Community ❤️
Posted by Denise (California) on 12/04/2021

A few people have mentioned the website When I enter the URL, this is the message I see...

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more

It gives you an option to "go back to safety"
Anyone know what's going on with this message?

Thank you, Denise

EC: It means their annual security certificate expired and they probably don't even know... so the site won't redirect to https.

We used to have the same issue on EC. Very simple and fast fix. Someone who participates on that forum should let the moderators know asap.

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 09/19/2021

G'day ORH,

Great that you are still up to all your mischief and turning the greenhorns into red necks!! I think I know what SHTF means!!

"Back in the day", during the halcyon days of the hippies (that might stir you up), a small group of us greenhorns from college mosied hundreds of kilometres down to a tiny, little settlement called Jerusalem on the Whangonui river where a group of hippies led by a certain charismatic fellow, James K. Baxter, had set up their commune of Peace and Love!! We went there to sit at the feet of our new Guru to soak up his wisdom!

Not everyone had a car back then, so I was nominated owner/driver and we made the long trek down from the Big Smoke to Jerusalem and we camped by the roadside all the way down there. Lots of hills and very windy roads in the North Island of New Zealand-not great for the car-sick type traveler and because there were a lot of gravel roads in the sixties, travel to that very remote area took ages! I mean AGES.

Well, we didn't know what to take as a peace offering (Koha in Maori) so we opted for bananas cos we thought they might think them exotic ha ha!! Really! I think they might have been considered a special treat back then - like caviar or truffles.

Our small group was warmly welcomed, even though they appeared to be running out of food and they served us up a huge pot of possum stew consumed with relish by said weary, dusty travelers. Apparently that had become their main staple dish!

It was only later that we learned that they were "road kill" possums. Ah- life was a lot more basic back then!

BTW, I was only ever in the States for any length of time in the 60s. The Vietnam War was in full swing (Forest Gump era) and because I had a small, goatee beard, I was continually accosted in the street by Americans demanding to know if I was a hippy. "Hey guy, you a hippy?" (excuse me!!??) They were most unhappy and did not believe me when I emphatically told them that I wasn't. Spoiled their day-is it too late for an apology I wonder?

Cheers from Down Under

N.B. We don't have coons over here - do they taste as nice as (o)possums?

Dr. Mercola
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 09/16/2021

This article will be deleted on Mercola's website some time tomorrow
(September 17, 2021) so read it as soon as you can.

Nasal Irrigation May Help Prevent COVID Hospitalizations

The article contains videos on how to nebulize hydrogen peroxide.

Click on “Sources and References” at the end of the article (before the comments) – some of his videos are on Bitchute so you can access the videos there as well.

The following is from Dr. Mercola's blog (August 26, 2021) so it remains up:

Could a Simple Nasal Spray Be the Answer to COVID-19?

Read the comments after the article. It's always good to know what other people do to stay healthy. Some people have had great success with Xlear nasal spray.

There are recipes on the Internet if you want to make your own - just search for diy xlear nasal spray.

Take care,


Dark Chocolate Syndrome
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 06/23/2021

Way to go-HisJewel to the rescue!

Your information and the article you recommended were just the ticket!!

Soo, if one is not worried about caffeine, migraines, headaches, shingles, kidney stones and a few other things, a maximum of one ounce per day would seem to have beneficial health effects.

BTW I hesitate to query your age but if you are "older" I can recommend getting the shingles shot. Shingles not nice + the risk increases with age. "Talk to the health professional you see most often". Just saying.

I must say that I was impressed with the variety of minerals etc contained in the Dark Chocolate - makes me feel less guilty about indulging! Best to get hold of the one with no sugar (Fair Trade?) but that would not appeal to the majority I guess. Again, I would recommend steering clear of the high cocoa one (+70%).

The inflammation question is not resolved though is it? Helping OR hindering? Maybe that is the sugar component acting as a spanner in the works - again??

Times past I would try the occasional Carob bar as a substitute.

Yes folks, the secret is out at last- chocolate really does grow on trees! I felt a small twinge of guilt to learn that it takes a whole crop of pods from one "chocolate tree" to produce a mere five bars of choc. Did you know that?

Cheers from D.U.

