Oregano Oil Health Benefits

Skin Infection
Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Alberta) on 07/14/2017

After getting a fungal infection after poking what I thought was a small blood blister, a 2" area around the site became red, inflamed, and hot and hard. I quickly took some organic Oil of Wild Oregano and mixed it with a carrier oil (jojoba oil), and rubbed it in. Within 10 minutes the swelling was gone. Very impressive. I will be sure to keep some on hand for the rest of my life.

Skin Infection
Posted by K. (Huntersville Nc) on 10/22/2013

My daughter had a callus or something on the bottom of her foot that she didn't tell me about. Not sure why she decided to pick at it. She said she thought there was something in it. Anyway, it got sore and there was a hole in the middle of it. That's when she decided to show it to me.*Sigh*

For two nights (a few days apart) I put a drop of oregano oil on it. She said it feels fine now. Just to be sure I'm gonna put another drop on tonight.

I have also used oregano oil on scratches and pimples. It works really well in helping both disappear almost overnight!

Skin Infection
Posted by Aubergine (Washington, Dc, Usa) on 05/27/2013

Oregano oil for skin infection/possible cellulitis:

I have fingernails that split easily and I sometimes get nail fungus. This happened to one of my thumbnails recently, and I had been treating the fungus by soaking it in apple cider vinegar daily (as I normally do to get rid of the fungus). So, last night I woke up during the night and noticed that my thumb hurt - enough to keep me from going right back to sleep like I usually do. Still, I was asleep again within a few minutes, but when I woke up for real in the morning, my thumb was so painful that I couldn't even use my toothbrush with my right hand - the pressure of my thumb on the toothbrush hurt too much. My thumb was swollen down to the first joint. The first thing did was pour hydrogen peroxide on it. Then I went downstairs to the computer to consult Earth Clinic. I saw tea tree oil mentioned as a helpful remedy. I have tea tree oil, but it was upstairs. I remembered that oregano oil is a powerful antibiotic, and I had some nearby in the kitchen (it came pre-mixed in olive oil), so I put a drop on the thumbnail crack. Within an hour, both the pain and swelling had subsided significantly. I do not know if it was cellulitis or some lesser skin infection, but since cellulitis is very fast-moving, I'm glad the oregano oil helped the infection/inflammation before it got worse.

Skin Infection
Posted by Cath (Albuquerque, New Mexico) on 09/18/2008

I had this terrible itching in the crotch area for four weeks that was driving me mad! I finally decided it was something that needed attention so I did some research and decided it must be jock itch. I thought only men got this, but here I was with the malady. I began to try various remedies. Here is a list of what I tried that did not work for me: ACV with honey (4 cups per day), rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide (rubbed on one day and held on for 30 minutes the next day), coconut oil internally and externally, tea tree oil, a rescue remedy tincture, athletes foot powder, a topical Lysine cream, diluted vinegar/water (3:1) with some grapeseed extract as a wash, A&D ointment and a one-ounce tube of hydrocortisone 1% cream. Nothing even touched it (although the hydrocortisone cream helped with the itching). So I went to the health food store and, being too embarrassed to tell them I had jock itch, instead told them I had altheltes foot (both are fungal). The lady suggested OIL of OREGANO. I had some on hand, so, after putting on a generous application of A&D ointment to areas I did not want touched by the oil (very important! don't skip this step! I am assuming any sort of oil or vaseline would work for this step) I used a q-tip and I put a small dab on each nickel-sized sores. It stung! A bring tears to your eyes sting! Like what-did-I-ever-do-to-deserve-this sting! It began to lesson after about 10 minutes, but I finally couldn't take it anymore and rubbed the area with coconut oil! I am pleased to say I have down-graded the sores from what I would call "active", to what I would consider "going away."

CAUTION - when you use oil of oregano less is best! Only apply once or twice a day. Only apply directly to the area. One time I had used too much on a little spot on my arm, letting it run all over and I applied it four to six times a day for probably seven days. It caused a burn of sorts that didn't go away for weeks!

I love your website! We have cured my husband of strep-throat four times in the last few- years with all your strep-throat remedies.

Skin Infection
Posted by Caroline (Honolulu, HI) on 10/04/2006

This will work--no exceptions! Run hot shower over body for a couple minutes to open pores; turn off shower; add 5 drops pure oregano oil to some liquid soap like Dr. Bronner's Eucalyptus Soap. Mix in hands and apply to one major limb--left arm, e.g. Do the same again for the right arm. Again for the torso, and again for both legs respectively. It will burn. Tolerate it for as long as you can--between 3 to 5 minutes at the most. Rinse.

For me it cures these no-see-ums that I presume to be some kind of mite. I frequently get infested after handling papers or books that have previously been infected. Why I just don't throw out all these things so that I'll never be exposed again, I don't know. Actually, it's because I'm an information junkie and hope that freezing or cooking in the oven will rid these papers/books of these parasites. Not necessarily! I just got a new infestation which brings me here to this website. I did "the treatment" just now and it works. It burns the little critters to death. Just accept that your skin will burn also for the 3-5 minutes before you rinse it, and somewhat after. But you will definitely feel an immediate sense of relief because your nerve endings won't be agitated any longer