Medical Alerts & Health Concerns: Stay Informed with Earth Clinic

| Modified on Oct 17, 2023
Zika Virus
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 02/03/2016

HI YA'LL, , , , , , , , know you have been following the Chipolte restaurant saga. The CDC can find no e -coli in their foods. Mike Adams suspects that they are being sabotaged by the bio companies because they went to "no GMO foods" and even had in your face advertisements like, " GOMer it ".

Next we have the Zika virus which was a project of the wealthy elites. They released these mosquitoes in Brazil. This just happens to be the site of this summer's Olympics where people from all over the world will be there to take this virus back home. Is this just happen stance?

Here is the health ranger, Mike Adams and his take on this.


Energy Drinks
Posted by Art (California ) on 05/17/2017 2152 posts


I have had a few energy drinks over time and I would tend to agree with you. I think some people are very sensitive to some of the ingredients in energy drinks and this is something you might not realize until it happens to you.

I am a grown man and weigh 180 lbs. I had never had a problem with the energy drinks I had tried, but I decided to try a new one that I had not seen before. It came in a large 16 ounce aluminum can and it tasted like a fruit punch soda. I had purchased 6 to give it a try and had been drinking them more as an experiment to see if it was any different than others I had tried before. I will say that it had the best taste of all I had tried before, but on my 4th can, my heart started racing and I felt light headed and slightly dizzy all at the same time. I drank these 4 cans days apart from each other over a two week period. The first three were no problem, but the fourth one did scare me as I had not had that reaction before. I didn't drink the last two. Imo, not all of these energy drinks are the same, so you can't assume that just because you have had energy drinks before without a problem, that it will be that way for every energy drink out there. Btw, I noticed that I stopped seeing that particular energy drink shortly after that incident.

I think parents should pay close attention to their children when it comes to consumption of energy drinks.


Moldy Coffee Imports
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 04/03/2017

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN,,,,,, may have to walk my rant back as our politicians do when they get caught with their britches down. On further inquiry it appears that we are on our own, just like when we buy peanuts. The situation is far more complex than I realized, but I did learn that caffeine itself prevents mold. So the literature says you are better off with full caffeine coffee as far as mold is concerned.

I would apologize for stirring the pot, but sometimes you 'bout asleep and need a jolt. The situation still bothers me. Not to worry as we have robots replacing us and the only way us humans will exist is to live like our Great, Great, Gand Paw did, and that is off the land.

ATS ====ORH====

Moldy Coffee Imports
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 04/10/2017


HI BIRDS DOIN,,,,,,,,,, have used this organic coffee before, but it was for coffee enema's because you need organic for that deal. After much study, it seems that you need to drink good coffee also....... least the mycotoxins will consume you. They sent a bunch of South Georgia folks to the pen a few years back for selling moldy peanuts, but I've never heard of our Gov going after the moldy coffee people. Guess they just go after Redneck farmers.

Anyways, we have decided to pay the price and buy Life Extension's organic whole coffee beans. They can be bought on Amazon and others, but the best price is from Life Extension. Will do whole beans because the smaller any product is, the faster it deteriorates .

Hope I've not violated any of EC's rules......... far be it from me to violate a rule. I try to live at the foot of the cross. Just hope my ditty has sparked an electron or two in your grey matter.

ATS ======ORH=======

Tattoo Toxins
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 07/13/2016

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,,,, oldest granddaughter visited us last week. She is almost 24 and has been from can to can't. She had a basketball scholarship to a college and quit after one year. She is the typical millennial. When in HS she got a tattoo and that caused me grief, but I let is pass. On this visit she went down our water slide as she did 20 years ago. What I learned is that now she has numerous tattoos. We discussed the toxins in tattoos and I cautioned her to not get any more.

When she left, I researched the toxin effect of tattoos. It is not good.

I know we were dumb when young, but I don't think we were as dumb as what's now coming down the pike.

============= ORH ===========

GMO Sugar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 09/16/2016


GUESSS ALL HAVE SEEN THE HEADLINES............... no doubt GMO's are dangerous to your health so it does not matter what label they come under. All cotton is GMO so when you buy vegetable oil, you are using 100% GMO because all vegetable oil is from the cotton seed. If you eat any soy then it's all GMO, along with corn. All remember my spat with Walmart? Guess what........ they now have their own brand as Pure Cane Sugar. Beet sugar is 100 % GMO. Sometimes you have to show your ass to change things. This along with other things I stress about our little farm. I'll be 80 in December. Ya'll follow my saga and see how long I live. 78 is the norm for men. If I keep on keeping on....... then monkey see, monkey do. Maybe you need to plant your own little garden and put EC out of business.