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 06/07/2021

Hi U OLE PATOOTS, you know how I ams...... have worms and pay attention. My pastor has pancreatic cancer and has been treated by an allopathic doctor for a year and makes me sad just to look at him. He is ashen and is wasting away. My Integrative doctor is treating two pancreatic cancer patients and they may die tomorrow, but they look great. He is trying to get their immune system to cure the cancer as it has their entire life. My pastor calls me often because I do not treat him as a pastor. I treat him as a buddy. Both being Rednecks, we do plain talk. How's your Momma and em, etc. You can't get any more country than that.


Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 06/13/2021

The Benefits of TUDCA - YouTube I am adding this informational link to the post above that I added before . Lots of good stuff here.

Posted by Hisjewel (New York) on 08/26/2020


Testing those challenged limbs may surprise you one day.

When I was a little girl about 4, I had a folding chair. One day I opened my chair to sit in it. It was not fully hooked. I sat on it with my hand holding the seat and the chair collapsed chopping off a small piece of my index finger (pointer finger). I do no remember how long I wore a cast, all I know is when they took it off I never used my index finger again for a few years. For some reason or other my mother decided to challenge me one day when she saw me writing with the finger pointed out as usual. She asked, "Jewel, (Nickname) why don't you use that finger?" I answered, "I can't mommy." She said, "Try." So I tried. And to my amazement my finger worked. It could bend, it could write. "WOW" Mothers come up with the greatest ideas, Try!

You never know what you can do unless you try and try again.


Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/09/2020

HI U OLD PATOOTS, ORH here, and this is a saga of how the skies have changed over our lake cabin in the last 30 years. In 1989, the sky was always smokey. Worked almost 40 years in the paper industry so I have a feel for smog. This was smog, not the vapor from the forest. TVA installed a taller smoke stack at their Kingston Coal Plant. Guess who got the smog then....... yep New England, and they sued. Then came the Chem Trails and you could watch them form from early morning and by dawn, the sky was covered with a vale cover such that you could see no blue. My farm green house was coated such that it was no longer clear. For the last few months all the clouds look like my youth and the sky is a wonderful blue that you only see at the beach. Good people we had a far healthier life when folks were simple and let the Lord control the climate. I have mixed emotions, I think this pandemic can teach us things. Myself, I think all countries need a Benevolent Autocrat. We don't need Capitalism, Socialism, Islam, nor Communism. There is a book written that tells you how to get this man, and it has to be a man because he has to have a sack full of Testosterone to call the shots. Old men have lost their Testosterone because it has aromatized to Esterdiol. They are not old men, they are old wemmins. This past Tuesday my Anti-aging doctor pumped my fanny full of Testosterone pellets. I have the same male hormones as 30 year old. That is the reason, I am the way I am. My Tractor Drive still has the hormones of a young woman. That is the reason she still drives my tractor. I got ails, but still raise most of our food. You don't need an anti aging doctor...... just read. All doctors hate Suzzane Summers. Now, that is one tough hide. She knows her stuff. Startling to ramble, so best I close. Have you learned anything from my rant? Good.


Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/26/2020

ANON,,,,,,,,,,, ORH here, and I have researched Hemp and it confused me, because you get different results with different strains. I just buy what I think is the best. Folks in Tn are growing it everywhere. Signs up and down the roads. Will not go that route. I buy Barlean's because of their quality reputation. Know this is a health site and eating good veggies is about as healthy as you can get. Like one lassie said, she can grow sprouts in quart jar in her kitchen. Do a worm bed and use their casting to grow organic stuff in a flower pot on your back porch. You don't need a farm. You don't need money. All just need to get off the sofa and create a sweat. ==ORH==

Posted by Anon Not Canada (Not Canada) on 06/19/2020

SWEET new site! My compliments to your ❤ design team ❤!!

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn ) on 06/20/2020

Charity,,,,,,,,, you sumpin else. About too deep for me. However, I read your vibs. Sometimes when my mind down loads on problems I have worked on for a long time, then I get pissed, because why am I just now figuring all this out? My consciousness had no clue, but my sub conscious mind has been working on this problem for a long, long time. All of a sudden I get this download and the problem is solved in a minute. Now, that ain't fair. My whole life has been about solving industry problems.

