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| Modified on Jan 07, 2023
Community Feedback
Posted by Michelle (Darby PA) on 01/06/2023

Thank you do much for this site and all you guy's input I am so thankful this gives me so much hope

Searching for Specific Posts
Posted by Mac (Oregon) on 11/16/2022

What is the best way to find forum posts about borax and candida?

EC: Hi, check the borax section first, then the candida section:


Posted by Liz (Arizona) on 04/11/2022

I have been submitting questions since 2015 to other's posts but for whatever reason, I don't ever get a reply or at least a notification via email when someone responds. I don't see a setting option to click on to be notified. I just assumed it would be automatic. Can someone help me to understand how to receive email or notifications when someone responds to my questions?

EC: Hi Liz,

You must be logged in to see the checkbox and text in red to be notified when someone replies to your post.

Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 03/04/2022

I would like to say about Earth Clinic is, that it's like sitting in a chair waiting for your doctor visit for hours, and all the people you chat with and share insights with. You may not have a lot of insight, but you have a problem in common and that makes you part of a community. I am an overcomer, and you can't overcome unless you have a problem. Problems are opportunities, even the impossible ones, I have those, but I have faith. I did not feel smart most of my life but struggled a lot and my words are not very smart, but I try to share, just as I try to learn and recover. Love is the best cure for everything. Today is March 4forth, so I say to you, take back some land. Spread some love around. Perfect love cast out the stuff you don't want. Blessings, charity

The Word Cure on Earth Clinic
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 02/06/2022

I love this site

It cured me of more than 1 issue.

I strongly use the word cure

Best site ever

The Word Cure on Earth Clinic
Posted by Deirdre (Founder, Earth Clinic) on 02/05/2022

Hello Merry Nutrition,

Earth Clinic was started in 1999 and I started using the words cures in our URLs a few years after that when Google was in its infancy and nobody cared. Back then the phrase "natural cures" was extremely popular on the internet and so I made the decision to have it as part of the URL in the ailments section.

Unfortunately, we cannot change it at this point, because thousands of websites over the years have linked to these old URLs with the word /cures/ in them. They have been indexed on Google and the internet archives going back over 20 years now. For 18 months we did try to get rid of the word cures in the URL when we moved to another tech platform, WordPress, in 2019 and basically lost all of our internet traffic. So in the end, and after thousands and thousands of hours of hard work, removing the word cure didn't make any difference.

And anyway, these days, we're ranked very low on Google as are all the once-popular holistic websites. We used to be page 1 on most ailment and natural remedies results for years. Times have changed. The only websites at the top of Google search have a very large paid staff of doctors and nurses on their staff (ie I think we appear on average on page 29 of Google now!

Thank you for your concern!

The Word Cure on Earth Clinic
Posted by Merry Nutrition (Greenville, MI) on 02/05/2022

Please remove the word cure from your website. Are you really trying to hurt yourself and the natural supplement industry? It is against FDA rules to call anything natural a cure. This is why there is a disclaimer on vitamin bottles. "This product has not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease". Natural products may benefit or support but NOT CURE. There may be 20 vitamins and minerals that are allowed to make a health claim. We are having a bad time right now with the FDA. They want to make supplements go through the EXPENSIVE drug evaluations.They are abusing the DSHEA Act of 1994. This was passed after a year long letter writing campaign to Congress and the FDA. They are trying to make Homeopathic products into drugs in spite of a 90 year old waiver and the fact that they are non toxic. Former FDA Commissioner Dr. David Kessler even refuse to establish the GMP guidelines required by the DSHEA while he was in office. The current FDA just approved a health claim for magnesium being good for lowering blood pressure but then turned around and said more research was needed to confirm the statement. They have been known to go to a company and remove a complete inventory. They took all of the CoQ10 from the Whole Foods company stores in Texas in the mid 90's and never returned it.

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 01/18/2022

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and yesterday was MLK day, and I forgot. All know his legend, so let me tell you my story. Back in 1984 I worked for Hammermill Paper Company in Selma, Al., and a fellow employee had some land for sale near Marion Junction, Al. I tried to follow his directions but SJS, so I got lost. Soon it was dark and I was hungry so I stopped at a rural store to go buy me a coke and a Snicker bar. It was a Colored store and an elderly couple ran the store. I got my coke and candy and explained my plight. They could not help, but wanted to know where I lived. When I said Selma, his wife became alive and explained that she had an operation in Selma. I ended up talking to them for almost 2 hours. We related and enjoyed each others company.

