B-Complex Health Benefits and Side Effects

Vitamin B100 Complex

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Surging (Canada) on 01/28/2017

I have been taking vitamin b100 complex for over a year and half steady everyday ( I also take a vitamin D ) I take one when I wake up .. it has really changed my life, I'm never sick, it has balanced my moods, I heal really fast wolverine style, When I eat it does not take long for me to get a boost my body gets to work fast breaking it down and taking what it needs, even when I quit coffee for 6 months nothing held me back. I recommend B100 to anyone who needs a boost in life..

Where to Buy: Canada

Posted by Paula (Canada) on 01/21/2015

I was wondering if someone could tell me where I could buy vitamin B complex without the fillers, B 50 or B 100 and also where I could get Cellulase in powder without unwanted fillers.

Thank you

Replied by Timh
2048 posts

P: I would suggest purchasing a capsulator, gelatin caps, and Bulk Nutrition Powder from Amazon or Ebay as each have thousands of merchants competing for customers, so that keeps the price low.

Replied by Kitty
(Ny, US)
6 posts

Try purebulk.com, I buy almost everything in powdered form, excellent site and products.

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