In Alabama, my drive to work was about 20 minutes. Sometimes I never remembered that drive, because my mind was working on a problem. All of a sudden........ the down load.... and the problem was solved. I wish I could tell you how all this happened, but I can't. I ain't that smart. Folks that don't think we have a really smart guy looking over us fall into two categories. One their IQ is 75 or it is 150. One is a totally dummy and the other thinks they are he. I fall in-between and know we got a bright guy we can talk to. ====ORH====

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/21/2020

Monkey see monkey do, they were programed . Stuff you thought you hid from them they learned . I got my own zoo and I take it to the Lord. And he says stick em up : ) and while you are at it put a smile on that face .

Remember I'm a multiple, (reintegrated alters) we are complicated . I taught on multiple personality at church a couple times, and shared how to overcome it. I have an excuse for my weirdness. My whole childhood I had to keep someones dirty secret, now I get to be myself, it's complicated but I'm sorting it out. I front filter, lay out the trash so they aren't shocked later on down the road and run for the hills. No mask. Sorts the ones that can't handle my reality before I spend too much time on the relationship. Surprising how many come back after they come out of shock. They realize I can handle their crazy, because I have my own. Only special people get to be in my inner circle but everyone is a friend. So little time, so much to learn. I'm going to watch Mark Hemans and try to manifest a Jesus miracle, I can feel the power, wonder working power.Zzz You can watch and try to catch one too. I heard the Lord say bag of worms earlier when I was praying and I'm thinking either we are going to go catch a fish or break down some compost . He can be hard to figure...I'm like, any more tips or is that it? Nothing ! Praying is always entertaining, like a grab bag, you never know what you will get . I have to say He's been generous. I've seen a lot of outright miracles. I know he laughs a lot and doesn't give you all the information so you won't quit.

Site Updates
Posted by Art (California) on 06/11/2020 2173 posts

I definitely like the old new look again! Definitely better than the new old look! I missed this! Thank you EC!


The Word Cure on Earth Clinic
Posted by Merry Nutrition (Greenville, MI) on 02/05/2022

Please remove the word cure from your website. Are you really trying to hurt yourself and the natural supplement industry? It is against FDA rules to call anything natural a cure. This is why there is a disclaimer on vitamin bottles. "This product has not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease". Natural products may benefit or support but NOT CURE. There may be 20 vitamins and minerals that are allowed to make a health claim. We are having a bad time right now with the FDA. They want to make supplements go through the EXPENSIVE drug evaluations.They are abusing the DSHEA Act of 1994. This was passed after a year long letter writing campaign to Congress and the FDA. They are trying to make Homeopathic products into drugs in spite of a 90 year old waiver and the fact that they are non toxic. Former FDA Commissioner Dr. David Kessler even refuse to establish the GMP guidelines required by the DSHEA while he was in office. The current FDA just approved a health claim for magnesium being good for lowering blood pressure but then turned around and said more research was needed to confirm the statement. They have been known to go to a company and remove a complete inventory. They took all of the CoQ10 from the Whole Foods company stores in Texas in the mid 90's and never returned it.

Dr. Mercola
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 09/17/2021

Hi Art -

After I posted, I was looking through a number of Covid responses on Earth Clinic and I saw your Xlear article from December 2020 (oops! ).

I knew I should have started with Earth Clinic first - heh, heh.

Thanks, Art! I always appreciate all of your research and your dedication to this site. I've learned so much. Still successfully using the borax lotion for my arthritis.

Now, I'll be picking up Xlear from the health food store (regular drugstores here don't seem to stock it).



Dr. Mercola
Posted by Art (California) on 09/18/2021 2173 posts

Hi Tessa,

I'm glad to hear that the borax lotion is still working well for you!

I like the whole idea of Xlear against Covid-19 because of its simplicity, its ease of use, its basic but effective ingredients and it is definitely worth adding to any Covid-19 protocol that a person may be using.

In this 2021 article regarding research at Northwestern University and Utah State University, they further determined the effectiveness of Xlear at hindering the ability of the SARS Cov-2 virus to spread as easily through the body as it does. Here is a link to that article :

Here is an interesting and important quote about how Xlear may also be active against future H1N1 strains from a professor involved in the study :

>>> 'First, we conclude, in addition to countering SARS-CoV-2, Xlear is likely effective in preventing the spread of future H1N1 viruses, including the emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants, along with other viral epidemics. Given the more transmissible variants we now face, this is critical now, ” said Professor Mark Cannon, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, in a press release issued on January 26,2021 ' <<<

Given the viruses ability to mutate or create what they now refer to as "variants" instead of mutations, this study is highly important for the future in the fight against Covid-19, its variants as well as H1N1 flu and its variants. Unfortunately for us, it has been largely ignored by the scientific community and the media! So I am glad that Earth Clinic is hear to allow us to share this critical information with family and friends and the whole EC community! It appears we have to look out for our own well being because the mainstream scientific community seems to be mostly interested in studying and promoting high dollar pharmaceuticals that seem to be less than optimally effective against Covid-19.


