Health Benefits

Relieve Gout Naturally with Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chans (American Fork, UT) on 04/15/2009

I was very skeptical when trying ACV but then what do I have to lose? Well after 3 days I'm limping worse than when I started ACV. Before I can limp around but now it seems like it's spread to other joints in my foot that I'm not able to even move around at all. I was doing 2 tbs 1 cup of water for 3 times a day and taking Shark Cartlidge pills. I have a Disney World trip with my family the end of May. I hope to God it is gone then so I've not given up on ACV just yet.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carol (Rhinebeck , NY) on 04/13/2009

Hello I have been searching the website for natural remidies for gout. My Mom is presently on medication that may be causing kidney damage. It seems they want more meds to help! Go figure. I am going to try the ACV 1 tablespoon, with 1 tablespoon of honey or less since she has type 2 diabeties, with 4 oz of water. Will post back. Also for Blood Pressure during menopause, the natural biodentical hormones help. Carol

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peter (Auckland, New Zealand) on 04/07/2009

Have had serious gout in my ankle and toe for 3 months. The medication prescribed by my Doctor was not giving relief at all.Two days ago I found this site and within 24 hours I was able to walk with comfort after having two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar 3 times per day in a glass of water.No doubt in my mind that this is a great medicine. Thank you to all that have passed this information on.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jay (Scottsdale, AZ) on 02/26/2009

Apple cider vinegar has helped with my latest gout attack. My first attack happened a year ago and I was clueless about a solution. It took a week to see a doctor and by then it was improving. I limped around for weeks.

My second attack happened two days ago and I immediately applied an aspirin cream to my toe. That was a huge mistake, the pain got worse. Later I started on apple cider vinegar with honey, grape juice, cherry juice, huge volumes of fluids and soaking my foot in epsom salts.

When the next night was also sleepless, I was despondant. I had suicidal thoughts. I could not imagine living with that kind of pain for the rest of my life. After reading all of the success stories I was ready to give up . . . but I didn't. I reduced the amount of meat and increased fruit and vegetables in my diet and continued the same therapy. By afternoon I was walking with significantly less pain.

Today, day three, there is a painful red spot on the side of my toe. I am able to bend the joint in both directions with little pain. I am walking with little discomfort. Next time I have a gout attack, I will get out of bed and begin the healing process immediately.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Lakewood, OH) on 02/22/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar works for Gout. I long suffered from gout in my feet and ankles. I tried everything over past several years. I stumbled across the Earth Clinic website. They recommended ACV with the "mother". I took two tablespoons in 6 oz. of warm water three times a day (morning, noon and night). I have not had a flare-up in two weeks. ACV seems to work well for my gout. I will continue to take ACV at least once a day for the near future.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stu (Pleasanton, California) on 02/18/2009

I was diagnosed with gout 7 years ago after an excrutiating acute episode in my right toe. After several painful episodes, I went on allipurinol for years very successfully but wanted to get off not thinking that there were natural cures anywhere. After reading the ACV therapy I gave up the drugs cold turkey. I knew this was not wise as your body needs to ease off of it. Sure enough within five days I felt the right toe episode with which I had so long dealt with coming on. I immediatly tried the ACV approach. I did 1 - 3 tablespoons mixed with Cherry juice and after three doses in the same day I knew I would know by the next morning whether or not this would work. Sure enough it was subsiding during the day and gone by the morning. Definitly works so far! Thanks!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tamara (Grass Valley, California) on 02/17/2009

Most of the people I read about had gout attacks for several years or several times. I just had the first one and it was very severe. I could hardly walk at all and not walking just doesn't fit into my life as a restaurant owner I am on my feet 12-14 hours a day.The Dr. prescribed Celebrex but after she told me all the side effects I was too scared to take it. So Sunday nite I found this web site and thought Ill the apple cider vinegar approach. I had a near full bottle of a store brand. I mixed 3 tablespoons in a glass very cold water and a couple hours later mixed another 3 tablespoons in another glass of cold water. I thought it was hurting lesss and the swelling was going down after a couple hours but I could'nt be sure.When I woke the morning next it was way less swollen and did not hurt near as much. I took another dose before my am coffee and went to the medical supply store and purchased a velcro shoe. My foot was so swollen my shoe made it worse. 3 more doses and 24 hours later the swelling and pain is 90% gone! Thank you very much for this infomation!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheila (Sandusky, Oh) on 02/02/2009

I don't use the baking soda but I have been using ACV religiously for a year now and zero gout attacks. I was getting them about once every 2 months and they are so painful. Now, I just take two tablespoons of ACV with water before I eat. I only eat twice a day, morning and evening. It also helps my blood sugar and blood pressure.

I tell my daughter and son in law to start taking it but they think it's some voo doo cure. They are in the medical field.

I should say that I don't take the baking soda because I don't want the additional sodium. I also do oil pulling which the benefits can be found on this website.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda Harvey (West Coast, CA) on 10/13/2008

I awoke yesterday morning around 4AM (10/12/08) in excruciating pain in my big toe. The worst gout attack I have ever had. After reading your forum I headed to my local health food store, and purchased _____Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw Honey, and Quercetin. (Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It is also a natural anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory.) I also purchased Acai ____, a concentrate of purest of dark berries (mix one cap full with a glass of water). By noon I had the berry drink and vinegar/honey/water drink in me. By 4PM I could actually walk semi-normal. I had another glass of the ACV/Water/Honey in the evening around 7PM. By 8PM only a slight discomfort could be felt. This morning - it's as if the attack never happened. I can't tell you what a miracle this is! Thanks to all of you for sharing this wonderful find! It will now be part of my weekly routine since I've read what amazing benefits there are to ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rebecca (Aberdeen, Washington) on 10/09/2008

