Silica: Essential Mineral for Bones, Skin, Detox, Alzheimer's & More

Skin Infections
Posted by Renu (Dallas) on 04/13/2016


Bartholin cyst/abscess for the 3rd time. Pain level was 8/10. This time I was prepared beforehand itself. I already had Silica complex, and 40,000IU Serrapeptase at home. Started with 2 Serrapeptase twice a day on an empty stomach and 1 Silica complex tablet.

Since the cyst did not burst out till Day 6, I increased Silica complex caps to 3 on that particular day. The next day, the cyst drained.

Skin Infections
Posted by Natbee (Australia) on 01/20/2015

I used a silica supplement which contained 5g horsetail, zinc, B6 and manganese to treat my recurring bartholin cysts. Dosage varied between 1-2 capsules per day and saw results within 5 days. It saved me from having the marsupilization procedure. Extremely happy to find a natural alternative :)

Skin Infections
Posted by Kirsten (Santa Fe, NM) on 05/22/2009

My family has been using the homeopathic cell salt silica to stop boils in their tracks. It is #12 of Dr. Schuessler's tissue remedies and should be available at most natural grocers which sell homeopathics. It is indicated in abscesses, boils, and any other skin conditions with thick,yellow discharges. It also helps to deacidify the body. As with any homeopathic you should increase the frequency of the dosage to about every 15 minutes in an acute situation and take it less frequently in maintenance doses. There is no way to overdose on homeopathics and taking silica should not interfere with any remedy you are currently using. Silica usually comes in lactose tablet form and about 4 tablets under the tongue or in some water is the dosage. If this remedy works for you, you can keep it going forever by following these simple steps (by the way this works for all homeopathics and Bach flower remedies). Take 4 of the lactose tablets and put them into a new glass bottle with a dropper. Add any liquor or hard alcohol to the bottle, filling it 3/4 of the way to the top. Allow the tablets to dissolve for a few minutes. Succuss the bottle 100 times, by tapping the bottle on the palm of your hand. Since homeopathics are vibrationally based you have simply transferred the vibration to the liquid. This process can be repeated again when your bottle gets low. 4 to 6 drops can be taken as a dose.

Skin Infections
Posted by Amy (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) on 12/03/2008

Homeopathic Silica/Silicea for Boils

I wrote to you a few days ago about a yeast infection after half a dose of turmeric. I'm writing you now to tell you what finally worked for me.

After treating the yeast infection, I tried turmeric capsules with a probiotic for two days. The yeast did not come back, but the boils didn't get any better -- in fact, one got worse. I've had two below the waist for quite some time that weren't very painful. My doctor told me I had "a little hidradenitis suppurativa" and if I didn't want to take antibiotics there wasn't really anything she could do for me; just continue the hot compresses and hope for the best.

Last week during the yeast infection treatment I got another boil that was much more painful. It just kept getting bigger and more painful until I could barely sit down or walk. I've tried everything; the turmeric internally, along with, topically: aloe vera, calendula salve, Neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, hot compresses, hot Epsom salt compresses, baking soda with honey, and this one just kept getting bigger and sorer and more distended.

Since I've responded well to homeopathy in the past, today I googled "homeopathy boils" and found several sites that listed a number of remedies that help with this problem. I chose Silica/Silicea (it's spelled both ways) as the description sounded most like what I was suffering. I went to the health food store and got the remedy (30C) and took a dose right away. Two hours later, I felt quite sleepy and chilled and went to bed. I woke up 40 minutes later to find that the two largest boils closest to the surface of the skin were draining bloody fluid. I had chills really bad all afternoon but I've continued to take the 30C dose every 3-4 hours as recommended and the wounds have kept draining all afternoon and evening. The smaller boils that I had are already starting to get smaller from the inside. The largest, most painful one is much smaller and less painful and as long as I can keep it clean I imagine it will eventually heal fine. I'm so relieved that the pain is going away and hopeful that the problem will resolve in a few days or weeks.

Skin Infections
Posted by Tamy (Anaheim, CA) on 04/23/2007

hello everyone, i was doing some research on skin boils and came across a site that listed different types of skin boils and what supplements to take for them. if you have recurring boils you might want to try taking silica or silicea goes by two different names but is the same thing. had a recurring boil for over a year that just would not go completely away, have tried numerous remedies, hardly any worked except for the vinegar directly on the boil, but that was temporary i was looking for something to stop it from coming back. surely enough i came across that website and i tried the silica and the boil is almost gone it's been only two weeks and i feel better, bought silica at my local health food store, i was at my wits end with this boil thing, but the silica seems to help like no other. the antibiotics didn't help of course, this just may be it. just thought i'd post it hopefully it will help someone else.