Many Health Benefits of Epsom Salt

Gallbladder Stones
Posted by Dan (Largo, FL) on 09/17/2006

I've done about 20 liver & gallbladder flushes over the last 23 years. I agree about the confusion on "soap stones", which of course are not gall stones. I've never agreed to such claims, as there are just too many that come out even if you do liver flushes a week apart. If that's all that is expelled, there's a good chance that there are missing steps that look "optional", but actually are vital to the procedure. I say "vital" because the lack of these steps could actually prove dangerous. I learned how to do a liver flush from my brother who cave me a copy of the procedure developed by Dr.Kelley.

The big difference is he uses apple juice with Phosfood drops for several days to a week before the flush. The malic acid in the apple juice and the phosphoric acid in the Phosfood drops act to soften the stones. If the stones aren't softened, they may not pass, and you've just wasted a lot of your time and half a cup of perfectly good olive oil. etc.

Also, if the stones aren't softened, they may get stuck, and I'd guess if you check around you'll find cases where people had to get emergency medical treatment because of a flush gone bad. Another missing step that I've seen is the Epsom salts. I've seen procedures where this step was called "optional". I beg to differ. The Epsom salts is a necessary part of the procedure. The magnesium sulfate serves three purposes.

First, it causes an evacuation of your gut by relacing all of the sphincter muscles. This is important, because if your intestines are full of food, the oil won't have as big a reaction. What we're trying to accomplish here is a huge spasm of the gall bladder to as completely evacuate it as possible. That's why we take so much oil. But this does no good if the intestines are still of food, as the sensing of oil in the duodenum is what causes the gall bladder to contract. (I've also assisted the contractions with gall bladder massage, but that's another story.)

Secondly, the Epsom salts magnesium causes the bile ducts to relax and dilate. This allows any larger stones (if present) to pass without getting stuck. And once again, we don't want half measures on this, as you look kind of silly when you have to call 911.

So, these two steps are vital. You might as well not do a flush if you're going to skip these two steps. Yes, the Epsom salts tastes bitter. No, that's not a good reason not to take it. Thirdly, the magnesium helps to relax you so you can actually sleep with an otherwise uncomfortable feeling in the abdomen. So, these two steps (apple juice phosfood and Epsom salts) are not optional. They are important to the procedure and may help debug any lack of success that one may have had when omitting them.

Posted by Pinetreelady (Az) on 12/20/2018

Ezcema is an internal problem, usually caused by the ingestion of gluten and/or casein. Eliminate the culprit and the eczema will go away, in most cases.

Aches and Pains
Posted by Beth (Costa Mesa, Ca, Usa) on 12/12/2010

I have very tense neck and shoulders and was recommended to take an epsom salt bath. I went and had a deep tissue massage and then came home and soaked in an epsom salt bath for a half hour. The next evening I felt achy and with a fever and then proceeded with diareha. The symptoms only lasted for 2 to 3 days. Could this be the absorbtion of the epsom salts into my system or was this just a mild bug? Any ideas?

Aches and Pains
Posted by Nessoregon (Gp, Oregon) on 09/09/2011

I have had this happen too. I was told after my massage to drink lots of water, as the muscles release toxins that need to be flushed.

Aches and Pains
Posted by Sande (Oregon) on 10/23/2015

Ha, that is the same thing that happened to me. I got a deep tissue massage and all of a sudden my head was fall of mucus but it was clear and I blew through about five Kleenex. The next day I was suppose to start a bar-tending job and man I had fever and diarrhea and all my joints hurt. We were detoxing from the massage and it was all good after that but you are suppose to drink a lot of water after one of those....just saying

Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/05/2011

My Nan always said of someone who was out of sorts (angry or upset or just not themselves) "he/she is liverish and they need a dose of salts" by salts she meant Epsom salts. When I was a child our dog found an old poisonous bate (put down to kill foxes and wild dogs) Dad sent us to the house to get the Epsom salts and some warm water. He made the mix up and poured it down the mouth of the dog, not an easy task as the dog by that stage was limp. This saved our dog. I agree Mary Jean, every home needs Epsom salts.

