Uncovering the Health Benefits and Side Effects of Betaine HCl

Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 01/29/2024 58 posts

* If you do experience any negative or uncomfortable symptoms, you can neutralize the acid by taking 1 tsp of baking soda dissolved in water or milk. * Do not take more than 3000mg of betaine HCl Begin by taking 1 capsule containing 350–750mg of betaine HCl with the start of a meal containing a palm-sized (4-6oz) serving of protein. Please ensure this is part of a sufficient sized meal. ~500 calories are best. If there is no discomfort or burning sensation experienced, increase your dose to 2 pills of betaine HCl during the next day's meal. Ensure meal size is similar for each test. If there are still no noticeable reactions to the betaine after two days of supplementing, increase the dose to 3 capsules. Continue to increase the number of capsules every two days (if necessary) until a dose results in tingling, burning, or any other type of discomfort. At this point, decrease your dose by one capsule per meal. This is your effective dose. Once your dose is established, continue at this dose during meal times. With smaller meals, less betaine will be needed. You can lower your dose accordingly. *If you notice burning even at one capsule, it is likely that you have thinning of the stomach lining, and should avoid HCL until you have taken steps to heal this to some extent. People with thinning of the stomach lining (atrophic gastritis) can usually tolerate digestive bitters tincture, apple cider vinegar in water, or lemon juice in water before meals, and these will all naturally help increase stomach acid in a more gentle way.

Posted by Sam (Uk, London) on 07/17/2015

Yes, Betaine HCL works perfectly for GERD. Even 2 are enough in case you would have baseline stomach pH 7. However most people have lower pH 4-5 so taking even one capsule makes a difference between uncomfortable heartburn and good digestion.

Remember that taking antacid drugs lead to malabsorption and host of other problems caused by deficiencies. Calcium is just one crucial mineral you can not absorb if you shut down stomach acid production with PPI or similar drugs.

Magnesium is another one. Many people are deficient in it.

Posted by Dragon Burps And Indigestion (Albany, Ny) on 04/30/2013

YEA, Betaine HCl a gift from God.

Posted by Bug Bunny (London, England) on 04/20/2012

Hi, I love all the info on your site. Feeling bad I went for a colonic 3 weeks ago. The result, lot of undigested food in my poo. I had been suffering from, what I thought was acid reflux, for about 12 months. I was also doing a bad diet, lots of ready made meals, was not eating enough veg. I tried a few remedies for the acid reflux, did not work. The colonic therapist said I had low hydrochloric acid. I did not have acid reflux after all. Wow, imagine my surprise.

I have been taking Betaine HC1 caps with pepsin for only a few days but feel so much better. No more gas and burps, my poo is proper colour, not yellow. My white tongue is gradually turning pink. Its early days but I have found the solution to my health problems, the Magic Betaine HC1. I shall continue to take it and get onto a proper diet. I am also sorting out my vitamin intake with vitamin tabs until I can get vitamins from my food. I am taking probiotic yoghurt as well. look forward to increased health benefits with Betaine HC1