Been on SGI beach for a week and head back to the hills of Tenn tomorrow. That means peanuts need to be pulled and dried, figs, apples and muscadines are all loaded and must be addressed. Will stop in at a farm in Ga and buy a bushel of peanuts to can. That will last us about a year. If you have never eaten boiled peanuts then you have missed some good eating. While on the Gulf, we bought 11 # of shrimp and froze. That will last us about half a year, but we have a January Gulf trip planned and will restock again.

With a little effort, you don't have to eat so much processed food. =======ORH===================

Book Recommendations
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 02/09/2009

We highly recommend the fantastic book by Neil Shulman, M.D., Jack Birge, M.D, and Joon Ahn, M.D., called: Your Body's Red Light Warning Signals, revised edition: Medical Tips That May Save Your Life. $7.99 on Amazon...

Moldy Coffee Imports
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 04/02/2017

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN,,,,,, most on EC work their tales off to try and stay healthy while our U. S. government allows the moldy coffee to come in. I just learned this today and am pissed. So far I've contacted Life Extension and Community Coffee and ask them to send me a test of their coffee. Will not ask a test from the big boys because the are the guilty parties. It's the $ they are interested in. Moldy is cheaper.

This makes me want to cry. I try my best to eat right, only to be done in by our corrupt government. Would grow my own coffee if I could. I learned this today watching a Dr. Marcola U Tube interview.

Excuse my rant, but that's the way I am ......


GMO Sugar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 07/11/2016

HI U GOD FEARING FOLKS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,, The senate just passed a bill prohibits labeling food products that contain GMO's. I just got off the phone blistering my Tenn Senator Corker's office for voting for this bill. Here is what Mike Adams says about the bill.

There is a reason we raise our own vegetables and eat very little processed food. You may get tired of my garden stories and pictures but you need to do the same for your own health. If you ate like yo great grand paw, EC would not exist.


Moldy Coffee Imports
Posted by Ian Noelle (Franklin, Tn) on 04/03/2017

Hey, Robert Henry. Perhaps you could find a local farmer who roasts coffee beans obtained from a clean, mold-free source. I've got one here in middle Tennessee that I meet up with once a week. Try asking around at your farmer's markets. Keep your hand to the plow and don't give up! You are an inspiration.

GMO Sugar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 05/27/2016

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

My tractor driver was putting up cherry jelly and I reacted to the sugar she was using. It said Pure Sugar. In my 79 years I would swear the label was always Pure Cane Sugar. I then read the label and all it said was that it was sugar. I called the company and from the bar code they told me that this sugar was a mixture of Cane and Beets. Cane sugar is not GMO, but Beet Sugar is. All on EC understand GMO's and the immune problems they cause with your gut flora.

We will no longer buy any food product with this company's label. My suggestion is to buy only sugar that is labeled organic or Pure Cane Sugar. That way you avoid the GMO Beet Sugar and health problems.

No GMO seeds or plants are allowed in the EU, but Bayer, a German company, is trying to buy out Monsanto. Got some stuff going on.

ATS ========ORH===============

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/01/2011

I was about to get B12 injections for my son! Many children with autism are having B12 injections!

Does sublingual B-12 contain aluminium as well?

Beauty Products
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 02/12/2011

I thought this article might interest some of you, it is about the harmful chemicals in beauty products although I think that there is more controle here in Europe than in the US, for example. Many brands are starting to come up with more natural products. I suppose people stopped buying some of the more harmful ones...... Even in supermarket products you now see the sentence: "doesn't contain this or that" quite often!

Energy Drinks
Posted by June Bug (Maryland) on 05/17/2017

When I was a teenager many years ago, I bought a pack of white caffeinated pills at the grocery store (snuck them into my mother's cart). I think they were called STAY AWAKE. Something like that. I took just one pill in the morning before high school and had the worst day of my life. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I went to the nurses station in my school. It was very scary. Since then I stay away from all things that come in a packet or small bottle that has high doses of caffeine. Like the 5 hour energy vials you see sold in gas stations. From personal experience I can tell you that children should NOT consume that much caffeine. It is a danger. Poor boy.

