Zinc - Immune Health Wonder Nutrient

| Modified on Nov 09, 2020
Broad Benefits
Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 11/08/2020

At least a decade ago, I started writing on Earth Clinic about trying to clear up nail issues on one of my feet. Then about 4 years ago, I started to have a bad rash on the top of my foot that I also wrote about. This rash got worse and worse and worse over time. A bunch of Earth Clinic readers were kind enough to write in suggestions about that one, and two incredibly kind women even sent me homemade herbal ointments to try!

Well, I wanted to report a CURE after all these years. It appears that it was a simple case of zinc deficiency!!

I started to take a zinc/copper supplement this summer and the itchy rash on the top of my foot disappeared after a week. I had managed to get it mostly clear by applying an antifungal OTC to it, but the zinc supplement completely eliminated the rash and I no longer have to apply anything to it.

Then... after 10 or more years, the nail on my big toe has finally grown in PERFECTLY over the past few months. For many years it kept splitting in the middle and looked terrible. I tried a lot of remedies over the years to cure it, including a cheapo apple cider vinegar from Heinz, which dyed my entire foot orange for a while (not kidding, that post is on Earth Clinic).

Now how many people would relate these two issues to a zinc deficiency? I've had issues on that right foot for decades, so I'm guessing I've been zinc deficient for 30+ years. I have never regularly supplemented with zinc, believe it or not!

Got fungal and/or nail issues? Try zinc for 6 months and report back.

Is the copper important? Possibly but I don't know for sure.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 11/09/2020

Hi Madelyn!

I have been taking zinc orotate (15mg) and copper orotate (2mg). Bulletproof brand.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 11/09/2020

Hi Deirdre,

I was wondering the same thing, and then read your last sentence about the copper.

What form of zinc and copper were in the supplement? How many mg of each did you get taking the daily dose?

Copper is a natural anti-fungal, so I won't be surprised if that helped too.

And nowadays with Corona virus, I think it's smart to make sure we don't have any zinc deficiency.

Thank you for sharing. I've been a reader for around 12 or 13 years now. Love love love this site and community.

Posted by Paula (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 08/29/2012

I was having persistant diarrhea for a week and researched that in developed countries, they would give zinc to children so that they don't die from the diarrhea.

I tried zinc gluconate 50mg and it stopped my diarrhea. Apparently zinc deficiencies make diarrhea worse.

Oral Health
Posted by Harrie (Ennis, Tx) on 06/05/2011

I have been taking Zinc 50 mg for two years now. I had a MRSA infection and was in the hospital and the infection control doctor put me on it. He said it helped build up the immune system. Also, since taking it I have not had a single cold, flu or any other type respiratory problem. I had also had another doctor tell me he took Zinc in the winters to avoid colds/flu. So I guess there is something to it.

Oral Health
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/15/2012 2063 posts

Maggie, for a daily maintenance dose 25mg Zinc Citrate would suffice. In chronic disease treatment 50mg daily may be needed. In severe or acute illness up to 100mg can be taken. My current Z regimen is 100mg plus 3mg Copper every other day.

Oral Health
Posted by George (Melbourne, Vic) on 05/22/2011

I have been taking zinc for 2 months now and I have been told by my dr it increases the immune system and white blood cell count...

Picolinate Vs. Gluconate
Posted by Dave (Vaaldam, Gp. South Africa) on 01/09/2012

I have been using zinc and castor oil ointment (commercially packaged and obtained from my local chemist(drug store)) as a topically applied sun block for the last six months. It has been amazingly effective and has worked better than the sun tan lotions I have used previously. It has also cleared my sunspots and melanomas from my facial skin. I find it very effective in healing burns and small wounds - it has now become my first aid kit in a jar!

Zinc Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 10/10/2013 2063 posts

@Sunny: It is imperative to not take Zinc (whatever form) w/ fiber foods. The fiber & phytates major interfere w/ absorption.

Zinc Side Effects
Posted by KT (Usa) on 10/10/2013

I remember reading that zinc is best taken on an empty stomach. Just before you go to bed would be good.

Picolinate Vs. Gluconate
Posted by Pat (Singapore) on 06/11/2011

hi, I've been reading on Earthclinic.com that zinc supplements can help with acne but there's so many kinds of zinc!

i narrowed it down to either zinc picolinate or gluconate.............. So may I ask which one is more readily absorbed by the body and hence, more effective for acne ?

many thanks!

Picolinate Vs. Gluconate
Posted by Linda (Geelong, Australia) on 02/01/2012

Not sure if it's the same chemical breakdown but Zinc and castor oil cream is available in Au in pharmacys and the baby isle of the supermarket--it's a great nappy rash/moisture barrier cream.