Posted by Kattis (Auckland , New Zealand) on 08/24/2011

very awesome email. Sounds like you are doing very well. Its interesting how we have to find all these things out by ourselves and doctors rarely step up the plate. Let us know how you are doing. You are so write with the trigger foods... I have read many a book and because it is different for everyone, I believe it could be related to your blood type. You see it all stems from our ancenstory, what we ate way back when. If you think about it the body takes nealry a thousand years for the smallest adjustment. Obviously we are a relatively young race and our bodies basically have not caught up to the variety of what we are eating. I for example am a B blood type. Chicken gives me cramps as it contains lectins which I cannot handle. If we eat the wrong foods for us our bodies go haywire... Sore aching joints, poor digestion, endless list really. Also yeast which is something Everyone should learn about , because it is lethal to the human body ( in fact I might write an article and you are all welcome to access it ).... Yes that the stuff that lives in your body and if feed sugar (carbs included) or antibiotics have been had in your life... Will cause them to tilter out of balance, where a snowball effect happens. Yeast may not be the exact cause of the disease but it creates a perfect eviroment it. Email me if you would like to know more. I have spent my life reasearching health and earth clinic is so impressive (though now and then I think the formatting could be tweeked to make specific info easier to find etc = ) and love to share anything I have learned by cross checking and researching like anything to figure out answers.

Aches and Pains
Posted by Mike (New York) on 10/07/2011

Completely agree. I make my wife an Epsom salt bath any time she is complaining of cramps or not complaining and just showing the physical pain with some weird expressions on her face. And for the guys that like to Gym and do some lifting, an Epsom salt bath is excellent to help with muscle recovery and ease that stiffness and pain following a serious workout. I got some recipes and health on google, wiki.

Sore and Aching Muscles
Posted by Emily (Ballard, Kentucky, Usa) on 12/15/2011

I have two older, high school brothers that both play hard core football. Football season just ended but they would both come home after games and complain to my mom that they were very sore. My mom told them to sprinkle epsom salt in my bathtub with water and soak in there for about 30 minutes. They came out feeling so much better and not near as much tense. I would suggest drinking ice cold water during your bath and doing something relaxing ex. Reading a book or listening to music. They did that every night when they were sore and felt amazing!! Good luck! Tip: my mom recomends putting in enough epsom salt to where it's almost milky.

General Feedback
Posted by Saura (Wichita, Ks) on 08/20/2012

The olive oil-grape juice cleanse is actually very effective at getting rid of any nausea caused by an inflamed gallbladder or pancreas, but you may have to do several cleanses simply because there are over 50,000 ducts in the liver and gallbladder that need to be cleaned out. So, to a large extent, I disagree with Mel from the Philippines. I was able to completely eliminate all of the nausea and pain that I was having by doing multiple liver cleanses. Plus, I had more energy and my skin, eyes, and digestion improved after doing multiple liver cleanses. A person should wait two weeks in between cleanses. It is true that most of the stones eliminated are typically soft and that they do melt after several days, but this does not mean that the liver/gallbladder cleanse is not effective, or that it the cleanses don't work, because I have found that with each liver/gallbladder cleanse that you do, you will get fewer stones than you got before, and that the stones that you eliminate during the first liver cleanse look older and more yellowish during than the stones in subsequent liver cleanses, which look green. Besides that, an X-ray of the liver will reveal that the texture of the liver improves by doing multiple liver cleanses. During the first cleanse that I did, the stones were only about a quarter of an inch, but during subsequent cleanses, I had some which were over an inch in size. But eventually, by about the fifth cleanse, I got to the point where no stones were being eliminated... Just a little bit of chaff, and I attribute this to the fact that I had eliminated all the major stones in my liver and gall bladder.

The idea that these stones are simply "soapstones" as suggested by Mel is not true. I was able to avoid having to have my gallbladder removed by doing the liver/gallbladder flushes. It's been twelve years since I was having gallbladder/pancreas issues, and I haven't had a problem since then. I'm glad that I took charge of my own health.