GMO Sugar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 05/27/2016

HI U GOD FEARING PEOPLE DOIN,,,,,, got a good ATS to tell. Maybe most of you are aware of this scam, but I was not. We try to diligently avoid GMO's . Today, I got my come uppence.

We went across the dam to buy a flat of strawberries to freeze and put up a batch of cherry jelly. I was helping my Tractor Driver as best a man can in the kitchen.

Anyway, she brought out a Walmart bag of sugar. It said on the bag, Pure Sugar. That seemed strange because all my life I remember the term "Pure Cane Sugar". I read the nutrition label and it only said " sugar". As all know I's SJS, so my mind got to reeling and I called Walmart in Arkansas to make sure there is no GMO beet sugar in this bag.

The lady was very nice and helpful. She said she would have to look up the code on the side of the bag. I gave her the code and she said the sugar was from both cane and beets. I then told her that we had shopped Walmart for 50 years and quit buying their meat and produce several years ago. Now we would stop buying any eatable product made for Walmart. I told her that she was just the messenger and I would give her an excellent for her help.

I then e mailed Walmart corporate and told them the same. This was not just a happenstance. This was contrived to deceive. If they try to deceive you once, then that is their modus operandi. Do me once.... shame on you. Do me twice ........ shame on me.

I then discussed this with my Tractor Driver. She is to no longer try to save money on food that we eat. She is to shop for quality only. She was raised up humble and that will be a change for her.

We will no longer buy any food product with this company's label. My suggestion is to buy only sugar that is labeled organic or Pure Cane Sugar. That way you avoid the GMO Beet Sugar and health problems.

No GMO seeds or plants are allowed in the EU, but Bayer, a German company, is trying to buy out Monsanto. Got some stuff going on.


Posted by Betty (CA) on 11/17/2021

I also read on a news site possible smallpox vials have been found at a lab in PA along with potential anti-dote vials. I need to dig in more about this. The CDC has confiscated the vials for further investigation. Only 2 places in the world are supposed to have it and keep it contained, CDC Atlanta and Russia.

You may be onto something to be prepared possibly. We need to do our research just like with this pandemic.

Energy Drinks
Posted by Diane (Southern Ca.) on 05/17/2017

"Energy drinks and whiskey"

I was checking out at a local store when a lady working there told me that she was stressed out.

I asked her why and she said her family had to rush her 23 year old grandson to the emergency room due to a racing irregular heart beat! Seems he was told he could get a bigger high drinking Whiskey with an energy drink! Well this family has had to rush him to the emergency room more than once!

What the doctors want to do is use a defibrillator (called a counter shock) to bring his heart back to normal. The young man and his family were afraid to do this. I don't know what happened to this man and the problem, but don't mix energy drinks with alcohol. You may never be the same again.

Energy Drinks
Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 05/20/2017

Hi Mama to Many and EC,

We Mama's are watchful, and we work hard to raise happy, healthy children.

If I thought anything might hurt my daughter I would not let her have it. But I went to sleep on the energy drink. My daughter told me how good they were for her. And just accepted it.

She loved the company she bought from so well she talked my mother into trying it. My mother tried it one time and said, "it didn't give me any energy" and never tried it again. However my daughter continued get at least one a day these were her college years (she takes breaks). One day she came home and said, today when I had my energy drink my heart started beating real fast. This was the same brand she had always bought.

Long story short, that sudden racing heart cured her of drinking energy drinks. I was no help to her, because I did know the danger of excess caffeine. She was about 28, my mom was about 78 and both of them thought they were grown, so they may not have listened to me anyway, but I could have warned them in love like mothers do.

Though things affect us differently, It's just good to know what to watch out for.

Thanks Mama,


GMO Sugar
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/13/2016 434 posts

Worrying about things like this is not good for your HEALTH. Instead of seeing it as "bad", try to see the good in it. What these kinds of things are doing is forcing people to become more aware and more self-reliant and this is a GOOD thing because the world's economy is collapsing under its own weight which means it will HAVE to be replaced with something else and these shenanigans are HELPING to propagate ideas about better ways of doing things. Without all of this rigmarole, a sudden collapse would be devastating but BECAUSE they're playing this sort of sneaky game, people are exploring other ways of doing things which is going to make the transition - when it DOES come - a WHOLE lot easier.

Zika Virus
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 02/12/2016 2063 posts


It is clear planet earth has a human population density problem, unfortunately there isn't much money to be made in the department of prevention, so instead we get radical, extreme, and profit driven medicine that is, like the article suggest, shallow on objective science.

