Jean's Famous Tomato Tea Remedy for Sinus Infections and Congestion

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Danielle (New Haven, Ct, Usa) on 11/29/2012

I'm currently suffering from horrible rebound congestion from nasal spray (oxymetazoline) addiction. I have been in complete misery, not being able to breath out my nose, congestion so bad it feels like my Eyes are gonna pop outta my skull.

I followed the recipe exactly , and my severe sinus congestion cleared for about three minutes while I started to drink it.... And five minutes later, I was back to square one. Tasted good though, for the three minutes I could taste for. Lips are on fire too.

Didn't work for me this time. :'(

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Spike (Miami, Fla) on 01/11/2012

You guys should really put some of the " nea" responses up there where people see them instead of bury them way at the back.

Some people just might have a horrible reaction like I did. This had a horrible affect on me.

I'm a very healthy 52 year old. I made this concoction and seriously was up all night, vomitting and had diarrhea all night. I even blacked out from vomitting at one point. I couldn`t go to work the next day. I was bed ridden.

I followed the instructions exactly. It was the first cold I've had in 2 years but, it was in my sinuses and my ears had been stuffed up for a week.

We eat a lot of garlic. I have no problem with cayenne pepper in general but this just tore my stomach up.

Please let people hear the flip side- a weaker person would have been hospitalized.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Dave (San Antonio, Tx) on 02/24/2009

Jean's Tomato Tea: I can't believe I actually tried this recipe. But when you can't breathe, you'll try almost anything. Good luck with it. It did absolutely nothing for me!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Renata (St. James, Trinidad) on 04/18/2008

I was suffering very badly all of yesterday with my sinuses, even my teeth hurt. I found the recipe online. I used all the original ingredients, V8, fresh lemon juice, 4 cloves of garlic, and 3 different types of pepper sauces (of course being in the caribbean I have many at home, so I used my hottest). I even added Whorchestershire sauce and a celery stick to make in like a bloody Mary. I had my first cup last night. It didn't seen to do anything. I kept an open mind and had a second cup this morning, but still it had no effect. I used lots of hot sauce, almost to the point of not being able to drink it, but nothing.The taste is nice, the drinking is fulling. I'm sure its very healthy. I think I'd be better off using it as a meal replacement to help me lose some unwanted pounds, though than for sinus relief.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Karen (Evanston, IL) on 03/20/2008

I followed the tomato tea recipe ver batim. It most definitely helps, but it's not the cure that everyone makes it out to be. (Hence, my "nay" vote.)

Note: (1) The real benefit comes from the hot sauce/pepper. If you can't stand really spicy things, you're not going to be able to handle this drink at the level of beneficial spiciness.

(2) It only helps for a few minutes. I felt great after taking my first dose, but all the benefits were gone 20 minutes later.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Meda (N. Richland Hills, Texas) on 08/28/2007

hot tomato tea. All I got was a case of the runs....nose still congested. But it tasted great.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by LP (Dallas, TX) on 03/20/2007

Just tried the spicy tomato tea. I have had severe nasal congestion for almost 5 weeks and I am 4 months pregnant so I was really hoping this natural remedy would work. So, I made the tea; meticulously following the recipe. It has been almost an hour since I finished drinking the tea and unfortunately, it has not worked at all. It was worth a try!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Paul (Bellevue, NE) on 03/07/2007

I tried the tomato tea recipe for sinus congestion and I must admit, it was a waste of my money and time. This ... did not work AT ALL! But on the positive side, it tastes great. Guess I'll take my chances and go to the doctor for some real Rx.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Carter (Tokyo, Japan) on 02/27/2007

I drank the Tomato Tea four times yesterday and twice this morning before work but I haven't noticed any difference whatsoever. I was really hoping this would help, especially after all the positive testimonials. Do you think I should keep trying it or just give up? Most people on here said they had results really quickly so I am just wondering. I know all the garlic can only do me good and since I am living in a foreign country, I am hesitant to take any drugs here as I don't know what is in them so I probably will keep trying! Did it take anyone else awhile to see results? Thanks!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Gregg (Statton, VT) on 02/20/2007

Just tried the tomato tea. I was really hoping this would work. Have not been able to breath for days and sleepless for past three nights. Unfortunately, it did not work.. So far Halls or Vicks has been the only help and that is not much.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by CJ (Meriden, CT) on 02/06/2007

I tried the spicy tomato tea , my sinuses were killing me and figured, why not? Well, it worked for about 5 minutes, which is the same duration if I had eaten some hot wings and it went right back to being clogged. I have to say NAY!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Anita (Aztec, NM) on 02/02/2007

I tried Tomato Tea and really wanted it to work, but I didn't notice any difference. I'm now trying the Apple Cider Vinegar and that helped much better -still too soon to tell if it has lasting effects, will let you know.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Angie ( Burbank, CA) on 12/29/2006

I used Tomatoe Soup/Tea V8, lemon juice, Tapatio hot sauce, garlic. I have had a sinus cold ever since Christmas Eve, which was 6 days ago, nothing(over the counter drugs) EVER help me so my sister gave me a CRAPLOAD of vitamins and herbs(like the ones in this recipe) to take, they didn't do too much. After researching online I found this recipe..although it only made about a 20% improvement. I took 3 servings last night and two servings today, not much better..I still have a an ongoing sinus headache, I can't taste anything, my left nostril is still plugged and my right one is dripping, and my upper teeth, ears, and neck are strained from so much nose blowing..

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Mary (Thornton, CO) on 11/12/2006

Was so hoping the Tomato Juice Tea would help me breathe due to a bad cold but nothing had changed after several hours later. I also tried the Banking Soda/Salt mixture but that didn't help either. My niece told me about a grapefruit seed spray. Guess I'll try that next as I don't like using nose drops.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Anne (Bronx, NY) on 09/30/2006

Although I was hoping that these remedies would cure or at the very least help with my sinus infection, it did not help me. I tried both the tomato tea and the apple cider vinegar for 5 days in a row. No luck for me. Still can't smell, taste or hear after 3 weeks.

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