Gallbladder Stones
Posted by Delphina (Rancho Belago, Ca) on 05/18/2011

If you have gallbladder stones, don't have them removed until you try this concoction:

1tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 Freshly squeezed Orange

2 diced up garlic cloves (do not blend in a blender the garlice will burn as you try to swallow)

drink this every morning before you eat anything for at least 2 weeks and make sure you have nothing to eat or drink for at least 30 minutes. A friend gave me this recipes and the quacks at the doctor's office wanted to remove my gallbladder.... I havent' had an attack from my gallbladder since November of 2006 and I havent' drank the concoction since. You need to stay away from fried foods and vegetable oil especially as these will create the problem again.

Posted by Gwen (Denver, CO) on 02/19/2009

I have found over the years that I will experience severe sciatica when I am severely constipated. When this happens I pull out the "big guns", Epsom salts. 2-4 teaspoons dissolved in water. Small amount of water followed by as much water as possible after wards. I'll use a straw to drink solution. Put straw to back of tongue beyond taste buds & suck. Taste terrible, but when I am in that much pain I'll do anything to relieve it! You can also add lemon or lime juice to lessen the taste. Pain starts to diminish after first trip to the pot. Works every time & I'm over it in less than 24 hour. Good luck & God/Goddess Bless!

Prevent Cerebral Palsy in Babies
Posted by Dayle (MA) on 11/21/2021 6 posts

It could very well prevent cerebral palsy. Magnesium relaxes the body. If the mother is relaxed the birth will be easier. Cerebral palsy, if I understand correctly, can be caused by a lack of oxygen during an arduous trip through the birth canal and a lack of oxygen during that trip. A relaxed mother will be less likely to suffer a lengthy birth process, thereby lessening the occurrence of a lack of oxygen to the baby.

Posted by Don (Chillicothe, Ohio) on 12/29/2007

I soaked my feet in epsom salts to relieve the pain of a broken toe. to my surprise the warts I had on my lower legs for years fell off as I toweled my foot dry. what pleasant surprise.

Seizure Control
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 10/25/2008

My journey into nutrition started in the 70's with Adelle Davis' books. She recommended magnesium (epsom salts) for Epilepsy. I have told this to various people over the years and offered them the books to read, amazingly they didn't want to do the research, preferring the allopathic methods of treatment. Ms Davis was also a strong proponent of folic acid to prevent spina biffida! This has only recently been taken seriously..but her evidence could have saved much untold misery for unfortunate families during these intervening years.

In one of her books Ms Davis referred to another nutritionist from the 40's who opined that unless magnesium levels in the diet were improved, within a generation we would't be able to tell from the backview the difference between boys and girls!!! Well girls used to have waists (18" to 22") and boys always had physiques, maybe lack of magnesium affects the hormones somehow.

Mama's Magnesium Musings
Posted by KT (Usa) on 03/21/2017

Thank you for your post Michael with regard to magnesium. I have had to take more than the RDA to not have joint stiffness. I've had multiple injuries due to auto and horses. I've been diagnosed with arthritis in places I didn't know I had places!! I've learned I have to take mag before each meal because mag and calcium compete for the same site. Calcium alone does not harden bones.

Because magnesium has to bind with protein before absorption, it is necessary to have protein with each meal. That prevents the diarrhea I have read people complaining about as to why they cannot take magnesium. It's true for me anyway.

Please forgive my frustrated post. It's cold here now but I as I scanned the recent posts and saw yours I was compelled to say this. I know, I know it's warming up outside but our house is cold!

Posted by Kate (Brisbane, Australia) on 07/16/2015

I have had success with Msm and also chlorine dioxide for my eczema. However, I am floored by the results of putting at least 2 cups of Epsom salts in a hot bath and soaking for 20 to 30 minutes. It stops the itching, and my skin is softer and heals wicker. I seem to need to do it every 1 and a half days, depending on what I eat. Only been doing it for three weeks now. My boyfriend is a herbal doctor from Iran and he is helping me treat liver problems which is the long term solution, no doubt.

Ocean water and sun also help a lot, but this is not practical for me all the time. Watching my diet is hard, so I really need my skin to feel better, and I am amazed at how effective Epsom salts are, after reading about it long ago, but the concentration has to be strong enough i.e., 2 cups at least for a big bath. Good luck!

