorate many disease conditions. I take it daily for its immune boosting function and also in conjunction with niacinamide to keep my arthritis at bay.

I think we should never allow ourselves to think that something isn't curable. As the great physician Paracelsus said, "There are no incurable diseases, only incurable patients".

Find the Triggers
Posted by Greystone (Vancouver) on 08/05/2017

Asthma is one of the most common ailments that is misdiagnosed and recently a study came indicating that 88% first diagnosis made is incorrectly. So, please read this: Silent acid reflux mimics asthma.

A couple things to look for 1) You have trouble breathing, 2) you have more difficulty getting air in than getting air out out?

Acid reflux causes you to have trouble getting air in during inspiration. People with asthma have difficulty getting air out of the lungs. Make sure you have the correct diagnosis!

When I was sick I was misdiagnosed at least seven times. That is seven time too many in my book. Getting on an treatment can permanently cure this asthma-like breathing problem. If you do not have enough acid in your stomach and this can happen as you get older or even to someone younger. not correct digestion leads to acid build up which causes acid reflux.

My ND put me on HCL, hydrochlric I simply took a few bites of food then take a HCL pill I was told to take one tablet if not burning in the stomach, then next time you eat take two, then next time you eat take three. As soon as it begins burning in the stomach cut back to two.

There are other ways as well one is licorice or good old baking soda, since we all know it is alkalizing and it neutralizes stomach acid fast, and alkalizes the entire system. Mix 1/2 teaspoon to full teaspoon in an 8 ounce glass of pure waterand drink immediately. You will find out fast if you have asthma or acid reflux Be caution because baking soda can raise your blood pressure.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by John (Trang, Thailand) on 12/23/2015


OMG!!! 13 days now and I haven't used the asthma ventolin. After 62 years of trying to breath and all the usual nasty drugs, I have to remember to not try, just wait and it comes, just like you folk, without asthma, have been doing it forever, all the way down to my feet. Thanks to the lovely Lugol who made the iodine, which I began using about 6 months ago, starting at 3 – 4 drops in my morning juice or herb tea and after a few weeks raising it to 6 – 7 drops [approx.37mg] at the same time slowly withdrawing from the reliever. I have remained on the steroid evohaler puffer of just one puff only before bed and will start to withdraw from that, hmmm, maybe on new years day. Ha! For a start, will use it every second night and see how it goes. The other things that helped were, from 33 yrs. just after the first lung collapse, I began staying away from supermarkets and eating vegetables plus herb teas and occasional sushi and the last 20 years exercising am and pm. Tai Chi and walking.

Now I am just waiting for the sky to fall. What the nasty PTB's and their big Pharma, Codex Alimentarius, FDA and TGA will introduce next. Never mind, I am 82 and off the planet soon.

Buteyko Breathing Method
Posted by Rachael (Chicago, Illinois) on 12/17/2016

Thank you so much for sharing this! The copay for my asthma drug recently went up to $358, and I didn't like being steroid drugs, anyway. I had to go to the ER, and after that, was having to use my inhaler several times a day -- because the alternative medications weren't working that great, for me. Still searching for how to heal asthma I found your post. Went to YouTube and learned the Buteyko method. That was three days ago and I have had zero asthma, and needed to take zero medications, neither Rx, nor alternative, since I first used the Buteyko method. It's a miracle. Thank you.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Khanam (Va, US) on 05/16/2014

Hi, I am a frequent visitor of this site and has learnt a lot from here. My son was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 5 and his case was so aggressive that his doctor gave him oral, nasal and as well liquid steroid, when I asked him what about my son's immune system after taking all these steroids he said forget about his immune system, he has to take steroids all his life.I prayed to Allah to help me in that situation, after prayers and trials and errors I came up with these things. In winters I keep Chanca Piedra and at the very first sign of asthma I give him that and he gets a good night sleep and most of the time it stops completely, I give for a week and then stop it, but if the attack is really bad I nebulize him with 3% H2O2 and rub clove oil with some olive oil on his chest. If he gets fever I take a towel and put a lot of 3% H2O2 on it and start rubbing on his body starting from his souls all the way up to his stomach and chest with all this he gets a good night sleep. Now it has been 4 years since he is off from steroids, antibiotics which he used to take every month and even from tylenol.

Now to get rid of it permanently I will use Iodine and turpentine oil. When I will do that I will post a second reply. Asthma is purely from fungus and mycotoxins. Thanks

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/23/2012

Robert, you don't have to give it up totally, you can do breathing-thru-a-mouthful of the diluted HP. I do about 6 breaths at a time (number taken from Bill Monroe) and it DOES help any and all respiratory/lung ailments for me. Once or twice a day (more if i'm really needing it) is usually enough to knock out whatever shouldn't be there.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Phyllis (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 06/23/2012

As a mother with a son with severe asthma who was always in and out of the hospital with life threating problems. Taking the typical treatments that never seemed to work completely. I began desperately looking in different avenues for help for him. My son is a married man with 3 children, and I was contstantly worried he would not live to see his children grown.

A little over a year ago my son got pneumonia (which he got yearly) this time it was worse nothing was working for him. Some how I started reading about hydrogen peroxide food grade and the many benefits it has had on many people I went and bought the HP gave him a paper on how to use it internally, he also put it in a cool mist humidifier at night when he sleep 1oz food grade HP to a gallon of distilled water, and he used it in his nebulizer, I am here to tell you it cured his pneumonia completely he has not entered a hospital in over a year he can actually function as a real person again his asthma is under control and he preaches about this to everyone. This was so miraculous for him and everyone who knows him cannot believe what it has done for him.. We are praising God for this. I wanted to share this with others becasue this is one of the sites I learned about HP thank you for your testimonies it helped my son. He of course still take HP by mouth and continues to use it in his nebulizer and humidifier

God Bless, Phyllis

Buteyko Breathing Method
Posted by Sofia (Claymont, De) on 10/29/2011

The Butyeko method of breathing is a definite MUST for those with asthma and who are committed to getting off asthma meds. I ordered the DVD and book from Amazon, now am currently doing the exercises daily. Along with ACV, I am now down to 1 puff of flovent every other day as opposed to Advair twice a day over a year ago....

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