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| Modified on Jan 07, 2023
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 01/18/2022

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and yesterday was MLK day, and I forgot. All know his legend, so let me tell you my story. Back in 1984 I worked for Hammermill Paper Company in Selma, Al., and a fellow employee had some land for sale near Marion Junction, Al. I tried to follow his directions but SJS, so I got lost. Soon it was dark and I was hungry so I stopped at a rural store to go buy me a coke and a Snicker bar. It was a Colored store and an elderly couple ran the store. I got my coke and candy and explained my plight. They could not help, but wanted to know where I lived. When I said Selma, his wife became alive and explained that she had an operation in Selma. I ended up talking to them for almost 2 hours. We related and enjoyed each others company.

I left and told a friend of my experience the next day at work. He told me that that was the Scott family, whose daughter was Coretta Scott King, MLK's wife. Few have had life's experiences that I have. Some say I should write a book, but too much water under the bridge for that. I remember that MLK said it was not the color of your skin, but the content of your character. True 60+ years ago and true today. ====ORH====

Getting Along
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/18/2020

ORH here, today me and my Tractor Driver have been married 60 years. We simple folk, so for our anniversary I gave her a massage and mineral bath once a week and will clean up my bathroom everyday. We will also go out for a meal once a week. Lord have mercy, what you have to do these days to get a good Tractor Driver. ATS ====ORH ====

Community Feedback
Posted by Michelle (Darby PA) on 01/06/2023

Thank you do much for this site and all you guy's input I am so thankful this gives me so much hope

Posted by HisJewel (North Carolina) on 06/27/2021

Positive thoughts and actions to heal hurts,

You may have heard that a merry heart or a good laugh is like a medicine, it can heal. I want to tip you that showing love or that you care can give life too.

Some people give up on life because the love they gave was not returned. I want to encourage you to take that good that you wanted to pour out on that individual and love a hurting world of people back to health.

You have heard that hurt people, hurt people, I want to add that sometimes hurt people hurt themselves too.

We have to make up our minds not to say negative words about ourselves or others.

We must realize how important our love, wisdom, and smiles are to others.

When I was young I remembered feeling rejected by a group I wanted to be a part of.

The hurt was so bad I would actually go down a list of who nobody loves you were. My thoughts would say, your mama doesn't love you, your daddy don't love you, your sisters don't love you, your brother doesn't love you. Then one day I added God doesn't even love. That ended that it, the Lord spoke to my heart to say, Never say that again, because he has proven his love by sending his Son.

I said all that to say stop repeating negative words about you. What you say about you should give life and energy to you.

You are beautiful!

You are so lovable,

You are so kind,

You always think of others,

I love your smile, it makes me want to smile.

The world needs more people like you.


Community Feedback
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 12/03/2020 443 posts

One of the best things about Earth Clinic is the fact that saving one's own actual LIFE is so common that it's just "business as usual" and "no big deal" - so, on that note, let's take a minute to whoop and holler and high five each other!


Earth Clinic Guidelines
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 07/17/2020

Yikes, ok everyone, no more pissy/off-topic threads allowed on EC. Boundaries now returned to previous strict levels.

Please review our guidelines page if you need a reminder. But here's the list:

1. No mean or attacking posts allowed.

2. No conspiracy talk.

3. No religious language or urls to religious websites or videos.

4. No off-health subject posts (i.e., politics)

5. If someone asks for help, please stick to the subject. People are going off on tangents that have no relation to the post. If someone is dying of cancer and extremely vulnerable, please don't start a discussion in the same thread complaining about doctors (Yes, that happened recently).

Sorry, but we're going to delete posts from now on that do not adhere to our guidelines.

Thank you!!

Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 03/04/2022

I would like to say about Earth Clinic is, that it's like sitting in a chair waiting for your doctor visit for hours, and all the people you chat with and share insights with. You may not have a lot of insight, but you have a problem in common and that makes you part of a community. I am an overcomer, and you can't overcome unless you have a problem. Problems are opportunities, even the impossible ones, I have those, but I have faith. I did not feel smart most of my life but struggled a lot and my words are not very smart, but I try to share, just as I try to learn and recover. Love is the best cure for everything. Today is March 4forth, so I say to you, take back some land. Spread some love around. Perfect love cast out the stuff you don't want. Blessings, charity

Searching on Earth Clinic
Posted by J. (Florida) on 01/10/2021

Hello, everyone.

When one doesn't see a particular topic category in the menu, such as when one is searching for specific keywords on the website, one can try some of the methods below.

Using an example of searching for webpages with information about citric acid, one can visit one of the webpages below and type keyword combinations, examples of which are below the listed webpages.

