Epididymitis - Treatment and Remedies

| Modified on Jul 09, 2024
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What Is Epididymitis?

Health conditions concerning the sexual organs are relatively common, particularly during early adulthood. Epididymitis is one such health issue that affects the male reproductive organs. Epididymitis involves the inflammation of the epididymis, or the coiled tube located at the back of the testicle that functions to store and carry sperm. The inflammation associated with epididymitis also causes pain and additional swelling of the region.

As a result of the internal inflammation, a number of other symptoms arise. Common symptoms of epididymitis include a tender and swollen scrotum, heat or warmth in the scrotum, testicle pain and tenderness and painful urination. Additional symptoms may include pain during intercourse or ejaculation, chills, fever, a noticeable lump on the testicle, swollen or enlarged lymph nodes, pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis, discharge from the penis and blood in the semen.

While any male can develop epididymitis, the condition is most common in individuals between the ages of 14 and 35. Several causes for epididymitis have been identified including sexually transmitted infections or STIs, nonsexually transmitted bacterial infection, heart medication amiodarone, tuberculosis, and urine in the epididymis. Factors contributing to the development of epididymitis include high-risk sexual behaviors, personal history of STI, past prostate or urinary tract infections, an uncircumcised penis, anatomical abnormality, certain medical procedures and prostate enlargement.

Natural Epididymitis Remedies

While epididymitis is often a painful condition, known treatments can fairly quickly remedy the condition. Natural epididymitis treatments include hamamelis viginica, colloidal silver and turmeric. Another epididymitis treatment regimen involves oil pulling, supplementing with aloe vera and NAC, drinking lemon juice and veggie juice, and avoiding carbs. Following this regimen is effective for most individuals suffering with extreme pain and inflammation. Exercise is generally effective for treating epididymitis pain as well. Oblique bends paired with a light cardiovascular workout daily can relive pain associated with the condition.


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Posted by Mark R (Chicago, Il) on 07/24/2016

Editor's Choice

For 7 months I had pain and nausea after a bad testicle injury. Basically it felt like pieces of my epididymis were ripped and hanging in my perineum. Doctors were worthless and they said they found nothing on an ultrasound except small spermatoceole here and there.

Over 7 months I tried many treatments. Some notable ones were iodine protocol detox which seemed to clear up scar tissue in the area. Also I applied MSM to the area and that seemed to help with healing and pain. But NOTHING helped with the feeling I was leaking sperm into my blood. Everyday I still felt nauseous, I'd get low-level fevers and my testicles would smell like semen. My body was definitely triggering an autoimmune response from leaky pipes down there.

Just last week I tried liquid chlorophyll. After ingesting it and feeling slightly better, I decided to apply chlorophyll directly to my balls and perineum. It's been nothing short of a miracle. I don't seem to be leaking sperm anymore. I have no symptoms and feel 100% better. I'm not sure if this will last because my testicles look visibly different as if there was structural damage down there, but if it does last that would be amazing. I just paint my balls with 6 drops or so of chlorophyll every day and I feel great all day. It leaves my balls and underwear stained green, but I can live with that since I don't have debilitating pain and nausea anymore.

Replied by Gordon

Wow, I get a sharp nerve pain, doing ice and sitz baths

Replied by Donna
3 posts

Mark R., My father is suffering from an Orchitis infection and I'm looking for anything helpful at all. I read your post about treating Epididymis with liquid chlorophyll two years ago. Epididymis and Orchitis seem to be very similar. I'm curious to know if that remedy continued to work for you or if you found any other remedies that helped. Anything helpful from anyone on this topic would be much appreciated!

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne Australia)
233 posts

I just read this post from the top and it is fascinating. Donna, you could try the chlorophyll internally and alternate for externally chlorophyll and castor oil, as this too works wonders on injury. Maybe the castor oil applied morning and the chlorophyll applied at night.

Best to you

Epididymal Cyst Remedies

Posted by Chris (Texas) on 05/30/2022

I have two epididymal cysts on the left and one on the right. The one on the left is starting to hurt and has grown a bit but has gotten better recently. I have read that it can be a iodine deficiency, so I have been applying some iodine on it once a day but should I should put it on there about three times a day? Anything else I can take internally as topically that will help resolve this issue so the body can resolve it. I really don't want to go through surgery. Please somebody help me asap!