Food Sensitivities
Posted by Sophie (London, England) on 02/17/2012

Hello, I also suffered from food sensitivites for a few years. I couldn't eat wheat products especially white flour and even garlic had a reaction with me. However I recently discovered that using Milk Thistle three times a day has improved my liver function to the point that I no longer suffer from food intolerance symptoms. Hope it helps you.

Gallbladder Stones
Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 02/26/2011

Does anyone know if the epsom salts in traditional gallbladdder flushes is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure? Thanks.

Aches and Pains
Posted by Diamond (Salisbury, Usa) on 06/18/2011

Beth from USA; I believe thats called cleansing the whole body, try it more often, body functions happen like that when it needs cleaning just like a house. ;o) keep up the good work. Good luck

Aches and Pains
Posted by Danielle De Valera (Australia) on 02/13/2016

Just one little thing: I'm pretty sure Epsom salts is MgSo4, which means it's Magnesium Sulphate, not Sulphide. Best,


Posted by Lori (North Dakota) on 08/21/2013

Your message was very touching! My 2 year old son has been dealing with eczema most of his life and more recently he has been facing weeping eczema. I took your advice and gave my son a Epsom salt bath and to my amazement his redness really was not there this morning. My question is how often can I use the salts in his daily bath but not 'dry' his skin out? Also any recommendations for lotion? He has the steroid cream but its like it doesn't help unless I'm placing it ib him constantly! Thanks! Lori

Posted by Colton (North Lauderdale, Florida) on 09/20/2008

i'm allergic to a plant down here and unknowingly got in contact with it. i broke out in a really nasty rash on my arm and neck. A trainer at my gym told me to use epsom salt. He said it'll dry it out and kill the bacteria in it. i did and my rash cleared up in a few days and gott noticably better after each treatment. Mind you i tried all kinds of creams and allergy pills that had no effect what so ever.

Posted by Kattis (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/24/2011

i just love this post = D I celebrate humans figuring all these things out. The medical system really keeps us in the dark ...

Aches and Pains
Posted by Chieko (Albuquerque, New Mexico) on 09/17/2012

Re article "Epsom Salt Cures" updated 8/20/2012. In the second paragraph the author writes "Very simply epsom salts is the common name for magnesium sulfide... ". That is erroneous. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, MgSO4.

Racing Heart
Posted by Rick (New Bloomfield, PA) on 07/03/2007

No particular ailment, but I have been interested in Magnesium supplementation ever since I had a couple of "racing heart" episodes several years back, and discovered that I could calm things down by taking Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) in water... awful taste and also a powerful laxative. I began to wonder how I could get the same effect in a more palatable way, without the laxative effect. Eventually I found the"Magnesium" webpage and learned the following:

How to make your own Magnesium water [like the 'Noah' water being sold by a certain company, which bottles water from a spring that is naturally rich in bicarbonates of Magnesium].

The assumption is that we could all use more magnesium in our diet, which may help reduce blood pressure, reduce the likelihood of kidney stones, etc.

Here's how to make your own Mg-rich drinking water:

Buy a bottle of Carbonated Seltzer water - NO SODIUM, just carbonated "fizz" water, unflavored. Refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Get another, larger bottle, and pour 2/3 of a capful of PLAIN (no-flavor) Philips Milk of Magnesia (which is Magnesium Oxide, an alkaline laxative) into the large bottle. (The bottle comes with a plastic measuring cup which is what I mean when I say 2/3 capful.)

Now quickly open the bottle of carbonated water (water carbonic acid) and empty it into the large bottle containing the 2/3 capful of Magnesia.

Shake well.

You will have a bottle of milky/cloudy liquid which is in the process of neutralization between the carbonic acid and the magnesium oxide-- leaving a neutral salt, Magnesium Bicarbonate.

Let the cloudy mixture sit for a while at room temperature, until the liquid clears; there will be some white precipitate at the bottom. Shake again and let sit again. When clear, refrigerate. THIS IS YOUR MAGNESIUM BICARBONATE CONCENTRATE. Unlike the chalky taste of straight Milk of Magnesia, or the biting-fizzy taste of seltzer water, your concentrate will have a strong, sweet, slightly "soapy" taste. You will be DILUTING it in water for drinking purposes.