In the search box at either of the above webpages, one can type the below keyword combination. +"citric acid"

Another keyword combination worth trying for this example is below. +citric +acid

One could also search for one of the words, as listed below. +citric

To search the section of the website dedicated to Ted from Bangkok's observations, one can try the below keyword combination, for example. +"citric acid"

Below are links to the search results of sample searches from the two aforementioned websites."citric+acid""citric+acid""citric+acid""citric+acid""citric+acid"


Numbers 21:9
John 3:14–16

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/11/2020

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and just pulled our first ears of corn and eating them tonight. It's a struggle to have to live off the land. No meat tonight.... just Ambrosia boiled corn on the cob, fresh vine ripe tomatoes, green onions, bell peppers, radish and raw beets with carrots all from our garden. Thank the Lord that our electric fence is keeping the critters at bay. Gave a church member some green beans last week and we got a loaf of banana nut bread in return. Lake neighbor from Middle Tenn left a gallon of blueberries on our stoop and they can't out do us, so we gave them our morning garden pickings. We'll show them. I just glad we around nice people. For instatance, we have a friend that had a blow that blew over some 20 or 30 large hardwood trees. He is going to try to salvage the main trunks but is going to let us have the large branches for firewood. I let him use my farm equipment that he needs. I like living along side good neighbors. That is the reason I hang with you EC folks. Nothing but good neighbors here. ====ORH====

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE) on 09/18/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and we have a retired pharmacist that works with us on our farm every Sat. She puts on her jeans and gets dirty just like we do. She does it to get healthy veggies from our garden. That is just the way she is. She is a NC U graduate but has disowned them with the Covid thing. They started this crap. She is a delight for me because she is such a green horn. Today, I ask her to show me her neck. She did and I said, " IT AIN'T RED YET", but I's working on it. She finally has my number and we are going to Polk County in April to eat Ramps. We a little different in that she only eats grass fed beef. Me.... I want lots of fat in my meat. We don't eat that much meat. She and my Tractor Driver work well together. Today we took down our electric fence around our corn and melons. Folks quit gardening because of critters. You must have an electric fence to have corn or melons. The difference in today and our ancestors..... is they had to eat these critters to live. That will soon happen again when the SHTF. Promise you that you will eat coons and opossums before your life is over.....if you want to live. ====ORH====

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 08/04/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and am thrilled that the Governor is responding to my complaint of a Fla commercial agri firm that is contaminating our spring fed Sewee Creek. These folks are renting land in Meigs county to raise peppers and pumping out of Sewee Creek for irrigation and turning a beautiful, clear spring fed creek into a mud hole by not taking care of the irrigation runoff. I am not against this, except they are not doing what any house builder would have to do. Take care of the problem you create. The mud gets into my spring and fouls my irrigation tapes. I do not pick and choose. I take on all who need taking on. This may go nowhere, but I bet I get results. What you bet?


Dark Chocolate Syndrome
Posted by Sherry (Arizona ) on 06/25/2021

I have had a shingles shot and still got shingles 3 times. I take L lysine 2 in am 2 in pm. The cause was pure cocoa. I was adding a tablespoon or more to my coffee every morning. No more cocoa in my coffee. I eat dark chocolate every day I have 2 squares a day from a bigger bar. No problem as long as I take L lysine.

You have to have more L lysine in your blood than arginine or you will get shingles. Had an outbreak and it went to the other side one spot and I took 6 lysines at once and it dried up in 20 minutes.

Enjoy your dark chocolate.

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/12/2020

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, with another neighbor story. Last week, we offered our Middle Tn lake neighbors all the tomatoes and peppers they could use for making Salsa. They picked 10 gallons of tomatoes and a toe sack of peppers. Today she came back to the lake and dropped off a small ice chest full of venison sausage cheese and pepper links. AUSM? My ole worn out heart is jumping for joy. I do love venison sausage. My Tractor Driver had told her to use Mrs Wages spices and add our peppers. Neighbor said, she'd made Salsa all her life, but this was the best. This Bible thing works. Right now, we all need a dose. ====ORH====

Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/24/2020

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here. Have you ever met a carpenter that thinks he is an artist and he is. He only works cedar furniture and he lives in Redneck Country and was going hungry. Folks bring him a picture of a $ 6,000 cedar bed and he charges them $1200. He only wants to make $20/hr. I have cut a deal with him to help us at the farm two days a week and we pay him what he wants and he gets to tote off all the garden stuff his vehicle will hold. We gave them food when the Covid 19 thing hit and they were without. He is now appreciative of that gesture. We have always worked HS kids and paid them minimum wage. But you had to hold their hand full time. I am going down fast but know that our veggies are the reason we are still alive. If we stop, then the game is over. My mind is still pretty good . Took an internet IQ test the other day and I's smartern ever. My poor old body is just worn out. The test was slanted to old stuff and old folks should do well, huh? So what is my message? When times get tough, the tough get going. The Boy Scouts and Ga Tech taught me how to think. But, Father Time is the best teacher of all. I now truly believe I will be smart at age 85.


