Laughter Remedies
Health Benefits

Laughter Remedies

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Video: Bodhisattva in Metro

Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 10/15/2009

You should have heard our household last night when we watched this fantastic short movie. Snicker, snicker, ha ha ho ho hee HEEEE

Video: Merry Heart

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Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 09/04/2021

Laughter as a medicine section is filled with canker sore remedies, maybe that is punch line to make us laugh. I had trouble laughing until I had kids and then the dams busted open. I also started to read a lot of books after I had kids. I would go to the library because my spouse loves to read. He always read books to the kids and his parent's home was filled with shelves full of books. My dentist always told me I should do stand up comedy and I told him if I need to be this stressed out to be funny, I don't think that would be good for my health. I am not that funny. I am more of a realist. Living in a lie is not really living for me. Anyway. Back to the library. I saw this book, Close encounters of the God kind. I read that book and it changed what I thought about a lot of things. This clip is by the author, nothing about his encounter but his sense of humor. I think you will laugh and maybe go to youtube and watch his testimony on his trip to heaven in 88.

Merry Heart: Whooped by Mama and Pinched by a Nun | Jesse Duplantis - YouTube

Replied by Katzie

Search for: Laughing babies on YT and y'can't stay stressed out. Works for me every time.

(Illinois, USA)
528 posts

I like the baby goats in pajamas - they crack me up!

Video: Powerpoint Presentation

Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 02/12/2010

Another one from Career Builders. Hilarious!

Video: Two Ronnies

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 10/19/2016

I notice that you have a "Humour Section" at Earth Clinic.

A great U tube video is by the "Two Ronnies" (British Comedians; Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbet) entitled "How to Care for the Sick". Wonderful 1970s stuff as long as you are not too politically correct. Another one is "Doctor Death" also featuring the Two Ronnies. "Indian Cooking" is hilarious too. Enjoy! Laughter is good for you.



Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

If you enjoy doing cross-word puzzles, or even if you don't and enjoy a really good laugh, you should watch the "Two Ronnies-Crossword Puzzle" in a train strutting their stuff. Maybe it's just me and my "Old School Humour" but I think they are hilarious!

Cheers from Michael

Video: Whoopee Cushion

Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 02/12/2010

This one is from Career Builders. One of my favorites!

Video: Wild Women of Whippoorwill

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa) on 02/12/2010

Grab a Kleenex, you will laugh until you cry.

Replied by Kay
(In The Valley, Ca)

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just sent that to all of my girlfriends. If laughter is the best medicine, I'M CURED!!!!!!

Replied by Mesem
(Toulon, France)

Go to utube and search 'Phyllis Diller breastfeeding'. Enjoy her wise advice and then check out some of her clips. 'Whose line is it anyway puts me' in hysterics. I need to find people around me who want to do this sort of thing...

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