Posted by Jill (Shoreham By Sea, West Sussex, England) on 07/15/2012
I also have arthritis to the extent that my specialist has recommended a knee replacement. I'm now following the honey/cider vinegar diet and taking three or four hot Epsom salts baths a week. The baths are amazing - I can walk down the stairs after my bath where before the bath I can only take one stair at a time. Epsom salts, honey/cider vinegar vs. Major surgery? No competition! I'm not old - 48 - and my arthritis is advanced but attitude, diet and lifestyle are helping.
Posted by Elle (Concord, New Hampshire) on 04/26/2007
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 11. At 18 (and it a lot of pain) I was given a book on curing arthritis naturally and set about doing it. One of the main proponents of the book was Apple Cider Vinegar. I took a cocktail of 2 teaspoons ACV, 1 teaspoon honey and 8 oz hot water twice a day. Within 2 or 3 weeks the flareups had ceased. It should be noted I also cut back on red meat and citric acids (they are everywhere!) which I discovered were a major trigger for me. And I took epsom salt baths twice a week. When I went back to my dr and had blood tests done my RA factor was down to a 2. (I have no idea what it was before but I am pretty sure 2 is almost nothing!) That was 25 years ago. I still have RA technically but I rarely have a problem with it. The first inkling I get that its sneaking back up on me I go back to the ACV. I still avoid my trigger food which have come to include, believe it or not, green beans. I believe trigger foods are different for everyone - only you can figure out what they are. I have not been on meds or seen a rhumatologist (sp?) in all that time. Thank god for ACV. Only for it I would be a cripple now instead of living the very full life that I do. I have to say that it makes me so mad that there is a very simple cure for RA and the medical world is not out there shouting about it. So many people suffer needlessly with this disease. If you have RA you owe it to yourself to go out there and find out what works for you. Find your triggers, try ACV, read all you can on natural cures. There is no magic pill - but there is a way and its all in your own hands. Goodluck and Good Health. Elle