When it has chilled, pour a small amount into an empty 1 liter bottle (approx. 1/2" of concentrate at the bottom) and fill the rest of the bottle with pure drinking water.

You have now created a sweet-tasting, Magnesium-enriched drinking water, and you're also getting your Bi-carbs without all the Sodium you'd be getting from Baking Soda.

I have been making and drinking this Mg water since Nov. 2006 (I write this in July of 2007) and have not had any bad effects from it. I take a bottle to work and sip it during the day. My resting heart rate seems to have gone down and I feel more relaxed in general. I can't say it has greatly improved my high blood pressure, but it has helped some, and I know I am getting enough Magnesium. Probably would be beneficial to supplement with Calcium for balance.

Try it and see what it does for you.

Posted by Dustin (Muskegon, Michigan) on 04/24/2007

I have had quite a few warts throughout my life and have undergone the carious methods of removing them (freezing at the doctor's office, freezing at home, the acid drops, the acid band aids etc..) I have even gone to the extent of taking a wood burner and frying off one that was stubborn, but I finally got one that would not sucomb to any of these methods. I met a kid at a car detailing joint in Florida that told me Epsom salt cured all his warts so i figured I would give it a try. By this time this wart had gotten significantly bigger. It was now the size of a dime on the inside palm of my right hand. It was painful to do anything because it would split open and crack. heres the method I used. I bought a pint of Epsom salt which is very cheap and a paper nail file and a water dropper. I filed off all the dead skin so I could get to the seeds of the wart (just where it started to get sensitive and bleed a little bit) I would then take some of the epsom salt crystals and lay them on the wart. Take some warm water and use the dropper to apply to the salt crystals. The crystals dilute in the water and soak into the wart. After I let it soak for a few minutes I would clean up and leave a few crystals on the wart with a band aid over them to hold them in place. After only a few days doing this once a day I noticed it turning black like a scab sortof. Then I quit treatment shortly after that and it healed up perfectly no scar like the one I fried off with the wood burner and worked so quickly and cheaply. I thought about marketing this solution but after finding this site I figure it is good for people to know. As for the person with them on the bottom of their feet, perhaps you can sand the tops down and soak your feet in warm water with epsom salt diluted in it. Worth a shot. Good luck.

Gallbladder Stones
Posted by Alexa (Phoenix, AZ) on 09/12/2006

RE Dr. Hulda Clark's gallbladder/liver flush: While many would like to say that the gallstones obtained from a gallbladder flush are simply the products of the flush ingredients, that does not explain a few things I have experienced in performing the flush.

While fresh, more recently formed gallstones are the pea-green characteristic of new bile and might be supposed to be related to the olive oil used in the flush, there are several types of stones obtained in a flush. Tan, granular stones are also observed, as are dark-colored "pigmented" stones (pigmented by bilirubin) as well as yellow, fatty chaff.

Further, the olive-oil-stone theory does not in any way explain the presence of bile-duct flukes unseated by the cleanse. These were identified as Opisthorchis sinensis -- apparently my sushi-eating years left some souvenirs behind.

You can "explain away" stones all you want, but it's pretty hard to make olive oil into flukes complete with visible proboscis.

Aches and Pains
Posted by Grannycan (Thrall, Texas, Usa) on 12/14/2011


I normally use 1 1/2 to 2 Cups per tub of hot water. I think you have to soak for at least 20 minutes for it to absorb through your skin.

Good Luck, Grannycan

Aches and Pains
Posted by Tim M. (Tennessee, USA) on 02/04/2015

Epsom salt works for me at 68 years young and still doing Tae Bo, but on a less intense scale, but I need the Epsom soak to help those achy muscles.

Cold Sores
Posted by Mark A. (Sewll, New Jersey) on 12/20/2011

Ok, I saw this post and I don't know if I bit my lip (inside), sleeping or if it was a cold sore since I never had one before. It was burning so I put ACV with mother on it for 2 days and it felt the same. I looked at it in the mirror but can't see anything.

