I didn't find the supplement Biotin listed as a remedy on Earth Clinic per se, but I know it is used frequently to prevent hair loss or thinning and to strengthen nails as well. I recently discovered from a website of professional laboratory scientists that it has been discovered to alter lab results in the processing of routine bloodwork panels. One of the assays mentioned as subject to distortion by Biotin is Vitamin D. This was of great interest to me, as I had recently added to my regular 10 mg Biotin supplement a B complex containing 3 mg. of Biotin. And since that addition, my last two lab panels showed an excessively high level of Vitamin D, and B12 as well!
The guidance from the lab scientists was to simply avoid taking any Biotin for a couple of days before having bloodwork done. They were clear that it is a testing artifact, not an indication that Biotin has any adverse effect on actual blood chemistry.