Maybe you have "lived & learned" your way up to the cure for your back, and like myself so many times, wish I had the smarts to have learned early on instead of latter.

Maybe it's not too late for healing that you will be able to have a bountiful garden this yr. And as for the minerals we don't get from especially commercial big ag, last yr I sprinkled some Leonardite powder over those bald patches in the yard and it done them well enough to mention. Leonardite is a full spectrum mineral from natural deposits carefully mined and pulverized to a very fine "water flowable" powder. Perhaps you already use advanced fertilizers I don't know, but it is worth mentioning for any gardener for getting high levels of minerals in the crops. I use these minerals orally and in foot & whole body baths as a more cost effective means in comparison to otc Ionic Trace Mineral tabs or caps.

Maybe one day I will get well enough to garden, or maybe take a ride down to the ORH place and offer up my services and ask no more than to be in your & wifey's good company and hospitality, and maybe, if I'm lucky, fill the trunk of my car up with good organic veggies that are so rare on my table. When able, I do go down to our local Mennonite Community for fresh veggies. What fine examples of good faith-filled and strong family life plus the sustainable farming practices. Driving down the road and looking over those immaculate gardens and orchards is a real pleasure. And the womens make up lots of breads, jams, and such for retail. In late autumn they cook down large quantities of the good Blackstrap Molasses so often mentioned & used here on E.C.

Medical Alerts
Posted by Gwormwood (UK) on 11/19/2021

Sarapin is used medically for pain and other things, from sarracena purpurea (pitcher plant). Traditionally used for smallpox, research has confirmed this. Other than by injection for horses, it seems to be hard to source though.

Also I've read that wormwood is what ivermectin is made from, not researched this yet.

Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 11/11/2011

Hi Connie, I would ask the question does Dr. Ray Sahelian have a vested interest in his answer? The cost of producing tablets and capsules goes up as does the time when there are no additives to help lubricate the machines. I have read his blurb as well and I notice that not once does he mention that some people can be allergic to it. There are people with a corn allergy who have reacted to one brand over another. As it is listed as mag stearate from vegatable sources people cannot tell which oil it is made from eg: GMO oils, cottonseed, canola, corn, coconut oil. Plus some oils have way more chemicals (cottonseed). Oh and the oil is hydrogenated. There are also people who speak against it like Dr Mercola, although he now has products with Vegetable Stearate in them and has not answered some peoples questions about this (maybe he has and I have not seen them). I can't see much difference between the two except that one has a form of magnesium attached to it, but it's only a guess.

"In another example involving different responses to a generic drug versus a name brand, a letter appearing in The Lancet expressed concern about the use of docusate sodium and magnesium stearate as fillers in generic co-trimoxazole DS tablets (Lancet 1996, 347, 9001). Co-trimoxazole DS is often used to treat Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, a life-threatening form of pneumonia contracted by patients infected with HIV. However, docusate sodium and magnesium stearate are known to cause laxative effects." This is from

Have you read the MSDS, section 3 "The substance may be toxic to liver, skin. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. " It is also interesting to note that on the different msds for mag stearate that there are a lot of answers "Not available".

My main issue is I have reacted to it. I was on therapeutic doses of some herbs and supplements and had the most awful pain to the point that I was physically holding part of my stomache to stop it from what I can only describe as twisting. Had been improving in health (which had taken a few years to get to that point) then changed brands (which contained ms) and a few weeks later it happened. At the time I did not realize it was the mag s. My health was seriously set back. I went back to the mag stearate free ones and no problems until they ran out. The next lot I got had mag stearate in them and l had the same horrible reaction but this time it only took a few days. Worked out it was the mag s that I reacted to so now only take ones without it. I can have it in about 1-2 capsules in a day, but only for 1-3 days (then must not have any for a while) but any more and I get stomache pains and even at this dose it may cause a little constipation. My husband has none of these problems (he takes less caps per day) but what we have noticed is that he dose not get the benefit from two of the herbs with mag stearate in them as we know how well they work for him in capsules without the ms. Maybe because ms coats them and makes them less absorbable after all the melting point of it is 88. C. Now my reaction wont be reported as I cannot prove it so how many others reactions are not on record. There are a few others who have written their reactions to mag s. On the net but theirs too probably wont be on any official report

Do a search for "magnesium stearate reaction" and you do find some adverse reactions. Here are a couple of interesting ones.

