French Maritime Pine Bark
Health Benefits

French Maritime Pine Bark

| Modified on Mar 17, 2018
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by John Wood (Stanardsville, Virginia) on 02/05/2012

I need to share what happend to my black lab, Teddy Bear. Maybe some of you reading this will be able to help your pet recover. Teddy developed a knot on his rectum around age 9. I thought it was just a hemmoroid but after several weeks it began bleeding. The area around the opening took on a bruised appearance with yellow, orange, reddish, and black colors and he began to act like he didn't feel well. I took him to the vet and was told it was cancer. He had surgery but withing a few months it was back. I took him in for more surgery. They removed several thumb size tumors and stiched him up. I was told that they didn't think they got it all. At that point I began praying for his recovery. The next day I received a cassete tape in the mail about a product called Pycnogenol. I listened to the tape on the way into work the next day. The narriator talked about all these folks that had cancer and other serious diseases taking this stuff and recovering completely. I had bought some of this stuff for myself about a year earlier in the hopes it would help me with chronic fatigue. It did nothing so I put it in the medicine cabinet and forgot about it. Anyway I heard the narriator tell that the most important thing about taking Pycnogenol is to take it 1 mg per pound of body weight. Well I figured Teddy weighed 90 pounds so I did the math and found that 5 capsules were needed to get close to his weight. I sprinkled the contents of the capsules on his food. Honestly I could not believe what happened next. Within one day of consuming just the first dose his rear end began to turn pink. He began to act like he felt a bit better. I gave him a second dose the next day and again daily from then on. By the time a week had passed you wouldn't believe it was the same dog. He was running and barking like he was a pup again. I kept him on the product until the bottle ran out. Withing a couple of weeks he began getting another spot on his butt so I put him back on the product. The knot went away. He stayed on Pyconogenol the rest of his life but he lived to the ripe old age of 17. I had to put him to sleep because his hips gave out, he couldn't walk, and he couldn't control his bladder & bowels any longer. I hated to do it but I had tried all that I knew to do. I stiil miss him....... But he lived 8 years longer than he would have if I hadn't had my prayer answered. Thank you Lord.

Let me say that there are differences between Pycnogenol and pine bark extract. Pine bark extract is a little bit cheaper than Pycnogenol but did not produce any effects for Teddy. I did not notice any difference between Pycnogenol brands.

Posted by Loraine (Florida) on 03/16/2018

Martha....I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I am a dog owner myself and can't imagine what I will do if my dog ever gets ill. Please pay attention to the food you feed him cause that's the root cause of all the problems in our beloved animals today. The commercial dog food are extremely toxic and our dogs pay the price with their life oftentimes. I have learnt a lot since my sister dog passed away last July. I immediately stopped feeding my dog any commercial food shortly after and am amazed at the change in him. He runs and plays like he is 1 instead of 11. I just wish I had done this before. But I make sure I tell everyone who wants to listen to please stop poisoning their animals with commercial dog food. I do hope your dog makes it and my prayers are with you. Take care, God bless,

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 07/01/2011

in addition, take your antioxidants.. Like Alpha Lipoic Acid or Pycnogenol with an Omega 3 oil.. I prefer a good quality molecularly distilled oil to remove impurities... It should be refrigerated as well. Taking the antioxidant with oil will boost it therapeutic effect on the brain.. I prefer taking it before bedtime as it aids in better quality sleep and waking. Here is some good info. On omega 3 from Dr. Mercola.

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 01/05/2011

Hi Merryman, the raw beets just may be healthier, as enzymes may not be destroyed, however the hot juice as is hot tea might assimilate faster. I like both, but find a hot drink more calming. (Like a bowl of Ukranian borscht) Experiment for yourself and find what works best for you. As for Pycnogenol, I like to take it on and off... Switching perhaps with something like Ginseng or Rhodiola. It is good to experiment, introducing remedies to our body, which has a memory, and will intuitively tell us which it might need... & lastly take advice here with a grain of salt.. Only YOU are your best doctor.

