Olive Leaf Extract Cures

DIY Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Bob l (Perth Western Australia ) on 08/19/2024

Olive leaf extract homemade recipe

I pick approximately one and a half kilos of fresh leaves of new leaves and it doesn't matter if the tree is flowering because the flowers will make the brew tasty. Wash the leaves in filtered water and put in a slow cooker for about 30 hours with 4 litres of filtered water but top up as the water will evaporate some I use 6 litres of water and when finished strain the leaves and end up with nearly 3 litres of olive leaf extract. I have tried putting honey in the bottle and found it fermented and still drank the juice and found it was very effective for colds flu and age pain sore knees sinus infection. I drink a swig 2 to 3 times daily, and when your body has had enough or doesn't need it anymore, you will know because it doesn't taste right. Leave in the fridge for the next time or as I do swig whenever you need it.