Apple Cider Vinegar Fountain of Youth Tonic

Hot 'Cider' Drink

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Queen Victoria (Colorado Springs, CO) on 11/05/2014

Here is a recipe I tried out that I got from another remedy topic on EC. One mug of hot water. 1Tbs. ACV (Bragg's is the best), 1Tbs. Honey (Local organic honey the best), 1/4 Tsp. Cinnamon (preferably organic) Stir and sip. This stuff tastes just like hot apple cider. So yummy! If you wanted to, I'm sure you could use 2 TBS of ACV & 2 of honey to get more of the ACV benefit. Of course it will taste stronger. Try it, you'll love it!

Replied by Elaine
(Kansas, US)

I use Two of each and TBS lemon juice and some ginger with the cinnamon. I use a large coffee cup. Started this for a sore throat and continued using it.

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