Posted by Michael (Portland, Or Usa) on 10/31/2011

Dear Readers, Read your labels, not that it will do any good as the corrupt FDA works with a 'hands off' policy where aluminum is concerned and deems aluminum 'safe and nontoxic'. Despite all the evidence and research to the contrary, our mandated to protect... FDA is about as inept and corrupt and useless as our EPA. The US consumer is being poisoned by nearly every longer shelf life at any cost, especially the health prospects of our customers.

Targeted are children and hispanics most recently as Walgreens, Little Debbie, Hostess, Safeway, Entemens, Franz, Kroeger, Albertsons, QFC, Fred Meyer, Jewell, almost every flour tortilla producer, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Duncan Hines and more are adding aluminum compounds to your favorite snacks mixes and treats, Their in store bakery items are also very often tainted. I wish we Americans were not so complacent and/or ignorant. Bad enough the EPA allows toxic levels of aluminum in municipal water supplies, bad enough that useless filters such as PUR and Brita which do not remove any aluminum from the water don't have to alert the consumer, bad enough that our corrupt leadership fumbles about as if the medical research folk don't know the cause of scores of disease, organ failure, cancers, while if they would read they'd find studies linking aluminum to almost all of them, including Alzheimers, osteoporosis, autism, any number of skeletal and nervous system maladies (that includes the various functions of the brain, folks), and because it can invade and corrupt the DNA is thought to cause birth defects, learning/growth disorders and on and on and our faulty leaders have given the aluminum consortium a green light and thumbs up to the toxic nightmare.

Oh, you might like to know that injectable vitamin B12, which is supposed to do you good and is prescribed by so many well meaning medical folks, contains aluminum as a preservative. Ain't that a peach? If you have concerns and wish to emit a primal scream, my email is madhatter08(at) and I, sadly was the victim of aluminum poisoning via B12 injections. I am now terminal with numerous health issues. My leg went numb where they gave me the injections and they misdiagnosed me with MS before, purely by accident, it was discovered the B12 was toxic. Thanks to the FDA...

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 11/01/2011 2063 posts

Michael, thanx for your couragous post. I would dare to ammend (update) Bob Dylan's "the times they are a changen" to "the times they are a challengen". As inteligence becomes more centralized and morality is the man-made version, we the people are certainly the troubled sheep. I always pray Reform, Reform, Reform.

My dear mother was prescribed injection B-12 in her last phase of cancer. I was certainly not for it, as B-12 can be taken sublingually in as high as 5mg doses. I don't know if it affected her or not, but looking back it seems very likely as she worsened rapidly. But not a bad journey as she is now with her Lord Jesus.

Posted by John (Trang, Thailand) on 09/19/2011

Vitamins & Supplements: I hope I'm wrong - but isn't it a waste of money knowing Codex Alimentarius, in 2009, deemed all vitamins & supplements to contain a useless amount of vitamin/mineral and any containing more than the limit are illegal drugs and possession is a criminal offence, you go to jail. If it's now law - why keep buying them? Look for the vegetables/fruit that has the most. EG: Lie in the sun at midday - 8 minutes each side & get 11,000 IU vitamin D, free. No time for sun tan. Ummm, aren't there animal vitamins & supplements that are not included under Codex, like Lugols Iodine? Let's know.

Articles of Interest
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 11/09/2009

Here's an interesting .pdf from the firm Hogan and Hartson regarding the FTC's newly revised guidelines on Blogging-For-Pay, Testimonial Disclaimers, and Celebrity Endorsements.

Grapefruit Contra-Indications
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/13/2021

Hi there,

The following is an interesting guide by the BBC on the history and possible contra-indications associated with eating Grapefruit if you are on certain medications.

Some of these have been discussed previously on Earth Clinic.


Posted by ShawnMorris (Houston, Texas ) on 11/14/2021

It is my understanding that not 1 person under the age of 30 has any immunity toward smallpox. Is there a protocol to help protect against smallpox, specifically? I find it alarming that several prominent people have been referring to smallpox as an example of future "pandemics".

Moldy Coffee Imports
Posted by Janet (In) on 04/03/2017

Robert Henry I live and breathe mold education. I belong to facebook groups. They will make your hair stand on end.

I have been referred to by moderators and administrators as many things. "Watch taking advice from people you would deem...The crazy witch that lives down the street" my personal favorite.