Replied by Vincent

Anyone managed to shrink Epididymal Head Cyst naturally?
An ultrasound discovered a 10mm cyst, and it causes pain and swelling past 2 months. Doctor said there is no infection, no varicocele/hydrocele, just cyst and strain. Treat it like a strain, I.e. ice it, workout on empty bladder, and not much else to do...

What I found some relief from:

- Castor Oil Pack - without heat (as heat causes damage to the testis)

- DMSO with a bit of Castor Oil & Tea tree oil, several times a day.

- Seperatec underwear for those with varicocele. (even though I don't seem to have it)

- Some inversions to help blood flow.

However, it just gives me a temporary relief, after which the swelling and pain comes back.

First month, I was icing the area a lot to relieve pain. Now, I don't need to ice it much, but the swelling doesn't seem to go away. Perhaps the cold made it worse (despite easing the pain)?

Should I try to apply heat with the castor oil?

Epididymitis Triggers: Overstretching

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Posted by Craig (Albany, Oregon) on 11/04/2015

I recently went through an experience where I went to four different doctors seeking help to alleviate significant right testicle pain.

I described (what I considered to be) the root cause of the problem to each doctor: over-stretching during exercise. More specifically, doing butterfly stretches, something that I'd never really tried before.

The first doctor diagnosed me with prostatitis and put me on a course of antibiotics. The second and third doctors diagnosed me with epididymitis, and put me on a second course of antibiotics.

After a month the condition was no better, so I went to see a fourth doctor. When I described my condition to him as epididymitis, he smiled and said "or something like epdidymitis".

What? He then proceeded to tell me that my condition wasn't bacterial, but simply the inflammation of a nerve that runs through the groin area. He said that my condition was the result of an overstretched ligament from doing the butterfly stretches, and prescribed ice and Advil.

And he was right.

I've discovered that almost every time that I get sick, it simply means that I'm doing something wrong, and I just need to figure out what it is. This experience is an example of that maxim, and I can only imagine that if it holds true for me, then it holds true for others as well.

Anyway, I ended up diagnosed with three different things by four different people, and saw first hand how crucial it is for doctors to listen hard, and to occasionally think outside of the box.

No more butterfly stretches for me! Hope this helps someone.

Replied by Aj
(Houston, Tx)

Thanks for posting this. I can relate to the misdiagnosis because it happened to me. I was told the first time that I had an inguinal hernia. I was told by the second Dr that I had 2 inguinal hernias and they suggested surgery. Finally I went to a really GOOD FEMALE DOCTOR and SHE LISTENED. Like you it was the over straining and over stretching. ( I'm 51 years young and things change). I shudder when I think that they actually wanted to perform a surgical procedure that could possibly leave me impotent and in pain. Thanks again for your post.

Replied by Rick
(Mount Ephraim, N.j.)

This is very interesting. For about 15 years now I have had swelling in the scrotum sac in my left testicle. The first doctor I went to told me to simply make sure I lifted weights with an empty bladder, that the strain was causing the problem.

I went to a urologist who examined me, did an ultrasound, deemed the prostate healthy, said it was epididymis and put me on some antibiotics. When that didn't work, he said he could remove the testicle but the discomfort from that wouldn't be any better. He said if I could live with the discomfort then that would be it.

I notice the swelling goes up and down throughout the day. Some days are better than others. This morning was bad. An erection I achieved in my sleep woke me up because it actually twinged. That happens sometimes. Sometimes there is soreness after ejaculation.

I am surprised to read that butterfly stretches are causing your problem. I have stretched every day for the last 20 years before my training at the gym and incorporate those stretches in the program.

I am going to lay off these and see what happens.

Replied by Chris

Mine is a cyst. It showed on the ultrasound.

Replied by Al
(Leavittsburg, Ohio)

About a year and a half ago my left testicle swelled up the size of a tennis ball. My VA doctor over the next 2 months had me on 3 antibiotics to no avail. I had been reading up on the subject as I am 61 and quite active bicycling and hiking. One of the many suggestions was the us of Flomax. The next visit to the Dr. I mentioned it and he was very receptive to the idea. He started me on 0.4mg once a day and it worked. Back in Dec 2011 I thought I could stop taking it. Wrong, in 3 week I had a major flair up. Luckily I still had some left and within days I was back to normal. Since then, on his approval I have started cutting back to one every other day and then one every third day. I had to go back to every other day as the problem started to flair up again. Since May I have lost 31#'s to see if that helps. I am currently at 198#'s. But still need the one every other day dosage.