Posted by Maureen (Buffalo Grove, IL) on 01/29/2007

I've suffered with poor circulation of the legs for a few years now. Standing for short periods of time left my legs feeling tired and achy. My legs had a heavy feeling when walking, too. Worse, any pressure applied to my ankle area resulted in pain. My doctor put his hands around them to see if I was retaining fluid and I could have cried from the pain. After doing research online, I started taking 900 mgs of horse chestnut and 350 mgs of pycnogenol each day. It's been only four weeks, but the difference has been amazing. My legs feel lighter, no more pain near the ankles, no more fatigue when standing for long periods. There have been medical studies on this, which is why I decided to try it myself. I highly recommend taking these supplements at these doses each day for improved circulation of the legs.

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 01/03/2011

High concentrations of nitrates are found in beets, as well as in celery, cabbage, leafy green vegetables like spinach and some lettuce. When you eat high-nitrate foods, good bacteria in the mouth turn nitrate into nitrite. Nitrites can help open up the blood vessels in the body, increasing blood flow and oxygen specifically to places that are lacking oxygen. Also, Pycnogenol increases nitric oxide. Do a search on beet juice and nitric oxide, as well as Pycnogenol & NO.. (these two are my favorites)

Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 05/02/2011

I found this about melasma in one of my newsletters from Dr. Jonathan Wright (Washington state):

Both retinoic acid (a natural, acid form of vitamin A) and azaleic acid (a natural component of human skin) can lessen the abnormally heavy pigmentation of melasma, but in 2002 Chinese investigators reported another simple but effective remedy.

The researchers investigated the effects of pycnogenol (a standardized antioxidant rich extract of the bark of the French pine tree Pinus pinaster) against melasma in thirty women with the condition.

After standardized measurements of area and degree of melasma pigmentation, each woman took 25 milligrams of pycnogenol three times daily for 30 days. Both the area covered by melasma and the intensity of the pigment were significantly reduced. The "general effective rate" was 80 percent and no side effects were reported. Other symptoms also decreased during the 30 days, including fatigue, constipation, pains in the body, and anxiety.

The researchers wrote: "To conclude, pycnogenol was shown to be therapeutically effective and safe in patients suffering from melasma."

I hope this helps!

Erectile Dysfunction
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 01/30/2011

The solution may involve a wholistic approach... Sounds like you're holding the weight of performance in bed... She will leave you if you don't perform is a tremendous burden and enough to bring on both impotence and premature ejaculation. Communication might be the solution. However, for the physical problem, I would recommend some of the many aphrodisiac herbs and supplements... This can be a trial and error to see which works best for you... Especially if you are experiencing performance anxiety you don't need to be more stressed. I would try Ashwaghanda, Pycnogenol with Arginine, (vasiodialators) and in addition refer to Dr. Ray Sahelian (google him) he has his own formulation that is quite effective. If you don't wish to purchase it look up the ingredients and experiment with them individually. He has extensive info on all the aphrodisiac herbs.

Some find a rotational method works best for them.. That is, taking a separate one each day.

Erectile Dysfunction
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 01/09/2011

I would recommend trying Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Pycnogenol, before resorting to Borax. These will increase blood flow. You can take the Carnitine with Alpha Lipoic Acid for further health benefits. Some take a successful combo of Pycnogenol and L-argnine for erectile dysfunction. see here:

Also, look into some adaptogens like Ashwaganda, or Ginseng, or Rhodiola. To increase testosterone, look into Freeze Dried Stinging Nettle Root, and Tribulus Terrestris... and things will be looking up..:)

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 01/04/2011

Hi Merryanne, As for the beet juice, I use a pressure cooker to cook my beets (1 cup water with a tsp on ACV) I drink the dark red liquid afterwards and find it immediately relaxing and calming. I take pycnogenol as a general anti-oxidant. Noticeable effects are with endurance and concentration... Lifting brain fog, and asthma. Effects are similar for me to Rhodiola.. Other claimed effects (though hard to measure) are skin elasticity, heart, eye health, varicose veins. I take 100mg day, (50 morning, 50 evening)

Posted by Anniesummer (Denver, Co) on 10/25/2009

I also suffer from a form of vasculitis called Cryoglobulinemia. Rash on lower legs, numbness of feet, Raynaud's in hands. The biggest help to my symptoms, especially the rash, has been a supplement called Pycnogenol, which is an extract of french maritime pine bark. I read of the studies that showed great success in strengthening cell walls in a book called The Inflammation Syndrome by Jack Challam. I take 100 mg 2xdaily. I noticed a difference in about 2-3 weeks, and now rarely suffer from the rash (and it was pretty bad at times).

