French Maritime Pine Bark
Health Benefits

French Maritime Pine Bark

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Posted by John Wood (Stanardsville, Virginia) on 02/05/2012

I need to share what happend to my black lab, Teddy Bear. Maybe some of you reading this will be able to help your pet recover. Teddy developed a knot on his rectum around age 9. I thought it was just a hemmoroid but after several weeks it began bleeding. The area around the opening took on a bruised appearance with yellow, orange, reddish, and black colors and he began to act like he didn't feel well. I took him to the vet and was told it was cancer. He had surgery but withing a few months it was back. I took him in for more surgery. They removed several thumb size tumors and stiched him up. I was told that they didn't think they got it all. At that point I began praying for his recovery. The next day I received a cassete tape in the mail about a product called Pycnogenol. I listened to the tape on the way into work the next day. The narriator talked about all these folks that had cancer and other serious diseases taking this stuff and recovering completely. I had bought some of this stuff for myself about a year earlier in the hopes it would help me with chronic fatigue. It did nothing so I put it in the medicine cabinet and forgot about it. Anyway I heard the narriator tell that the most important thing about taking Pycnogenol is to take it 1 mg per pound of body weight. Well I figured Teddy weighed 90 pounds so I did the math and found that 5 capsules were needed to get close to his weight. I sprinkled the contents of the capsules on his food. Honestly I could not believe what happened next. Within one day of consuming just the first dose his rear end began to turn pink. He began to act like he felt a bit better. I gave him a second dose the next day and again daily from then on. By the time a week had passed you wouldn't believe it was the same dog. He was running and barking like he was a pup again. I kept him on the product until the bottle ran out. Withing a couple of weeks he began getting another spot on his butt so I put him back on the product. The knot went away. He stayed on Pyconogenol the rest of his life but he lived to the ripe old age of 17. I had to put him to sleep because his hips gave out, he couldn't walk, and he couldn't control his bladder & bowels any longer. I hated to do it but I had tried all that I knew to do. I stiil miss him....... But he lived 8 years longer than he would have if I hadn't had my prayer answered. Thank you Lord.

Let me say that there are differences between Pycnogenol and pine bark extract. Pine bark extract is a little bit cheaper than Pycnogenol but did not produce any effects for Teddy. I did not notice any difference between Pycnogenol brands.