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Posted by Jack (Gloucester, Ma. Usa) on 07/22/2013

Homeopathic remedy:

hamamelis virginica 30x for epididymitis:

A family member had good results with the above remedy. He took a dose 30 minutes apart three times. Followed by a dose two hours apart for three times. Followed by a dose six hours apart three times.

He avoided all products containing mint and caffaine for the duration of the regiment and for 24 hours after symptoms had subsided. No need to awaken during the night to take the remedy. Just proceed with regiment the next day.

Good luck. YEA

Replied by Chris

epididymal cysts

I don't have epidymitis, mine are cysts. I want them gone the natural way without surgery. The pain comes and goes from one side to the other sometimes every other day. Please does anyone have any ways to shrink them and make them go away fast?

Replied by vane

Hi, was it in the form of pills, or tincture and do you happens to know the dose of it taken at each time that you indicated? Thanks.

Replied by Righton
(South Bend, In)

Ok Guys Listen up. I got it a couple of times. The latest was at the end of May 2012. The pain radiated to my back. Dr. found nothing with blood work. He gave me a 21 day antibiotic prescription. THIS IS WHAT I CAME UP WITH. I did nothing to get this. It was not sexual. I did realize two things with me were present. #1). I was not properly hydrated. Hot weather and not enough fluids. That is never good for the kidneys, urinary tract, ect. #2). Using the toilet. This is where you may laugh but I believe this had alot to do with it. Going #2. Sitting down. When u flush the toilet the Tip of the penis may dip into the poop infested water. Bacteria gets inside and in a few short days PAIN. After hydrating and making a conscience effort to keep willy wonka clear of the toilet water I have not had anymore issues. Its worth a try. Good Luck.


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Posted by Charles (Berkeley, CA) on 10/16/2014

I had epididymitis for several weeks. It was scary as hell, not to mention painful, but after talking with my PA and being told there's nothing they could do, I started searching around the web for some ideas and found the natural magnesium treatment where you literally flush out the epididymis. After I tried it, my pain went away and it hasn't come back.

Replied by Rin
(Uk, London)

That's very interesting. I have had this painful disease for about 2 months now and it's getting on my nerves. I'll be sure to try it and let you know how it goes.

By the way, I am also taking cranberry juice as I have a bladder infection and was given antibiotics which seemed to have helped ease the pain a little.

I will also try applying a charcoal poultice with flax seed in it as I hear it has anti-inflammatory properties and I'm hoping that maybe the charcoal can absorb whatever substance that's in my testicle.

Replied by Van

Hi Charles, thanks for the info. Which type of magnesium did you use? There are so many and I am very confused, please help with the name or a link of the magnesium that has worked for you. Is this the only supplement that you added and has consistently worked?

Multiple Remedies

Posted by Nevergiveup (Phoenix, Az) on 10/09/2012

Better results tweaking protocol; first oil pull 15 minutes every morning squeeze 1 lemon into 1/4 to 1/3 cup olive oil; drink it with 1 NAC followed by 1 glass of water. Then take 1 capful aloe vera; then 1 yakult probitiic. wait 10 minutes.

Then 1/2 cup grapefruit juice with 1/2 cup veggies juice; (kale, carrots, celery); with 1/4 teaspoon cloves; 1 tablespoon diamactaceous earth w 1 teaspon ACV; with 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper; with 2 garlic pills, vit A, vit D, beta caratene, 1 C (NO CALCIUM in this supplement) 500 mg, 1-2 Boron plls;1 oregano capsule ; all of these with no food at b fast. Collidial silver 3-4 X per day 1 tablespoon

Mid morning: drink 1 qt of water w 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Lunch: thai soup; indian food; with taking only 2 garlic capsules and 1 oregano capsule; 1-2 boron if achy bones after lunch.
3-4 PM: 2 BHT capsules with 2 capsules garlic.
Dinner: meat with fat; salad; no carbs
After dinner; homemade kefir goat milk

This works!!

Replied by Carlotanes
(Valladoid, Spain)

Hello! Thanks for your help, but this really works or not? Why did you tweak it? Thanks!

