Natural Remedies for Crohn's Disease: Holistic Healing

Romaine Lettuce With White Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Helen (Jacksonville, FL, USA) on 12/03/2008

Since I suffer fron uncontrolled Crohn's Disease I am very careful on what I ingest. I have discovered that using white distilled vinegar with plain romain lettuce helps to ease the cramps. Romian lettuce is all water, and with vinegar it seems to sooth my digestive system. I eat some about every 3rd day or so just to help maintain.

Just rip lettuce up and pour some vinegar in, enough to get the lettuce damp. I usually add salt, but if you are one a low salt diet, I would not recommend it. Use any seasoning you enjoy. My only salt intake other than from foods naturally is when I eat this. My blood pressue is fine and my cholestrol is also lower now.

Hope it helps someone suffering as I do.