So I tried the Epsom salts. I put on 3 or 4 very tiny crystals on the end of my finger and tried to hold it on the spot just before bed. As soon as I put it on the spot it dissappeared and I couldn't see it. They slipped off my finger and went beetween my gum and lip just at the base of my jaw line. When I let my lip go it felt like I had rocks in my mouth. I tried pulling my lip back, flushing it with water, and brushing it with my toothbrush trying to get the salt out. No luck. I rinse again, went on the internet to look for an answer to see if it was harmful, found nothing. I went to bed and figured it would dissolve by morning. Wrong. Now my inside of my lip at the "Site" feels rough when I touch it with my tongue and it still fells like a bunch of rocks only now it is burning at my gumline and numb. Still wondering where the salt went. See nothing. Did it magically melt into my skin and got covered up? Guess I need more help as if anyone knows if this will pass, or perhaps a way of neutralizing the salt. Hot liquids don't "melt" it either. It's been 12 hours since I "applied" the salt to the wound area. Help and please don't try what the above poster posted or you will end up like me. Lol

Cold Sores
Posted by Scarlett (Miami, Florida) on 12/22/2011

Dear Mark,

It sounds like you were in quite a pickle... It also seems a rather ridiculous story. Epsom Salt can be ingested. It is Magnesium Sulfate. Ever hear of "Milk of Magnesia"? Yes, Epsom Salt, if you read the label on your package, can also be used as a laxative (but this is not to be taken lightly - a very small amount can have a large effect). AND, if you read the label you would not have had to go on the internet to ask about the "harmful" effects etc. Therefore, your story of the "burning" seems quite unreal. My assumption is that there was something else at play. I am sorry for your unfortuante circumstances and I do hope that both the "cold sore" and burning has dissipated.

Cold Sores
Posted by Jonathan (Columbia, Sc) on 01/21/2015

If you take blistex and them sprinkle espom on top, to me feel like it works even more.

Posted by Mary Jean (Antipolo City, Rizal, Philippines) on 01/02/2011

My aunt removed her kidney stones with epsom salt and my dog was cured of psoriasis by epsom too. I used it with my hair and do detox with it. My daughter's acne am using it too. I tried it with husband's boil, and whenever I have skin inflammation we use it too! Am sharing information with family and friends and gave them epsom salt for christmas. Every home should have epsom salt or the magnesium oil when dissolved in water.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/21/2013

One of my little ones loves an Epsom salt bath (he is kind of hyper and it settles him, so I don't mind adding the salt to his bath often. ) He takes several a week. He never seems to have dry skin from it.

You could try extra virgin coconut oil on it, or better yet, make a salve for him. Here is a link for how to do it:

I make something like this (I do use half coconut oil half olive oil) and I also add some dried Burdock Root and Calendula flowers to it. A friend uses my salve to sooth her child's eczema.

You can buy salves like this on line, but often times they do not use a lot of herbs in their process and the end product is not as strong (though very gentle) as it could be, so it seems like it doesn't work.

So glad he is getting some relief with the baths!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Maggie (Conway, Arkansas) on 05/15/2009

Yes Hello, I suffer all the time from rashes all types of rashes. I dont know where they come from, or anything. I always have to go get a shot at the doctors office. I have used steroid creams all types of over the counter lotions, but still no relief. Now im willing to try an alternitve. Epsom salt......who knew? I will be posting again to let you know how it turns out. Thank you so much!!!

Posted by WT (Spartanburg, SC) on 05/31/2008

I read somewhere that Epsom salt baths would cure eczema. My secretary has a friend who has a kid who suffers with it really bad, to the point he doesn't sleep well because of it. After I mentioned it to her, the friend tried it and she was floored with the results. It began clearing up very quickly and he has been sleeping very well lately. Another friend tried it with great results. People are simply amazed at the results.

Posted by Wayne (Pretoria, South Africa) on 05/01/2012

Hi All, I have been suffering form eczema for a couple of years and I have found much relief from the bulbanella plant. That is we cut the leaf open and apply he "gel" on the affected area. Cheers Wayne

Sore and Aching Muscles
Posted by Terri (Richmond, VA) on 10/15/2007

Recently my husband & I moved. Both of us are in our 50's. We were both taken by surprise at our aching muscles from the move as we are fairly active people. We didn't wish to take anything over the counter for our pain. Our Chiropractor recommended getting Epsom Salts (magnesium) to place into a tub of hot water to soak in. The directions were on the outside of the package. Place two cups into bath water and soak your body. I added a few drops of Pure Essential Oil, Lavendar to the bath as I needed a good nights rest. We slept like babies, totally pain free. We would recommend this highly to anyone able to get in and out of a tub. We repeated it nightly for several nights until the soreness had totally faded.