Replied by Ecogenie
(Jacksonville, Florida)

Has anyone had any help with any of these remedies for epididymitis? If you have please let us know so we can help ourselves.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nevergiveup (Phoenix, Az) on 09/01/2012

Epididymitis cure: I was fixed then 2 years later had epidymitis;

1. oil pull first thing am at least 15 minutes.
2. 1 capful aloe vera.
3. NAC (N acytel cystine) w 1 vit C
4. 1 lemon squeezed into 1/4 to 1/3 olive oil ; drink then drink 1 cup water. (do this for 5 -7 straight days; take 1-2 days break; then 4-5 straight days; then 2 days break; then go to 2-3 days on; 2 days skip)
5. Veggies juice (everyday, no skips)(perfer to use 1/4 cup cranberry juice, with 3/4 cup kale & beets juice made by you fresh , (soak kale and beets for 1 day before juicing in food grade hyd perox, 1 cap full with water) no sugar added to juice w Diamactaceous earth 1 tbspn; 1 tbspn ACV
Then coffe or espresso (1-2 cups) w 1 tbspn local honey & 1 tbspn BSM.
6. EATING b fast is Optional (recccomend first week do not eat solid foood b fast; just lunch and dinner);Garlic w eggs or eat eggs w cocounut oil or real butter; then take 1 cayenne pepper; 1 garlic pil (if not in eggs); 1-2 parasite fighters (good brand); OR DO NOT EAT; and place red bird pper (1/8 teaspn) in number 5 above. If you do not eat ; still take garlic supp, parasite fighter.
7. 3 hours later around 1030-11 am; take 1 BHT w water
8. Lunch: Eat thai food; salads; heaalthy only with iced tea. Then take; 1 vitc, 1 garlic, 1 cool cayeene red pepper pill, 1-2 parasite fighters; 1 b complex if needed for energy.
9. 330 pm-430 pm: red bird pepper 1/8 teaspoon or cayenne pepper (1/2 teaspoon) in black iced tea w 1 lemon squeezed into tea. take 1 tea bag and use for at least 4 cups of tea; weak tea mix. 4:30-5 pm BHT (1 or 2 depends on wt above) Optional after 1-2 weeks of doing number 9; you can skip tea w peper and do 1 tbspn straight BSM w 1-2 BHT (wt dependent).
10. Dinner; no supplements.
11. 1 hour before bedtime (1 acidophillus pll; 1-2 parasite busters).

Skip #11 after 2-3 weeks once condition improves dramatically. alsp drop to 1 BHT 2 X per day ebven if >220 LBS weight after 2 weeks. This works.

Replied by Amyk

What is a parasite buster or however you put it???


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Posted by Kitty (Boston, Ma) on 07/01/2011

My husband has suffered with this excruciating pain several times. Prescription drugs did not help, and sometimes the pain lasted for days. I filled a plastic capsule with turmeric from the grocery store. About 3 hours later I noticed he wasn't groaning and complaining about the pain anymore. He had another capsule 6 hours later, then another the next morning and afternoon. Pain and swelling are now gone and he is making plans to golf this afternoon. This is a miracle for him, as he as NEVER recovered so quickly.

Replied by Amyk
(Ptown, Mnusa)

So did the tumeric continue to work??

Replied by Ali
(Rutherford, Nj)

Isn't Turmeric natural antibiotic ?

Replied by Thomas
(Jacksonville, Florida)

The turmeric sounds like a really great thing to do. I would also add food enzymes and take a hand full of probiotics first thing every morning on an empty stomach. Take this info and be happy you did.

Replied by Tom
(Jacksonville, Florida)

You may also want to add some organic black pepper to the tumeric to make it work better. Also found something called MMS external spray for the scrotum. Gets to the epididymitis much faster instead of the slow by mouth method. Some essential oils work the same way but not full strength because it will burn the skin.

Replied by Mike
(Bistol, Tn)

What is MMS external spray? Thanks. I am taking turmeric and probiotics. It's working but still lingers. Bit of discomfort in my lower abdomen too.


MMS is miracle mineral Solution. It is made from a dilute solution of sodium chlorite and dilute acid. Look up the universal antidote to learn more.


I don't have epydimitis, I have epydidmal cysts. Anything to get rid of these as fast as possible?
