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Posted by Barbara (Yorba Linda, CA)
Whether we pray and/or meditate, it doesn't really matter. But it is a fact our Mother Earth (and her creatures--including us individually and collectively) needs to heal. Peace and love to all my siblings of humanity.
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Posted by Standing Bear (Marion, Kentucky) on 03/21/2008
Osiyo! RT put my feet firmly on the medicine path years ago. He was a great inspiration in my life, and was able to clarify complex issues. He passed too early. The experiences I had with him and because of him would sound like X-Files or a Castaneda novel. What I most remember is him telling me that I would live to see the day when Native American traditional wisdom and worldview was respected once again. The fact that so many now take "Gaia Theory" for granted, and even the most jaded bureaucrat sees global warming as everybody's concern fulfills his forecast. Wado!
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Posted by Anna (Salem, Oregon)
It is so inspirational to hear people praising the earth and all who inhabit her! I feel so positive and want to spread love everywhere. Everyday is a blessing, lets give thanks! Respecting mother nature allows us to see deep inside and reflect the same love for oursleves, for WE ARE ALL ONE in this invisible divide ~NAMASTE~
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Posted by Thermopolis (WY) on 03/22/2009
It is refreshing and hope-filled to discover this prayer on the internet and know that it is being passed on so that our beloved Mother Earth may heal from our hearts to counteract the destruction of our hands...
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Posted by Alexandra (Boca Raton, FL)
Thank you for your image and prayer... I will keep the beautiful image in the palms of my hands. How precious! May Rolling Thunder's teachings be learned and taught and passed on to all in every step we take. May his energy and healings continue to bless us. Thank you Great Spirit!
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Posted by Danny (Yuba City, California)
Nearly finished with the Rolling Thunder book by Doug Boyd. I have always been respectful to this Earth and people. and reading the book has made me feel a little closer to Rolling Thunder. I will do more than hold that image, I will live by it.
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Posted by Ahmad (Calgary, Alberta, Canada )
We are but traverlers through this world. We must keep its path clean and clear for generations to come. The beacon of hope and guidance is in our hands.
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Posted by Anon (Oakland, Ca) on 08/16/2011
When I prayed and concentrated on the globe, it was like a joyous spirit took over me. This is a good prayer to remember because it reminds us that the earth needs healing just like we need healing.
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Posted by Lorraine (Sedona, AZ) on 01/12/2010
My prayers to the Divine Mother who has an aura extending from the earth to the sun goes on daily and includes all Nature Forces. In their way they acknowledge my concerns for the earth to survive and become a sacred planet. AUM SHANTI.
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Posted by Donna (UK)
I am given this image regularly in my meditations, with the feeling of humanity living together, interconnected, so nice to see the image in print and to find out that a cherokee medicine elder gave these instuctions to his students. If everyone were to hold this vision for healing humanity & earth would be a better place.
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Posted by Ray (London, England)
With practice, I will get better at holding the image. It's something I will definitely do again to help conteract all the doom and gloom people talk about - This offers the glimmer of hope that a lot of us are looking for - Thanks Keep up the good work.
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Posted by Nicole (Indiana)
It's time to manifest a new reality... and it's as easy as the thoughts you have. Be careful, conscientious, and disciplined with your thoughts, for they are real... Peace out....xoxo
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Posted by Danell (Jefferson, Louisiana, USA)
Everyone has to do their part in healing this Earth. I want this Earth to be here for my Grandchildren. My family only has one Grandchild at present. I want this Earth to be livable and growing for her.
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Posted by Cynthia (Hartsville TN USA)
Osiyo, Mother Earth must be protected she gives to us what we give to her... If we care for her she will take care of us!!
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Posted by Scott (Austin, Texas)
My great great grandfather lived with the Cherokee a long time ago. I believe his entire life revolved around what he learned there. He practiced natural medicine even though he was trained in traditional medicine. I often feel his presence when I strive to understand my place in this world and its people. I pray that the Earth will indeed be healed and made whole again with green lands and blue water and clear, fresh air.