I left and told a friend of my experience the next day at work. He told me that that was the Scott family, whose daughter was Coretta Scott King, MLK's wife. Few have had life's experiences that I have. Some say I should write a book, but too much water under the bridge for that. I remember that MLK said it was not the color of your skin, but the content of your character. True 60+ years ago and true today. ====ORH====
Posted by Denise (California) on 12/04/2021

A few people have mentioned the website When I enter the URL, this is the message I see...

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more

It gives you an option to "go back to safety"
Anyone know what's going on with this message?

Thank you, Denise

EC: It means their annual security certificate expired and they probably don't even know... so the site won't redirect to https.

We used to have the same issue on EC. Very simple and fast fix. Someone who participates on that forum should let the moderators know asap.

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 09/19/2021

G'day ORH,

Great that you are still up to all your mischief and turning the greenhorns into red necks!! I think I know what SHTF means!!

"Back in the day", during the halcyon days of the hippies (that might stir you up), a small group of us greenhorns from college mosied hundreds of kilometres down to a tiny, little settlement called Jerusalem on the Whangonui river where a group of hippies led by a certain charismatic fellow, James K. Baxter, had set up their commune of Peace and Love!! We went there to sit at the feet of our new Guru to soak up his wisdom!

Not everyone had a car back then, so I was nominated owner/driver and we made the long trek down from the Big Smoke to Jerusalem and we camped by the roadside all the way down there. Lots of hills and very windy roads in the North Island of New Zealand-not great for the car-sick type traveler and because there were a lot of gravel roads in the sixties, travel to that very remote area took ages! I mean AGES.

Well, we didn't know what to take as a peace offering (Koha in Maori) so we opted for bananas cos we thought they might think them exotic ha ha!! Really! I think they might have been considered a special treat back then - like caviar or truffles.

Our small group was warmly welcomed, even though they appeared to be running out of food and they served us up a huge pot of possum stew consumed with relish by said weary, dusty travelers. Apparently that had become their main staple dish!

It was only later that we learned that they were "road kill" possums. Ah- life was a lot more basic back then!

BTW, I was only ever in the States for any length of time in the 60s. The Vietnam War was in full swing (Forest Gump era) and because I had a small, goatee beard, I was continually accosted in the street by Americans demanding to know if I was a hippy. "Hey guy, you a hippy?" (excuse me!!??) They were most unhappy and did not believe me when I emphatically told them that I wasn't. Spoiled their day-is it too late for an apology I wonder?

Cheers from Down Under

N.B. We don't have coons over here - do they taste as nice as (o)possums?

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE) on 09/18/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and we have a retired pharmacist that works with us on our farm every Sat. She puts on her jeans and gets dirty just like we do. She does it to get healthy veggies from our garden. That is just the way she is. She is a NC U graduate but has disowned them with the Covid thing. They started this crap. She is a delight for me because she is such a green horn. Today, I ask her to show me her neck. She did and I said, " IT AIN'T RED YET", but I's working on it. She finally has my number and we are going to Polk County in April to eat Ramps. We a little different in that she only eats grass fed beef. Me.... I want lots of fat in my meat. We don't eat that much meat. She and my Tractor Driver work well together. Today we took down our electric fence around our corn and melons. Folks quit gardening because of critters. You must have an electric fence to have corn or melons. The difference in today and our ancestors..... is they had to eat these critters to live. That will soon happen again when the SHTF. Promise you that you will eat coons and opossums before your life is over.....if you want to live. ====ORH====

Dr. Mercola
Posted by Art (California) on 09/19/2021 2157 posts

Hi GertJr,

It is worth mentioning that Xlear nasal spray also contains Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) which has many very desirable qualities that would be very helpful against Covid-19 and H1N1. These include antiparasitic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, antibiofilm, and antioxidant. The xylitol acts as an anti-irritant, antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiofilm agent.

Given these above qualities, you can see why it would very likely be active against Covid-19 and H1N1 as well as a multitude of other health issues.

It is just my opinion and there are no studies to support this theory, but I also believe Xlear could be a frontline Covid-19 treatment if nebulized at the first signs and symptoms of infection where it could be delivered directly to the mucous membranes and lungs to interact with the viral particles almost instantaneously.