Sore and Aching Muscles
Posted by Jennifer (San Antonio, TX) on 05/24/2008

I am a nursing student and just got back into my exercise routines and am very sore fairly often. I take an epsom salt bath and instantly I feel so much better. It is amazing. I recommend taking an epsom salt bath any time you do strenuous activity.

Seizure Control
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 01/05/2009 495 posts

To Dianna & Viola,

Epsom salts' chemical name is magnesium sulfate and yes your doctor should know that because that is what they give pre-eclamptic and eclamptic mothers IV to keep them from seizing or stroking out with high blood pressure. But don't be too harsh on your poor doctor because the AMA is the strongest union in the country and they don't like any doctor recommending anything they don't have control over. They dislike it so much they will try to put him out of business or even revoke his license to practice medicine. The newer anti-siezure medications are basically magnesium in one form or another. I suspect this is mostly because magnesium competes with monosodium glutamate for sites in the brain and monosodium glutamate is known for causing seizures, among many other problems.

This is why I urge everyone to wise up and stop thinking you only get MSG when you eat Asian or stir-fried foods. To really get a good idea of how much MSG & aspartame you are poisoning yourself & your family with,google "excitotoxins" & write down the names they hide MSG under and go into your kitchen. That tomato ketchup that your kids love so much - have fun trying to find one that isn't loaded with MSG. Those tasty pizzas we all like so well - again have fun trying to find one without the sauce being loaded with it. If You tube hasn't taken it off already, they had an excellent l hour interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock who wrote the book
"Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills".

Don't forget to check the raw meats ingredients list also and don't be surprised when you find one of the bogus names for MSG on the labels.

Seizure Control
Posted by Fiona (Auckland, New Zealand) on 01/10/2009

In response to 01/05/2009: Joyce from Joelton

I had Pre-Eclampsia and suffer from seizures and my doctors just increased my medication and my son was badly affected by the huge amounts of medication they were giving me. I went from suffering no seizures to only nocturnal seizures and my son noticed that when I have a Epsom Salt bath before sleeping if I have a seizure they aren't too severe. But because I have breathing problems I can't have too many of those baths.

Seizure Control
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 01/11/2009

well for me i found out that when i take espom salts orally it really makes my blood sugar high... and i still got twitches - but no actually seizures - BUT when i soak in epsom salts it works MUCH better - and doesn't raise my blood sugar - go figure...

Gallbladder Stones
Posted by David (Tampa, FL) on 09/09/2006


Gallbladder Stones
Posted by Mel (Philippines) on 02/01/2006

According the the research of bill sardi, (, stones removed after lemon-olive liver flush, are 'soap stones". it is the result of the chemical reaction in the digestive system with the olive oil, lemon and epsom salts. i proved it myself after performing the liver flush procedure. in the ct scan result after the procedure, tiny stones still remain in my gallbladder. the allegedly flush stones, which i kept in a sealed container, melts after 3 days. I now conclude that the procedure touted to remove gallstones only temporarily eliminated the symptoms attack. it will not cure the the problem. For me, the best cure is to dissolve the stones naturally and change your diet that may cause gallstone to form again.

Aches and Pains
Posted by Ash (London, United Kingdom) on 11/30/2011


Can you please share with us how much Epsom Salt you use in a Bath and how often you use it? Is it safe to use it every day? My muscles ache after Yoga or stretch exercise.

Many thanks and God Bless,


Aches and Pains
Posted by Timh (KY) on 02/05/2015 2063 posts

T: What method of administration do you use, foot or whole-body bath??

Also, the achy muscles is most times attributed to Lactic Acid Buildup as a byproduct of metabolism. Research Sports Nutrition under that condition and you should find means & ways of reducing this, in addition to your successful Epsom Salts.

Common supplemental amino acids for muscles is BCAA's, Creatine, and Glutamine.

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