Olive Leaf Extract Cures

General Feedback
Posted by Wendy Jo (Bellevue, Wa) on 04/15/2010

I have suffered from acne & rosacea since my teens. The issue eased in my 30's but returned again with more intensity in my 40's. I have tried many,many different things to find some easing of the postules, cysts, and redness. The only thing that brought minor relief was antibiotics. These, however, brought other side affects that I was not willing to live with. I then ran across some information on olive leaf extract. I began to take 2 adult size tablets twice a day. I also purchased olive leaf bar soap and face lotion. I began to see results within a week. After several months I reduced my intake of supplements to 1 twice daily. I have continued with that regimen for over a year now and my skin is completely clear with only a very occasional breakout. The redness is also greatly reduced. My skin hasn't looked this good since before puberty!