Dark Chocolate Syndrome
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 06/21/2021

Hello Everyone,

Folks, I think I need your help on this one please!!

Has anyone done a Doctoral Thesis or PhD (or had personal experience) of the following condition:-

I have heard that dark chocolate (as distinct from milk chocolate with a bit more sugar in it), can cause headaches/migraines - sometimes bad ones. But that is not my present concern. By the way, I prefer the slightly bitter taste of the darker variety (but NOT the really strong, cocoa-content type).

Could the dark chocolate also cause muscle spasms / pain / stiffness as well as joint pain / stiffness / tendonitis etc?

Supposing one were to over-indulge by consuming a whole, thin bar of dark chocolate - what could be the consequences? Also, what are the factors at work - intestines, liver, kidney reactions etc - if known?

It is just that we have recently been hearing of the benefits of dark chocolate for one's health and I am wondering how much is too much and the bad consequences that are possible from over-indulging?

Everybody with a story to tell is encouraged to reply please!

Thanks a lot.

Michael from Down Under

Community Feedback
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/06/2020

Hello Earth Clinic Team - the "Font of all Knowledge"!,

I could not find anything on Iron Deficiency on the Web Site but I may have been looking in the wrong place? Can you remind me of the technical name please. I used to recommend a liquid product in a bottle (over here) that went by the name of "Flurodix" or possibly "Flurodex" maybe??

Would love to get some information on this condition if it is out there.

"Popeye the Sailor Man" recommenced copious quantities of Spinach - remember him?



Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/23/2020

Borrolady, ORH here, some of this you are not going to like. In our raised beds, we use a cobra head hoe to loosen grass and remove by hand. In our main garden we lay down black mesh ground cover between rows. Where we plant field peas, we mow between the rows with a small regular lawn mower. Under our fence rows I do use roundup, but not around any veggies. We also have a flame device that we sometime use. Ground corn gluten initially helps to delay weed seeds and also has some fertilizer effect. The professional onion growers use this. You are right ...... gardening is not for lazy people. Lot of folk's garden fail because most maturing plants need side dressing. Secession planting allows using smaller gardens. As you know, we have a spring that we pump from to keep everything irrigated. No water, no garden. Out of spit. ==ORH==

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/27/2020

ANON,,,,,,,,, ORH here, what you need to know is that I likes pretty wemmins and she was Ms Crossett, Ms Ashley County and Ms SouthEast Arkansas. She's still a pretty woman in my eyes. She is also a tough hide. She can shoot with the best and out works me every day. I married her because I knew her mother. She too was a tough, but gentile hide. Most all love their spouse ....... they just don't like them. It is important that you like your spouse.====ORH=====

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile , Tn) on 06/23/2020

ORH here, and me and my Tractor Drive were sitting on the back stoop cyphering how to survive the next two years. What did my sharecropper PawPaw buy when he went to town every Saturday in a mule wagon? He had his corn ground, so we need corn meal. He bought flour, salt and maybe pepper. He made his own molasses and we loaded with honey. We good there. I know I may sound wild and strange, but we in strange times. Our life style is going backwards and you better figure that out pronto. We are fixing to live like our great grandparents did. My current chore is to install a solar system at our farm that will water our garden. Water is #1. Does this upset you? What about our current events ......does that upset you. It does not me because I knew what was coming. Just glad it is coming now when the old folks can still shoot. This is going to be something to behold. Young folks meet old folks. Guess the outcome? Yep, they lose.


Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile , Tn) on 06/19/2020

This all started when we had a ground fault run into our house and destroy about $3,000 worth of stuff. It was the Co-op's fault because they did not check out the system when I called. We then put in ground fault breakers all over the house. After a year, our bill is far less than before. I had no clue for the reason until I read a commercial about what was happening. I promise you ........ you are paying for dirty power. It is costing you money and affecting your health. It is not on the scale of Big Pharma, but it is constant and corrupt and they understand. There is a reason you can't sleep and it may not be a problem with you. The corruption of this country is now a given. Myself, I plan on giving lots of folks indigestion. ====ORH====

Dr. Mercola
Posted by Art (California) on 09/16/2021 2173 posts

Hi Tessa,

The Xlear Nasal Spray for Covid-19, I wrote about last year here on EC along with the protocol they used in the study as well as a link to the study:

It is part of what I plan to use if I get Covid-19 and is likely handy to keep a bottle with you in case you end up unexpectedly in a potentially high exposure area.


Dark Chocolate Syndrome
Posted by KT (Usa) on 06/22/2021

Chocolate is high in oxalates and can contribute to kidney stones.


Site Updates
Posted by Earth Clinic on 01/04/2021

Happy New Year, everyone! Hope it's off to a great start!

Thanks mmsg from europe for your post to "diedre" this morning asking us to remove the duplicate recent answers page. We decided to put all new posts on just this recent posts page again, including pet posts, as having everything separated didn't make much sense even though the pages loaded faster.

P.S. It's Deirdre, by the way, not Diedre.

Posted by Soazburrolady (Southern Az ) on 07/22/2020

Hi Ol' Robert. Love your stories and really appreciate the gardening advice. I'm the "tractor driver" (also a Kubota) at our house! But, I have no where near your energy when it comes to the myriad duties around our plot of desert. Wonder if you have any advice about the weeds - they always take over around now, especially the wiry grasses like Bermuda. Can't and won't use poison (too many animals including my burros). Have tried steaming with vinegar which works but is cumbersome, slow and labor intensive. Any ideas?

Be of good cheer! My wonderful dad used to tell my mother "don't worry today - I'll do all the worrying for you". And she would be a little irked, and answer "Yes, but you won't do it!"

All the best.

Posted by Tina (Princeton, N J) on 07/12/2020

ORH, reading your frequent descriptions of home-grown produce reminds me of the saying: Growing your own vegetables and fruit is like printing your own money. Enjoy!

Posted by Art (California) on 06/28/2020 2173 posts

Dr. Burt Berkson is the guy with the experience on how to naturally treat pancreatic cancer. He is well known and has a very good track record with his simple protocol and has put in all the time and effort to fine tune his protocol for best effect.


Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/30/2020

Charity, ORH here,,,,,, let me tell you a story as to how dumb I ams. Some 15 years ago, I started reading about anti-aging, but did not know squat. I learned of a firm in NC that tested your blood and told you which way was up. I e mailed them and ask them how does I get this blood test done and what will they tell me? The guy called back and told me they only work with doctors like Dr Troxell, who just moved to Knoxville. That is when I called her and we now blood kin after all this time. She loves my Tractor Driver because she does exactly what she says. Me....... I got to read up and may modify her directions. She still loves me a little. So........ yes progesterone is part of our hormone modulation that she monitors every 6 months. I listen to my doctors counsel, but do not necessarily take it. My IQ is probably higher than theirs. If a specialist doctor has a ego problem, then we clash. If they are a smart Redneck, like me, then we work it all out. They usually cave when I offer them good stuff from our farm. I cheats a little. Ya'll know how I ams.


Site Updates
Posted by Anon Canada (Bc) on 06/12/2020

Yes, Art - I fully agree. It's like welcoming back an old friend you haven't seen for a long time. It's so much easier to find things and to read posts. Thanks, Deirdre, for making old new again :)

Posted by Joseph (Stockton) on 08/03/2021 73 posts

Deirdre @ EC, is it true we can now exchange email addresses?

Dark Chocolate Syndrome
Posted by Joseph (Stockton, Ca) on 06/21/2021 73 posts

Dark chocolate is touted as being healthier than milk chocolate, milk chocolate has more fat, sugar than Dark chocolate with higher % of coco. Better for your heart, etc., just can't recall all benefits.

Where to Find Information
Posted by Chaya (El Paso, TX ) on 06/09/2021

Hi thank you so much for your site and for the helpful information. I was reading the comments about the apple cider vinegar remedies; somewhere along there there was a comment by you, EC, to read up on your information on taking apple cider vinegar with baking soda for a proper pH balance, but I could not find where that information is posted. Would you kindly tell me where I could find that information?

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