The Word Cure on Earth Clinic
Posted by Deirdre (Founder, Earth Clinic) on 02/05/2022

Hello Merry Nutrition,

Earth Clinic was started in 1999 and I started using the words cures in our URLs a few years after that when Google was in its infancy and nobody cared. Back then the phrase "natural cures" was extremely popular on the internet and so I made the decision to have it as part of the URL in the ailments section.

Unfortunately, we cannot change it at this point, because thousands of websites over the years have linked to these old URLs with the word /cures/ in them. They have been indexed on Google and the internet archives going back over 20 years now. For 18 months we did try to get rid of the word cures in the URL when we moved to another tech platform, WordPress, in 2019 and basically lost all of our internet traffic. So in the end, and after thousands and thousands of hours of hard work, removing the word cure didn't make any difference.

And anyway, these days, we're ranked very low on Google as are all the once-popular holistic websites. We used to be page 1 on most ailment and natural remedies results for years. Times have changed. The only websites at the top of Google search have a very large paid staff of doctors and nurses on their staff (ie I think we appear on average on page 29 of Google now!

Thank you for your concern!

Getting Up From The Ground
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 06/05/2021

Greetings Earth Clinic,

What to do when you have fallen outside and cannot get up?

Pray Children Pray. Also, If you have two at least half good knees get on them grab a pole and pull yourself up, because sometimes it is hard to find good help. Anyway that's what I had to do. I know that are a few deceptive people out and trying to harm others, but if the good team up surely good will come. If you not sure and are frightened then keep walking. But somehow I don't believe everyone is scared of their neighbor.

Let me go back a little, about five years ago, I saw a man on the ground up against the gate of City Hall on the Chambers Street side; it was about the middle of the day. He was in a seated position with some blood on the side of his face To me that did not seem usual, not at City Hall. However, people were just passing him by as if it was part of a movie or something. I had a big box in my hand for some reason or another busy like everyone else. But something said, this man needs help. I walked over to him and asked, "Do you want an ambulance?" He answered yes. I called 911, and 911 said, we don't pick up people off the street anymore. I said, but this man has a family!! I had never seen the man in my life. The worker said, "He does?" I answered yes, everybody has a family. He said "okay we'll come will you be there," I said no I have a big box to deliver.

Long story short, I took care of my business which was only a few blocks from there, then jumped on the bus that goes back down that block. The ambulance workers were taking the man into the ambulance. I did not take a memory note of the man's face but I remembered his green jacket. A couple of weeks later I saw him back at City Hall examining the gates as if he were thinking, " how did this gate hit me?" The thought tickled me but I was glad to see that he was well.

A few days ago, it was my turn to fall. I was trying to catch my cousin's attention who was on the other side of that wide street. It looked like I was about to get the green light, so I stepped off of the curb. Then I noticed one more car trying to make the light. So I stepped back, the heel of my shoe hit the curb. And I went down hard, boom! I heard a scream, but I was still alive. I was at the corner, but it was one of those corners with the yard wide open space and somehow instead of stepping back into the space I hit the curb.

Yes, somebody screamed, but nobody came to help me up. Thank God, somehow I ended up sitting on the edge of the sidewalk with my feet in that crossing space. I had the breath know out of me for a moment or two, and could not stand yet. And people just kept walking past me on the crosswalk. No one asked if I wanted an ambulance or if I were ok. So I decided to sit there and smile since didn't know how I was going to get up. I called to my cousin one more time. So that he would not go in the wrong direction. He heard me that time as I still sat on the ground. He had his father with him who was in a wheelchair. So I knew I had to get up now. I looked behind me and saw a light pole. My pocketbook was still on the ground. I didn't care at the moment. I needed both hands to get up. I pulled myself up with the help of the pole. If you know other methods to get off the ground from a fall, please share.

Ooh and I am sure you guessed, my hand that I fell on began to swell. But it was still a great day after all was said and done, you see I have a few people who would not have been very happy if I had left them suddenly.


