7 Benefits of Rebounding for Health

Triple White Blood Cells
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/06/2021 473 posts

In looking for something for a friend that might prevent Covid without having to take anything, I came upon a reference to a rebounding preventative and treatment for cancer which seemed strange, at first, but having given it some thought, it makes perfect sense.

The protocol is simply 2 minutes of "baby" or "health" bouncing, every hour. It only triples one's white blood cell levels - as opposed to increasing them by 15 - 20 times, as with 10 minutes of rebounding with increasing intensity - but one is back to normal after an hour whether one rebounds for 10 minutes or 2 so tripling them every hour on the hour would be far more effective than cranking them up by 15 times their normal level.once per day for an hour.

The reason it makes so much sense is because, back in the wild, one would have been in motion for more than for 2 minutes per hour and 10 minutes at a time would be stretching it - and quite a bit, depending on one's environment.

I've been following this protocol today and am even having a slight detox reaction in the form of a slight rash and itchiness on the neck and on the back, over the kidneys, which I haven't experienced in quite some time despite having tested the symptomatic effects of several natural antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral substances so, apparently, the body's own little bacteria/virus/fungus killers can go where MMS, CDS, vitamin C, colloidal silver and even DMSO can't.

The fact is, we have built in "antibiotics". All we have to do is "activate" them and bouncing is, so far, the most efficient and effective way they've found that does it. No "remedy" will do that. Personally, I suspect swinging might be even more effective - not to mention, more fun, even than bouncing - but I haven't the equipment to test that and no one else is looking at it but, so what? Rebounding DOES do it. And even merely bouncing on the edge of the bed or on a yoga ball should do it.

Personally, I would recommend a cellerciser which, though expensive, is safer even than high-end older rebounders and still less than a trip to the hospital would cost but if I couldn't have gotten one, I'd be bouncing on a yoga ball.

I didn't start rebounding until AFTER I had covid so my actual experience with it is small. Other than getting back all of my strength, and then some, after steadily losing it for 10 months and being more solid on my feet than I've been since I was quite a bit younger than I am now, I can only speak of what I've been told by others of their own experiences but it's easy enough to test for oneself by bouncing on the edge of the bed or on a $20 yoga ball.

Two minutes every hour. I don't know why I didn't think of that myself...I wasn't aware of how much of an increase one would get with less than 10 minutes but I did know that levels go back to normal after about an hour and should have thought of this so thank God SOMEbody's paying attention, LOL!