I was wanting to ask a question in regards to high blood pressure. I have checked my blood pressure about 10 times a day. It ran 116/66 to 120/75 most of the time. Then one day last week after blood test I saw my alt was 64 and my bilirubn was 1.09. So I decided to do a coffee enema which I have done many time with no real problem. This last time about an hour after I did it, I noticed I feel bad so I took my bp and it was 140/84 so I kept checking it off an on over the next hr and it kept going high and then back down normal to low. I went to bed and in the morning I noticed as I moved around it started going up and down again then it stopped by noon and remained perfect.
The next day I felt hot or flush checked it again and it was 150/89 a little while later its bacck at 120/73. Any thoughts as to why after the enema it would change?
Oh, I was told about 6 yrs ago that I had a 4.3 cm growth in my liver. I also was told I had adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and they told me I had 2.5 to 3 weeks to live. In Jan of 2013 a holistic dr did some bloood test because I had some spells with a drawing in my cheek and mouth he said he thought I was passing blood clots. Then he told me that he thought I had viral chf. Anyway was wondering what your thoughts where.
Oh, I do take 3 natto-k a day 3 virus stop 4 80 billion ultra flora. 1 -1000mg lypo-spheric vit c 500 mg b12. Beta glucan 3 times a day. 3 hawthorn cap a day. 3 chromium and vanadium. 1 cq10 cap 3x a day. 1 chelated zinc a day. 2 fish oil 3 x aday. 1 micro max seaweed cap. 1 magnesium 2x aday. I drink a couple fresh juiced carrot, beet, galic, dandelion, ginger a day. I also take a tonic of the garlic, lemon, ginger, acv, honey 1 table spoon a day. I eat no meat or fish no animal product. All vegan I drink italian still mineral water 33. 8 fl oz 3 times a day. And 1 papaya leaf tea a day. Hey, thx for your time and feed back.