I hope this helps. The other things I take are fish oil and vitamin E, which are all good for the circulation. And dont forget how important exercise is. I read a while back about a study where vessels that had been severed in mice rerouted themselves and restored the blood flow to normal levels with regular workouts on the treadmill. So keep moving!

Posted by Suanne (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Uk.) on 04/26/2012

I want to thank you soooo much for your advice on Vit e for my anal fissures. It has taken me simply ages to get my hands on the suppositories you recommended, but today they have arrived! I also ordered some capsules to be taken orally. So, one up - two down about 3 hours ago and I'm already sitting (a miracle in itself) here taking to you, no pain, no discomfort and indeed a happy bunny at long long last. Why oh why dont the Docs recommend this for all the poor suffering souls with this affliction, that takes over your life with pain and discomfort and results in your ability to function day to day.

For the past few weeks I have been dealing with my hemmoroids (internal and external), using Butchers Broom and Horse chestnut tinctures, also Pine Bark tablets, not forgetting Olive oil daily for bowels. I have to say with quite some success, but the fissures have still been causing real agony on a daily basis - up till now!

I cant thank you enough for your help Jennifer. Forever grateful, Suanne.

Posted by Martha (Nashville, Tn) on 03/15/2018

I was just wanting to make sure you didn't mean 1 gram per 90 lb. instead of 1mg?

Where to Buy
Posted by David (Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland) on 01/29/2012

@Brenda - Toni DID say that the Swanson Pycnogenol Cream was the one that worked best "for her. " But she also states that ANY decent hydrating body lotion will do just fine as a mustard carrier. And if you wish to prolong its hydrating time, add five or so drops of pharmacy-grade glycerine to the mix and stir it in well.

However, if you insist on using what Toni used, remember she lives in Las Vegas. Your best bet is to enter "Swanson Pycnogenol Cream" into Google and you'll get pointers on where it's available.

MD Forte Hand and Body Cream is a completely different type of product to body lotion - it's a topical glycolic. This means it penetrates the skin, bringing the mustard with it.

PLEASE NOTE: glycolics potentiate the effect of the mustard. So if you wish to try this out, you MUST considerably reduce the amount of mustard powder used or YOU WILL BURN YOUR SKIN.

My advice is to stick with the mustard body wash and the ordinary hydrating body lotion. That's what I'm doing because I can't get Swanson Pycnogenol Cream here in Ireland. It's working fine for me.

Where to Buy
Posted by Brenda (Fayetteville, North Carolina) on 01/19/2012

I would like to know where I can buy the cream or where Toni bought her Pycnogenol cream. Checked cvs, they don't carry it. Also does it say MD FORTE on the jar?

Eye Health
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 01/18/2012

I've only come across one anecdotal report of pycnogenol helping with floaters. (on iherb) but another said it didn't help at all.. But the general protocol for eye supplements are.. Bilberry, Pycnogenol, Mixed Cartenoids with Astaxanthin, in addition perhaps Krill oil and Hyaluronic acid.. Unfortunately as Francisca says there doesn't seem to be anything definite yet to help with these.

two links here....

Gum Disease
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 09/17/2011

In addition to the other remedies above... (also, you see a little above your post how oil pulling helped.)

Start taking CoQ10, I take 100mg before bed... there is much on the web about it's benefits for gums.

You also might consider Pycnogenol or it's generic form Maritime Bark Extract (cheaper) just for it's anti-oxidant and increased micro circulation ability. It is known to help speed up wound healing.

Diabetes or not, it is a good idea for all to decrease their glycemic load... Cut out the sugar and simple carbs... simple diets of raw and lightly cooked vegetables and whole grains...

Of course if you smoke...quit...

Weight bearing exercise is known to increase bone density..

A recent study on how berries (at least in rats) increased bone density..

I have also posted before, how I rub my floss with a little essential oil mixture... Base of olive with cinnamon and clove, thyme, .. Etc... Sometimes I use a Theives oil recipe on web... (This is only recent so I can only confirm it might help after a few more visits to the dentist)

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