I am not recommending that anyone do this, just pointing out that this is worth doing studies on to see if it can work as a cheap and effective treatment in the very early disease stages. This would be in addition to what the current studies show that Xlear Nasal Spray can do in terms of Covid-19.


Dr. Mercola
Posted by Art (California) on 09/18/2021 2157 posts

Hi Tessa,

I'm glad to hear that the borax lotion is still working well for you!

I like the whole idea of Xlear against Covid-19 because of its simplicity, its ease of use, its basic but effective ingredients and it is definitely worth adding to any Covid-19 protocol that a person may be using.

In this 2021 article regarding research at Northwestern University and Utah State University, they further determined the effectiveness of Xlear at hindering the ability of the SARS Cov-2 virus to spread as easily through the body as it does. Here is a link to that article :

Here is an interesting and important quote about how Xlear may also be active against future H1N1 strains from a professor involved in the study :

>>> 'First, we conclude, in addition to countering SARS-CoV-2, Xlear is likely effective in preventing the spread of future H1N1 viruses, including the emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants, along with other viral epidemics. Given the more transmissible variants we now face, this is critical now, ” said Professor Mark Cannon, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, in a press release issued on January 26,2021 ' <<<

Given the viruses ability to mutate or create what they now refer to as "variants" instead of mutations, this study is highly important for the future in the fight against Covid-19, its variants as well as H1N1 flu and its variants. Unfortunately for us, it has been largely ignored by the scientific community and the media! So I am glad that Earth Clinic is hear to allow us to share this critical information with family and friends and the whole EC community! It appears we have to look out for our own well being because the mainstream scientific community seems to be mostly interested in studying and promoting high dollar pharmaceuticals that seem to be less than optimally effective against Covid-19.


Dr. Mercola
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 09/18/2021

Tessa, if you are interested, there are recipes online to make your own xclear solution. I bought a 4 pack of Xclear from Amazon when covid first started, one for each family member. Since then, I have refilled those bottles with homemade. Xylitol is the main factor and kills virus'. You can get xylitol in mints, gum, drinks, etc that are very available and easy to use in public. Just one more item in our germ-fighting arsenal.

Dr. Mercola
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 09/17/2021

Hi Art -

After I posted, I was looking through a number of Covid responses on Earth Clinic and I saw your Xlear article from December 2020 (oops! ).

I knew I should have started with Earth Clinic first - heh, heh.

Thanks, Art! I always appreciate all of your research and your dedication to this site. I've learned so much. Still successfully using the borax lotion for my arthritis.

Now, I'll be picking up Xlear from the health food store (regular drugstores here don't seem to stock it).



Dr. Mercola
Posted by Art (California) on 09/16/2021 2157 posts

Hi Tessa,

The Xlear Nasal Spray for Covid-19, I wrote about last year here on EC along with the protocol they used in the study as well as a link to the study:

It is part of what I plan to use if I get Covid-19 and is likely handy to keep a bottle with you in case you end up unexpectedly in a potentially high exposure area.


Dr. Mercola
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 09/16/2021

This article will be deleted on Mercola's website some time tomorrow
(September 17, 2021) so read it as soon as you can.

Nasal Irrigation May Help Prevent COVID Hospitalizations

The article contains videos on how to nebulize hydrogen peroxide.

Click on “Sources and References” at the end of the article (before the comments) – some of his videos are on Bitchute so you can access the videos there as well.

The following is from Dr. Mercola's blog (August 26, 2021) so it remains up:

Could a Simple Nasal Spray Be the Answer to COVID-19?

Read the comments after the article. It's always good to know what other people do to stay healthy. Some people have had great success with Xlear nasal spray.

There are recipes on the Internet if you want to make your own - just search for diy xlear nasal spray.

Take care,


Tools to Monitor Health
Posted by Uncertain (LA) on 08/30/2021

Tools to monitor health.

What do you use? What do you think is the most reliable? Do you know of any other options?

There are all kinds of apps and devices available to monitor one's health. I am researching these options right now. One of my doctors recommended the KARDIAMOBILE app. There is the FITBIT, GARMIN, and the APPLE WATCH. There are different tests available you can order for various issues, INSIDE TRACKER, TOOLBOX GENOMICS, VIOME and various Food Sensitivity tests.

