Rhodiola Rosea: Boost Health, Reduce Stress & Aging

Side Effects
Posted by Mark (Nottingham, Uk) on 10/05/2011


I was taking Rhodiola Rosea 250mg standardised to contain 1% salidrosides. One in morning, one at lunch.

I hadn't heard about the stimulating effects of this and took it for 3 months and had awful anxiety attacks. It wasn't until I found this site that I stopped taking it and my anxiety attacks stopped.

It doesn't say the origin of the root extract on the label.

In short be very careful with this herb, introduce it gradually and monitor the effects.

Perhaps I needed a higher dose but the label said max 2 capsules. If I ever considered this herb again I would purchase a higher quality one. Begs the question 'How do we really know what's in it?'