At least you can fix your coffee issues pretty simply, I think. It probably is not the Mercola way. Yet it seems pretty satisfactory for home purposes.

Run vinegar through your machine. Then run a 5% solution through of white ammonia and water. Then a water run through. Then my coffee water or my completed pot of coffee ( in the case of a Bunn coffee pot) gets 1 scant drop of white ammonia. I used to make Teds ammonium chloride, but I found a clean, extra other chemicals, free brand here.

I am on the floor from any mold exposure and must be diligent. The coffee machine itself can develop mold. Kureig (sp) is out completely. They have opened enough of them to lambasting amounts of mold after use.

We are a 3 shift family of six. Coffee goes on 24 hours a day. Not all the family has my mold problems. We all drink it. I based it on Teds internal mold remedies. Janet

Supplement Alerts
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/26/2016 434 posts

Just a notice that some quite trusted "natural" brands for herbs and herbal preparations are now partnered with or have actually been purchased by pharmaceutical companies. Pay attention! Make your own stuff when you can!

GMO Sugar
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 07/12/2016

Again we are shown that our so called "representatives" should be collecting their paychecks from Monsanto or any one of the thousands of corporations that work against us, than from the people of America. Do we actually have any true representative government anymore when those that supposedly uphold our wishes can be bought by anyone with deep pockets? Call your Senators now and let them know you have a right to know what is in our food.

Posted by Cindy (Smalltown, Usa) on 01/05/2012

Has any one else seen this information? Sounds like our food could be sprayed with agent orange!!!

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/06/2012

Not only concerns about what is being sprayed on our foods.. Google excitotoxins.... Msg and aspartame is in more and more foods.... They kill off brain cells!!

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 12/17/2011 2063 posts

It really is all about money. All MD physicians are pressured by big pharma reps and board watch-dogs to prescribe their drugs for the multibillion dollar profits, and that to rule the world with. And here we consumers are on the other end pressured to take every prescription written. Almost half of Canada's budget goes for their socialist gov "free" for all healthcare; and as a consequence the Canadian gov has banned hundreds of nutritional supplements and herbs, most of which are completely benign. EU has also required hundreds of herbs banned until proven safe by pharmaceutical owned by pharma standards studies. Proly many of the herbs will eventually be approved by prescription only, or some over-the-counter at extremely high prices.

Big problem is the people who do have the individual stamina and personhood to use natural therapies mostly, and conventional meds only when necessary, are the minority. European naturalist couldn't gain enough signatures to slow or stop the (I think) Feb 2011 ban, so it's a big win for pharma.

Too be protective of your rights, subscribe to SafeOurSupplements. Com (not sure if they are still active) and Citizens for Health.

Posted by Cindy (Cochrane, Usa) on 12/18/2011

here is the link


Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/02/2011

Hi Connie your sublingual lozenges contain magnesium stearate which I understand is not good to take. It is not good for the immune system.

Perhaps Bill from the Philippines (or someone else) can clarify the dangers of magnesium stearate.

I am tired of trying to dodge all these bullets!

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 11/12/2011

Maria it is a good point you are making... Thanks. I like Sahelian and try to cross referrence his opinions with other Dr. S like Weil and Mercola, Oz.. Etc.. He may be correct for the "average" person that other ingredients may prove to be more harmful... However he does have a strong vested interest in a whole line of vitamins that use Mag. Stearate. But why have it if it is of no benefit to us, or a possible harm but only benefits the manufacturing process and sales.... I know my mother once had a strong allergic reaction to a multiple vitamin (her face swelled up) which she traced to the red dye used in it. Also when I empty a capsule with Mag. St. into a glass of water and try to mix and drink it.. There is always a cloudy film left on the glass... (I haven't done tests but assume this is the mag stearate.. Could be wrong)..

Anyway we know the history of commerce in that what usually helps sales has a tendency not to help the consumer.. In this case the additive to ease the flow in machinery. The good news is I am seeing more and more brands without it.... and though Sahelian may be correct in my case, to be on the safe side, I prefer to select non capsule powder forms of vitamins (additive free) or brands that don't use it..

Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/13/2014


WARNING veterinarian antibiotic and in general foods: CHLORAMPHICOL banned in Canada and EU "generally fatal" leads to leukemia. Manufactured in India, giant recall but is found in food stufsf world wide and in pet food. The FDA has no comment. Is used by vets in antibiotics. Om