Posted by Hisjewel (New York) on 08/27/2020

In 2019, when my Mother was in the hospital, my family members and I stayed in the hospital with her day and night. If two were in her hospital room the others stayed in the waiting room. During that time I met a very interesting woman of faith. Let's call her Ms. Lilley. Ms. Lilley who was on dialysis a couple of days a week, also was in the hospital night and day to pray her son through. And anyone one in the waiting room that she thought would pray she asked to go in her son's room to pray. I do know that he got out of the ICU safely and I pray out of the hospital safely. However, this motivation story is about Ms. Lilley

Well one day as Ms. Lilley and I sat in the waiting room, she volunteered, there was a time I could not walk. I only have one son, and a neighbor to see about me. She said, every day I would work my feet, work my feet, and pat them on the floor. Then one day I just got up and walked. Praise God!


Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/16/2020

ORH here, and won't drag this yarn out. Corn is larpin and if you don't know what larpin means, just think of succulent. Coat the ear with natural butter and sprinkle with mineral salt. Against the law. Mouth is sobering just thinking about it. Hard to get by these days. Melons coming in. My jaw is locking up with the thought. All it takes is work. Normally eat eggs for breakfast, but now it's cantaloup and watermelon. The Lord provides. ====ORH====

Searching for Specific Posts
Posted by Mac (Oregon) on 11/16/2022

What is the best way to find forum posts about borax and candida?

EC: Hi, check the borax section first, then the candida section:


Dr. Mercola
Posted by Art (California) on 09/19/2021 2157 posts

Hi GertJr,

It is worth mentioning that Xlear nasal spray also contains Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) which has many very desirable qualities that would be very helpful against Covid-19 and H1N1. These include antiparasitic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, antibiofilm, and antioxidant. The xylitol acts as an anti-irritant, antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiofilm agent.

Given these above qualities, you can see why it would very likely be active against Covid-19 and H1N1 as well as a multitude of other health issues.

It is just my opinion and there are no studies to support this theory, but I also believe Xlear could be a frontline Covid-19 treatment if nebulized at the first signs and symptoms of infection where it could be delivered directly to the mucous membranes and lungs to interact with the viral particles almost instantaneously.

I am not recommending that anyone do this, just pointing out that this is worth doing studies on to see if it can work as a cheap and effective treatment in the very early disease stages. This would be in addition to what the current studies show that Xlear Nasal Spray can do in terms of Covid-19.


Name Confusions
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 11/26/2020

Hi there folks!

Happy Thanksgiving !

Check out this BBC clip on why it is safe again to indulge in the humble egg.

It has a Western theme, so should hold some appeal for those of you in the US of A.

I hope you will excuse me if I relate how, when we were younger back in the day, we would jokingly nudge each other on "How to Confuse an American". You would ask him/her to meet you in the autumn, by the lift on the ground / first floor of a building in a fortnight's time. Never failed to perplex.

However, on my visits to America, I was shocked to discover that you had "Drug Stores" - Oh dear, what goes on in there I wonder?

Back home we used to have "Chemists" in each village or town but then they morphed into (posher?) "Pharmacies" after a while.

Trouble is, that one of ours a few days ago lost the first letter from the sign above the shop, so unfortunately it now reads: ...HARMACY. Might lose a few customers I venture to guess.

"First, do no harm".

Cheers from Down Under


Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 06/19/2020

Hurray! Welcome back Classic Earth Clinic! An old friend has returned. :)

Deirdre, thank you for your tireless effort to accomplish this and all you do to promote health through the encouragement, experiences and knowlege of real people. Earth Clinic is one of a kind.


~Mama to Many~

EC: Thank you so much, MtM!!!

Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 08/04/2021

Hi Joseph!

We have only done this a few times over the years. Our top priority on EC is the safety and protection of all our readers, so we don't recommend it. That said, if two people really want to connect, we'll do it with a strong, "please proceed cautiously" vibe!

Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/11/2020

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here and I have a yarn to spin. Fruit trees loaded with limbs breaking, but we too old to harvest as we have in years past. Made a deal with a neighbor where he picks the fruit and we share..... one for him and two for us. He called to thank me and know his wife is sickly. He told me that a neighbor down the road is going to turn these apples into sauce, jelly, etc., on halves. Do what? He said he would introduce her to me next week. ORH ain't dumb, regardless of what most think. What I am going to propose is that he pick and she process and we all share 1/3 each. No one in this county has a farm like ours. I planned it 30 years ago and it is now the envy of all. Problem is ....we too old to reap the harvest. Never thought I would get old. It is our farm and now 3 families are going enjoy the fruit. My survival sermons have gone unheeded except for one young fella down in Alabama. His dad was one of my buds that worked for me in Selma. He and his family will survive what is coming. He is smart enough to listen to my counsel. So what have we learned with this tale?

.......... LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. Give things away and they will come back by the multitudes.

Out of spit.


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