Posted by Joseph (Stockton, CA) on 08/26/2021 73 posts

Fair enough, however we are all consenting adults, I think the majority wouldn't mind. Thank you, Joseph

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 08/16/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and I want to put a bug in your ear. Our ancestors used a salt box to keep pork and it required no electricity. It's a survival thing. So if you live on an Island that has free energy then go to the next post, because you don't need my advice. What I am doing is taking old ice chest and putting in a salt cured hog hind quarter and covering it with salt. There is a procedure to get most of the salt out when you decide to eat it. I am having a ball researching what our country ancestors did to survive before electricity. Most were skin and bones, but healthy as a race horse. You could see every rib. Diet was not in their vocabulary. Yep, most died early because they were kicked in the head by a plow mule. They did not die of the garbage we eat these days. They died instantly and we die slowly over decades. Tractor Driver is cutting up the last of our watermelons and cantaloups. Time to get our fall and winter garden planted. Dollar is going to zero so suggest you buy a small plot of ground that you can grow some veggies when times get hard. Just remember, you have to get off your sorry ass to grow a garden. That gives you an out. You have a back problem. Belly is too big. ====ORH====

Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/09/2021 233 posts

On the reddit app you'll find your fellow critical thinkers on the knowledged and factual but very much maligned r/nonewnormal subreddit

Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 08/04/2021

Hi Joseph!

We have only done this a few times over the years. Our top priority on EC is the safety and protection of all our readers, so we don't recommend it. That said, if two people really want to connect, we'll do it with a strong, "please proceed cautiously" vibe!

Posted by Joseph (Stockton) on 08/03/2021 73 posts

Deirdre @ EC, is it true we can now exchange email addresses?

Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 08/04/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and am thrilled that the Governor is responding to my complaint of a Fla commercial agri firm that is contaminating our spring fed Sewee Creek. These folks are renting land in Meigs county to raise peppers and pumping out of Sewee Creek for irrigation and turning a beautiful, clear spring fed creek into a mud hole by not taking care of the irrigation runoff. I am not against this, except they are not doing what any house builder would have to do. Take care of the problem you create. The mud gets into my spring and fouls my irrigation tapes. I do not pick and choose. I take on all who need taking on. This may go nowhere, but I bet I get results. What you bet?


Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 08/02/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and just got a letter from the Veterans Affairs Department about my health. Went into the Army in April '61 active duty and served 18 months. Then served in Reserves until April '69. Have not heard from them in 53 years and today got a letter where they are concerned about my health. If I have not gotten the Covid Jab, then they will do that. If I already have the jab then please notify them so they can get my records right. I just raised my right hand with the bird perch leading the way. That is about a PC as ORH can be, as all on EC know.

My mother, which I always called Aunt Edith, told me that I was born at night. But it was not last night. Boys and Girls, the excitement is about to begin. Laugh if you want, but all this is about the end of times. We are now at Good vs Evil and I want to hang around to see the end. If a health site is not the place for this conversation, then where do you suggest?

==== ORH ====

Posted by Joseph (Stockton, CA) on 07/28/2021 73 posts

This is just a comment that may help some people regarding question(s) they may have. I read that a member was asking where to purchase Castor oil. All anyone has to do is Google their question or use yahoo and enter any question: where can I purchase castor oil. (Type in your zip code) that's it. How far away is the moon? What country has world's most Beautiful Women? How can I make extra money? That's all you have to do.

Posted by HisJewel (North Carolina) on 06/29/2021

Acts of love that heals broken hearts can often be as simple as a show of appreciation now and then.

When my nephew's busy father showed up for his college graduation it gave him a smile and laugher that he could not hide. They were often in disagreements, but this was a healing moment for both of them. And I snapped the picture.

I remember another two way healing. I was on a train, perhaps in my forties at the time. When a young man asked for money for food. He did not look homeless, but I understood what broke was. I gave him a $5.

( Usually give less ) but because I thought he doesn't look to be one making a living this way I wanted to help.

Before I knew it the guy dropped to his knees and began to sing of his gratefulness.

Well I was a young woman, it shocked me at first. When he got off his knees I was happier, and I had a story to tell.

I have never thought of myself as one that cause men to fall to their knees and it may never happen again, but it happened that day.


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