P5P: Uses and Health Benefits of Bioavailable Vitamin B-6

Deep Sleep, Trigger Thumb
Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 07/20/2021

I started using P5P a couple of weeks ago for a trigger thumb that got aggravated again 8 months after a cortisone shot from frequently lifting and carrying one of my elderly dogs. P5P supposedly takes up to 6 months to work so slow going, but I definitely have more flexibility and less clicking in the thumb joint within 30 minutes of taking it, which lasts a few hours. Also appears to somewhat improve my cold hands and feet.

The main thing I noticed is that when 2 PHP capsules are taken with magnesium l threonate after dinner, it really zonks me out for the night. It has a deeply calming effect, which has been reported by other people too. Anyone with sleeping issues should try this P5P with Magnesium and see if it helps.