Effective Natural Remedies for Sepsis (Blood Poisoning)

Ted's Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/10/2011 392 posts

In reply to:

Posted by Jackie (Knysna) on 11/10/2011:

Ted, please help... my friend literally has hours to live. She has septicemia/blood poisoning and is in a coma. She has suffered lupus for 15 years. Please give your advice urgently.... can I give her DMSO and how much? This is a last effort and I know it it is a long shot. PLEASE HELP.

Get clove oil spray 5% the other 95% is alcohol, or similar. Spray the body with this, legs etc. Give colloidal silver 1 teaspoon every hour. Give hydrogen peroxide 3% one cap to two capful of per liter of water, and give 1/2 glass every hour. After 6th dose most of septicemia will be under control.

You can give any hydrogen peroxide 3% in this dire emergency, such as pharmacy grade. Aspirin is usually good choice also it digests these septicemia.

If fever does not reduce by 3 hours, I will be forced to give 500 mg of aspirin every hour for 4 hours. It works like antibiotics by digestion. The other is lysine every hour for four hours also. These can be given at the same time. So one can do all of it -- h2o2, aspirin, lysine, and clove -- if you want.


Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Well, you are asking for last ditch efforts. IF SEPTICEMIA is a virus that has a coating that contains lipids BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] MIGHT help. This BHT has proven to be a compound that in some way has a profound effect in destroying such viruses. The only website I found that discusses this virus`s structure is NOT clear about whether it is such a virus or not. Here is that website. It seems to say it is :http://books.google.com/books?id=3WvYMKmIvY8C&pg=PA625&lpg=PA625&dq=is septicemia a lipid coated virus&source=bl&ots=mYe

BHT MIGHT help. I do NOT know....Oscar

Replied by Kumrao
(Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India)

Holistic healing method can work for your trouble.. It may take 30 to 45 days... I am from India.. You have to avoid milk products, sweets, nonveg, fish, eggs, cashewnuts, almonds,

pulses, alcohols for 45 days.. You should daily eat 30 gms of bittergourd and 20 gms of ginger.. you can eat rice and wheat items of food...kumrao99[at]yahoo.co.in

Vitamin C Infusion

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 06/01/2022

Septicemia Treatment

Hello All!

I hope you are well.

I have just this minute been advised that someone over there in Australia had been treated for septicemia by many doctors for a long time with no result until a new doctor decided to give the patient an infusion (maybe several?) of Vitamin C and that made all the difference!


Any profound thoughts on this subject?

Cheers from (the other) Down Under

Replied by Redcairo
(Miami, Ok)

Research on sepsis and other unrelated research on Ascorbic Acid suggests that intravenous vitamin C in very high consistent dose might be the only thing strong enough to battle something like that.

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