Oral Health
Posted by Rkymtsprt (Missoula, Mt, USA) on 10/29/2009

Hi, I could not find any feedback about Zinc supplements on the Ailments link or the Supplements link. Anyone have fantastic results with it? It seems to be great for my oral health...my gums have stopped bleeding. Been taking one 50 mg tab for two months now.

Zinc Chloride
Posted by Kevin (San Jose, California) on 12/07/2013

I have purchased zinc chloride. You have stated that I use zinc chloride as a 5% solution. How do I go about this? What do you mean by 5% concentration? Should I use a teaspoon, tablespoon or what other measurement to do a 5% solution. Should I take it with water or what? I don't know how to go about a 5% solution? Could you help me in my inquiry? Thank you in this matter.

Zinc Side Effects
Posted by Sam (Miami) on 05/29/2015

Check out zinc whole foods supplement. Always prefer whole food vs. synthetic supplements.

Oral Health
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 06/14/2012 2063 posts

We are living in the industrial/agricultural age where nutritional deficiencies are on the rise (in our exo & endo environments) and the hypoxic or lowered oxygen states are the natural consequence; and another consequence is Cancer.

Zinc isn't found in sufficient amounts except in perhaps 2 foods ---liver and pumpkin seeds, so if one never or rarely eats these foods and also doesn't take a multivitamin/mineral supplement daily, then deficiency is very likely.

Oral Health
Posted by Maggie (Calgary, Alberta, canada) on 06/14/2012

How much zinc should females in their teens require? My daughter eats pumpkin seeds sometimes; never liver and has had acne problems since she was 11. She takes a multi with 15 mg of zinc. Wondering if this would be enough for her.

Zinc Chloride
Posted by Kevin (San Jose, California) on 12/12/2013

How do I use zinc chloride as a solution regarding a 5% concentration level?

Zinc Side Effects
Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 10/09/2013

When I take Zinc with food it makes my stomach feel weird, like nausea. Does anyone know how to make this go away? Or has it happened to you? I drank milk and it kind of stopped.

Zinc Side Effects
Posted by Jean In La (Louisiana) on 05/28/2015

Zinc causes nausea as a normal side effect. Try taking half a dose or even a quarter at a time. Also, it is recommended to take it away from food, especially some antibiotics. According to published research, Zinc acetate is the best one available, but is much more expensive and is prescribed as the drug Galzin by family doctors.

Zinc Side Effects
Posted by Purplebutterfly (Usa) on 06/01/2015

Thank you.

Zinc Compounds
Posted by Trisha (Prince George, Bc) on 12/30/2012

The only zinc our health food store carries is zinc citrate.... What is the difference in the zinc you recommend and zinc citrate? is it worth the $$ and effort to take citrate? will I see any improvement taking citrate or shoud I try to find the other kinds?

Thank you!

Picolinate Vs. Gluconate
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/10/2012

Do you maybe have the formula for the Zinc and Castor Oil? I suppose that would be the only way one could have it in other countries. Maybe the name would help as well....

Picolinate Vs. Gluconate
Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 10/09/2013

Powder and then Softgel form more abosorbed by body. Also, look into chelated. Pass it forward>>>> Health and love to you.

Oral Health
Posted by Suzie (New York, Usa) on 06/06/2011

you need to keep an eye on your copper levels when you are taking zinc supplements as it may effect your neutrophils....

Oral Health
Posted by Wilmaj (Santa Margarita, Ca, United States) on 06/13/2012

At first, I only believed that only a Vitamin C is crucial for me, I don't even believe in any supplements right now and which one are the effective ones. After several years I discovered that I'm having zinc deficiency symptoms which I read from this http://products.mercola.com/zinc-supplements/ a Dr. Mercola's article and I wanna know if it is true at all about what he is saying?

Oral Health
Posted by Cornelius (Durham, Nc) on 09/11/2012

Try apple cider vinegar for acne. It works better than anything I've ever tried. You can find user experiences here on earth clinic.

Zinc Chloride
Posted by Happy (Up The Creek In Wv, Usa) on 12/07/2013

California Kevin: Get a little digital scale at harbour freight company that weighs grams. milli-grams. Weigh out 5 grams of zinc chloride. place in a jar. Weigh out 95 grams of water [or your base material, whatever that is] , add that to the jar. Shake the two together as a mixture. you now have a 5% solution of zinc chloride. You can double or triple both ingredients, if you want a bigger suppply. It will still be a 5% mixture.

Question: are you making a hoxsey cancer salve formula with the zinc chloride?