Apple cider vinegar all but eliminated swelling and pain. I am 58 and have been in good shape most of my life but had a low back injury over 3 years ago and have had severe pain and stiffness which has sent me to doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists and even a rolfer for 15 sessions! All of these helped but very temporarily. I have also been doing yoga and exercises from a book called Relaxercise (excellent by the way) which have also helped but only somewhat. I had been getting worse within the past few months and had develped knee, foot and hand pain along with swelling of these areas especially one ankle and foot which was twice the normal size. It hurt to walk or wear any type of shoe. My husband is an RN who looked at my swollen ankle and foot and told me it almost looked like gouty arthritis. This comment prompted me to research the subject and I found a blog of 100's of people all of who had been using ACV and all but 1 person rated the treatment 5 stars. I immediately went to a health food store and bought the organic, unfiltered ACV and started by taking 3 tablespoons in a large glass of water sweetened with organic raw honey. Following the first dose the night before, I woke to find the swelling reduced to about 1/4 of what it had been and the pain nearly gone. The stuff works like a miracle! I have continued to take it every day but have cut down the dose to 2 tablespoons 2-3 times per day in the same amount of water with honey. I have only a twinge of pain and 1 spot of swelling about the size of a quarter remaining on my ankle. Amazingly, my low back has less pain and more mobility than what I have ever had since the injury over 3 years ago. All this and I have only discovered this treatment less than 1 week ago! Amazing!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tim (Garland, Texas) on 09/25/2008

First a little history as Im not new(unfortunately) to gout attacks.I have been a gout sufferer for about 6 years .Normaly I would just bear the pain and wait it out. About a year ago my mother-in-law advised about black cherry juice for gout so I gave it a shot..It helped alot but took about 3-4 days of daily use to improve
I came down wih a FULL BLOWN PAINFUL gout attack in my right ankle on Sunday night. It had swollen twice its normal size. I suffered hoping it would go away on its own by this weekend due to a big athletic event I had committed to, well anyway by Tuesday I feared the worst it had not improved, in fact was getting worse- So on Wed morning I became desperate and began researching the net to avoid a last resort of a visit to the Doctor's office I came across this site on a google search..I saw the buzz over ACV..So I rushed to the grocery store and grabbed some..By late evening -nothing in fact it continued to worsen.. However, I wasnt ready to give up.. I remembered seeing a post about the unfiltered organic varity with the "Mother" in it. I went to Vitamin Shoppe and grabbed two bottles.. When I returned home in intense pain I might add, I put 3 tsp in 8 oz of watter and drank it down and hobbled to my recliner and watched tv..Within 2 hours the swelling and redness were going away . I took one more dose prior to bedtime at about 10:30 pm and the next morning it was 80% GONE!!! Another dose this morning prior to coming to work and I'm at 90% with normal walking!!!.. How this stuff can work like it did within 12 hours is beyond me but Im now a believer in ACV !! Whoever it was that discovered this God bless you.. Thanks again for being there and helping with this painful nasty ailment.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tammy (Vail, AZ) on 09/21/2008

I have always been a healthy woman with little ailments, but the past few months my uric acid levels have been extremely high. My mouth, armpits and privates had a metallic smell. My nuturionalist told me that my kidneys were not excreting the toxins in my body properly. He started me on a detox program with little results. I made an appointment with my primary care doctor who explained that he might have to put me on medication to reduce my acid levels to avoid getting gout. I told him I was in the middle of a holistic purge and would like to wait for the outcome before he prescribed medicine. Two days later I had my first case of gout in my right big toe (I initially thought my toe was broken as it was painful to walk on). Within a day, my top left foot began hurting and my knuckles on both index fingers were stiff and swollen. After searching the web for my symptoms, I realized I had gout that the doctor warned me about. I was determined to find a holistic approach and began searching the web for information. I found this site reading the testimonies of others that sounded a lot like mine story. I decided to try the ACV remedy that night. I took 2 TBLSP in 6 oz of water and within 1 hour the pain subsided, within 2 hours I saw a great improvement. About 3 hrs later, I took another dose before going to bed. When I woke in the morning, all pain and swelling were gone and my uric acid is reduced as my body is not excreting the metallic smell. I will definitely make ACV a part of my everyday life. "Thank you" to all those who shared their experiences with me and to this website for publishing them.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steve (Manchester, UK) on 08/16/2008

Yea, ACV has worked for me I am absolutely astonished. I have been in agony for 2 days, even night awakenings and at my wits end. i took 2 teaspoons in hot water and I can walk again after 2 hours. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brian (Albany, New York) on 08/14/2008

I was starting to suffer from a gout attack, and have been really thinking of the side effects of my medicine. So I decided to search the web for a natural cure. I got to this site on the first try, and started reading. I thought, WOW, Apple cider vinegar, that would be easy. So I took the 3 tablespoons and by 2 hours later the pain was going away. By morning, I was completely pain free. I am so excited, and relieved, because the medicine I was on wasn't working great or fast. ACV taste really strong and bad, but it is a ton safer and better for you than medicines are. Also, my medicine is expensive, ACV cost about $1.39 for a gallon jug. Try it, it works!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jason (Vancouver Island, Canada) on 08/14/2008

apple cider vineger for gout. i was suffering from the worst attack i have ever experienced! found your website and immediatley sent a friend to find some acv(as i could not even walk!) took two gulps, and within hours i was able to move around. by the next day i was in a boat reeling in salmon 20 miles off the coast of vancouver island! acv is amazing thank you so so much! i cant imagine what sort of shape i would still be in without it. now i have a spash with a cup of water every morning! thank you again earth clinic!

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